Can RWs really say with a straight face that Hillary has lied and flip flopped more than Trump?

You're missing the point why we may be supporting Trump. ALL OF THE CURRENT CROOKS IN DC ARE SIMPLY PLAYING THE VOTERS FOR FOOLS. The Chinese call it "money bag politics", you bring the bribes, we give you the policies.

DC needs to be shaken up by a new outside force. Not sure if you remember the Grace Commission under Reagan? If Trump can make a dent in the "waste, fraud and abuse" in DC it will be worth the risk. At $19-trillion and SS and Medicare about to go broke we need someone with a Wharton degree to straighten the mess out.
you dont think trump is playing you for a fool?......

No more so than any of the DC morons have been playing all of us for fools. Who do you think are the honest politicians? I rest my case.
it sure as hell wont be trump.....i rest my case....
Now Hillary's lies and flip flopping are well documented. Her lie about Bosnia was especially embarrassing and stupid. She's flip flopped on a few liberal positions.

However, Trump makes her look as honest as Abe. This is a guy who lies constantly. He lies about his own policies. He lies about his business practices. He lies about being Christian. He's lied about Bernie's tax agenda (it was never 90%). Hell its safe to say he's lied about his dick size given how much of an insecure little girl he is. His and Hillary's lies are well documented on PolitiFact. As you will notice, Trump has lied a hell of a lot more than Hillary has.

And whoa, talk about a flip flopper. He has flip flopped on virtually everything he has been running on. 1) Raising taxes 2) socialized healthcare 3) His feelings on republican voters (in 1999 he called them stupid and will believe anything Fox tells them) 4) Gun control

Can this guy be even more of a joke? I mean I'm no fan of Hillary, but Trump is just an embarrassment to the political process. The rest of the world can see that.
your no fan of clinton? but i bet you will still help carry her baggage into the voting booth just because your party told you to.....right billy?.....
You're damn right I will. The idea of a republican president is flat out awful in comparison.
so its the old lessor evil do realize i hope that Dracula will fuck you over just like Satan will......cut the cord billy and vote for some non party person who may actually care about this country instead of voting for more demise.....
Now Hillary's lies and flip flopping are well documented. Her lie about Bosnia was especially embarrassing and stupid. She's flip flopped on a few liberal positions.

However, Trump makes her look as honest as Abe. This is a guy who lies constantly. He lies about his own policies. He lies about his business practices. He lies about being Christian. He's lied about Bernie's tax agenda (it was never 90%). Hell its safe to say he's lied about his dick size given how much of an insecure little girl he is. His and Hillary's lies are well documented on PolitiFact. As you will notice, Trump has lied a hell of a lot more than Hillary has.

And whoa, talk about a flip flopper. He has flip flopped on virtually everything he has been running on. 1) Raising taxes 2) socialized healthcare 3) His feelings on republican voters (in 1999 he called them stupid and will believe anything Fox tells them) 4) Gun control

Can this guy be even more of a joke? I mean I'm no fan of Hillary, but Trump is just an embarrassment to the political process. The rest of the world can see that.
your no fan of clinton? but i bet you will still help carry her baggage into the voting booth just because your party told you to.....right billy?.....
You're damn right I will. The idea of a republican president is flat out awful in comparison.
so its the old lessor evil do realize i hope that Dracula will fuck you over just like Satan will......cut the cord billy and vote for some non party person who may actually care about this country instead of voting for more demise.....
Um okay?

A vote for a non party is a wasted vote. A vote for Hillary would mean a vote against Trump. The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
Now Hillary's lies and flip flopping are well documented. Her lie about Bosnia was especially embarrassing and stupid. She's flip flopped on a few liberal positions.

However, Trump makes her look as honest as Abe. This is a guy who lies constantly. He lies about his own policies. He lies about his business practices. He lies about being Christian. He's lied about Bernie's tax agenda (it was never 90%). Hell its safe to say he's lied about his dick size given how much of an insecure little girl he is. His and Hillary's lies are well documented on PolitiFact. As you will notice, Trump has lied a hell of a lot more than Hillary has.

