Can Any Dem/lib Tell Us What Agency The Govt Has Run Efficiently?

Seriously. You are out of your element.

This whole thread is peppered with your convoluted rants and railings against the government, yet you have no gold standard to compare anything with.

The laws and regulations that have been implemented by the United States government has been directly responsible for it's prosperity.

The things the government runs? Have been run both effectively and efficiently. Better than most other places in the world and better now than in all US history.

And pointing out the downfall of a few bad actors doesn't help your case on greed in the slightest. We have executives making 100s of times more than employees. That's not because they work more hours or do more stuff.

You don't have a leg to stand on here.

Um, the things government runs have not always or even mostly been run effectively and efficiently.

They have been run according to the laws passed by Congress and implemented according to the policy of President in office at the time.

Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they accomplish the mission but aren't efficient.
well i can say the PO is not run efficiently......but it is run as effectively as the people who actually do the work can do it,in spite of middle managements interference......

you have verified my position. Government does nothing efficiently. Is the USPS middle management made up of civil servants?
What's your point?
lets see.....that every huge corporation has waste?....gee was it that tough to figure out?....
Yeah, so they have waste. So what?
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

the thread asks the question, what govt agency has ever operated efficiently? second question, why do you dems and libs want to turn your health over to the government?

Yes, there is some waste in private business, but they either minimize it or they go out of business----------thats the point, moron. Those rules do not apply to govt agencies.
which is what i said dipshit....geezus .....and show me where i ever said this.... want to turn your health over to the government?.....when you cant find it i will accept your apology....

most liberals do support turning medicine over to the govt. If you don't, great.
What's your point?
lets see.....that every huge corporation has waste?....gee was it that tough to figure out?....
Yeah, so they have waste. So what?
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

I haven't noticed him saying that. Can you provide a quote?
because he is BASICALLY saying that.....geezus are you becoming the rights version of Dean?....he plays that game too....and how come you did not ask Weasel what his point was?....he said the same fucking thing i did...

The translation of "he is basically saying it" is "he's not saying it."
Seriously. You are out of your element.

This whole thread is peppered with your convoluted rants and railings against the government, yet you have no gold standard to compare anything with.

The laws and regulations that have been implemented by the United States government has been directly responsible for it's prosperity.

The things the government runs? Have been run both effectively and efficiently. Better than most other places in the world and better now than in all US history.

And pointing out the downfall of a few bad actors doesn't help your case on greed in the slightest. We have executives making 100s of times more than employees. That's not because they work more hours or do more stuff.

You don't have a leg to stand on here.

Um, the things government runs have not always or even mostly been run effectively and efficiently.

They have been run according to the laws passed by Congress and implemented according to the policy of President in office at the time.

Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they accomplish the mission but aren't efficient.

You, like the OP, would buttress your case by providing something in the way of benchmarks and/or metrics..

Like say:

-Spacely Sprockets, in 2014, was able to produce 10,000 sprockets a week, at a cost of $1 dollar a sprocket.

-Government Sprockets, in 2014, was able to produce 8,000 sprockets a week, at a cost of $2 dollars a sprocket.

Given the sprockets were of the same quality, obviously Spacely was more efficient.

USPS vs Fedex and UPS on package delivery----------------------nuff said.

USPS loses money every quarter, The others make money every quarter.

sorry to confuse you.
on package delivery you are full of shit.....the PO was just picked by Amazon for a Billion Dollar a year contract to deliver their stuff over the other guys.....the PO delivers a hell of a lot of Feds and UPS's parcels in the residential Neighborhoods for them.....since 2009 their parcel numbers have gone up just about 500%....and is expected to go up some more this year....on parcels they are making money.....what they do with it is another story....sorry to confuse you....
Seriously. You are out of your element.

This whole thread is peppered with your convoluted rants and railings against the government, yet you have no gold standard to compare anything with.

The laws and regulations that have been implemented by the United States government has been directly responsible for it's prosperity.

The things the government runs? Have been run both effectively and efficiently. Better than most other places in the world and better now than in all US history.

And pointing out the downfall of a few bad actors doesn't help your case on greed in the slightest. We have executives making 100s of times more than employees. That's not because they work more hours or do more stuff.

You don't have a leg to stand on here.

Um, the things government runs have not always or even mostly been run effectively and efficiently.

They have been run according to the laws passed by Congress and implemented according to the policy of President in office at the time.

Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they accomplish the mission but aren't efficient.
well i can say the PO is not run efficiently......but it is run as effectively as the people who actually do the work can do it,in spite of middle managements interference......

you have verified my position. Government does nothing efficiently. Is the USPS middle management made up of civil servants?
PO middle management is made up of a lot of people who could not carry a route or were half assed clerks....most of them come up with shitty ideas that hinder the mail flow rather than help it.....because they are trying to justify their jobs.....the ones worth a dam are usually ignored by the upper guys....once in a while one slips through and we get a good idea.....Middle Managers are some pretty fucked people who stab other managers in the back to get ahead over the others....
lets see.....that every huge corporation has waste?....gee was it that tough to figure out?....
Yeah, so they have waste. So what?
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

the thread asks the question, what govt agency has ever operated efficiently? second question, why do you dems and libs want to turn your health over to the government?

Yes, there is some waste in private business, but they either minimize it or they go out of business----------thats the point, moron. Those rules do not apply to govt agencies.
which is what i said dipshit....geezus .....and show me where i ever said this.... want to turn your health over to the government?.....when you cant find it i will accept your apology....

most liberals do support turning medicine over to the govt. If you don't, great.
no i prove im a Liberal....oh thats right.....i disagree with you on some stuff.....what else could i be?.....:dunno:
lets see.....that every huge corporation has waste?....gee was it that tough to figure out?....
Yeah, so they have waste. So what?
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

I haven't noticed him saying that. Can you provide a quote?
because he is BASICALLY saying that.....geezus are you becoming the rights version of Dean?....he plays that game too....and how come you did not ask Weasel what his point was?....he said the same fucking thing i did...

The translation of "he is basically saying it" is "he's not saying it."
ok Dean....i hear ya.....
Well you should be able provide something in the way of what I am asking for..shouldn't you.

And you are correct. I've never held a Union Job or Government job.

I have always worked in the private sector or ran my own business.

So using the Romney protocol..I am the maker, you and Redfish are the takers.


Yeah, so? Civil service used to be an honorable profession.

But you don't seem to know very much about how government runs.

liberals do not understand how anything works. they are motivated by feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emoooooooooooootions. their brains are not capable of logical rational thinking.
Says the former (?) government employee hatin' on his old boss..


I love my last supervisor. She's one of my two best friends.

BTW, I'm a "she." The moniker AmericanGirl should have been a dead giveaway.

Yeah, so? Civil service used to be an honorable profession.

But you don't seem to know very much about how government runs.

liberals do not understand how anything works. they are motivated by feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emoooooooooooootions. their brains are not capable of logical rational thinking.
Says the former (?) government employee hatin' on his old boss..


I never worked for the government. But I made a lot of money on government contracts.

Which post did I confuse your gender?

Sorry, misread and then I had to leave for an appointment.
Yeah, so they have waste. So what?
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

I haven't noticed him saying that. Can you provide a quote?
because he is BASICALLY saying that.....geezus are you becoming the rights version of Dean?....he plays that game too....and how come you did not ask Weasel what his point was?....he said the same fucking thing i did...

The translation of "he is basically saying it" is "he's not saying it."
ok Dean....i hear ya.....

In other words, you can't produce a quote of redfish saying what you claim he said.

Thanks for playing!
Most of them.

brilliant reply, swallow. Got any examples?

providing clean water to drink
keeping the peace
sending out Social Security checks
reducing workplace injuries
ensuring aircraft safety
feeding the hungry
putting out fires
protecting consumers
regulating business (until Republicans fucked that up)
interstate highway system
GI Bill
Telephone infrastructure
Funding railroads
centers for disease control
human genome project
employee rights
ban on leaded gas (lead in children's blood fell 37% in just a couple of years after the ban)
National weather service
and on
and on
and on..................

The problem with these right wingernut dipshits is they actually believe all that bullshit. They stand on the soapbox of ignorance and say "prove it". And it's so easy. Because stupid doesn't think. It doesn't need to. Because in it's own deluded mind, it's always right.
thats kinda like this poster here named Dean....he thinks he is always right too....

I rarely try to be in a position where I'm right or wrong. I have much to much fun posting Republican positions and policies.

Like blocking the BP investigation after the destruction of the gulf and 11 people dying on that unsafe oil rig. Could you imagine Democrats blocking such an investigation?

Or Democratic leaders saying, "Feed the poor and they will breed".

Or Democrats saying, "No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush".

Or Democrats saying, "Corporations are people my friend".

Or Democrats saying, "Fewer police, firemen and teachers".

Or Democrats trying to keep millions from health care.



You get the picture. I never said any of these were right or wrong. But what does your gut feeling tell you?
when you make your more outrageous statements about Republicans.....are you now saying you dont know if you are right or wrong?.....
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

I haven't noticed him saying that. Can you provide a quote?
because he is BASICALLY saying that.....geezus are you becoming the rights version of Dean?....he plays that game too....and how come you did not ask Weasel what his point was?....he said the same fucking thing i did...

