Can the right prove their is a border crisis using facts and statistics?

No they cannot. All they can rely on is that Trump and Fox News says there is. Of course, how you define a crisis really just depends. Do you think it is a national crisis that ANY illegal immigrants crossing over is a crisis? It’s certainly a priority to limit this, but if you think it is a national crisis simply because it happens to some degree, then you are a snowflake of epic proportions. Illegal immigration has always been a thing. The rate at which it is currently happening does not make it a crisis because migration from Mexico has been declining since the 2008 recession. In fact, Mexicans are leaving the US at about the same rate lol.

So here is the challenge for republicans to prove there is a border crisis. What facts, statistics, and trends do you have that suggest there is a “border crisis”? Again, just because illegal immigration hasn’t stopped yet, it doesn’t make it a crisis. Illegal immigration has always been a thing regardless of who is president.

Mexican Immigrants in the United States

It's the Fear Mongering that's been going on since Trump stepped on the stage. Fear to vote him into office, & now using falsified statements to fear people into paying for his worthless wall, that he promised Mexico would pay for.

A statement from a Republican Texas Congressman who's district covers 840 miles of the southern border.
GOP Rep. Will Hurd on border wall shutdown: ‘If this is a crisis, the people that are dealing with this crisis should get paid’

Walls & fences don't work to secure the border, Texas Congressmen Hurd wants to use high tech. Pelosi & Schumer are on board with using High Tech to protect the border. The only person who wants a worthless signature wall is Trump.
Hurd Out with Plans for "High Tech" Border Wall | KTSA

They've found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone, and know there's more they haven't found.

The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

This 2-1/2 minute video explains the issues with walls and fences.

But the White House T.V. reality nightmare show must move on.


There's still enough stupid people out there that will still believe Trump's lies.

...About 700,000 overstays in the last 12 months…. And the wall won’t stop one of them.
Oh, hell, let's put up the goddamned wall and find out...

A wall, where? Around airports? LOL
No. Around your Illegals-loving LibTard mentality.

Wow…you sound defeated.

As I've said before, I think The Wall is a stupid idea, in principle.

Trouble is, you Liberals whine and cry every time that somebody turns the screws on Illegal Aliens; here or incoming.

Those already here need to go, and those contemplating the journey need to be discouraged and deincentivized.

That cannot be done with you Cultural Suicides yammering like dogs over any such measures.

We need look no further than Sanctuary City jurisdictions to witness the profound truth in such an observation.

You've chosen to stand alongside foreigners at the expense of your fellow countrymen and your country.

So be it.

The time has come to undertake both preventive and remedial measures beyond your reach.

The Wall may very well be one such measure.

And, if it hands you a political defeat, and reinforces the idea that you fight for Illegals rather than Americans, that's a bonus point.

Viewed in that context, hell, even though I don't like the sonofabitch and hope he's a one-termer, I'll laugh if he gets his way on this.

Time will tell.
...About 700,000 overstays in the last 12 months…. And the wall won’t stop one of them.
Oh, hell, let's put up the goddamned wall and find out...

A wall, where? Around airports? LOL
No. Around your Illegals-loving LibTard mentality.

Wow…you sound defeated.

As I've said before, I think The Wall is a stupid idea, in principle.

Trouble is, you Liberals whine and cry every time that somebody turns the screws on Illegal Aliens; here or incoming.

Those already here need to go, and those contemplating the journey need to be discouraged and deincentivized.

That cannot be done with you Cultural Suicides yammering like dogs over any such measures.

We need look no further than Sanctuary City jurisdictions to witness the profound truth in such an observation.

You've chosen to stand alongside foreigners at the expense of your fellow countrymen and your country.

So be it.

The time has come to undertake both preventive and remedial measures beyond your reach.

The Wall may very well be one such measure.

And, if it hands you a political defeat, and reinforces the idea that you fight for Illegals rather than Americans, that's a bonus point.

Viewed in that context, hell, even though I don't like the sonofabitch and hope he's a one-termer, I'll laugh if he gets his way on this.

Time will tell.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. I don’t remember much whining and crying about deportations then (or now for that matter). I think you should be deported if you’re here illegally myself.

But if you’re going to build a wall and say Mexico is going to pay for it….two years into the administration we have collected $0.00 from Mexico. I think it’s well past the point where you can say that Trump was lying about that.
...Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. I don’t remember much whining and crying about deportations then (or now for that matter). I think you should be deported if you’re here illegally myself...
That's you, personally... but the Democratic Party has become the Illegal Aliens Welcome-Wagon Party, and that pi$$e$ people off.

...But if you’re going to build a wall and say Mexico is going to pay for it….two years into the administration we have collected $0.00 from Mexico. I think it’s well past the point where you can say that Trump was lying about that.
Oh, I think The Creature is a crude, lewd, lying, crying, boorish, ignorant, incompetent Robber Baron - unfit to hold high office.

And I always thought he was full of $hit by selling the snake-oil that Mexico would pay for the damned thing.

If the Wall gets built, it's a good bet that The Creature will insist on taking it out of Mexico's hide - through economic penalties and pressure.

