Can a 2016 Christie victory be seen as a Republican victory?

The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

It seems like just yesterday that republicans were so proud to cream themselves over that guy. Take note other republican candidates... if a hurricane hits your state just RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! QUIT! ANYTHING!!!

Yeah...things change quickly:

There are a few possibilities out there,especially if Donald Trump decides to run. Trump alone will "Trump Obama in 2012". With a VP like Ryan,Thune,Gingrich or Huckabee,that would just put Obama/Biden in severe panic mode come fall of 2012. In your opinion,what ticket would have the Obama Campaign in such dire straights that they will stoop once again to registering animals,cartoon characters,football players and dead people?:cuckoo:

Chris Christie/Ilario Pantano

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

So did I.

After the primary, the choice came down to the lesser of two evils...Romney or Obama.

Obama lost by this much...


Obamacare was the deciding factor.

Romney would repeal it, Obama would not.
The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

Your obsession with me is duly noted Bodey.. I'm not interested in kilt wearing dykes but will send your accolades to the next Scottish Bulldyke I meet.. Don't thank me..
The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

So did I.

After the primary, the choice came down to the lesser of two evils...Romney or Obama.

Obama lost by this much...


Obamacare was the deciding factor.

Romney would repeal it, Obama would not.

Do you truly believe the father of Obamacare was going to repeal it? If so, I have a bridge to sell you.
The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

Your obsession with me is duly noted Bodey.. I'm not interested in kilt wearing dykes but will send your accolades to the next Scottish Bulldyke I meet.. Don't thank me..

Nobody in their right mind (you aren't included) believes I'm Bodey's sock. You still will never address the issue. Did you claim you wouldn't vote for Romney, and make campaign calls for him later on? I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:
You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

So did I.

After the primary, the choice came down to the lesser of two evils...Romney or Obama.

Obama lost by this much...


Obamacare was the deciding factor.

Romney would repeal it, Obama would not.

Do you truly believe the father of Obamacare was going to repeal it? If so, I have a bridge to sell you.

I can only go by what the man said.


I doubt you have either a bridge to sell, or any definitive evidence to the contrary.

I will amend my statement however, as we will never know for sure what would or would not have happened.

The probability of Romney repealing it was far higher than Obama.
You also said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he is "Bush 2.0". Then you bragged about making campaign calls for him later on in the year. You are a shill, and will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to.

Your obsession with me is duly noted Bodey.. I'm not interested in kilt wearing dykes but will send your accolades to the next Scottish Bulldyke I meet.. Don't thank me..

Nobody in their right mind (you aren't included) believes I'm Bodey's sock. You still will never address the issue. Did you claim you wouldn't vote for Romney, and make campaign calls for him later on? I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:

She also thought Christie heading the GOP ticket was Obama's "worst nightmare" at one point.

Her "principles" are non-existent.
I can only go by what the man said.


I doubt you have either a bridge to sell, or any definitive evidence to the contrary.

I will amend my statement however, as we will never know for sure what would or would not have happened.

The probability of Romney repealing it was far higher than Obama.

I do have a bridge to sell. I swear!

In all seriousness, I voted third party because I saw Romney and Obama as one and the same. Sure, I agreed more with Obama on social issues, but this is the same man who's social issues tend to "evolve".
Your obsession with me is duly noted Bodey.. I'm not interested in kilt wearing dykes but will send your accolades to the next Scottish Bulldyke I meet.. Don't thank me..

Nobody in their right mind (you aren't included) believes I'm Bodey's sock. You still will never address the issue. Did you claim you wouldn't vote for Romney, and make campaign calls for him later on? I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:

She also thought Christie heading the GOP ticket was Obama's "worst nightmare" at one point.

Her "principles" are non-existent.

Classic. She will vote for whatever Republican they give the nomination to. She is a shill. :lol:
According to the two leftist Vaginal mouthpieces in this thread, if one supports any candidate and then changes their mind.. there's something wrong.. ROFLMAO!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEE ODUMBO on NSA, Guantanamo , Afghanistan... WHAT??? WHAT????? Watch for the stuttering to begin...
Is that it? The same morons follow me from thread to thread throwing out the same lame lines.. <winks> I have my own Paparazzi here at the USMB! <Twirls in her new dress> I sign autographs at 8pm.. no swooning and no touching allowed.
Nobody in their right mind (you aren't included) believes I'm Bodey's sock. You still will never address the issue. Did you claim you wouldn't vote for Romney, and make campaign calls for him later on? I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:

She also thought Christie heading the GOP ticket was Obama's "worst nightmare" at one point.