The translation of "he is basically saying it" is "he's not saying it."
ok Dean....i hear ya.....

In other words, you can't produce a quote of redfish saying what you claim he said.

Thanks for playing!
read what the guy was saying DEAN....i might as well call you him if you are going to play his games....
Most of them.

brilliant reply, swallow. Got any examples?

providing clean water to drink
keeping the peace
sending out Social Security checks
reducing workplace injuries
ensuring aircraft safety
feeding the hungry
putting out fires
protecting consumers
regulating business (until Republicans fucked that up)
interstate highway system
GI Bill
Telephone infrastructure
Funding railroads
centers for disease control
human genome project
employee rights
ban on leaded gas (lead in children's blood fell 37% in just a couple of years after the ban)
National weather service
and on
and on
and on..................

The problem with these right wingernut dipshits is they actually believe all that bullshit. They stand on the soapbox of ignorance and say "prove it". And it's so easy. Because stupid doesn't think. It doesn't need to. Because in it's own deluded mind, it's always right.
thats kinda like this poster here named Dean....he thinks he is always right too....

I rarely try to be in a position where I'm right or wrong. I have much to much fun posting Republican positions and policies.

Like blocking the BP investigation after the destruction of the gulf and 11 people dying on that unsafe oil rig. Could you imagine Democrats blocking such an investigation?

Or Democratic leaders saying, "Feed the poor and they will breed".

Or Democrats saying, "No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush".

Or Democrats saying, "Corporations are people my friend".

Or Democrats saying, "Fewer police, firemen and teachers".

Or Democrats trying to keep millions from health care.



You get the picture. I never said any of these were right or wrong. But what does your gut feeling tell you?
when you make your more outrageous statements about Republicans.....are you now saying you dont know if you are right or wrong?.....

What outrageous statements are you talking about?

Corporations are people my friend and fewer police, firemen and teachers? You can watch Mitt Romney say that on Youtube.

"No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush". Here, you can read about it from the very right wing Christian Science Monitor if you don't believe the more mainstream news:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans - National Political Spin

These right wingernuts keep complaining I'm making things up and can't prove my "outrageous" statements. Hello, they aren't my statements. They are Republican positions and policies.

How come you guys can't seem to get it. It's YOU not me. I don't make up anything. Why should I?

If you feel I'm so wrong, PROVE IT, dammit, PROVE IT!!!!
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

I haven't noticed him saying that. Can you provide a quote?
because he is BASICALLY saying that.....geezus are you becoming the rights version of Dean?....he plays that game too....and how come you did not ask Weasel what his point was?....he said the same fucking thing i did...

The translation of "he is basically saying it" is "he's not saying it."
ok Dean....i hear ya.....

In other words, you can't produce a quote of redfish saying what you claim he said.

Thanks for playing!
Thanks for playing, what?

The "Exact words" game?

First off no one is "saying" anything in this thread, they are keying it in.

Second off the entire theme of the thread is about government "wasting" money.

Third? You're playing an adolescent game here that conservatives seem to love to do.

It's a "blue sky" argument. And it's worthless.
brilliant reply, swallow. Got any examples?

providing clean water to drink
keeping the peace
sending out Social Security checks
reducing workplace injuries
ensuring aircraft safety
feeding the hungry
putting out fires
protecting consumers
regulating business (until Republicans fucked that up)
interstate highway system
GI Bill
Telephone infrastructure
Funding railroads
centers for disease control
human genome project
employee rights
ban on leaded gas (lead in children's blood fell 37% in just a couple of years after the ban)
National weather service
and on
and on
and on..................

The problem with these right wingernut dipshits is they actually believe all that bullshit. They stand on the soapbox of ignorance and say "prove it". And it's so easy. Because stupid doesn't think. It doesn't need to. Because in it's own deluded mind, it's always right.
thats kinda like this poster here named Dean....he thinks he is always right too....

I rarely try to be in a position where I'm right or wrong. I have much to much fun posting Republican positions and policies.

Like blocking the BP investigation after the destruction of the gulf and 11 people dying on that unsafe oil rig. Could you imagine Democrats blocking such an investigation?

Or Democratic leaders saying, "Feed the poor and they will breed".

Or Democrats saying, "No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush".

Or Democrats saying, "Corporations are people my friend".

Or Democrats saying, "Fewer police, firemen and teachers".

Or Democrats trying to keep millions from health care.



