Can or will any dissenter to my post detail a period in history where whites are responsible..

What genetics ? And what is intelligence ?

The racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics.

1) Facial structure
2) Skin color
3) Hair texture.

Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome but maybe you can show what no geneticist on the planet, no biologist on the planet that those things to be connected with intelligence

Any two humans are 99.9% genetically the same, according to the Human Genome Project. And even that 0.1% is mostly made up of individual differences. Only 6.3% of that 0.1% comes from differences between races . That's not me being PC and liberal. That's just how it is. You cannot, for example, tell a person’s race by looking at their brain or their heart.

Races have pretty much the same set of genes, just in different frequencies. And even those frequencies do not always fall along the lines of race. Skin colour changes as you go north to south. The frequency of blood type B changes as you go east to west.

As for this athletic thing then why do white and Asian dominates the Olympics ? And why do you find African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to the theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together, so you would expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions. But they don't. Why ?

But I'm sure you'll still say that black people are physically more capable of playing basketball. If that's true, why don't blacks dominate volleyball the same way ?

You have to be tall and have great jumping ability in volleyball Or why aren't all championship high jumpers black ? ,
The criteria we "currently use" is PC. Blacks are intellectually inferior and there is nothing in this world by any dingbat study that can claim otherwise. That, being a given, there is nothing in this world that can claim any other race is superior to blacks athletically.

The problem is that civilization awards intellect over athleticism since its dawn. It is for this very reason that some of the least athletic such as East Asians and Asheknazi Jews are far more successful than those who win the 100-meter dash in every Olympiad. In other words, civilization has made athleticism largely irrelevant. hen you reach a level of articulation, then we can re-address the issue. It will take at least centuries of evolution.

That is as things are. If it is racism, I don't give a rat's ass.
Of course indentured servitude was different from slavery. "Modern" slavery was founded on the principle that some people were sub-human. No one would have gone to Africa to find sub-humans otherwise. Apparently, the concept of the slavery of "sub-humans" still exists in Africa with the people of the north of the continent enslaving the people of the the south. The entire continent is a shit hole btw.

It flies in the face of PC, but is it possible that there are inferior peoples and some that are so inferior that they can logically be enslaved?
Do you believe that you are inferior to black men ?
In general I am inferior to athletically to some black men, intellectually to very few, and as a father to even fewer.

Does that answer your question?

From what I read here, as a human you are a failure.
What genetics ? And what is intelligence ?

The racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics.

1) Facial structure
2) Skin color
3) Hair texture.

Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome but maybe you can show what no geneticist on the planet, no biologist on the planet that those things to be connected with intelligence

Any two humans are 99.9% genetically the same, according to the Human Genome Project. And even that 0.1% is mostly made up of individual differences. Only 6.3% of that 0.1% comes from differences between races . That's not me being PC and liberal. That's just how it is. You cannot, for example, tell a person’s race by looking at their brain or their heart.

Races have pretty much the same set of genes, just in different frequencies. And even those frequencies do not always fall along the lines of race. Skin colour changes as you go north to south. The frequency of blood type B changes as you go east to west.

As for this athletic thing then why do white and Asian dominates the Olympics ? And why do you find African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to the theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together, so you would expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions. But they don't. Why ?

But I'm sure you'll still say that black people are physically more capable of playing basketball. If that's true, why don't blacks dominate volleyball the same way ?

You have to be tall and have great jumping ability in volleyball Or why aren't all championship high jumpers black ? ,
The criteria we "currently use" is PC. Blacks are intellectually inferior and there is nothing in this world by any dingbat study that can claim otherwise. That, being a given, there is nothing in this world that can claim any other race is superior to blacks athletically.

The problem is that civilization awards intellect over athleticism since its dawn. It is for this very reason that some of the least athletic such as East Asians and Asheknazi Jews are far more successful than those who win the 100-meter dash in every Olympiad. In other words, civilization has made athleticism largely irrelevant. hen you reach a level of articulation, then we can re-address the issue. It will take at least centuries of evolution.

That is as things are. If it is racism, I don't give a rat's ass.