Far more important is whether the US will glean sufficient benefit from such a barrier so as to make it worthwhile, in reality rather than theory.

And in that regard, the jury will be "out" for some time to come.
Oh, hell, let's put up the goddamned wall and find out...

A wall, where? Around airports? LOL
No. Around your Illegals-loving LibTard mentality.

Wow…you sound defeated.

As I've said before, I think The Wall is a stupid idea, in principle.

Trouble is, you Liberals whine and cry every time that somebody turns the screws on Illegal Aliens; here or incoming.

Those already here need to go, and those contemplating the journey need to be discouraged and deincentivized.

That cannot be done with you Cultural Suicides yammering like dogs over any such measures.

We need look no further than Sanctuary City jurisdictions to witness the profound truth in such an observation.

You've chosen to stand alongside foreigners at the expense of your fellow countrymen and your country.

So be it.

The time has come to undertake both preventive and remedial measures beyond your reach.

The Wall may very well be one such measure.

And, if it hands you a political defeat, and reinforces the idea that you fight for Illegals rather than Americans, that's a bonus point.

Viewed in that context, hell, even though I don't like the sonofabitch and hope he's a one-termer, I'll laugh if he gets his way on this.

Time will tell.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. I don’t remember much whining and crying about deportations then (or now for that matter). I think you should be deported if you’re here illegally myself.

But if you’re going to build a wall and say Mexico is going to pay for it….two years into the administration we have collected $0.00 from Mexico. I think it’s well past the point where you can say that Trump was lying about that.
/——/ Once again, Obozo called migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported. Think you can remember that?
A wall, where? Around airports? LOL
No. Around your Illegals-loving LibTard mentality.

Wow…you sound defeated.

As I've said before, I think The Wall is a stupid idea, in principle.

Trouble is, you Liberals whine and cry every time that somebody turns the screws on Illegal Aliens; here or incoming.

Those already here need to go, and those contemplating the journey need to be discouraged and deincentivized.

That cannot be done with you Cultural Suicides yammering like dogs over any such measures.

We need look no further than Sanctuary City jurisdictions to witness the profound truth in such an observation.

You've chosen to stand alongside foreigners at the expense of your fellow countrymen and your country.

So be it.

The time has come to undertake both preventive and remedial measures beyond your reach.

The Wall may very well be one such measure.

And, if it hands you a political defeat, and reinforces the idea that you fight for Illegals rather than Americans, that's a bonus point.

Viewed in that context, hell, even though I don't like the sonofabitch and hope he's a one-termer, I'll laugh if he gets his way on this.

Time will tell.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. I don’t remember much whining and crying about deportations then (or now for that matter). I think you should be deported if you’re here illegally myself.

But if you’re going to build a wall and say Mexico is going to pay for it….two years into the administration we have collected $0.00 from Mexico. I think it’s well past the point where you can say that Trump was lying about that.
/——/ Once again, Obozo called migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported. Think you can remember that?

Wow…so I guess the lie you guys keep telling about the democrats being for open borders…was just blown out of the water.

Your words, "migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported.”

Record numbers.

No. Around your Illegals-loving LibTard mentality.

Wow…you sound defeated.

As I've said before, I think The Wall is a stupid idea, in principle.

Trouble is, you Liberals whine and cry every time that somebody turns the screws on Illegal Aliens; here or incoming.

Those already here need to go, and those contemplating the journey need to be discouraged and deincentivized.

That cannot be done with you Cultural Suicides yammering like dogs over any such measures.

We need look no further than Sanctuary City jurisdictions to witness the profound truth in such an observation.

You've chosen to stand alongside foreigners at the expense of your fellow countrymen and your country.

So be it.

The time has come to undertake both preventive and remedial measures beyond your reach.

The Wall may very well be one such measure.

And, if it hands you a political defeat, and reinforces the idea that you fight for Illegals rather than Americans, that's a bonus point.

Viewed in that context, hell, even though I don't like the sonofabitch and hope he's a one-termer, I'll laugh if he gets his way on this.

Time will tell.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. I don’t remember much whining and crying about deportations then (or now for that matter). I think you should be deported if you’re here illegally myself.

But if you’re going to build a wall and say Mexico is going to pay for it….two years into the administration we have collected $0.00 from Mexico. I think it’s well past the point where you can say that Trump was lying about that.
/——/ Once again, Obozo called migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported. Think you can remember that?

Wow…so I guess the lie you guys keep telling about the democrats being for open borders…was just blown out of the water.

Your words, "migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported.”

Record numbers.

/——/ If they never set foot in the US how were they deported? It’s another Obozo lie.
Lol....folks are sick and tired on liberal logic like the OP uses in the title of his thread. The level of ghey is profound....even non -political people recognize it.

Here comes the wall s0ns! National emergency declaration time and the president opens the government! WINNING!! 2019 will forever be remembered as the year of THE WALL!:113::springbed::springbed:
Wow…you sound defeated.

As I've said before, I think The Wall is a stupid idea, in principle.

Trouble is, you Liberals whine and cry every time that somebody turns the screws on Illegal Aliens; here or incoming.

Those already here need to go, and those contemplating the journey need to be discouraged and deincentivized.

