Can win Obama win a debate Against Newt ??

Sooo, you ask a question - and then answer it...

Obama is brilliant; he's the incumbent - and he has inside knowledge that Newt isn't privy to...

So, yes, I would expect Obama to win a debate against Newt.
I would have qualified the answer a bit. Obama could not win a debate with a third grader without using a teleprompter and I think those are not allowed in a debate. Of course, by the time Obama debates Newt, the libs will have come up with some rules that allow ear buds and teleprompters so the boy can listen to his advisers as they recall the most recent version of what he should say.

He managed to destroy the Presidential aspirations of both Hillary Clinton and John McCain during the last round of debates. He will do the same to Gingrich if he ever gets that far.

Not bad for a telepromter reader

Hillary always had huge negatives and McCain was done in because conservatives sat on their hands. Attributing that to Obama's debating skill is ridiculous.
Gingrich will lose a debate with Obama if he states the Supreme Court is not in the Constitution or that public sector employees should be fired and replaced by minor children.

That type if ignorance and idiocy is all that’s heard from Gingrich; his ‘brilliance’ and ‘intelligence’ clearly a myth.

Newt isn't brilliant. He's an idiot with an articulate speaking style that just sounds brilliant.
and he needs a teleprompter to pull that bullshit off !!! OH MY BAD ....I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT THE PRESIDENT !!:badgrin::badgrin:

40% of voters are going to vote GOP no matter what, 40% are going to vote Democrat.

The 20% left in the center are the ones who decide who wins. Gingrich has no chance of winning a majority of those people.
Newt isn't brilliant. He's an idiot with an articulate speaking style that just sounds brilliant.
and he needs a teleprompter to pull that bullshit off !!! OH MY BAD ....I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT THE PRESIDENT !!:badgrin::badgrin:

40% of voters are going to vote GOP no matter what, 40% are going to vote Democrat.

The 20% left in the center are the ones who decide who wins. Gingrich has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

Against Obama? Sure he does.
The reaction to Newt after a debate with Obama will be the same as Newt always gets..

"Damn.....what an Asshole!"
The reaction to Newt after a debate with Obama will be the same as Newt always gets..

"Damn.....what an Asshole!"

And nobody will remember a word that Obama said because he said...nothing... It's what is in his suit, and his head.
No, increasingly unpopular.

No, increasingly popular:

Poll: Voters Like Much of Health Care Law -- But Not the Individual Mandate - Washington Wire - WSJ

1. The law is still unpopular but not as disliked as it was in October. In the latest tracking poll, 44% of voters held an unfavorable opinion of it compared with 51% who said in October that they viewed it unfavorably.

3. Even though there are more voters who don’t like the law than voters who do, some 50% want to keep it, and only 38% definitely know they want to repeal it.

4. Almost every individual element in the package is popular with a majority of the public, especially the requirements that insurers provide easy-to-understand plan summaries (84% like that) and provide coverage to people regardless of their medical histories (67% like that). Even increasing the payroll tax on higher-income earners to help fund Medicare is acceptable to more than half of the respondents.

Idk, maybe the WSJ is a liberal paper now...

Thanks for pointing this out.

It just goes to show how conservatives will hold up all progress for the sake of politics while democrats will compromise so that the government actually functions.

What was the CBO estimate for Medicare? What was reality?

Graph please.

Even though there are more voters who don’t like the law than voters who do

Thanks. That's perfect.

Wasnt the question whether or not it was increasing in popularity?

I think so, and it is.
Does this mean you can't show any of his articles? I am shocked.

Thats your only argument?

Obama is an idiot because i dont have a copy of the harvard law review right next to me?

Wow. Debating with you is fun.

Take your time.
When you find his scholarly articles from his time at Harvard, be sure to let me know.

So because i dont have access to the articles, they dont exist?

