Can the right prove their is a border crisis using facts and statistics?

Illegals killed yet another American citizen, fact!
Also fact: a legal citizen killed another legal citizen, and again, and again, and again....

Hmm that’s weird. White people are committing murder AND they are legal?! Omg. I didn’t see that coming.

Your stupid deflection is dumb, dummy. Would it be okay for terrorists to come over here and kill people too? /mocking sarcasm Your new screen name is TraitorBilly.
Lol don’t you think it’s funny you said “illegals killed yet another American citizen”? You’re of course referencing the most recent case I suppose. You’re referencing a story about one guy. Meaning, the frequency at which illegal immigrants commit murder is far lower than the rate at which US citizens commit murder. Go ahead and compare the murder rate between legal, white citizens to that of the murder rate of illegal immigrants.

Not one damn American should have been killed by illegals you dickhead.

Not one damn American should have been killed by another American you dickhead.

Your deflection is retarded, get a brain moron.
Illegals killed yet another American citizen, fact!
I feel more safe around illegals than US born thugs and there are millions of them....Illegals are mainly working 2 jobs to support their families and extended families back home....The thugs that were born here, milk the system and will rob you and shoot you in the face...I don't buy this bullshit that the orange is trying to sell....And he doesn't give a fuck about who kills who, he is doing this all for himself, so he can brag non stop.
If the orange clown really was worried about american lives, he would've first stopped the government shutdown, because america safety is on the line, since federal workers are not getting paid....he should also look into why Americans shoot each others by the thousands and the tens of thousands die each year from guns.
I've lived in Los angeles 20 years now, i'm yet to see an illegal begging or stealing....most crimes i've witnessed were committed by US citizens. Is number one rule of all illegal immigrants don't get in trouble with the law.
so you feel safe around MS-13??

and the shut down only prove there are to many people dependent on them and how useless they and their bloodsuckers are

I say leave it shut down and those that are effected need to provide for themselves
Ms 13 where? Haven't seen any and most are us born and legal. Dude most illegals are hard working and have no access to welfare like millions of obese us born ***** and some I'm sure are on this board bashing illegals. 14 000 or more die from violent crime each year how many by illegals?

MS13 was actually set up in the US and spread to Central America....

MS-13 - Wikipedia

Also they account for less than 1% of the gang murders in the US.

Saying that trying to link Gang Violence to undocumented workers is like linking white people to NAZIs... The facts are undocumented immigrants are more law abiding than the general America. This is an amazing figure considering that they have been pseudo criminalised (|live in a legal limbo), are generally poor and exposed to crime all the time.

"While any death is tragic, a February 2018 study by the Cato Institute using 2015 crime statistics from Texas found immigrants in the country illegally were 25 percent less likely to be convicted of homicide than native-born Americans. (Legal immigrants were 87 percent less likely.)

According to the study, immigrants in the country illegally were also 11.5 percent less likely than native-born Americans to be convicted of sexual assault and 79 percent less likely to be convicted of larceny.

The study found higher conviction rates among illegal immigrants for gambling, kidnapping, smuggling and vagrancy, but those offenses were rare and made up a tiny fraction of overall crime in Texas in 2015."

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime
sorry I didnt know you were one of those inbreeders that refuse to acknowledge the facts and divert to make believe
...Can you understand why they came here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Can you understand why they stayed here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Can you understand why they worked here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Can you understand why they drive here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Would you have done the same thing?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...If they haven't caused any damage...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.


A minimum of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens are now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Republicans have allowed them to come-in and stay in order to exploit cheap labor; damned-near slave labor, in some cases.

Democrats have allowed them to come-in and stay in order to cultivate future generations of grateful Democratic voters.

The time for draconian measures to counter this cultural suicidal insanity is now upon us.


350 million approx are in America without consent of the native indains
High-tech border wall plan on display at CES

"We offer a solution that is more capable than a physical wall," said Louay Eldada, chief executive and co-founder of the Silicon Valley startup. "It can see day and night in any weather and can automatically track intruders, and give the GPS coordinates in real time to patrol officers."

Eldada said such a system would cost "about two to three percent" of the price of a physical barrier for the entire US-Mexico border. And without a wall in place, "you don't have to have patrol officers driving back and forth, so you need fewer people" to monitor the border.
Such a system won't keep illegals out of America the wall will. Catch and Release doesn't work.
...Can you understand why they came here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Can you understand why they stayed here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Can you understand why they worked here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Can you understand why they drive here?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...Would you have done the same thing?...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

...If they haven't caused any damage...
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.


