Can everyone here give examples of white privilege?


I bet you all can.

Just ask yourself this question, and be honest. If you had a choice to be born a white Caucasian in America or a black man or Mexican, what ethnicity would you choose? I doubt you would choose to be a black man or Mexican, you would choose to be a white American of Northern European descent. By doing so, despite of all of the exaggerated hoopla about white privilege and all of the angry, self-hating whites among the Liberals, and all of the non-whites who are berating the whites, you would still choose to be white. You're better off, in every way imaginable, as a white man or woman, if you live in America. It might even save your life.

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Just ask yourself this question, and be honest. If you had a choice to be born a white Caucasian in America or a black man or Mexican, what ethnicity would you choose? I doubt you would choose to be a black man or Mexican, you would choose to be a white American of Northern European descent. By doing so, despite of all of the exaggerated hoopla about white privilege and all of the angry, self-hating whites among the Liberals, and all of the non-whites who are berating the whites, you would still choose to be white. You're better off, in every way imaginable, as a white man or woman, if you live in America. It might even save your life.

Silly. If you ask a black person if they had the option, would they still want to be born black, you'd get the answer yes. Same if you were Hispanic or Asian.
Apparently it is the mother's level of education which generally determines the level the children reach. If the mother has been denied education her children won't do so well and on it goes...
Who in the USA is DENIED education? Many people refuse to take advantage of the educational opportunities that are available to them.
Notice people…Unkotare can’t discuss the bizarre phenomenon and correlation between skin color and apparently inherent behaviors….He won’t because he doesn’t have the scrotum to do so.

”Tell us, how do Asians and east Indians out achieve brown and blacks folks….why are they so much more law abiding? Are you sure melanin isn’t a curse?”
Black immigrants from the Caribbean and Africa do very well here, far better than many native Blacks. It's not an issue of skin color.
I have. You have not.
You see, it requires an understanding of it in order to recognize it when you see it. When you deny it exists, you will never see it. Until you realize that not everyone experiences the world like you do, you will never understand just how much crap you don’t have to deal with simply because you’re white and operating in a world designed by and for white people.

Here’s a great example of a room full of folks all waking up to this dynamic all at once.

Early sixties IN ALABAMA. And the white manager was the one who tore down the segregated bathroom signs, not any of the black characters.
You're not an American....and your American hating shit is tiresome. This nation has enough problems with leftist loons, we don't need some Canadian asshat chiming in

lol they're the most racist country in this hemisphere.=, another reason to ignore their sniveling.
Just ask yourself this question, and be honest. If you had a choice to be born a white Caucasian in America or a black man or Mexican, what ethnicity would you choose? I doubt you would choose to be a black man or Mexican, you would choose to be a white American of Northern European descent. By doing so, despite of all of the exaggerated hoopla about white privilege and all of the angry, self-hating whites among the Liberals, and all of the non-whites who are berating the whites, you would still choose to be white. You're better off, in every way imaginable, as a white man or woman, if you live in America. It might even save your life.

lol Whitey is so Evul n Rayciss millons are lining up to get into formerly white run countries from all those shitholes they created for themselves and now want to share their shithole mentality with us.

Just Say No to black and brown racists.

Nobody is fighting to get into your Commie shitholes. they get gunned down. lol

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