This is what your saying?
Newt isn't brilliant. He's an idiot with an articulate speaking style that just sounds brilliant.
and he needs a teleprompter to pull that bullshit off !!! OH MY BAD ....I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT THE PRESIDENT !!:badgrin::badgrin:

40% of voters are going to vote GOP no matter what, 40% are going to vote Democrat.

The 20% left in the center are the ones who decide who wins. Gingrich has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

When 70% plus of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, Obama has no chance of winning a majority of those people.
and he needs a teleprompter to pull that bullshit off !!! OH MY BAD ....I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT THE PRESIDENT !!:badgrin::badgrin:

40% of voters are going to vote GOP no matter what, 40% are going to vote Democrat.

The 20% left in the center are the ones who decide who wins. Gingrich has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

When 70% plus of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, Obama has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.
Thats your only argument?

Obama is an idiot because i dont have a copy of the harvard law review right next to me?

Wow. Debating with you is fun.

Take your time.
When you find his scholarly articles from his time at Harvard, be sure to let me know.

So because i dont have access to the articles, they dont exist?

This is what your saying?

I'm saying, when you find his scholarly articles from his time at Harvard, be sure to let me know. It should be easy, right?
Because they illustrate his brilliance. :lol:
40% of voters are going to vote GOP no matter what, 40% are going to vote Democrat.

The 20% left in the center are the ones who decide who wins. Gingrich has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

When 70% plus of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, Obama has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.
When 70% plus of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, Obama has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Blah, blah, blah. We've already confirmed your lack of political knowledge. Keep moving, Asshat.
This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Blah, blah, blah. We've already confirmed your lack of political knowledge. Keep moving, Asshat.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

HELL NO !!!the idiot that libtards voted into office will get trounced !!

He wont debate newt in a forum that is nonpartisan, he most certainly would only debate newt in a forum that has moderators that are liberals and would throw him soft ball questions without ever calling him out on his record. That's why no matter who gets the nomination and no matter what forum it is in GOP candidate needs to go off script if need be to call out Obama on things he has done in the last 3-1/2 years. Dont let the moderators control it all if they are partisan hacks under Obamas nut sack.
When 70% plus of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, Obama has no chance of winning a majority of those people.

This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Sorry, but the idea that this country is on the wrong track is an illusion perpetrated by the Republican crazies. They've been bitching about Obama since the day after the 2008 election and have done everything in their power -- from outright lying to running interference in Congress -- to keep him from doing anything, and then blaming him for hit all going wrong. It's the damn Republicans who are the freaking idiots who need to be tossed out of office. Newt doesn't stand a chance. He's got more baggage than Marley's Ghost. Thank God. Now if we could only get rid of a good chunk of those idiots Republicans in the House and Senate we'd be so much better off.
This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Sorry, but the idea that this country is on the wrong track is an illusion perpetrated by the Republican crazies. They've been bitching about Obama since the day after the 2008 election and have done everything in their power -- from outright lying to running interference in Congress -- to keep him from doing anything, and then blaming him for hit all going wrong. It's the damn Republicans who are the freaking idiots who need to be tossed out of office. Newt doesn't stand a chance. He's got more baggage than Marley's Ghost. Thank God. Now if we could only get rid of a good chunk of those idiots Republicans in the House and Senate we'd be so much better off.

Sorry, but the idea that this country is on the wrong track is an illusion perpetrated by the Republican crazies

:lmao: That borders on lunacy and surrounds stupidity.

HELL NO !!!the idiot that libtards voted into office will get trounced !!

He wont debate newt in a forum that is nonpartisan, he most certainly would only debate newt in a forum that has moderators that are liberals and would throw him soft ball questions without ever calling him out on his record. That's why no matter who gets the nomination and no matter what forum it is in GOP candidate needs to go off script if need be to call out Obama on things he has done in the last 3-1/2 years. Dont let the moderators control it all if they are partisan hacks under Obamas nut sack.

You tell em...