A minimum of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens are now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Republicans have allowed them to come-in and stay in order to exploit cheap labor; damned-near slave labor, in some cases.

Democrats have allowed them to come-in and stay in order to cultivate future generations of grateful Democratic voters.

The time for draconian measures to counter this cultural suicidal insanity is now upon us.


Endorsing "draconian" measures is a sign of early onset idiocy. I hope we caught it in time. Nah; not really...we didn't as your post indicates.
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

And the punishment for that is deportation; right?

No the punishment can be 6 months in jail, a fine and then deportation for the first offense.

Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.


A minimum of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens are now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Republicans have allowed them to come-in and stay in order to exploit cheap labor; damned-near slave labor, in some cases.

Democrats have allowed them to come-in and stay in order to cultivate future generations of grateful Democratic voters.

The time for draconian measures to counter this cultural suicidal insanity is now upon us.


Endorsing "draconian" measures is a sign of early onset idiocy. I hope we caught it in time. Nah; not really...we didn't as your post indicates.
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

And the punishment for that is deportation; right?
Deportation is a REactive measure.

And that is righteous, for those already here.

However, we are also becoming far more PROactive; dealing in preventive measures.

And it's the PROactive measures that have got your (collective) panties in a bunch.

Great fun to watch unfold, as your (collective) teenage angst grows by leaps and bounds; ya'll sound funny when you howl and scream and whine.

Well most people who are here illegally arrive here legally so your wall will do zilch to affect them. Those are the facts and they are not in dispute but whatever.

We deport those who are here illegally (which I support of course). Then what? Can they re-apply?

When did you folks come up with that lie, only about 40% are visa overstays. Yet I see so many people repeating that propaganda.

He asked if we can, then answers his own question saying we can't. That's where I stopped reading. Seek help OP. Of course we can, but why waste the effort when it's above your tiny head?
Rightwing nuts know nothing about facts or statistics but fiction and lies only.
Last edited:
Illegals killed yet another American citizen, fact!
Also fact: a legal citizen killed another legal citizen, and again, and again, and again....

Hmm that’s weird. White people are committing murder AND they are legal?! Omg. I didn’t see that coming.

Your stupid deflection is dumb, dummy. Would it be okay for terrorists to come over here and kill people too? /mocking sarcasm Your new screen name is TraitorBilly.
Lol don’t you think it’s funny you said “illegals killed yet another American citizen”? You’re of course referencing the most recent case I suppose. You’re referencing a story about one guy. Meaning, the frequency at which illegal immigrants commit murder is far lower than the rate at which US citizens commit murder. Go ahead and compare the murder rate between legal, white citizens to that of the murder rate of illegal immigrants.

Not one damn American should have been killed by illegals you dickhead.
But that murder is more heinous than any kind of murder? An illegal did it so it’s especially evil!

Why are you working to defend illegal immigration ?
Endorsing "draconian" measures is a sign of early onset idiocy. I hope we caught it in time. Nah; not really...we didn't as your post indicates.
Doesn't matter. They are here in violation of United States law.

And the punishment for that is deportation; right?
Deportation is a REactive measure.

And that is righteous, for those already here.

However, we are also becoming far more PROactive; dealing in preventive measures.

And it's the PROactive measures that have got your (collective) panties in a bunch.

Great fun to watch unfold, as your (collective) teenage angst grows by leaps and bounds; ya'll sound funny when you howl and scream and whine.

Well most people who are here illegally arrive here legally so your wall will do zilch to affect them. Those are the facts and they are not in dispute but whatever.

We deport those who are here illegally (which I support of course). Then what? Can they re-apply?

When did you folks come up with that lie, only about 40% are visa overstays. Yet I see so many people repeating that propaganda.