Actually there really is no proof blacks are intellectually inferior. Every black person here has bested you intellectually. You're an idiot.

ANALYSIS: Black Brain, White Brain – The new wave of racist science


By Gavin Evans

The last decade has seen a revival of a very old and long-discredited idea: that intelligence is influenced by racial origin.

Notice what is said meathead, a long discredited idea. That means the idea that whites are naturally smarter has been discredited by proof and so what you say has no merit or credibility.


These waves of racist science are based on three flaky premises:

First, that migration to ice-age Europe 45,000 years ago prompted natural selection for higher intelligence. Evidence includes the flowering of cave art more than 30,000 years ago.

The underlying flaws in this assumption have been exposed through recent evidence that all these European innovations pre-existed in Africa. For example, symbolic geometric art was found at the Blombos cave 320km east of Cape Town, carbon dated at 75,000 years, while blended paints and a range of other sophisticated implements have been carbon dated at 100,000 years.

The hunt for ‘intelligence genes’
The second claim relates to genetics – that because humans continued to evolve in terms of things like ethnic diseases, skin colour and body type, so it must be with intelligence. But geneticists point out that they are not comparing like with like.

Most of these ethnic differences relate to single gene mutations. Intelligence, however, is different. It is an abstract notion that covers a wide range of attributes, but even if we restrict ourselves to the form of logic measured by IQ tests we don’t find single IQ genes differentiating one population from another. In fact, attempts to find “intelligence genes” have drawn a blank and it is now accepted that it is governed by a network of thousands of genes.

The idea that average intelligence might not have evolved for 100,000 years is unremarkable to those working in this field. For example, the leading US-based palaeoanthropologist Ian Tattersall has argued that long before humans left Africa they reached the end of the line as far as significant evolution of their brains. “In order to get the fixation of evolutionary novelties,” he said, “you need to have small, isolated populations. Large, interbreeding populations are just not the right place for innovations to become fixed.”

The third and most persistent claim comes from the fact that average IQ scores differ from population to population. Race scientists assume that IQ is fixed at birth and is genetic in origin, and they also assume that it measures general intelligence.

None of these assumptions hold up. Research among separated single egg twins shows that when they are raised in the same kind of middle class environment their IQs are similar. However, in the few cases where they’ve ended up in families from different social classes, there IQs vary significantly (in one case by 20 IQ points; in another by 29). Other studies have also shown that the IQs of children adopted into middle class homes rise significantly and that these increases can persist into adulthood.

IQ and environment
The world’s leading IQ theorist, Jim Flynn, has proved that IQs have risen across the board over the last century (100 years ago the average IQ by today’s standards would be about 70). The reason for this “Flynn Effect”, as it has been dubbed, has nothing to do with genetics and all to do with environment – in particular, increased exposure to various forms of abstract logic, which is what the tests measure.

Different population groups are exposed to markedly different environmental conditions, which is why average scores vary. For this reason IQ scores are rising faster in some populations than others (average IQs of Kenyan children were shown to have risen by 26.3 points in 14 years). Similarly, black American IQs are rising at a faster rate than those of white Americans, while Jewish Americans went from having below average IQs at the time of the First World War to having above average IQs now.

This illustrates how absurd it is to compare the IQs of different populations but when you remove IQ scores from the tool box of the scientific racists, the rest of their case falls to dust.

Black Brain, White Brain - The new wave of racist science | Africa Check
...for problems in the black community? I mean, starting from American history, have whites ever done anything that could be said to have harmed blacks culturally, economically, socially, psychologically, etc? I mean, there is plenty of history that shows white society doing bad things to blacks, my question is did those bad things ever impact blacks negatively? I mean, it seems like a common sense thing that oppressing people would create negative consequences, but I am not getting that impression from dissenters. All that history is simply looked at as "excuses" for black failure. Was there ever a time when white racism was not an excuse for black failure, but rather, a big reason blacks were failing more than whites in this society?

