Can any CHRISTIAN explain this picture?

The REALITY is that the KKK was formed recruited and maintained by Southern Democrats. That Jim Crow laws were created, passed and enforced by Southern Democrats. That not only did they kill black people but catholic and Irish people too. And that it all stopped in the 1940's with a few kills into the early sixties, all by DEMOCRATS in the South. That you claim not to know that proves to me you are unable to actually understand facts and history.

Lolol I truthfully don't give a flying-rats *ss, a good gaddam, or anything else about how you feel or think about me, jerk. Like I have already challenged you fool, show me some pictures (as cameras don't lie,) pictures of anyone other than Whites behaving like this: whites at a lynching - Google Search .
Got any pictures from Rwanda? They chopped thousands to death there. Got any pictures of Uganda? Ida Amin murdered thousands more. Gt any pictures from the Congo where even more were hacked to death?
I just came across this photo:


Would any Christian care to explain it as far as people wearing crosses celebrating a lyching?

The few are not representative of the whole.

Just as criminals who happen to be Muslim commit acts of terror are not representative of all Muslims, so too are the Christians celebrating a lynching not representative of all Christians.
Levin can babble on about how the sky fairies have given him his rights and by the way told him he and his Jew buddies are special but Me? I will demand MY rights from men thank you and it will be men that pay for attempting to take them. Levin's relatives didn't get much action from their god in the death camps. I would have to say that "gods" track record sucks. I'll get mine's from guns and the knowledge of how to defend what's mine.
Those gun rights came from people who believed we were created and rights were inherent in our make up (inalienable) and government can only limit rights. Governments don't give rights. Our rights, like the 2nd are based on that thinking whether you approve or not is immaterial.

Imaginary sky fairies don't have any power to give or take human being's rights.
Then, seriously, how can you claim these rights?
Besides our own founding documents (which tells us they are endowed by our Creator), what other source do you have that says you have any rights?
It's been answered. I'll repeat it for the late bloomers, the founders considered rights inalienable, being created by a higher power than man, wrote down those rights in the binding law of the land to protect them. What more should there be or could there be?
I was simply asking Huggy, if he doesn't believe in a Creator how can he believe he has rights. And what source tells him that

What a stupid question. I don't need a source. All I need is a good personal moral compass, a fair understanding of what it takes to get along with others or not(they also have rights which I must consider when asserting my own) and a will to defend those rights I choose to claim.

So far this country and at least the community I live in hasn't done anything I believe to be unnecessary to remain functional. I can think of a few personal freedoms I would enjoy having that I don't have but I don't believe the general public is mature enough to resist abusing them. Rights have to be adjusted in relation to the situation to some degree. I don't see that concept to be a weakness in my defense of the rights I claim. I don't live in a vacuum. This isn't the 18 century.

I don't have any hair brained expectations of an afterlife so I believe every intelligent human being constantly works vigilantly towards getting the most out of this opportunity of life.

I'm sure that if I was placed in some other environment where individual rights are trampled my life expectancy would be a lot less than the one I can shoot for here.

All in all I feel the balance we have achieved here in the US for it's citizens with only a few comparative exceptions such as single payer health care including dental, which is provided by almost every modern society with the US the only holdout, is about as good as can be expected.

I believe that current gun(weapons) controls are paranoid. I would like to see a more reasonable approach to the absolute right for any citizen to be allowed to arm themselves as they see fit. It is certainly worse in other parts of the country and much worse in other parts of the world.
I just came across this photo:


Would any Christian care to explain it as far as people wearing crosses celebrating a lyching?


Religion of peace?

no----the people who claim the moniker
"religion of peace" is islam. ------well---
also quakers-----but Quakerism is a Christian
sect and very pacifistic. The religion of the
people depicted is WHITE SUPREMACISM----
I read their literature as a child-------they are very
pro muslim and anti jewish---beside being anti-
black and generally anti immigrant. They seem
to prefer persons from western Europe who are generally
protestant but muslim and catholic can be ok assuming
they are not black. They do not seem to like people of
Southeast Asia. They prefer to live amongst
PEOPLE LIKE THEM--------they disdain ""foreign""
and tend to be------not too bright. Fortunately they are
rejected by the overwhelming majority of Christians------
Are you disappointed that your man in Copenhagen
managed to kill only two people for allah? I have heard
that a few other people were involved in his holy jihad
I only read a little of this, Sir but is there a difference between forced "slavery" against a person's will and willing "slavery," when you discuss "slavery." My sources say that in African "slavery" those who are being called "slaves" were willing servants not forced against their will. In American slavery, you forced Blacks against their will to be your slaves. We are just not going to agree when it comes to historical reports.

