Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

Meh - I'm in my early 60s and last two women I was hot and heavy with were in their 40s. Ladies like looks, a sense of humor, and comfort within your skin.

Hey, what's wrong with us women in our early 60s?
Louisiana has done the same, but it's for entertaInment venues only. Not grocery stores, hardware stores, pharmacies, banks. People gotta live. I'm not sure most stores will do this. Masks, sure. Get their employees to vaccinate, sure. But stubborn Bubba still needs groceries. I don't think most stores will do this. Maybe the exclusive stores on Rodeo Drive, but not Rite Aid or Hannaford.

Most of the stores here developed a curbside system. Order on line then either it's delivered or you can go pick it up when it's ready.

I think that would work well for the unvaccinated.
That is our business. Your infected asses could kill someone at risk.
LOL. All the pearl twisting (stress) is one day going to make you a perfect victim for the rona which, whether you admit it or not, can still infect you, even though you've got your Magical Healing Liquid Elixir which has been put in your body with a needle.
A good question for Americans to fight over!
It begs the question on 'freedom' and 'liberties' once again.
Can individual freedoms take precedence over the common good?

As a Canadian I choose the latter in this example, but that's most likely in disagreement with most Americans while being in agreement with the world's leading democracies.

We in the top ten choose quality of life and the parameters that make a high quality of life.

It might be worth adding that 650,000 chickens came home to America, due to their life choices.
LOL. All the pearl twisting (stress) is one day going to make you a perfect victim for the rona which, whether you admit it or not, can still infect you, even though you've got your Magical Healing Liquid Elixir which has been put in your body with a needle.
I've already had it and I have been vaxxed after that. Not too worried about it for me. For others I care about I do worry.
A good question for Americans to fight over!
It begs the question on 'freedom' and 'liberties' once again.
Can individual freedoms take precedence over the common good?

As a Canadian I choose the latter in this example, but that's most likely in disagreement with most Americans while being in agreement with the world's leading democracies.

We in the top ten choose quality of life and the parameters that make a high quality of life.

It might be worth adding that 650,000 chickens came home to America, due to their life choices.
The common good is none of my business.
For a fee. Which is the opposite of coming to your local community center and handing out IDs for free. Thanks for proving my point.

No, for FREE! Shit man, you can't by liquor without a ID. You can't buy marijuana without a ID. You can't go into the Democrat Party offices without an ID. You can't fly without an ID. You can't FISH without an ID. Your claims are LAUGHABLE. No one in this country has a problem getting an ID. The ONLY reason why you morons trot out these lies is so that you can commit vote fraud.

The common good is none of my business.
Yes, that would be a quite popular choice for many Americans. But I've explained why we Canadians think that's not a good choice. And not good for the other top nine on quality of life.
Choices of life style have consequences.
No, for FREE! Shit man, you can't by liquor without a ID. You can't buy marijuana without a ID. You can't go into the Democrat Party offices without an ID. You can't fly without an ID. You can't FISH without an ID. Your claims are LAUGHABLE. No one in this country has a problem getting an ID. The ONLY reason why you morons trot out these lies is so that you can commit vote fraud.

Are you suggesting that Trump was cheated out of the presidency?
Yes, that would be a quite popular choice for many Americans. But I've explained why we Canadians think that's not a good choice. And not good for the other top nine on quality of life.
Choices of life style have consequences.
You've failed to convince me.

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