You have to understand that racism is based on self preservation. Whites being recessive and not as intelligent as Blacks are simply trying to stay in control and preserve their race. Racism is meant for Blacks to fail. We are at the bottom of the color coding. In white racism "white" is at the top then yellow and so forth until you get to the Blacks at the bottom. The problem for whites is that they cant seem to do anything right without help from us. Trust and believe if Blacks no longer served a purpose they would attempt to dispose of us instead of just attempting to control our population here in the US..
The criteria we "currently use" is PC. Blacks are intellectually inferior and there is nothing in this world by any dingbat study that can claim otherwise. That, being a given, there is nothing in this world that can claim any other race is superior to blacks athletically..

So you actually expect Black people to believe that a race that flunked civilization and we had to reeducate is intellectually superior? Come on man. :laugh:
...for problems in the black community? I mean, starting from American history, have whites ever done anything that could be said to have harmed blacks culturally, economically, socially, psychologically, etc? I mean, there is plenty of history that shows white society doing bad things to blacks, my question is did those bad things ever impact blacks negatively? I mean, it seems like a common sense thing that oppressing people would create negative consequences, but I am not getting that impression from dissenters. All that history is simply looked at as "excuses" for black failure. Was there ever a time when white racism was not an excuse for black failure, but rather, a big reason blacks were failing more than whites in this society?

You mean, apart from slavery, segregation and systematic racism?
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The criteria we "currently use" is PC. Blacks are intellectually inferior and there is nothing in this world by any dingbat study that can claim otherwise. That, being a given, there is nothing in this world that can claim any other race is superior to blacks athletically..

So you actually expect Black people to believe that a race that flunked civilization and we had to reeducate is intellectually superior? Come on man. :laugh:
Cool. Are you going to do the jungle-bunny civilization stuff now. That's always cool! Much better are far more fanciful than the "it's not our fault we are losers" routine.
The criteria we "currently use" is PC. Blacks are intellectually inferior and there is nothing in this world by any dingbat study that can claim otherwise. That, being a given, there is nothing in this world that can claim any other race is superior to blacks athletically..

So you actually expect Black people to believe that a race that flunked civilization and we had to reeducate is intellectually superior? Come on man. :laugh:
Cool. Are you going to do the jungle-bunny civilization stuff now. That's always cool! Much better are far more fanciful than the "it's not our fault we are losers" routine.

And you have just shown why whites like you pull down the entire white race.
The criteria we "currently use" is PC. Blacks are intellectually inferior and there is nothing in this world by any dingbat study that can claim otherwise.
Saying black people are inferior or white people are superior is just.


You just said it's genetics, then the genetic science proves you wrong because as I pointed the human genome project says that human beings have 99.9% the same set of genes.

Do you know better than them ?
That, being a given, there is nothing in this world that can claim any other race is superior to blacks athletically.
But if that's the case then how come the vast majority of athletic sports are not dominated by black people ?

And bear in mind the original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

Adolf Hitler


In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He thought his white Ayrans would dominate and those Olympics would be a showcase for white Aryan dominance. Due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.


So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent
The criteria we "currently use" is PC. Blacks are intellectually inferior and there is nothing in this world by any dingbat study that can claim otherwise.
Saying black people are inferior or white people are superior is just.


You just said it's genetics, then the genetic science proves you wrong because as I pointed the human genome project says that human beings have 99.9% the same set of genes.

Do you know better than them ?
That, being a given, there is nothing in this world that can claim any other race is superior to blacks athletically.
But if that's the case then how come the vast majority of athletic sports are not dominated by black people ?

And bear in mind the original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

Adolf Hitler


In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He thought his white Ayrans would dominate and those Olympics would be a showcase for white Aryan dominance. Due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.


So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent
If Africa had more and better schools, there's likely no reason that Blacks there could be the intellectual equals of other races.
If Africa had more and better schools, there's likely no reason that Blacks there could be the intellectual equals of other races.
Why is so important for white guys like you to say they are superior to black men ?
What is about black men that really get's under your skin ?
Is it our masculinity ?
Is it because you don't have courage to square up to black men ?
Is it the fact that black people succeed in spite of unjust just system ? Where as deep down you know whites achieve because of an unjust system ?
Is it because black men have a history of going toe to toe with white supremacists ? .....from Martin Luther King, to the black panthers, to Mandela...the list is endless.
History has show that we will fight till hell freezes over and then we will fight on that ice.
Is it because a decent % of white women want to fk us and like us ?

