Can any CHRISTIAN explain this picture?

Levin can babble on about how the sky fairies have given him his rights and by the way told him he and his Jew buddies are special but Me? I will demand MY rights from men thank you and it will be men that pay for attempting to take them. Levin's relatives didn't get much action from their god in the death camps. I would have to say that "gods" track record sucks. I'll get mine's from guns and the knowledge of how to defend what's mine.
Those gun rights came from people who believed we were created and rights were inherent in our make up (inalienable) and government can only limit rights. Governments don't give rights. Our rights, like the 2nd are based on that thinking whether you approve or not is immaterial.

Imaginary sky fairies don't have any power to give or take human being's rights.
Then, seriously, how can you claim these rights?
Besides our own founding documents (which tells us they are endowed by our Creator), what other source do you have that says you have any rights?
Levin can babble on about how the sky fairies have given him his rights and by the way told him he and his Jew buddies are special but Me? I will demand MY rights from men thank you and it will be men that pay for attempting to take them. Levin's relatives didn't get much action from their god in the death camps. I would have to say that "gods" track record sucks. I'll get mine's from guns and the knowledge of how to defend what's mine.
Those gun rights came from people who believed we were created and rights were inherent in our make up (inalienable) and government can only limit rights. Governments don't give rights. Our rights, like the 2nd are based on that thinking whether you approve or not is immaterial.

Imaginary sky fairies don't have any power to give or take human being's rights.
Then, seriously, how can you claim these rights?
Besides our own founding documents (which tells us they are endowed by our Creator), what other source do you have that says you have any rights?
It's been answered. I'll repeat it for the late bloomers, the founders considered rights inalienable, being created by a higher power than man, wrote down those rights in the binding law of the land to protect them. What more should there be or could there be?
Levin can babble on about how the sky fairies have given him his rights and by the way told him he and his Jew buddies are special but Me? I will demand MY rights from men thank you and it will be men that pay for attempting to take them. Levin's relatives didn't get much action from their god in the death camps. I would have to say that "gods" track record sucks. I'll get mine's from guns and the knowledge of how to defend what's mine.
Those gun rights came from people who believed we were created and rights were inherent in our make up (inalienable) and government can only limit rights. Governments don't give rights. Our rights, like the 2nd are based on that thinking whether you approve or not is immaterial.

Imaginary sky fairies don't have any power to give or take human being's rights.
Then, seriously, how can you claim these rights?
Besides our own founding documents (which tells us they are endowed by our Creator), what other source do you have that says you have any rights?
It's been answered. I'll repeat it for the late bloomers, the founders considered rights inalienable, being created by a higher power than man, wrote down those rights in the binding law of the land to protect them. What more should there be or could there be?
I was simply asking Huggy, if he doesn't believe in a Creator how can he believe he has rights. And what source tells him that
Levin can babble on about how the sky fairies have given him his rights and by the way told him he and his Jew buddies are special but Me? I will demand MY rights from men thank you and it will be men that pay for attempting to take them. Levin's relatives didn't get much action from their god in the death camps. I would have to say that "gods" track record sucks. I'll get mine's from guns and the knowledge of how to defend what's mine.
Those gun rights came from people who believed we were created and rights were inherent in our make up (inalienable) and government can only limit rights. Governments don't give rights. Our rights, like the 2nd are based on that thinking whether you approve or not is immaterial.

Imaginary sky fairies don't have any power to give or take human being's rights.
Then, seriously, how can you claim these rights?
Besides our own founding documents (which tells us they are endowed by our Creator), what other source do you have that says you have any rights?
It's been answered. I'll repeat it for the late bloomers, the founders considered rights inalienable, being created by a higher power than man, wrote down those rights in the binding law of the land to protect them. What more should there be or could there be?
I was simply asking Huggy, if he doesn't believe in a Creator how can he believe he has rights. And what source tells him that
Oops, sorry. Didn't see Huggies comment. The thing is he doesn't have to agree with a creator, just that it's what the founders believed and that's why it is what it is today.
Those gun rights came from people who believed we were created and rights were inherent in our make up (inalienable) and government can only limit rights. Governments don't give rights. Our rights, like the 2nd are based on that thinking whether you approve or not is immaterial.

