Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

What about the mail? Did you understand the question? When you get a vax people will come to your local community center give you a vax and a card. DMV wont do that for IDs

DMV MAILS you your ID. There are workers who go to those who can't travel to get them their documents. Your claims are laughable because you need ID to do almost anything, except vote.
Not for free and they certainly wont come to your house or local community center and give you one.
Anyone who wants one may get one. The Democrats telling me blacks are too stupid is just plain racism. That’s like people telling me, you’re Jew, don’t waste your time on sports. Proved them wrong. You’re a sheep
Totally untrue.
Rights are infinite and so are possible groups that need protection, so you never could possibly ever list them all and you are never supposed to.
The principle of arbitrary discrimination is by itself totally illegal, and no particular groupings are ever required by legislation.
Historically discriminated against groups are specifically listed, but in no way does that ever remotely imply other discrimination would then be legal in any way.
Totally ignorant.

Public accommodations laws have nothing to do with ‘rights.’

Public accommodations laws are regulatory measures authorized by the Commerce Clause intended to safeguard the stability of the markets and all other interrelated markets.

A business open to the general public that refuses to accommodate a patron because of his race or religion poses a threat to market stability; the Constitution allows government to counter that threat using public accommodations laws.

See Wickard v. Filburn (1942), Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964).

The link below outlines public accommodations laws for each of the states.


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