You get the picture. I never said any of these were right or wrong. But what does your gut feeling tell you?
when you make your more outrageous statements about Republicans.....are you now saying you dont know if you are right or wrong?.....

What outrageous statements are you talking about?

Corporations are people my friend and fewer police, firemen and teachers? You can watch Mitt Romney say that on Youtube.

"No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush". Here, you can read about it from the very right wing Christian Science Monitor if you don't believe the more mainstream news:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans - National Political Spin

These right wingernuts keep complaining I'm making things up and can't prove my "outrageous" statements. Hello, they aren't my statements. They are Republican positions and policies.

How come you guys can't seem to get it. It's YOU not me. I don't make up anything. Why should I?

If you feel I'm so wrong, PROVE IT, dammit, PROVE IT!!!!
What outrageous statements are you talking about?

oh here we go.....Dean playing his...."what are you talking about?" game.....we have done this dance many a time i have told you before.....everyone thats been here more than 3 months knows who and what you are....YOU....ARE....NOT....FOOLING....ANYONE.....well maybe your two pledges Dottie and Lakota....but not too many others....
providing clean water to drink
keeping the peace
sending out Social Security checks
reducing workplace injuries
ensuring aircraft safety
feeding the hungry
putting out fires
protecting consumers
regulating business (until Republicans fucked that up)
interstate highway system
GI Bill
Telephone infrastructure
Funding railroads
centers for disease control
human genome project
employee rights
ban on leaded gas (lead in children's blood fell 37% in just a couple of years after the ban)
National weather service
and on
and on
and on..................

The problem with these right wingernut dipshits is they actually believe all that bullshit. They stand on the soapbox of ignorance and say "prove it". And it's so easy. Because stupid doesn't think. It doesn't need to. Because in it's own deluded mind, it's always right.
thats kinda like this poster here named Dean....he thinks he is always right too....

I rarely try to be in a position where I'm right or wrong. I have much to much fun posting Republican positions and policies.

Like blocking the BP investigation after the destruction of the gulf and 11 people dying on that unsafe oil rig. Could you imagine Democrats blocking such an investigation?

Or Democratic leaders saying, "Feed the poor and they will breed".

Or Democrats saying, "No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush".

Or Democrats saying, "Corporations are people my friend".

Or Democrats saying, "Fewer police, firemen and teachers".

Or Democrats trying to keep millions from health care.



You get the picture. I never said any of these were right or wrong. But what does your gut feeling tell you?
when you make your more outrageous statements about Republicans.....are you now saying you dont know if you are right or wrong?.....

What outrageous statements are you talking about?

Corporations are people my friend and fewer police, firemen and teachers? You can watch Mitt Romney say that on Youtube.

"No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush". Here, you can read about it from the very right wing Christian Science Monitor if you don't believe the more mainstream news:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans - National Political Spin

These right wingernuts keep complaining I'm making things up and can't prove my "outrageous" statements. Hello, they aren't my statements. They are Republican positions and policies.

How come you guys can't seem to get it. It's YOU not me. I don't make up anything. Why should I?

If you feel I'm so wrong, PROVE IT, dammit, PROVE IT!!!!
What outrageous statements are you talking about?

oh here we go.....Dean playing his...."what are you talking about?" game.....we have done this dance many a time i have told you before.....everyone thats been here more than 3 months knows who and what you are....YOU....ARE....NOT....FOOLING....ANYONE.....well maybe your two pledges Dottie and Lakota....but not too many others....

One more time:

What outrageous statements are you talking about?

Corporations are people my friend and fewer police, firemen and teachers? You can watch Mitt Romney say that on Youtube.

"No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush". Here, you can read about it from the very right wing Christian Science Monitor if you don't believe the more mainstream news:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans - National Political Spin

These right wingernuts keep complaining I'm making things up and can't prove my "outrageous" statements. Hello, they aren't my statements. They are Republican positions and policies.

How come you guys can't seem to get it. It's YOU not me. I don't make up anything. Why should I?

If you feel I'm so wrong, PROVE IT, dammit, PROVE IT!!!!
lets see.....that every huge corporation has waste?....gee was it that tough to figure out?....
Yeah, so they have waste. So what?
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

the thread asks the question, what govt agency has ever operated efficiently? second question, why do you dems and libs want to turn your health over to the government?

Yes, there is some waste in private business, but they either minimize it or they go out of business----------thats the point, moron. Those rules do not apply to govt agencies.
which is what i said dipshit....geezus .....and show me where i ever said this.... want to turn your health over to the government?.....when you cant find it i will accept your apology....

most liberals do support turning medicine over to the govt. If you don't, great.