About 700,000 overstays in the last 12 months…. And the wall won’t stop one of them.
Illegals killed yet another American citizen, fact!
I feel more safe around illegals than US born thugs and there are millions of them....Illegals are mainly working 2 jobs to support their families and extended families back home....The thugs that were born here, milk the system and will rob you and shoot you in the face...I don't buy this bullshit that the orange is trying to sell....And he doesn't give a fuck about who kills who, he is doing this all for himself, so he can brag non stop.
If the orange clown really was worried about american lives, he would've first stopped the government shutdown, because america safety is on the line, since federal workers are not getting paid....he should also look into why Americans shoot each others by the thousands and the tens of thousands die each year from guns.
I've lived in Los angeles 20 years now, i'm yet to see an illegal begging or stealing....most crimes i've witnessed were committed by US citizens. Is number one rule of all illegal immigrants don't get in trouble with the law.
so you feel safe around MS-13??

and the shut down only prove there are to many people dependent on them and how useless they and their bloodsuckers are

I say leave it shut down and those that are effected need to provide for themselves
Ms 13 where? Haven't seen any and most are us born and legal. Dude most illegals are hard working and have no access to welfare like millions of obese us born ***** and some I'm sure are on this board bashing illegals. 14 000 or more die from violent crime each year how many by illegals?
1 is too many.
Me as an immigrant I worry about us born more than illegals.
Lol don’t you think it’s funny you said “illegals killed yet another American citizen”? You’re of course referencing the most recent case I suppose. You’re referencing a story about one guy. Meaning, the frequency at which illegal immigrants commit murder is far lower than the rate at which US citizens commit murder. Go ahead and compare the murder rate between legal, white, murdering citizens to that of the murder rate by illegal immigrants.

Well moron, since you can't accurately tell me how many illegals there are in the US, you are incapable of spouting a rate. Further you can't properly ID how many murders are committed by illegals. Securing the border means a safer US for citizens and legal immigrants and a better economic future too.

Lol the border is already secure and net migration from Mexico is at zero.

Well moron, the rest of us can see illegals are still crossing. I see you were completely unable to refute a single point I made.
Lol don’t you think it’s funny you said “illegals killed yet another American citizen”? You’re of course referencing the most recent case I suppose. You’re referencing a story about one guy. Meaning, the frequency at which illegal immigrants commit murder is far lower than the rate at which US citizens commit murder. Go ahead and compare the murder rate between legal, white, murdering citizens to that of the murder rate by illegal immigrants.

Well moron, since you can't accurately tell me how many illegals there are in the US, you are incapable of spouting a rate. Further you can't properly ID how many murders are committed by illegals. Securing the border means a safer US for citizens and legal immigrants and a better economic future too.

Lol the border is already secure and net migration from Mexico is at zero.

Well moron, the rest of us can see illegals are still crossing. I see you were completely unable to refute a single point I made.
As they will continue to do even if trump is able to build his wall.
Well moron, the rest of us can see illegals are still crossing. I see you were completely unable to refute a single point I made.

As they will continue to do even if trump is able to build his wall.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for admitting Billy was wrong...again....and again.
Lol don’t you think it’s funny you said “illegals killed yet another American citizen”? You’re of course referencing the most recent case I suppose. You’re referencing a story about one guy. Meaning, the frequency at which illegal immigrants commit murder is far lower than the rate at which US citizens commit murder. Go ahead and compare the murder rate between legal, white, murdering citizens to that of the murder rate by illegal immigrants.

Well moron, since you can't accurately tell me how many illegals there are in the US, you are incapable of spouting a rate. Further you can't properly ID how many murders are committed by illegals. Securing the border means a safer US for citizens and legal immigrants and a better economic future too.

Lol the border is already secure and net migration from Mexico is at zero.

Well moron, the rest of us can see illegals are still crossing. I see you were completely unable to refute a single point I made.
Okay so there are millions of illegals here. And? It’s not that I think we should just allow more to come in or not deport them when we find them, it just isn’t a pressing concern. The cost of deporting them all would be astronomical. Plus, these illegals are no more dangerous on average than American citizens. Statistically, they don’t commit crimes simply because committing any crime exposes their status.

You also speak of economics. Just how exactly would deporting them all make our economy stronger? These are millions of people who spend money on businesses. Their income, legitimate or not, is spent on private businesses. If they were all deported, the economy would shrink because of the drop in consumer spending.

Here are the issues that actually matter: poverty wages for citizens working full time, infrastructure, affordable healthcare, and climate change mitigation. Those issues are what take priority.

But sure, let’s not relax border security or look the other way when an illegal immigrant is found in this country. We just don’t need to be drama queens about the issue and pretend it is some kind of crisis.
My many stinking threads are there on the Wall.................too many to count.

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