Can or will any dissenter to my post detail a period in history where whites are responsible..

Who Was Mummified
After death, the pharaohs of Egypt usually were mummified and buried in elaborate tombs. Members of the nobility and officials also often received the same treatment, and occasionally, common people. However, the process was an expensive one, beyond the means of many.
You also forgot your link only referenced the time period where its known for a fact that there were foreigners in Egypt.

I already told you your link was invalid. For all you know those 90 could have been war criminals that were in jail.

Gotta quote this again! I swear you have a future in stand-up comedy!
I told you already: the same reason Herodotus said Indians have black semen. Because your sources are bad indicators of race/color.

Now are you done making yourself look like a moron by ignoring modern scientific DNA testing and instead quoting thousands year old sources that can't tell white from black?

So now you expect me to believe the Egyptians werent Black
Of course not! I fully expect you to keep chugging along, as usual, like a retarded, knuckle-dragging, illiterate shitskin that thinks someone who can't tell white from black is a reliable source of a person's skin color/race. You never disappoint!
Now youre getting angry that the Greeks said the Egyptians were Black. Dont get all emotional and mad. I bet it really pisses you off that the Egyptians were Black but its something you are going to have to get used to knowing. All your denial really doesnt do much for me except make me laugh at you to be honest. :laugh:
Why would I get angry that an apparently colorblind man said Egyptians were black? I find it funny if anything, though not as funny as watching you use him as a source on race and skin color. It's like bringing a blind man in as a witness to describe a getaway car's color: comedy.
No youre claiming at least 3 greeks were colorblind. You dont honestly expect anyone to fall for that one do you?

I know it hurts and angers you but maybe you'll finally accept it ......or maybe not. Either way I know the facts and the facts, testimony from eye witnesses and DNA say the Egyptians were Black. Not to mention all the paintings and sculpture the Egyptians made of themselves. Thanks for playing.

They also painted Anubis. I guess you believe that thing walked around in reality, too?
Don't get under my skin at all. Right now, Asians and Whites are IN GENERAL, ahead intellectually to blacks. Just stating a fact, and like I said, you folks can catch up, just need more and better schools. Not just this:
View attachment 180033
Do you believe you are superior to black men ?
White people dont even believe that bullshit. They try to convince themselves but they know the deal. No one is going to convince me a race that ate each other for lunch and has a plethora of recessive genes is superior. If whites were so superior why do the have sex with live stock and dogs?
Probably the same reason why the blacks in Africa have sex with monkeys.
Don't get under my skin at all. Right now, Asians and Whites are IN GENERAL, ahead intellectually to blacks. Just stating a fact, and like I said, you folks can catch up, just need more and better schools. Not just this:
View attachment 180033
Do you believe you are superior to black men ?
White people dont even believe that bullshit. They try to convince themselves but they know the deal. No one is going to convince me a race that ate each other for lunch and has a plethora of recessive genes is superior. If whites were so superior why do the have sex with live stock and dogs?
Probably the same reason why the blacks in Africa have sex with monkeys.
Whites are the only people that have sex with animals without having some mental disorder. You guys will even rape snakes.

Florida: Man suffocated to death after having sex with pet anaconda

“He always told me he wasn’t hurting anybody and that animals loved sex as much as humans, that it was a consensual thing. Who am I to judge?” he added.

They are the "Borg" of Star Trek Next Generation fame. He is merely a microcosm of the collective, meaning if the collective is superior, he is superior.
You will accept such a survey of testing but will not accept the results of test that show whites as the most racist? How smart can a race really be if they are failing in the prime biological directive of continuation of the bloodline? Your race is probably near the bottom in fertility and in about 50 years your numbers will drop off dramatically.
Pardon me, but you just don't have an IQ high enough to be taken seriously. Shouldn't you be throwing a ball through a net or something? Stay in your lane.

That is alright. You are do the research yourself. In this biological numbers game, whites are loosing and going forward will be losing more. I see so many interracial relationships now, as well, and those kids are not coming out white. All kinds of immigrants of color are flooding into Europe, which already has a zero population growth rate among whites, and many nations already negative white population growth. More integration will mean more mixing and fewer white offspring. Muuuuuuhahahahahahahaaha. How superior can you be if you go extinct?
We aren't extinct, nor are we headed that direction. Your low IQ is not doing you any favors right now. Leave the thinking to us while you're free to drink your sizzurp on a street corner.
Ok....keep sprinting in this marathon and see where you end up. The only problem is you will ruin the world for every living creature, once you exhaust everything.
Settle down, homeboy. This conversation is above your IQ level.

You are a dumb fuck white boy trying to argue based on a long discredited claim. Go wash some socks boy, men are talking here.

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