And whoa, talk about a flip flopper. He has flip flopped on virtually everything he has been running on. 1) Raising taxes 2) socialized healthcare 3) His feelings on republican voters (in 1999 he called them stupid and will believe anything Fox tells them) 4) Gun control

Can this guy be even more of a joke? I mean I'm no fan of Hillary, but Trump is just an embarrassment to the political process. The rest of the world can see that.
your no fan of clinton? but i bet you will still help carry her baggage into the voting booth just because your party told you to.....right billy?.....
You're damn right I will. The idea of a republican president is flat out awful in comparison.
so its the old lessor evil do realize i hope that Dracula will fuck you over just like Satan will......cut the cord billy and vote for some non party person who may actually care about this country instead of voting for more demise.....
Um okay?

A vote for a non party is a wasted vote. A vote for Hillary would mean a vote against Trump. The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
Hillary is the slimiest of the anyone could see her as anything other than a 100 percent total evil bitch is beyond me....they obviously have done no vetting of her. Seriously, she should be doing jail time just for the criminal acts that she committed when she was in Arkansas. I can't vote because I reclaimed my pre 14th amendment status thus I am no longer a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to USA.INC whose headquarters are in the city/state of Washington D.C but I follow the election cycles because it could affect me....Hillary should scare the ever lovin' shit out of everyone.
Now Hillary's lies and flip flopping are well documented. Her lie about Bosnia was especially embarrassing and stupid. She's flip flopped on a few liberal positions.

However, Trump makes her look as honest as Abe. This is a guy who lies constantly. He lies about his own policies. He lies about his business practices. He lies about being Christian. He's lied about Bernie's tax agenda (it was never 90%). Hell its safe to say he's lied about his dick size given how much of an insecure little girl he is. His and Hillary's lies are well documented on PolitiFact. As you will notice, Trump has lied a hell of a lot more than Hillary has.

And whoa, talk about a flip flopper. He has flip flopped on virtually everything he has been running on. 1) Raising taxes 2) socialized healthcare 3) His feelings on republican voters (in 1999 he called them stupid and will believe anything Fox tells them) 4) Gun control

Can this guy be even more of a joke? I mean I'm no fan of Hillary, but Trump is just an embarrassment to the political process. The rest of the world can see that.
your no fan of clinton? but i bet you will still help carry her baggage into the voting booth just because your party told you to.....right billy?.....
You're damn right I will. The idea of a republican president is flat out awful in comparison.
so its the old lessor evil do realize i hope that Dracula will fuck you over just like Satan will......cut the cord billy and vote for some non party person who may actually care about this country instead of voting for more demise.....
Um okay?

A vote for a non party is a wasted vote. A vote for Hillary would mean a vote against Trump. The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
a vote for anyone running right now is a wasted vote....but go ahead billy vote for more of the same old shit,you cant waste a vote anymore than that.....The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
Now Hillary's lies and flip flopping are well documented. Her lie about Bosnia was especially embarrassing and stupid. She's flip flopped on a few liberal positions.

However, Trump makes her look as honest as Abe. This is a guy who lies constantly. He lies about his own policies. He lies about his business practices. He lies about being Christian. He's lied about Bernie's tax agenda (it was never 90%). Hell its safe to say he's lied about his dick size given how much of an insecure little girl he is. His and Hillary's lies are well documented on PolitiFact. As you will notice, Trump has lied a hell of a lot more than Hillary has.

