Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

Most of the stores here developed a curbside system. Order on line then either it's delivered or you can go pick it up when it's ready.

I think that would work well for the unvaccinated.
That must be very convenient! In the rural area where I live, no stores offer that, not even during the lockdown. Their idea of 'curbside' pickup is to go inside and wait in line with everyone else to pick up your take out meal. LOL
Sure you can retard. I saw people do exactly that all the time when I was a kid.

The DMV is not going to mail you a free ID you fucking idiot.

Not legally, dude. Yes for free.. Below are two States of ALL of the States. If you have no means of support the ID is free.

Homeless and Released Prisoner Fee ExemptionsTop ↑


25 Years of Age and Older
The Department is authorized to waive the fee for homeless persons 25 and older to obtain a duplicate Nevada driver's license or ID card. This is a one-time exemption for duplicates only. You must apply for this in person at a DMV office and complete the declaration form.

You may be required to reimburse the $3.25 photo fee to the Department at the time of your next regular renewal if you are employed at the time of the renewal.
The fee exemption does not apply to:

  • New residents obtaining a Nevada license or ID for the first time
  • Renewals
  • Any fees or requirements associated with a license suspension or revocation
  • Commercial licenses

No-fee IDNorth Carolina residents who are either:
  • Legally blind
  • At least 17 years old
  • Homeless
  • Had a license that was canceled because of a disability or disease
  • Individuals who are legally blind must present a letter from a physician or the director of the N.C. Division of Services for the Blind.
  • Individuals who are homeless must present a letter from the director of a facility that provides care or shelter to the homeless that verifies that the person is homeless.
No-fee ID for citizens with developmental disabilitiesNorth Carolina residents diagnosed with a developmental disability
  • Individuals – or their legal guardian – must complete an Application for Identification Card.
  • Applicants must have their primary care providers complete the form's Physician Section or sign a letter certifying that the applicant has a developmental disability.
That must be very convenient! In the rural area where I live, no stores offer that, not even during the lockdown. Their idea of 'curbside' pickup is to go inside and wait in line with everyone else to pick up your take out meal. LOL
Good to see you back. You might notice that this has become a better place in the last few weeks?
The heart has gone out of the extremist right and most of them have become profane spammers. Their ideology has become self-defeating. The best approach is to politely patronize them, but cut them off when they go over the edge.
Not legally, dude. Yes for free.. Below are two States of ALL of the States. If you have no means of support the ID is free.

Homeless and Released Prisoner Fee ExemptionsTop ↑


25 Years of Age and Older
The Department is authorized to waive the fee for homeless persons 25 and older to obtain a duplicate Nevada driver's license or ID card. This is a one-time exemption for duplicates only. You must apply for this in person at a DMV office and complete the declaration form.

You may be required to reimburse the $3.25 photo fee to the Department at the time of your next regular renewal if you are employed at the time of the renewal.
The fee exemption does not apply to:

  • New residents obtaining a Nevada license or ID for the first time
  • Renewals
  • Any fees or requirements associated with a license suspension or revocation
  • Commercial licenses

No-fee IDNorth Carolina residents who are either:
  • Legally blind
  • At least 17 years old
  • Homeless
  • Had a license that was canceled because of a disability or disease
  • Individuals who are legally blind must present a letter from a physician or the director of the N.C. Division of Services for the Blind.
  • Individuals who are homeless must present a letter from the director of a facility that provides care or shelter to the homeless that verifies that the person is homeless.
No-fee ID for citizens with developmental disabilitiesNorth Carolina residents diagnosed with a developmental disability
  • Individuals – or their legal guardian – must complete an Application for Identification Card.
  • Applicants must have their primary care providers complete the form's Physician Section or sign a letter certifying that the applicant has a developmental disability.
Most Black people are not homeless or ex cons. Besides this is only for renewals you retard. Meaning that you have to find a way to get there and let your ID expire before you can do this.
Most Black people are not homeless or ex cons. Besides this is only for renewals you retard. Meaning that you have to find a way to get there and let your ID expire before you can do this.

Never said they were. So they have no excuse to not have an ID. Do they.

Thanks for making my point so eloquently.
Wow. That's incredible.

From your link: Since New York City made its announcement, San Francisco and New Orleans have followed suit with policies to exclude the unvaccinated from some businesses. Los Angeles is considering similar measures.

That seems to me to be an undue burden on businesses.

Not to mention all the freakouts and bursts of violence just asking people to wear a mask. Imagine the reaction to being told to produce evicence of vaccination. Trumpies are going to die on the spot from apoplexy!

I think the cost of what it takes to keep an employee with covid alive in the hospital will be much more of a burden. The insurance costs will increase for the business. Meanwhile the business has lost at least one employee if not more.

I also think that the cost of being sued by someone who was infected by the virus while in that business would be an even bigger burden on the business.

If a customer or employee can prove they got sick from the virus at that business they can and probably will sue that business.

I think asking for a person to show a vaccine card is much less of a burden.
No one has to get the vax. Only cowards do things they dont want to do out of fear. You dont have to go to that particular job or store so stop your whining.
Didn’t do it out of fear. Did it to watch my kids play sports. So yeah I did it for them. Me giving a POV this isn’t whining. You crying racism nonstop on this thread is whining. Dumbass.
Good to see you back. You might notice that this has become a better place in the last few weeks?
The heart has gone out of the extremist right and most of them have become profane spammers. Their ideology has become self-defeating. The best approach is to politely patronize them, but cut them off when they go over the edge.
Good to see you back. You might notice that this has become a better place in the last few weeks?
The heart has gone out of the extremist right and most of them have become profane spammers. Their ideology has become self-defeating. The best approach is to politely patronize them, but cut them off when they go over the edge.
I hadn't really noticed a big difference, no. Did you bag a few yourself, Don?

Thanks for the tips, but when they get too rude, I prefer kicking them in the nuts. That's just me, though.
The DMV doesnt mail people free IDs you idiot.

People who have no means of obtaining an ID can get them sent to them via courier if they need. The ONLY people who don't have ID in this country are illegals, and the DEAD.

EVERYONE else has them already.

Your claims are a lie!
You did it out of fear. You should have pulled them and put them in another league if you werent a coward. No one can force you to get the vax but there will be consequences you have to deal with.
There is no other league. It’s statewide in MA. You stupid leftist twit who always cries racism.

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