Can't the Republican party do any better?

So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?
Well, there's Kascich, but moderates don't play well to the base. So they're left with Booger and Foghorn Leghorn. Oh, and Bubbles.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
McCain wanted to start a war with Iran and his running mate was a dingbat. We were all tired of 7 years of war. Frankly, Bush screwed things up so badly that no republican was going to win. I thought Romney stood a good chance, but he just wasn't a very likeable candidate. Kasich is about the only sane person left running on the Republican side. I might even vote for him over Hillary were it to come to that.

Obama and Hillary are Centrist Democrats. Hillary is pretty much Bush lite. She voted for all his crap - the Iraq war, the patriot act, etc. Bernie is the only liberal running. Nobody is anywhere near being a communist. Seems like nobody on the right has any sense of nuance (or reality). Anybody to the left of where they stand is a "Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Commie-Pinko".

I think the war would have been over by now, if it hadn't been for Obama screwing it up. And honestly, without Obama, I don't think Islamic State would have ever existed.
I heard there was a double rainbow in Austin, Tx today... Many feel it was Obamas fault
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?
Well, there's Kascich, but moderates don't play well to the base. So they're left with Booger and Foghorn Leghorn. Oh, and Bubbles.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
McCain wanted to start a war with Iran and his running mate was a dingbat. We were all tired of 7 years of war. Frankly, Bush screwed things up so badly that no republican was going to win. I thought Romney stood a good chance, but he just wasn't a very likeable candidate. Kasich is about the only sane person left running on the Republican side. I might even vote for him over Hillary were it to come to that.

Obama and Hillary are Centrist Democrats. Hillary is pretty much Bush lite. She voted for all his crap - the Iraq war, the patriot act, etc. Bernie is the only liberal running. Nobody is anywhere near being a communist. Seems like nobody on the right has any sense of nuance (or reality). Anybody to the left of where they stand is a "Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Commie-Pinko".

I think the war would have been over by now, if it hadn't been for Obama screwing it up. And honestly, without Obama, I don't think Islamic State would have ever existed.
So once again a Democrat gets the blame for not cleaning up a Republican's mess fast enough. Gee, maybe if Bush didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the entire region, there wouldn't be an ISIS today.
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?
Well, there's Kascich, but moderates don't play well to the base. So they're left with Booger and Foghorn Leghorn. Oh, and Bubbles.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
McCain wanted to start a war with Iran and his running mate was a dingbat. We were all tired of 7 years of war. Frankly, Bush screwed things up so badly that no republican was going to win. I thought Romney stood a good chance, but he just wasn't a very likeable candidate. Kasich is about the only sane person left running on the Republican side. I might even vote for him over Hillary were it to come to that.

Obama and Hillary are Centrist Democrats. Hillary is pretty much Bush lite. She voted for all his crap - the Iraq war, the patriot act, etc. Bernie is the only liberal running. Nobody is anywhere near being a communist. Seems like nobody on the right has any sense of nuance (or reality). Anybody to the left of where they stand is a "Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Commie-Pinko".

I think the war would have been over by now, if it hadn't been for Obama screwing it up. And honestly, without Obama, I don't think Islamic State would have ever existed.
So once again a Democrat gets the blame for not cleaning up a Republican's mess fast enough. Gee, maybe if Bush didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the entire region, there wouldn't be an ISIS today.

The military testified to congress, in 2010, that nearly 80% of the leaders of what is now called Islamic State, were all captured, and in detention camps.

Obama wanted to pull out. And magically somehow all the people were released, including the current head of Islamic State, Al-Baghdadi.

All those top leaders, went back out in the field, rebuilt up Islamic State, and then went to Syria, grew larger, and came back... all while the US was busy not doing anything.

The surge was working. Violence was falling. Iraq was stabilizing.

Now, the difference between your opinion, and my opinion, is called "Facts". The difference between the right-wing, and left-wing, is we look at the facts, and make rational logical, reasoned conclusions based on the fact. The left, screams like a child, and points their fingers at everyone.


There it is. Right there.
I'm well aware of Kasich's history and policy stances. I like him and think its a shame the the electorate is giving all the attention to the clowns.

They already had a Kaisch, GWB. Wide open border, drugs, criminals, flood of illegals. Kaich=HRC business as usual after 24 straight years of it. $20T debt. Time for new management.
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut? Where are the moderates?