They should let Trump moderate
This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Sorry, but the idea that this country is on the wrong track is an illusion perpetrated by the Republican crazies. They've been bitching about Obama since the day after the 2008 election and have done everything in their power -- from outright lying to running interference in Congress -- to keep him from doing anything, and then blaming him for hit all going wrong. It's the damn Republicans who are the freaking idiots who need to be tossed out of office. Newt doesn't stand a chance. He's got more baggage than Marley's Ghost. Thank God. Now if we could only get rid of a good chunk of those idiots Republicans in the House and Senate we'd be so much better off.

Obviously 70% are fooled by those crazies. Only 54% were fooled by Obama last election.
Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Sorry, but the idea that this country is on the wrong track is an illusion perpetrated by the Republican crazies. They've been bitching about Obama since the day after the 2008 election and have done everything in their power -- from outright lying to running interference in Congress -- to keep him from doing anything, and then blaming him for hit all going wrong. It's the damn Republicans who are the freaking idiots who need to be tossed out of office. Newt doesn't stand a chance. He's got more baggage than Marley's Ghost. Thank God. Now if we could only get rid of a good chunk of those idiots Republicans in the House and Senate we'd be so much better off.

Obviously 70% are fooled by those crazies. Only 54% were fooled by Obama last election.

The only problem is that none of that 70% is advocating we follow the direction Republicans are proposing
Obama will kick his ass and Newt will get red in the face and his temper will be on display. He is no match for the prez. None of that motley group of candidates is.
Give specifics why each candidate will not be able to out debate Obama.

I am so glad you asked!!! I saved so many articles from back then for just this reason.

Obama treated McCain with kid gloves for the first third of the debate, barely making a scratch in McCain's suit of armor...his talking points. Fortunately for Obama, McCain did enough spinning and dancing that by the time Obama did begin to start getting tough, McCain was so worked up and confused about the whole issue that he looked like his head was going to pop off. One would have thought McCain was going to jump out from behind the podium and scream at Obama "Get off my lawn, ya punk!" :lol::lol::lol:

McCain continued his angry demeanor, but on his strongest issue, Foreign Policy, he held his own. The surprise, though, was how Obama continued to maintain a Presidential demeanor in the face of repeated hyper-distortion from his opponent. Whereas far-left activists and radio hosts were encouraging (and the right was secretly praying for) Obama to go on the attack, he remained even keel. Even as McCain refused to look at Obama, treated him with no respect at all, and actually insulted Obama in one instance; Obama maintained his composure--even laughing through the insults and "code words" that McCain was using throughout the telecast.
The resulting polling and online commentary has revealed what many reporters and pundits echoed immediately after the debate. Barack Obama had remained essentially "Presidential," and McCain came off as an "angry" old diva. Popular polling aggregation blog analyzed the data overnight, and it is clear that Obama played the right cards by not coming off as an angry black man and out-presidentialed the guy who claimed that he was better suited to deal with a dangerous world than Obama was.

"Specifically, by a 62-32 margin, voters thought that Obama was "more in touch with the needs and problems of people like you". This is a gap that has no doubt grown because of the financial crisis of recent days. But it also grew because Obama was actually speaking to middle class voters. Per the transcript, McCain never once mentioned the phrase "middle class" (Obama did so three times). And Obama's eye contact was directly with the camera, i.e. the voters at home. McCain seemed to be speaking literally to the people in the room in Mississippi, but figuratively to the punditry. It is no surprise that a small majority of pundits seemed to have thought that McCain won, even when the polls indicated otherwise; the pundits were his target audience."

Clearly, Obama continued to follow his strategy of rising above McCain's vitriolic condescension, and McCain continued to grandstand and attack every step of the way.

Scott Foval: Obama Maintained His Cool As McCain Lost It

I think Gingrich will be exactly like McCain was with Obama. Hot headed and ineffective. So would the others. I think they would all be intimidated by Obama's intelligence and cool as a cucumber demeanor.
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