White supremacists like you and Meathead and Correll and bgrouse don’t believe what they’re saying - not deep down.

You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, that you are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation. You see the economies of the white west faltering. You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity. You see a world in which global white supremacy is being challenged. A world in which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents with darker skin.

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this : Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who says their work is evidence of ethnic superiority. It' s not the sculptor who announces to the world that their art signifies racial supremacy. They need no cheerleaders. But guys like you are always trying to tell everyone how great they are, how smart they are, are (to be honest) always trying to convince themselves. And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined
If Africa had more and better schools, there's likely no reason that Blacks there could be the intellectual equals of other races.
Why is so important for white guys like you to say they are superior to black men ?
What is about black men that really get's under your skin ?
Is it our masculinity ?
Is it because you don't have courage to square up to black men ?
Is it the fact that black people succeed in spite of unjust just system ? Where as deep down you know whites achieve because of an unjust system ?
Is it because black men have a history of going toe to toe with white supremacists ? .....from Martin Luther King, to the black panthers, to Mandela...the list is endless.
History has show that we will fight till hell freezes over and then we will fight on that ice.
Is it because a decent % of white women want to fk us and like us ?

White supremacists like you and Meathead and Correll and bgrouse don’t believe what they’re saying - not deep down.

You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, that you are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation. You see the economies of the white west faltering. You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity. You see a world in which global white supremacy is being challenged. A world in which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents with darker skin.

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this : Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who says their work is evidence of ethnic superiority. It' s not the sculptor who announces to the world that their art signifies racial supremacy. They need no cheerleaders. But guys like you are always trying to tell everyone how great they are, how smart they are, are (to be honest) always trying to convince themselves. And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined
Don't get under my skin at all. Right now, Asians and Whites are IN GENERAL, ahead intellectually to blacks. Just stating a fact, and like I said, you folks can catch up, just need more and better schools. Not just this:
Because if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this : Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.
You mean just like you are doing here? I assume you do not follow your own advice
Don't get under my skin at all. Right now, Asians and Whites are IN GENERAL, ahead intellectually to blacks. Just stating a fact, and like I said, you folks can catch up, just need more and better schools. Not just this:
View attachment 180033
Do you believe you are superior to black men ?
...for problems in the black community? I mean, starting from American history, have whites ever done anything that could be said to have harmed blacks culturally, economically, socially, psychologically, etc?
Yes. Systematic white supremacy
I mean, there is plenty of history that shows white society doing bad things to blacks, my question is did those bad things ever impact blacks negatively?
Yes. Systematic white supremacy
I mean, it seems like a common sense thing that oppressing people would create negative consequences
Yes. Systematic white supremacy
but I am not getting that impression from dissenters. All that history is simply looked at as "excuses" for black failure.
Yes because they support systematic white supremacy
Was there ever a time when white racism was not an excuse for black failure, but rather, a big reason blacks were failing more than whites in this society?
Do you think systematic white supremacy exists ?

It's a crime against nature that you were not ripped out of the womb with a rusty coat hanger and eaten by a rat in an alley in the Bronx. If it wasn't for oxygen thieves like you there would be no racial bigotry.

Don't get under my skin at all. Right now, Asians and Whites are IN GENERAL, ahead intellectually to blacks. Just stating a fact, and like I said, you folks can catch up, just need more and better schools. Not just this:
View attachment 180033
Do you believe you are superior to black men ?
Black people have the lowest average IQ's on earth. Intellectually, its fair to say that everyone is superior to them. Of course white people aren't the ones with the highest IQ's, but they are still significantly smarter than black people. All those years of hard slave work helped you run fast though.

You can either be the smartest or the fastest, but not both.
Do you believe you are superior to black men ?

I won't speak for Taz, but he is superior to you. My daughter's goldfish are more intelligent than you. Her cat has better hygiene, and the hamster has better character so it's not the highest bar to set.

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