Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

Preexisting condition and not a brand new made up one
As always, libbie apples to coconuts.

What an interesting non-answer.

What does it matter if a requirement for shoes or a tie is "preexisting"? What do you think the establishment is trying to do? Deny your healthcare claims? The word is meaningless in this context.

If an establishment requires you to wear a black belt and yours is pink, guess what? They can kick your ass out.
If asked don’t answer and move along and get your product. They can’t physically accost you and it’s not a police matter.
There is no law on this. Laws just can’t be made up. They have to be legislated, approved and codified.
I do care about your health but I don’t take care of your health to your approval so stop being babies and be responsible for You regardless of me.
They can refuse to serve you at that point and request you leave.

Failure to do so would be criminal trespass. Many a Karen has seen that happen.
Then why did you get vaxxed? Obviously wasn't your choice. Was it employment? If you disagree with the vaccines, who made you then?

I'm vaccinated because it's the right thing to do. Full stop.
I did it so I can watch my kids play sports. Period. Full stop. Now I am super immune lol.
What an interesting non-answer.

What does it matter if a requirement for shoes or a tie is "preexisting"? What do you think the establishment is trying to do? Deny your healthcare claims? The word is meaningless in this context.

If an establishment requires you to wear a black belt and yours is pink, guess what? They can kick your ass out.
Answered. You don’t like the answer.
Encouraged. At the end of the day I was stubborn cause I already had the virus. My parents got the vaccine right away. So if I did not have the antibodies I would have as well.

Well, whatever drove you to it, good.
They can refuse to serve you at that point and request you leave.

Failure to do so would be criminal trespass. Many a Karen has seen that happen.
They can request it but I do not have to comply because I’m breaking no law. You cannot dismiss a person from a store that is open to the public. Criminal trespass must involve criminality.

You non business owning and frequently non employed Libbies are out to lunch on what a “private business” can do. One poster last night when asked “ Can a business owner ask women to have sex with him as they enter the store and if they say No then force them to leave” One of your favorite libtards answered “Yes”
Boy when you run your life on feelings and suppositions it’s no wonder you are a frightened bunch that want to force everyone into submission fear.

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