That cannot be done with you Cultural Suicides yammering like dogs over any such measures.

We need look no further than Sanctuary City jurisdictions to witness the profound truth in such an observation.

You've chosen to stand alongside foreigners at the expense of your fellow countrymen and your country.

So be it.

The time has come to undertake both preventive and remedial measures beyond your reach.

The Wall may very well be one such measure.

And, if it hands you a political defeat, and reinforces the idea that you fight for Illegals rather than Americans, that's a bonus point.

Viewed in that context, hell, even though I don't like the sonofabitch and hope he's a one-termer, I'll laugh if he gets his way on this.

Time will tell.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. I don’t remember much whining and crying about deportations then (or now for that matter). I think you should be deported if you’re here illegally myself.

But if you’re going to build a wall and say Mexico is going to pay for it….two years into the administration we have collected $0.00 from Mexico. I think it’s well past the point where you can say that Trump was lying about that.
/——/ Once again, Obozo called migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported. Think you can remember that?

Wow…so I guess the lie you guys keep telling about the democrats being for open borders…was just blown out of the water.

Your words, "migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported.”

Record numbers.

/——/ If they never set foot in the US how were they deported? It’s another Obozo lie.

So that means that the democrats are not in favor of open borders if the record numbers are turn aways.

Let me guess…you’re going to fall back to another lie and say that the numbers are made up too, right?

It literally never ends with you conspiracy theorists.
No they cannot. All they can rely on is that Trump and Fox News says there is. Of course, how you define a crisis really just depends. Do you think it is a national crisis that ANY illegal immigrants crossing over is a crisis? It’s certainly a priority to limit this, but if you think it is a national crisis simply because it happens to some degree, then you are a snowflake of epic proportions. Illegal immigration has always been a thing. The rate at which it is currently happening does not make it a crisis because migration from Mexico has been declining since the 2008 recession. In fact, Mexicans are leaving the US at about the same rate lol.

So here is the challenge for republicans to prove there is a border crisis. What facts, statistics, and trends do you have that suggest there is a “border crisis”? Again, just because illegal immigration hasn’t stopped yet, it doesn’t make it a crisis. Illegal immigration has always been a thing regardless of who is president.

Mexican Immigrants in the United States
By all means, yes. 98% of Progtards are lying pieces of shit. Howzat fo stats?
No they cannot. All they can rely on is that Trump and Fox News says there is. Of course, how you define a crisis really just depends. Do you think it is a national crisis that ANY illegal immigrants crossing over is a crisis? It’s certainly a priority to limit this, but if you think it is a national crisis simply because it happens to some degree, then you are a snowflake of epic proportions. Illegal immigration has always been a thing. The rate at which it is currently happening does not make it a crisis because migration from Mexico has been declining since the 2008 recession. In fact, Mexicans are leaving the US at about the same rate lol.

So here is the challenge for republicans to prove there is a border crisis. What facts, statistics, and trends do you have that suggest there is a “border crisis”? Again, just because illegal immigration hasn’t stopped yet, it doesn’t make it a crisis. Illegal immigration has always been a thing regardless of who is president.

Mexican Immigrants in the United States
By all means, yes. 98% of Progtards are lying pieces of shit. Howzat fo stats?

Yep....and you know, if this lurch to radical left public policy continues, well we'll soon be forced to play Cowboys and Liberals.....a lot more than illegal immigrants will be deported or voluntarily leaving the country. Liberals will remember it didnt have to be this way.......
...Well most people who are here illegally arrive here legally so your wall will do zilch to affect them....
It's not my wall. Personally, I think The Wall is a stupid waste of taxpayer money. But others, in power, do not believe that is the case.

...Those are the facts and they are not in dispute but whatever...
If The Wall stops 2,000,000 or 4,000,000 or 6,000,000 of those 12,000,000, and discourages future waves, that may be enough.

...We deport those who are here illegally (which I support of course). Then what? Can they re-apply?
What does US Immigration Law say? I don't know. And, frankly, it's immaterial to the need for deportation.

Self-deportation is best... on their dime... make 'em WANT to go home... make it too tough to "make it" here any longer.

De-incentivize the little bastards... for now, and in future.

This is the first time in months I have seen and intelligent post on this subject...a pragmatic... realistic one.

I'm going to introduce a term here that though it is immigration related won't sound like it.
Financial Osmosis. That is in a nutshell what drives immigration. On one side of the imaginary membrane which will be imaginary whether there is a wall or not....there is wealth. On the other side there is poverty.
This creates a differential. Differential's create pressure in all scenarios. On the Wealth side the pressure is to osmotically flow to the poverty. On the poverty side the pressure is to osmotically flow to the wealth.

There is no way to stop this process really...the pressure remains steady and constant long beyond the lifespans of those who are determined to stop it. Eventually Mexico will either fail as a nation state or they will lift themselves up to our the mean time the pressure will be relentless. This applies to the nations geographically below them also.

There is one other alternative but it's just not in us as a nation ..... fuck them up militarily...remove the current Mexican Government and make them a vassal state wherein we control the finances. Problem is there is just as much corruption in DC as there is in Mexico city.


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