Can a 2016 Christie victory be seen as a Republican victory?

Let's put our cards on the table lefties. Enough phony advice from the left about what the Republican party needs to do to win. It's all Alinsky politics. Trying to split the republican party into liberal and conservative factions is the democrat party's only hope when they consider running a brain damaged V.P. and the wife of a sexual degenerate.

I stand by what I posted.

I'm a fiscal and social conservative.

I would vote for candidate who was fiscally conservative, small government, and socially neutral as a compromise.

And thanks to Old School...I now also have a beer...
Maybe it's far too early to really answer this question, but with Christie's "Anything to win, I'm here to win at all costs" campaign mentality, let's say Christie was our next president, can that be seen as a Republican party victory?

No, let's not, and no, it wouldn't. Conservatives won't vote for a RINO. Christie has no chance in hell of ever being president.

Maybe it's far too early to really answer this question, but with Christie's "Anything to win, I'm here to win at all costs" campaign mentality, let's say Christie was our next president, can that be seen as a Republican party victory?

No, let's not, and no, it wouldn't. Conservatives won't vote for a RINO. Christie has no chance in hell of ever being president.


I think Candy might be on to something...he can run as a Democrat.
Let's put our cards on the table lefties. Enough phony advice from the left about what the Republican party needs to do to win. It's all Alinsky politics. Trying to split the republican party into liberal and conservative factions is the democrat party's only hope when they consider running a brain damaged V.P. and the wife of a sexual degenerate.

I stand by what I posted.

I'm a fiscal and social conservative.

I would vote for candidate who was fiscally conservative, small government, and socially neutral as a compromise.

And thanks to Old School...I now also have a beer...

How about this...

You're a conservative... and I'm a liberal I guess...

But we're BOTH Americans!

Hows about we find a candidate that's AMERICAN first!

And for the record I don't think Obama is American first unfortunately

Then after that we can all have as many beers as we want!
Let's put our cards on the table lefties. Enough phony advice from the left about what the Republican party needs to do to win. It's all Alinsky politics. Trying to split the republican party into liberal and conservative factions is the democrat party's only hope when they consider running a brain damaged V.P. and the wife of a sexual degenerate.

I stand by what I posted.

I'm a fiscal and social conservative.

I would vote for candidate who was fiscally conservative, small government, and socially neutral as a compromise.

And thanks to Old School...I now also have a beer...

How about this...

You're a conservative... and I'm a liberal I guess...

But we're BOTH Americans!

Hows about we find a candidate that's AMERICAN first!

And for the record I don't think Obama is American first unfortunately

Then after that we can all have as many beers as we want!

I'm with ya on that. :thup:
Maybe it's far too early to really answer this question, but with Christie's "Anything to win, I'm here to win at all costs" campaign mentality, let's say Christie was our next president, can that be seen as a Republican party victory?

No, let's not, and no, it wouldn't. Conservatives won't vote for a RINO. Christie has no chance in hell of ever being president.


I think Candy might be on to something...he can run as a Democrat.

I doubt he will but the political calculus of the situation isn't beholden to loyalty or personality. If the calendar didn't disfavor him so much, Christie may have an easy time portraying himself as the grownup in the room with the GOP and use the Romney model where he was often seen as conducting the debates (the likes of Perry, Cain, and Bachman being on the stage would him given Romney a grown up appearance even if he had come out in diapers and a binky in his mouth). But the calendar is not flexible.
When the radical left starts considering republican candidates and offering advice about how republicans can win in 2016 you know they are in deep shit.

They were also all for Romney in 2012...go figure...

Not all..I was for Huntsman myself. But yeah

I think Huntsman would of been better then Obama. ;) More pro-science, tech and infrastructure with a touch more favorable to the small business.
Let's put our cards on the table lefties. Enough phony advice from the left about what the Republican party needs to do to win. It's all Alinsky politics. Trying to split the republican party into liberal and conservative factions is the democrat party's only hope when they consider running a brain damaged V.P. and the wife of a sexual degenerate.

Phony advice huh?

Your party is split into factions. Your minority leader in the Senate is on the brink of losing his seat in the primary, your once "deep bench" of contenders for 2016 is dwindling quickly because one person (Christie) did his job as governor and another (Rubio) had the nerve to compromise on a portion of an immigration bill.

SIDEBAR: For Rubio to have fallen so far so fast, you'd think the bill would have been better than it was. It leads me to believe he's an empty suit politically.

As for the Dems; I agree but not because of your venom filled and moronic assessment. Both Vice President Biden and SoS Clinton will have to run on the Obama record all the while trying to differentiate themselves from Obama. It's an incredibly difficult thing to do. The only one to do it successfully in memory is Bush I and his incumbent was probably the most popular man in the last 50 years of the 20th century.
The only morons who back Christie are liberals.. I've yet to see one true conservative state they will back Christie as the candidate.. NOT ONE. He's a librul's wet dream as the Republican nominee.

Huh? :eusa_eh: We want you people to keep running Santorums, Gingrichs and Perrys :up:
They were also all for Romney in 2012...go figure...

Not all..I was for Huntsman myself. But yeah

I think Huntsman would of been better then Obama. ;) More pro-science, tech and infrastructure with a touch more favorable to the small business.

He was likely the only man in the GOP field that made Obama a bit nervous because he didn't pander and wouldn't have tracked so far to the right that it made his inevitable regression to the middle so laughable.
Maybe it's far too early to really answer this question, but with Christie's "Anything to win, I'm here to win at all costs" campaign mentality, let's say Christie was our next president, can that be seen as a Republican party victory?

Chris Christie is a Republican, so yes, it would be a Republican victory, but maybe that's not really the question you meant to ask.
Christie will not be the next president because republicans won't vote for him. Democrats will vote for him but republicans won't. In the event that Christie ran he might split the democrat vote resulting in a third party win for a conservative candidate.

I've heard people saying that if Christie and Hillary run against each other that Rand would run as third party and take the election.

That would be fucking AMAZING.

Just like Ross Perot took the election in 92. :cuckoo:
Maybe it's far too early to really answer this question, but with Christie's "Anything to win, I'm here to win at all costs" campaign mentality, let's say Christie was our next president, can that be seen as a Republican party victory?

Another question that ties into the previous one;

A lot of people seem to feel Bush and Obama carry on some same unpopular policies, would Christie just continue the "Bush/Obama, it's all the same" negative mentality that surrounds our presidents?

Who cares. It will mean the end of the Clinton's....thank you Jesus...

Hate to bust your bubble, but Hillary is going to run, and she is going to win.
Christie might be a moderate republican but he has ten times more charisma and credibility than mush mouth McCain. So far Christie could beat any degenerate the democrat party puts up and it doesn't matter which party the voters are affiliated with.

Christie is the best the Republicans have to offer, but in order for him to win, he would need to face Biden. If it's Hillary, he has no chance.
I think Christy would make a good president ;)

He's pro-science, tech and infrastructure...I'll only vote for people that want to keep America a modern nation.

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