Her "principles" are non-existent.

Classic. She will vote for whatever Republican they give the nomination to. She is a shill. :lol:

100% correct.

Whatever she is directed to do, she will do. It's almost a pimp/whore relationship with LGS...sad really. I mean that; it's sad she doesn't realize it about herself.
According to the two leftist Vaginal mouthpieces in this thread, if one supports any candidate and then changes their mind.. there's something wrong.. ROFLMAO!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEE ODUMBO on NSA, Guantanamo , Afghanistan... WHAT??? WHAT????? Watch for the stuttering to begin...

If you read my post, I never supported Obama from the beginning. I supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. It's too bad the Romney nominating Republicans didn't find them conservative enough. :eusa_whistle:
Is that it? The same morons follow me from thread to thread throwing out the same lame lines.. <winks> I have my own Paparazzi here at the USMB! <Twirls in her new dress> I sign autographs at 8pm.. no swooning and no touching allowed.

You still won't address the issue. Did you support Romney after calling him Bush 2.0? Did you support Christie in another thread, before bashing him in this one? You will never answer. You will meltdown as usual.
Nobody in their right mind (you aren't included) believes I'm Bodey's sock. You still will never address the issue. Did you claim you wouldn't vote for Romney, and make campaign calls for him later on? I voted third party for Gary Johnson. He was a true conservative. I will vote third party in 2016, unless Paul gets the Republican nod. You will vote for whoever the Republicans tell you to. :lol:

She also thought Christie heading the GOP ticket was Obama's "worst nightmare" at one point.

Her "principles" are non-existent.

Classic. She will vote for whatever Republican they give the nomination to. She is a shill. :lol:

Then there is this:


And the Bush who should have already been the chosen one.


Jeb is the best Repub out there

He may not be forgiven for his name by 12 but by 16 he may be able to make a solid run

NEVER AGAIN-- What's wrong with you people?! Do we think in a country of over 350 million people, that only one family can produce a future President?? America isn't about a dynasty and CERTAINLY NOT a failed SHIT DYNASTY such as the legacy left by W with his wild spending creating the NIGHTMARE we have in office today. FUCK A BUSH. NEVER AGAIN.

How much you want to bet that if Jeb Bush is nominated, LGS will be front and center on the gravy train.
Christie might be a moderate republican but he has ten times more charisma and credibility than mush mouth McCain. So far Christie could beat any degenerate the democrat party puts up and it doesn't matter which party the voters are affiliated with.
How much you want to bet that if Jeb Bush is nominated, LGS will be front and center on the gravy train.

Not only that. She will be on this message board bragging about how she is making campaign calls for him.
If I'm so absolutely horrible why do the same moronic Zombies follow me from thread to thread --Hmm? Why pay me so much attention? It makes absolutely no fucking sense what so ever.. I bother you Zombies- get beneath your rancid skin.. that's why. :) It's what I do best.. so thank you.. I couldn't do it without ya! LOL
PS- You obsessed bozos can slime over the Flame Zone and start more threads about me.. :) Run along.. lol
Christie might be a moderate republican but he has ten times more charisma and credibility than mush mouth McCain. So far Christie could beat any degenerate the democrat party puts up and it doesn't matter which party the voters are affiliated with.

If he runs as a Republican, he will have big trouble with the calendar. He has 3 strikes against him....Iowa, South Carolina, and Florida where there will likely be Rubio and/or Bush. If he wins New Hampshire (He being Christie), he will likely only win by a couple of % points...hardly a convincing victory that will turn the tide financially.

If he runs as a Democrat, the road is much better. He won't win Iowa, a strong showing in New Hampshire will mitigate that. He won't win South Carolina but he will do well in Florida if he doesn't have to worry about a favorite son incumbent.

That sets him up for Super Tuesday where he will do very well because up until Super Tuesday, his weaknesses are on display; the famous "retail politics" such as kissing babies, town halls, one-on-one questions where he'll likely call someone a name. Super Tuesday is about wholesale politics, broad themes and fewer events where he is face to face with one voter.

Both paths are troublesome but he has a much easier road as a democrat if he wants to run that way.

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