Imaginary sky fairies don't have any power to give or take human being's rights.
Then, seriously, how can you claim these rights?
Besides our own founding documents (which tells us they are endowed by our Creator), what other source do you have that says you have any rights?
It's been answered. I'll repeat it for the late bloomers, the founders considered rights inalienable, being created by a higher power than man, wrote down those rights in the binding law of the land to protect them. What more should there be or could there be?
I was simply asking Huggy, if he doesn't believe in a Creator how can he believe he has rights. And what source tells him that
Oops, sorry. Didn't see Huggies comment. The thing is he doesn't have to agree with a creator, just that it's what the founders believed and that's why it is what it is today.
So he's fine with accepting these convenient rights that some guys hundreds of years ago believed a magical ferry gave them.
And we're silly for believing in God!
Well Sir/Ma'am, you'll have to forgive me but I just will not expect people as race-hateful as Whites have been in the past to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when it comes to reporting on history.

I know what I see in that picture, people all wearing crosses, the emblem of Christianity, and celebrating the lynching of a Black. And what that tells me about Christianity is that not all who profess Christ truly follow him.

What threads like this tell me is that serial religion bashers or Christian bashers place the cart before the horse.

The whole truth is that slavery has been an entrenched economic system for maybe 10,000 years or more. It is a documented practice in the earliest human writings. It is evident in the tablets of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. It is referred to as an established and regulated system in the Code of Hammurabi (1760 BC). It was a product of societal stratification which emerged as man learned how to grow annual crops and build cities.

Slavery and serfdom were abolished in Europe by white Christians (1833 in England). The economics in the States prolonged the practice. The invention of the cotton gin created a tremendous demand for slave labor in North America. While a 1790 census counted 697,000 slaves in the States, that number quadrupled within 50 years. But, black Christians eventually gained their freedom with help from white Christians.

"Unlike [in] Western societies in which developed anti-slavery movements, no such organizations developed in Muslim societies. In Muslim politics the state interpreted Islamic law this then extended legitimacy to the traffic in slaves."-wiki

"In 1953, sheikhs from Qatar attending the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom included slaves in their retinues, and they did so again on another visit five years later."-wiki

Saudi Arabia made slavery illegal in 1962, long after the institution's economic viability had vanished for a nation state.
Just admit you hate whites and Christians and are looking for someway to put them down. We all know it. The fact that you harp on things from 100 years ago while ignoring the murder mayhem and slaughter being done NOW by Islam says it all.

Lolol that is your imagination (I'm guessing,) Sir. I do not hate Whites, nor Christians. I hate injustice to Blacks over our (Blacks) skin color and I hate singling out one religion when the religion of those doing the singling out is not any different than the religion that they are singling out. You have a deluded mind, Sir and you are interpreting me through your sickness I am guessing.
What threads like this tell me is that serial religion bashers or Christian bashers place the cart before the horse.

The whole truth is that slavery has been an entrenched economic system for maybe 10,000 years or more. It is a documented practice in the earliest human writings. It is evident in the tablets of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. It is referred to as an established and regulated system in the Code of Hammurabi (1760 BC). It was a product of societal stratification which emerged as man learned how to grow annual crops and build cities.

Slavery and serfdom were abolished in Europe by white Christians (1833 in England). The economics in the States prolonged the practice. The invention of the cotton gin created a tremendous demand for slave labor in North America. While a 1790 census counted 697,000 slaves in the States, that number quadrupled within 50 years. But, black Christians eventually gained their freedom with help from white Christians.

"Unlike [in] Western societies in which developed anti-slavery movements, no such organizations developed in Muslim societies. In Muslim politics the state interpreted Islamic law this then extended legitimacy to the traffic in slaves."-wiki

"In 1953, sheikhs from Qatar attending the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom included slaves in their retinues, and they did so again on another visit five years later."-wiki

Saudi Arabia made slavery illegal in 1962, long after the institution's economic viability had vanished for a nation state.