So the Dem Party is giving us a socialist and a lady (1) who should be in jail for putting vital secrets at risk on a private server and for telling a subordinate to strip out the classification heading from a message he was trying to send via secure means and to send it via unclassified fax, (2) who directly contributed to the deaths of four Americans in Libya with her incompetence, (3) who spit on Chris Stevens' memory by falsely claiming that she never saw or disapproved security requests and that Stevens never once--not one single time--asked her for help on the hundreds of his security requests that were being rejected, and (4) who stood up in front of the grieving Benghazi victims' families, with their loved ones' caskets before them, and lied through her teeth about who killed their loved ones and why.
Well, there's Kascich, but moderates don't play well to the base. So they're left with Booger and Foghorn Leghorn. Oh, and Bubbles.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
McCain wanted to start a war with Iran and his running mate was a dingbat. We were all tired of 7 years of war. Frankly, Bush screwed things up so badly that no republican was going to win. I thought Romney stood a good chance, but he just wasn't a very likeable candidate. Kasich is about the only sane person left running on the Republican side. I might even vote for him over Hillary were it to come to that.

Obama and Hillary are Centrist Democrats. Hillary is pretty much Bush lite. She voted for all his crap - the Iraq war, the patriot act, etc. Bernie is the only liberal running. Nobody is anywhere near being a communist. Seems like nobody on the right has any sense of nuance (or reality). Anybody to the left of where they stand is a "Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Commie-Pinko".

I think the war would have been over by now, if it hadn't been for Obama screwing it up. And honestly, without Obama, I don't think Islamic State would have ever existed.
So once again a Democrat gets the blame for not cleaning up a Republican's mess fast enough. Gee, maybe if Bush didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the entire region, there wouldn't be an ISIS today.

The military testified to congress, in 2010, that nearly 80% of the leaders of what is now called Islamic State, were all captured, and in detention camps.

Obama wanted to pull out. And magically somehow all the people were released, including the current head of Islamic State, Al-Baghdadi.

All those top leaders, went back out in the field, rebuilt up Islamic State, and then went to Syria, grew larger, and came back... all while the US was busy not doing anything.

The surge was working. Violence was falling. Iraq was stabilizing.

Now, the difference between your opinion, and my opinion, is called "Facts". The difference between the right-wing, and left-wing, is we look at the facts, and make rational logical, reasoned conclusions based on the fact. The left, screams like a child, and points their fingers at everyone.


There it is. Right there.
If that was the case then why did Bush invade Iraq in the first place? If you look at the facts and all, how many Iraqis attacked us on 9/11? How many more years of occupation would satisfy the right wing? How much more blood shed and treasure spent? Fact is, no matter when we pulled out, things would go back to shit. We screwed up their societal order and there wasn't anything to fall back to except tribalism and religion. How about those facts, Jack?
I'm well aware of Kasich's history and policy stances. I like him and think its a shame the the electorate is giving all the attention to the clowns.

They already had a Kaisch, GWB. Wide open border, drugs, criminals, flood of illegals. Kaich=HRC business as usual after 24 straight years of it. $20T debt. Time for new management.
Shrink and divide... Great plan, lets see how it works out for you during the election. My forecast is not good.
When the TEA party first appeared, I actually liked their message, until the movement was taken over by the religious zealot nuts. They destroyed that movement, just like they will destroy the republican party.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
McCain wanted to start a war with Iran and his running mate was a dingbat. We were all tired of 7 years of war. Frankly, Bush screwed things up so badly that no republican was going to win. I thought Romney stood a good chance, but he just wasn't a very likeable candidate. Kasich is about the only sane person left running on the Republican side. I might even vote for him over Hillary were it to come to that.

Obama and Hillary are Centrist Democrats. Hillary is pretty much Bush lite. She voted for all his crap - the Iraq war, the patriot act, etc. Bernie is the only liberal running. Nobody is anywhere near being a communist. Seems like nobody on the right has any sense of nuance (or reality). Anybody to the left of where they stand is a "Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Commie-Pinko".

I think the war would have been over by now, if it hadn't been for Obama screwing it up. And honestly, without Obama, I don't think Islamic State would have ever existed.
So once again a Democrat gets the blame for not cleaning up a Republican's mess fast enough. Gee, maybe if Bush didn't invade Iraq and destabilize the entire region, there wouldn't be an ISIS today.

The military testified to congress, in 2010, that nearly 80% of the leaders of what is now called Islamic State, were all captured, and in detention camps.

Obama wanted to pull out. And magically somehow all the people were released, including the current head of Islamic State, Al-Baghdadi.

All those top leaders, went back out in the field, rebuilt up Islamic State, and then went to Syria, grew larger, and came back... all while the US was busy not doing anything.

The surge was working. Violence was falling. Iraq was stabilizing.

Now, the difference between your opinion, and my opinion, is called "Facts". The difference between the right-wing, and left-wing, is we look at the facts, and make rational logical, reasoned conclusions based on the fact. The left, screams like a child, and points their fingers at everyone.