I do know that I have not seen any pictures of anyone except Whites religiously celebrating the lynching of a person based on race.
You are one ignorant fool then. Wilfully ignorant.
I believe that current gun(weapons) controls are paranoid. I would like to see a more reasonable approach to the absolute right for any citizen to be allowed to arm themselves as they see fit. It is certainly worse in other parts of the country and much worse in other parts of the world.
What are you talking about? This is a shall issue state but you have to pass a background check that includes mental health and criminal records. That cleared, we are fortunate to have the state constitution written much like the federal constitution.
Got any pictures from Rwanda? They chopped thousands to death there. Got any pictures of Uganda? Ida Amin murdered thousands more. Gt any pictures from the Congo where even more were hacked to death?

I'm talking about celebrating a lynching, not fighting in a war, moron (lol.)
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What does Islam have to do with the photo?


The photo is about "Christian" evil. I said that when "Muslims" do the same kind of evil that "Christians" do, Islam & "Muslims" seem to be treated differently than Christianity & "Christians."

Those gun rights came from people who believed we were created and rights were inherent in our make up (inalienable) and government can only limit rights. Governments don't give rights. Our rights, like the 2nd are based on that thinking whether you approve or not is immaterial.

Imaginary sky fairies don't have any power to give or take human being's rights.
Then, seriously, how can you claim these rights?
Besides our own founding documents (which tells us they are endowed by our Creator), what other source do you have that says you have any rights?
It's been answered. I'll repeat it for the late bloomers, the founders considered rights inalienable, being created by a higher power than man, wrote down those rights in the binding law of the land to protect them. What more should there be or could there be?
I was simply asking Huggy, if he doesn't believe in a Creator how can he believe he has rights. And what source tells him that

What a stupid question. I don't need a source. All I need is a good personal moral compass, a fair understanding of what it takes to get along with others or not(they also have rights which I must consider when asserting my own) and a will to defend those rights I choose to claim.

So far this country and at least the community I live in hasn't done anything I believe to be unnecessary to remain functional. I can think of a few personal freedoms I would enjoy having that I don't have but I don't believe the general public is mature enough to resist abusing them. Rights have to be adjusted in relation to the situation to some degree. I don't see that concept to be a weakness in my defense of the rights I claim. I don't live in a vacuum. This isn't the 18 century.

I don't have any hair brained expectations of an afterlife so I believe every intelligent human being constantly works vigilantly towards getting the most out of this opportunity of life.

I'm sure that if I was placed in some other environment where individual rights are trampled my life expectancy would be a lot less than the one I can shoot for here.

All in all I feel the balance we have achieved here in the US for it's citizens with only a few comparative exceptions such as single payer health care including dental, which is provided by almost every modern society with the US the only holdout, is about as good as can be expected.

I believe that current gun(weapons) controls are paranoid. I would like to see a more reasonable approach to the absolute right for any citizen to be allowed to arm themselves as they see fit. It is certainly worse in other parts of the country and much worse in other parts of the world.
So intrinsic rights differ, based on geographic location? Because that, in conjunction with culture, seems to determine one's 'moral compass'.
I mean if we leave religion completely out of the question.
Got any pictures from Rwanda? They chopped thousands to death there. Got any pictures of Uganda? Ida Amin murdered thousands more. Gt any pictures from the Congo where even more were hacked to death?

I'm talking about celebrating a lynching, not fighting in a war, moron (lol.)
None of those countries had a war it was their Government murdering them and a whole lot more then a couple thousand and in a lot more brutal manner.
The photo is about "Christian" evil. I said that when "Muslims" do the same kind of evil that "Christians" do, Islam & "Muslims" seem to be treated differently than Christianity & "Christians."

Unless that was at a recent Democrat convention that was a long time ago and demonstrably anti-Christian. You can't say the same about Islamofascists because they have no New Testament. They ARE following their book.

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