I only read a little of this, Sir but is there a difference between forced "slavery" against a person's will and willing "slavery," when you discuss "slavery." My sources say that in African "slavery" those who are being called "slaves" were willing servants not forced against their will. In American slavery, you forced Blacks against their will to be your slaves. We are just not going to agree when it comes to historical reports.

I do know that I have not seen any pictures of anyone except Whites religiously celebrating the lynching of a person based on race.
What threads like this tell me is that serial religion bashers or Christian bashers place the cart before the horse.

The whole truth is that slavery has been an entrenched economic system for maybe 10,000 years or more. It is a documented practice in the earliest human writings. It is evident in the tablets of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. It is referred to as an established and regulated system in the Code of Hammurabi (1760 BC). It was a product of societal stratification which emerged as man learned how to grow annual crops and build cities.

Slavery and serfdom were abolished in Europe by white Christians (1833 in England). The economics in the States prolonged the practice. The invention of the cotton gin created a tremendous demand for slave labor in North America. While a 1790 census counted 697,000 slaves in the States, that number quadrupled within 50 years. But, black Christians eventually gained their freedom with help from white Christians.

"Unlike [in] Western societies in which developed anti-slavery movements, no such organizations developed in Muslim societies. In Muslim politics the state interpreted Islamic law this then extended legitimacy to the traffic in slaves."-wiki

"In 1953, sheikhs from Qatar attending the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom included slaves in their retinues, and they did so again on another visit five years later."-wiki

Saudi Arabia made slavery illegal in 1962, long after the institution's economic viability had vanished for a nation state.

I only read a little of this, Sir but is there a difference between forced "slavery" against a person's will and willing "slavery," when you discuss "slavery." My sources say that in African "slavery" those who are being called "slaves" were willing servants not forced against their will. In American slavery, you forced Blacks against their will to be your slaves. We are just not going to agree when it comes to historical reports.

I do know that I have not seen any pictures of anyone except Whites religiously celebrating the lynching of a person based on race.
So if in black Africa slaves were willing does that mean they willingly went peacefully into white slaver masters care? You are aware that blacks sold slaves to whites? That slavery still exists in Africa.
I just came across this photo:


Would any Christian care to explain it as far as people wearing crosses celebrating a lyching?


Simple. They are not true Christians, and do not represent Christianity.
Because they can!
on edit: Because they could at the time since they were Democrats and the south was solidly under Democrat control. Christians, then and now condemned the acts of a few pretending to be Christians.

You can keep burning in hell, you liar (how do you know who the people in the picture are? and how do you know what all Christians did/do then/now?)

F*ck you!

I know that when the KKK was hanging Black people in the south, the south was solidly under Democrat control. I know for a fact that Christians then and now condemned the acts of a few pretending to be Christians. What do you know, if anything?
So if in black Africa slaves were willing does that mean they willingly went peacefully into white slaver masters care? You are aware that blacks sold slaves to whites? That slavery still exists in Africa.

Did the Africans who sold Blacks to Whites know what kind of system of slavery they were selling Blacks into? My source says that in Africa the losers of a war agreed to be the servants of those to whom they lost the war for a certain amount of years? Did Africans know that they were selling Blacks into a system of forced lifetime enslavement, abuse, and violation?

You have your source and I have mine. Neither of us was however don't lie. SHOW ME ONE PICTURE OF BLACKS, WEARING OR NOT WEAR RELIGIOUS EMBLEMS, STANDING AROUND CELEBRATING THE LYNCHING OF SOMEONE. I'm sorry but that is White only behavior.
Last edited:
I know that when the KKK was hanging Black people in the south, the south was solidly under Democrat control. I know for a fact that Christians then and now condemned the acts of a few pretending to be Christians. What do you know, if anything?

Get out of here man, you're lying. I saw a documentary that discussed the KKK's popularity in America in the 1800's and early 1900's. I know that cameras don't lie:

What threads like this tell me is that serial religion bashers or Christian bashers place the cart before the horse.