There it is. Right there.
If that was the case then why did Bush invade Iraq in the first place? If you look at the facts and all, how many Iraqis attacked us on 9/11? How many more years of occupation would satisfy the right wing? How much more blood shed and treasure spent? Fact is, no matter when we pulled out, things would go back to shit. We screwed up their societal order and there wasn't anything to fall back to except tribalism and religion. How about those facts, Jack?

Long enough that Iraq had a stable government and military force. Instead of pulling out, and then watching everything we worked so hard for turned to crap.

No, I deny that idea. Japan is one of our closest allies, after we beat the crap out of them.

Yes, we screwed up their societal order. That's why you stay and help them rebuild an order.

Doesn't matter how many Iraqis attacked us on 9/11. That wasn't the point, and never was.
The republican party is old and out of touch. They have been infested with religious fanatics, and that spells the end for them. Unless they start becoming more moderate, they are going to be history within the next few years.

The GOP self-destruction is complete: millennials officially hate conservatives | Ana Marie Cox

Conservatives are stuck in a perpetual outrage loop. The reappearance of Todd Akin, the horror-movie villain immortality of Sarah Palin, theunseemly celebration of the Hobby Lobby decision – these all speak to a chorus of "la-la-la-can't-hear-you" loud enough to drown out the voice of an entire generation. Late last week, the Reason Foundation released the results of a poll about that generation, the millennials; its signature finding was the confirmation of a mass abandonment of social conservatism and the GOP. This comes at a time when the conservative movement is increasingly synonymous with mean-spirited, prank-like and combative activism and self-important grand gestures. The millennial generation has repeatedly defined itself as the most socially tolerant of the modern era, but one thing it really can't stand is drama.

Republicans were already destined for piecemeal decimation due to the declining numbers of their core constituency. But they don't just have a demographic problem anymore; they have stylistic one. The conservative strategy of outrage upon outrage upon outrage bumps up against the policy preferences and the attitudes of millennials in perfect discord.

We all can recognize the right's tendency to respond to backlash with more "lash" (Akin didn't disappear, he doubled down on "legitimate rape"), but it seems to have gained speed with the age of social media and candidate tracking. The Tea Party's resistance to the leavening effect of establishment mores and political professionals has been a particularly effective accelerant. Palin's ability to put anything on the internet without any intermediary has rendered her as reckless as any tween with a SnapChat account. Akin's whiny denouncement of Washington insiders is likely to make him more credible with a certain kind of base voter. The midterms are, as we speak, producing another round of Fox News celebrities, whether or not they win their races: the Eric Cantor-vanquishing David Brat, Mississippi's Chris McDaniel and the hog-castrating mini-Palin, Jodi Ernst of Iowa.

The fire-with-fire attitude of hardline conservatives has its roots in the petulant cultural defensiveness adopted by the GOP – especially the Christian right – during the culture wars of the 90s. Their siege mentality bred an attitude toward liberals that saw every instance of social liberalization as proof of their own apocalyptic predictions and conspiracy theories. Gay marriage will lead to acceptance of beastiality and pedophilia. "Socialized medicine" will lead to the euthanizing Grandma. Access to birth control will lead to orgies in the streets.

Then came Obama's election, the Zapruder tape for the right's tin-foil hat haberdashers – a moment in history that both explained and exacerbated America's supposed decline. Dinesh D'Souza, the Oliver Stone of the Tea Party,has now made two movies about the meaning of Obama's presidency. The first, 2016: Obama's America, garnered an astounding $33m at the box office, and his lawyers blamed disappointing returns from this summer's America on a Google conspiracy to confuse moviegoers about its showtimes. (Of course.)

The GOP has long staked a claim on The Disappearing Angry White Man, but they have apparently ever-narrowing odds of getting a bite at millennials, who appear to be more like The Somewhat Concerned Multicultural Moderate. This generation is racially diverse, pro-pot, pro-marriage equality and pro-online gambling. They are troubled by the deficit but believe in the social safety net: 74% of millennials, according to Reason, want the government to guarantee food and housing to all Americans. A Pew survey found that 59% of Americans under 30 say the government should do more to solve problems, while majorities in all other age groups thought it should do less.
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?
Neither party can do any better than the current crop of clowns that they are offering up; Primarily because in the poisonous political climate that the hyper-partisan lemmings have allowed to be created nobody worth a fuck will run for office, after all what person of honor, integrity and competence would want to put up with all the BS when they can just go out and do something that's ACTUALLY WORTHWHILE for a living in the private sector?

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