I do, I do

I trust them more than allowing our employers and insurance companies making our health decisions
thats kinda like this poster here named Dean....he thinks he is always right too....

I rarely try to be in a position where I'm right or wrong. I have much to much fun posting Republican positions and policies.

Like blocking the BP investigation after the destruction of the gulf and 11 people dying on that unsafe oil rig. Could you imagine Democrats blocking such an investigation?

Or Democratic leaders saying, "Feed the poor and they will breed".

Or Democrats saying, "No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush".

Or Democrats saying, "Corporations are people my friend".

Or Democrats saying, "Fewer police, firemen and teachers".

Or Democrats trying to keep millions from health care.



You get the picture. I never said any of these were right or wrong. But what does your gut feeling tell you?
when you make your more outrageous statements about Republicans.....are you now saying you dont know if you are right or wrong?.....

What outrageous statements are you talking about?

Corporations are people my friend and fewer police, firemen and teachers? You can watch Mitt Romney say that on Youtube.

"No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush". Here, you can read about it from the very right wing Christian Science Monitor if you don't believe the more mainstream news:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans - National Political Spin

These right wingernuts keep complaining I'm making things up and can't prove my "outrageous" statements. Hello, they aren't my statements. They are Republican positions and policies.

How come you guys can't seem to get it. It's YOU not me. I don't make up anything. Why should I?

If you feel I'm so wrong, PROVE IT, dammit, PROVE IT!!!!
What outrageous statements are you talking about?

oh here we go.....Dean playing his...."what are you talking about?" game.....we have done this dance many a time i have told you before.....everyone thats been here more than 3 months knows who and what you are....YOU....ARE....NOT....FOOLING....ANYONE.....well maybe your two pledges Dottie and Lakota....but not too many others....

One more time:

What outrageous statements are you talking about?

Corporations are people my friend and fewer police, firemen and teachers? You can watch Mitt Romney say that on Youtube.

"No tax cuts for the rich? Then no unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs under Bush". Here, you can read about it from the very right wing Christian Science Monitor if you don't believe the more mainstream news:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans - National Political Spin

These right wingernuts keep complaining I'm making things up and can't prove my "outrageous" statements. Hello, they aren't my statements. They are Republican positions and policies.

How come you guys can't seem to get it. It's YOU not me. I don't make up anything. Why should I?

If you feel I'm so wrong, PROVE IT, dammit, PROVE IT!!!!
ok ill humor about the old standard.....your headline to your thread...."Republicans HATE Education and want to End it"....ok?....that is the title of the thread YOU threw up......the story you posted with it said nothing about that....and when asked to post ANY Republican stating could not find any....not even a dam far lets get to how you reasoned thats what this said..."Republican Governors around the Country are cutting Education....why else would they do that?" you had 3-4 other posters myself included,post a whole bunch of links stating that Democrat Governors doing the same thing.....and your reply?....well they have reasons they have to do that....the Republicans just want to end it.....your just as foolish as Shootspeeders Dean......he does the same shit.....he is the righty version of you.....
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

I haven't noticed him saying that. Can you provide a quote?
because he is BASICALLY saying that.....geezus are you becoming the rights version of Dean?....he plays that game too....and how come you did not ask Weasel what his point was?....he said the same fucking thing i did...

The translation of "he is basically saying it" is "he's not saying it."
ok Dean....i hear ya.....

In other words, you can't produce a quote of redfish saying what you claim he said.

Thanks for playing!
hey no.410.....Redfish said...."Ok, lets make it simple. one dollar over budget is inefficient, one dollar under budget is efficient-----------as long as the product is delivered as contracted" a company that has even the smallest bit of waste is too Redfish..... INEFFICIENT....yea i know its tough .....
OK, so Pubs just don't want to invest in education or training, or infrastructure, Mindless grasshoppers just worried about the rich and giant corporations. Shortsighted first a-holes and brainwashed fools....
Yeah, so they have waste. So what?
read the dam thread Bri.....Redfish is basically saying if you have any waste at all you aint an efficient company....i say probably every big company will have a certain amount of waste....are you going to argue that?....

the thread asks the question, what govt agency has ever operated efficiently? second question, why do you dems and libs want to turn your health over to the government?

Yes, there is some waste in private business, but they either minimize it or they go out of business----------thats the point, moron. Those rules do not apply to govt agencies.
which is what i said dipshit....geezus .....and show me where i ever said this.... want to turn your health over to the government?.....when you cant find it i will accept your apology....

most liberals do support turning medicine over to the govt. If you don't, great.

I do, I do

I trust them more than allowing our employers and insurance companies making our health decisions
you are still going to have someone telling what is covered and what is not covered......

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