The whole truth is that slavery has been an entrenched economic system for maybe 10,000 years or more. It is a documented practice in the earliest human writings. It is evident in the tablets of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. It is referred to as an established and regulated system in the Code of Hammurabi (1760 BC). It was a product of societal stratification which emerged as man learned how to grow annual crops and build cities.

Slavery and serfdom were abolished in Europe by white Christians (1833 in England). The economics in the States prolonged the practice. The invention of the cotton gin created a tremendous demand for slave labor in North America. While a 1790 census counted 697,000 slaves in the States, that number quadrupled within 50 years. But, black Christians eventually gained their freedom with help from white Christians.

"Unlike [in] Western societies in which developed anti-slavery movements, no such organizations developed in Muslim societies. In Muslim politics the state interpreted Islamic law this then extended legitimacy to the traffic in slaves."-wiki

"In 1953, sheikhs from Qatar attending the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom included slaves in their retinues, and they did so again on another visit five years later."-wiki

Saudi Arabia made slavery illegal in 1962, long after the institution's economic viability had vanished for a nation state.

I only read a little of this, Sir but is there a difference between forced "slavery" against a person's will and willing "slavery," when you discuss "slavery." My sources say that in African "slavery" those who are being called "slaves" were willing servants not forced against their will. In American slavery, you forced Blacks against their will to be your slaves. We are just not going to agree when it comes to historical reports.

I do know that I have not seen any pictures of anyone except Whites religiously celebrating the lynching of a person based on race.

cameras were not ubiquitous during the past 1400 years
So if in black Africa slaves were willing does that mean they willingly went peacefully into white slaver masters care? You are aware that blacks sold slaves to whites? That slavery still exists in Africa.

Did the Africans who sold Blacks to Whites know what kind of system of slavery they were selling Blacks into? My source says that in Africa the losers of a war agreed to be the servants of those to whom they lost the war for a certain amount of years? Did Africans know that they were selling Blacks into a system of forced lifetime enslavement, abuse, and violation?

You have your source and I have mine. Neither of us was however don't lie. SHOW ME ONE PICTURE OF BLACKS, WEARING OR NOT WEAR RELIGIOUS EMBLEMS, STANDING AROUND CELEBRATING THE LYNCHING OF SOMEONE. I'm sorry but that is White only behavior.

quite an optimistic fool-----slaves in the Arabian system were slaves for life-----they AND their children barring a rare event
I know that when the KKK was hanging Black people in the south, the south was solidly under Democrat control. I know for a fact that Christians then and now condemned the acts of a few pretending to be Christians. What do you know, if anything?

Get out of here man, you're lying. I saw a documentary that discussed the KKK's popularity in America in the 1800's and early 1900's. I know that cameras don't lie:

The REALITY is that the KKK was formed recruited and maintained by Southern Democrats. That Jim Crow laws were created, passed and enforced by Southern Democrats. That not only did they kill black people but catholic and Irish people too. And that it all stopped in the 1940's with a few kills into the early sixties, all by DEMOCRATS in the South. That you claim not to know that proves to me you are unable to actually understand facts and history.
quite an optimistic fool-----slaves in the Arabian system were slaves for life-----they AND their children barring a rare event

Like I said Ma'am, anyone can give a false historical account; like Muslim historians are not trusted by some Western scholars all the time, I am careful about the sources that I trust for historical reports. But cameras can be trusted: whites at a lynching - Google Search .
The REALITY is that the KKK was formed recruited and maintained by Southern Democrats. That Jim Crow laws were created, passed and enforced by Southern Democrats. That not only did they kill black people but catholic and Irish people too. And that it all stopped in the 1940's with a few kills into the early sixties, all by DEMOCRATS in the South. That you claim not to know that proves to me you are unable to actually understand facts and history.

Lolol I truthfully don't give a flying-rats *ss, a good gaddam, or anything else about how you feel or think about me, jerk. Like I have already challenged you fool, show me some pictures (as cameras don't lie,) pictures of anyone other than Whites behaving like this: whites at a lynching - Google Search .

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