Candace Owens: Leader of the Conservative Plantation

Are You A Fan of the Scammer Candace Owens?

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    Votes: 7 50.0%
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  • I'm a Liberal/Democrat/Progressives and I'm not a fan

    Votes: 1 7.1%
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    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • I'm an independent and I'm not a fan

    Votes: 1 7.1%

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Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

People In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones'

Tamika Mallory

Hillary Clinton

'Nuff Said.
Your title says it all. All you forgot was to call her Aunt Jemima, though I bet you did to others. Exactly why she left the Dem party and many others are as well.
My question to you: why is it when someone of your same skin color has a different belief than yourself, you feel so threatened? Are you so insecure that another’s beliefs effects you so much you have to try to bully them into thinking as you do?
My question to you is, how many of the video/s did you watch?
Don't need to watch your videos of someone interpreting her life when I have watched tons of her own videos talking about herself and what life lessons led her to where she is now. Detractors always try to spin and the fact that she apparently has you concerned is enough to know she is on the right track.
But of course you don't.


#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #ProudIgnorance
Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

Typical response to a Black Conservative from a liberal. Minorities are not supposed to have any other thoughts in their head except for those approved by Democratic Party dogma.
Educate yourself my ignorant friend.
Redirect Notice

Another who apparently can't read....but knows it "all" :rolleyes:

I'm again (one syllable at a time maybe)
Or, if you weren't so lazy, you could Google "uncle Tom" and get the same result for yourself ;)

Un·cle Tom
/ˌəNGkəl ˈtäm/
offensive•North American
noun: Uncle Tom; plural noun: Uncle Toms
  1. a black man considered to be excessively obedient or servile to white people.
    • a person regarded as betraying their cultural or social allegiance.
      "he called moderates Uncle Toms"

The context I used referring to MarcATL was and still is SPOT ON. The problem is your mind is too simple to understand.
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Yet another Racist Race Baiting Thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter who supports the Globalist Status Quo of keeping black and brown people poor and uneducated in order to have cheap, submissive labor.
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Don't need to watch your videos of someone interpreting her life when I have watched tons of her own videos talking about herself and what life lessons led her to where she is now. Detractors always try to spin and the fact that she apparently has you concerned is enough to know she is on the right track.
But of course you don't.


#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #ProudIgnorance
Are you upset that I wouldn't watch your propaganda?
Yet another Racist Race Baiting Thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter who supports the Globalist Status Quo of keeping black and brown people poor and uneducated in order to have cheap, submissive labor.

Couldn't have said it any better.

Nailed it :113:

But he has no clue. He unwittingly serves the powerful, evil few white men like Soros, the Elites and the Globalist behind the Democrat fascism perfectly. Great soldier for his own slavery lol
Yet another Racist Race Baiting Thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter who supports the Globalist Status Quo of keeping black and brown people poor and uneducated in order to have cheap, submissive labor.

Couldn't have said it any better.

Nailed it :113:

But he has no clue. He serves the powerful, evil white men like Soros, the Elites and the Globalist behind the Democrat fascism perfectly. Great soldier for his own slavery lol

He serves the Neo-Feudalist agenda that is supported by the Surveillance Media complex. It's not an issue of face (evil white men). The Neo-Feudalists include most races.
He serves the Neo-Feudalist agenda that is supported by the Surveillance Media complex. It's not an issue of face (evil white men). The Neo-Feudalists include most races.

Ok, thanks. I was of the impression it was mostly whites who are the billionaires behind the NWO movement.. Just as it was whites behind Nazi Germany.

A quick Google search didn't really have much on that in terms of it's relationship to Globalism.
Do you have any links if someone wanted to learn more about that?
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He serves the Neo-Feudalist agenda that is supported by the Surveillance Media complex. It's not an issue of face (evil white men). The Neo-Feudalists include most races.

Ok, thanks. I was of the impression it was mostly whites who are the billionaires behind the NWO movement.. Just as it was whites behind Nazi Germany.

A quick Google search didn't really have much on that in terms of it's relationship to Globalism.
Do you have any links if someone wanted to learn more about that?

Take a look at the representatives of the UN. The elites from countries all around the world are part of the Neo-Feudalist Agenda. It is not just a few old white guys.

Read about what the UN is actually sponsoring (i.e. their no borders-open immigration agenda).

Feudalism and Slavery overseen by (mostly hereditary) elites are the two most common ways of organizing human society over millennia. Western Civ's experiments with representative government, with the U.S. as the largest and most successful, are a threat to the Feudal Lords/Slaveholders. They've been attacking us for years.
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