And whoa, talk about a flip flopper. He has flip flopped on virtually everything he has been running on. 1) Raising taxes 2) socialized healthcare 3) His feelings on republican voters (in 1999 he called them stupid and will believe anything Fox tells them) 4) Gun control

Can this guy be even more of a joke? I mean I'm no fan of Hillary, but Trump is just an embarrassment to the political process. The rest of the world can see that.
your no fan of clinton? but i bet you will still help carry her baggage into the voting booth just because your party told you to.....right billy?.....
You're damn right I will. The idea of a republican president is flat out awful in comparison.
so its the old lessor evil do realize i hope that Dracula will fuck you over just like Satan will......cut the cord billy and vote for some non party person who may actually care about this country instead of voting for more demise.....
Um okay?

A vote for a non party is a wasted vote. A vote for Hillary would mean a vote against Trump. The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
a vote for anyone running right now is a wasted vote....but go ahead billy vote for more of the same old shit,you cant waste a vote anymore than that.....The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
Hillary is dishonest, but if you think that alone somehow makes her on an even playing field with a moron who is even more dishonest then you are seriously deluding yourself. Hillary is at least intelligent and has extensive experience in government adminstration.
Now Hillary's lies and flip flopping are well documented. Her lie about Bosnia was especially embarrassing and stupid. She's flip flopped on a few liberal positions.

However, Trump makes her look as honest as Abe. This is a guy who lies constantly. He lies about his own policies. He lies about his business practices. He lies about being Christian. He's lied about Bernie's tax agenda (it was never 90%). Hell its safe to say he's lied about his dick size given how much of an insecure little girl he is. His and Hillary's lies are well documented on PolitiFact. As you will notice, Trump has lied a hell of a lot more than Hillary has.

And whoa, talk about a flip flopper. He has flip flopped on virtually everything he has been running on. 1) Raising taxes 2) socialized healthcare 3) His feelings on republican voters (in 1999 he called them stupid and will believe anything Fox tells them) 4) Gun control

Can this guy be even more of a joke? I mean I'm no fan of Hillary, but Trump is just an embarrassment to the political process. The rest of the world can see that.

Can you please supply documentation on his lies.

I don't like the guy.

For once, it would be great to see you supply something more than drool.
your no fan of clinton? but i bet you will still help carry her baggage into the voting booth just because your party told you to.....right billy?.....
You're damn right I will. The idea of a republican president is flat out awful in comparison.
so its the old lessor evil do realize i hope that Dracula will fuck you over just like Satan will......cut the cord billy and vote for some non party person who may actually care about this country instead of voting for more demise.....
Um okay?

A vote for a non party is a wasted vote. A vote for Hillary would mean a vote against Trump. The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
a vote for anyone running right now is a wasted vote....but go ahead billy vote for more of the same old shit,you cant waste a vote anymore than that.....The logic doesn't get simpler than that.
Hillary is dishonest, but if you think that alone somehow makes her on an even playing field with a moron who is even more dishonest then you are seriously deluding yourself. Hillary is at least intelligent and has extensive experience in government adminstration.
pay attention billy......i said none of these people are worth voting for.....and you admit that you will vote for someone who is dishonest? about wasting a vote....thanks billy for helping to keep this country on its downward spiral,you can always count on you party people for that.....
Now Hillary's lies and flip flopping are well documented. Her lie about Bosnia was especially embarrassing and stupid. She's flip flopped on a few liberal positions.

However, Trump makes her look as honest as Abe. This is a guy who lies constantly. He lies about his own policies. He lies about his business practices. He lies about being Christian. He's lied about Bernie's tax agenda (it was never 90%). Hell its safe to say he's lied about his dick size given how much of an insecure little girl he is. His and Hillary's lies are well documented on PolitiFact. As you will notice, Trump has lied a hell of a lot more than Hillary has.

And whoa, talk about a flip flopper. He has flip flopped on virtually everything he has been running on. 1) Raising taxes 2) socialized healthcare 3) His feelings on republican voters (in 1999 he called them stupid and will believe anything Fox tells them) 4) Gun control

Can this guy be even more of a joke? I mean I'm no fan of Hillary, but Trump is just an embarrassment to the political process. The rest of the world can see that.


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