Candace Owens: Leader of the Conservative Plantation

Are You A Fan of the Scammer Candace Owens?

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    Votes: 5 35.7%
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    Votes: 1 7.1%

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Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

I purchase very few if any products of consequence from Africa. I purchase many products to survive by from Asia. No matter how long you keep up your rants, it will still be the same. You look at Snoop Dog as a role model. Dr. Ben Carson is a caricature. One day you will get it. We all have our pride. False pride is a mutha ph uka. We are all affected by other people. Those other people can be our own ethnic or culture group and it can be negative. Join the unique American culture and stop with the half way antics. We are all Americans. Start chastizing those who are no good from your own. For Progressive Socialism will only make the United States look lie Africa and with mass poverty. I have no issue working for a boss of any background. If this keeps up one side or the other or both will elect a dictator. One who will clean up the general population.
Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

I don’t get it...aren’t all intelligent, productive, stand-up Blacks Republicans?
Your title says it all. All you forgot was to call her Aunt Jemima, though I bet you did to others. Exactly why she left the Dem party and many others are as well.
My question to you: why is it when someone of your same skin color has a different belief than yourself, you feel so threatened? Are you so insecure that another’s beliefs effects you so much you have to try to bully them into thinking as you do?
Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

How many of you far rightwing bastards watch any of the videos? Or did you just read the title and reacted to that?

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How many of you far rightwing bastards watch any of the videos? Or did you just read the title and reacted to that?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I watched the entire Blexit rally.
Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

So lemme get straight Marc -- you got a black woman who's concerned for "Conservatives" because Candace Owens has several tweets that diss DJT.. REALLY?

I suppose this is because there's no "enforcement of solidarity opinion" in the Repub ranks as opposed to the Demo ranks.. And independent thought and speech is abhorrent to your M.O.

Shouldn't you be spending time fretting over the fractures in your own tribe? With the busload of Commie and Indian Faker Clowns that are declaring for 2020, I think the time would be better spent.

Just sayin'... I KNOW tossing dissidents under the wheels of the bus is important to you guys. That's why the wheels of your bus needs a tow truck and and a wheel alignment. But like the SAVAGE ATTACKS on Tulsi Gabbard last week -- you're not winning hearts and minds from much of anybody....
So lemme get straight Marc -- you got a black woman who's concerned for "Conservatives" because Candace Owens has several tweets that diss DJT.. REALLY?

I suppose this is because there's no "enforcement of solidarity opinion" in the Repub ranks as opposed to the Demo ranks.. And independent thought and speech is abhorrent to your M.O.

Shouldn't you be spending time fretting over the fractures in your own tribe? With the busload of Commie and Indian Faker Clowns that are declaring for 2020, I think the time would be better spent.

Just sayin'... I KNOW tossing dissidents under the wheels of the bus is important to you guys. That's why the wheels of your bus needs a tow truck and and a wheel alignment. But like the SAVAGE ATTACKS on Tulsi Gabbard last week -- you're not winning hearts and minds from much of anybody....
So what did you think of the videos Flaca? I'm curious to know.
Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

LMAO!!!!!! So, what name do leftard blacks use for black women that have fled the leftard clown posse plantation? We know that "Uncle Tom" is used for black men that have shunned the commie leftists.............
So lemme get straight Marc -- you got a black woman who's concerned for "Conservatives" because Candace Owens has several tweets that diss DJT.. REALLY?

I suppose this is because there's no "enforcement of solidarity opinion" in the Repub ranks as opposed to the Demo ranks.. And independent thought and speech is abhorrent to your M.O.

Shouldn't you be spending time fretting over the fractures in your own tribe? With the busload of Commie and Indian Faker Clowns that are declaring for 2020, I think the time would be better spent.

Just sayin'... I KNOW tossing dissidents under the wheels of the bus is important to you guys. That's why the wheels of your bus needs a tow truck and and a wheel alignment. But like the SAVAGE ATTACKS on Tulsi Gabbard last week -- you're not winning hearts and minds from much of anybody....
So what did you think of the videos Flaca? I'm curious to know.

The premise is nothing I would EVER care about.. Because Owens disses Trump i'm supposed to be upset? Upset that she MIGHT NOT BE a pure Conservative? Blah.. That plantation talk is just sour grapes. I've heard long form speeches from Owens. There's nothing hiding in her agenda. Except maybe to YOU -- because she's NOT a loyal Black Dem voter..

Didn't stop Antifa from chasing her around and ruining her lunch dates.. My question is -- why do YOU care?
It does seem your tribe has bigger problems than worrying about Conservative pedigrees..
also Marc -- your "Tree" bad girl sounds like a teenage gossip from "Mean Girls" the movie.. She questions her hire by Turning Point America by supposing PERSONAL MOTIVES from Owens that are NOwhere in evidence.

It's childish taunting in fact based on GAWD knows what animus that drives this gossipper..
How many of you far rightwing bastards watch any of the videos? Or did you just read the title and reacted to that?

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Don't need to watch your videos of someone interpreting her life when I have watched tons of her own videos talking about herself and what life lessons led her to where she is now. Detractors always try to spin and the fact that she apparently has you concerned is enough to know she is on the right track.
Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

She used to be a liberal, but she woke up. Like many minorities are. I mean we see how you treat her, when she left.

"Woke up" is now code for "realized conservitards are easier to sell books to 'cause they're really easily manipulated"?

Good to know.
Do self-proclaimed conservatives know who you're supporting in the scammer Candace Owens?

If not, here's all you need to know...

and for good measure...

She used to be a liberal, but she woke up. Like many minorities are. I mean we see how you treat her, when she left.

"Woke up" is now code for "realized conservitards are easier to sell books to 'cause they're really easily manipulated"?

Good to know.

No, just realized liberal don't really care about them. What did Obama do for them?

Bro, ARE THE DEFINITION of "Uncle Tom". You just don't know it.
Not true....He's not fit to shine Josiah Henson's boots.

Josiah Henson - Wikipedia

I think I got it right......

Un·cle Tom
/ˌəNGkəl ˈtäm/
offensive•North American
noun: Uncle Tom; plural noun: Uncle Toms
  1. a black man considered to be excessively obedient or servile to white people.
    • a person regarded as betraying their cultural or social allegiance.
      "he called moderates Uncle Toms"
Educate yourself my ignorant friend.

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The real life Uncle Tom was an abolitionist and savior of a shit-ton of slaves....The dopes can't even get their insults right.

yeah. ok.

Guess you missed the boat since the context here is the slang modern meaning and not the actual person. Waste of time here. If you'd rather spend your time dissing people on the same side that's on you.
I'm not dissing you....I'm talking about the people who use the term as a disparagement.

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