Can't the Republican party do any better?

Has anyone seen what that Democrat party is allowing their base of voters to pick from? ALL of TWO old white fogies. one a commie sympathizer, and then the most Corrupted woman to ever serve in our Government. and they have a nerve to talk about Republicans. this is why this country is doomed. too many sheep in the Democrat party

Agreed. It's sad though, that out of 310 million people, the best we can come up with, is Bernie, Clinton, and Trump. Sad. I had hoped that Rubio would show... but nah. It's not going to happen.
You sound like a one of the Republican Candidates, just making shit up... Probably feels good to you, pulling so much shit out of your ass. So we don't hijack this thread why don't you start your own asking for the left to critique Republican policy positions and I have no doubt it will blow up. Between Trump and Cruz I could write a book... and I'm not even a big leftie

Kasich, however, I like... He is your moderate and by far the most qualified and best option for the nomination... Never gonna happen with the extreme drama hungry electorate that we are dealing with though, its a shame.

You do know that Kasich cut spending, cut wages to government unions, and reduce funding for programs, which is why the Ohio budget is balanced.... right? (I'm from Ohio, Kasich is my man).
You sound like a one of the Republican Candidates, just making shit up... Probably feels good to you, pulling so much shit out of your ass. So we don't hijack this thread why don't you start your own asking for the left to critique Republican policy positions and I have no doubt it will blow up. Between Trump and Cruz I could write a book... and I'm not even a big leftie

Kasich, however, I like... He is your moderate and by far the most qualified and best option for the nomination... Never gonna happen with the extreme drama hungry electorate that we are dealing with though, its a shame.

You do know that Kasich cut spending, cut wages to government unions, and reduce funding for programs, which is why the Ohio budget is balanced.... right? (I'm from Ohio, Kasich is my man).
I'm well aware of Kasich's history and policy stances. I like him and think its a shame the the electorate is giving all the attention to the clowns.

Well no, it's expected. What else did you expect? This is democracy. Whoever bamboozles the most people wins. Why do you think there is such a huge difference between the pre-tv presidents and the post-tv presidents? Democracy in action. What do you think the preoccupation with 60-second-sound-bite is all about?

This *IS* democracy. This is how democracy works. People who have charisma, regardless of substance, flamboyance regardless of depth.... that's what get's the people's attention. And in democracy, it's all about people's attention.

Princeton, did a research paper on Name Recognition and Candidate Support, I think that was the title, or something like that. Almost half of voters, voted based on just name recognition ALONE. "I heard that name somewhere, so that is who I voted for". Why do you think candidates spend thousands, if not millions, spreading bumpers stickers? They know that half the population, when they walk into the booth, will remember "oh I know that name" even if the only way they knew it was from a Ford Festiva at the stop light on the way to voting.

Democracy dude. Welcome to Democracy. This is what we wanted, and now we got it. Go USA.
I get it... Democracy... I didn't say I was confused as to why or pulling my hair out about it... I said it was a shame. Just like the existence of Kanye West and the Real Housewives of BFE is a shame. I wish our campaign system, media, and electorate had more class and intelligence than this... It's embarrassing and hurting our country.

That's why the founding fathers, didn't have the general public vote on the president. This is exactly why they didn't have that as part of our system.

There is no campaign system, media system, which you can implement, that will fix 'democracy'. Democracy is inherently the rule of the ignorant.

More class and intelligence? When has the mass of people ever had more class and intelligence? When did that happen? Where? What country, or era, or civilization did that ever exist?
Sadly... I agree
Although Trump is definitely the worst Republican front runner, ever, I guess that one should not be too surprised. Aaron Burr was vice president under Thomas Jefferson, and Burr later turned out to be a disgraced, unconvicted, but obvious, traitor.
Sad thing is, the Dems haven't put forth any young, dynamic, visionary candidates. We have Hillary, who is basically Bush lite, and 8 years older than the last time she ran. Bernie isn't the establishment type, but he's even older. I think that whoever wins this time will be a one term president.
Sad thing is, the Dems haven't put forth any young, dynamic, visionary candidates. We have Hillary, who is basically Bush lite, and 8 years older than the last time she ran. Bernie isn't the establishment type, but he's even older. I think that whoever wins this time will be a one term president.
Kasich is a good option, a little lackluster in 'leadership personality' but he knows his stuff. Unfortunately, the clowns have taken over and given the circumstances I think we have no choice but to go Dem for 4 more years. We need a few more years of smart government investment/spending before we start the slashing. Hopefully next election cycle the Reps can get behind a decent candidate that can work with both sides and impliment a more conservative agenda. It is essential to keep a balance between parties, but there needs to be cooperation and decent candidates to choose from. This is the 3rd strike from the Right... The electorate needs to wake up!
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?

We don't want moderates. We've had enough if the Boehner's and the Graham's.

BTW... better talk a look at what the DNC is offering up... a 300 year-old avowed Socialist and an empty pant suit.
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?

We don't want moderates. We've had enough if the Boehner's and the Graham's.

BTW... better talk a look at what the DNC is offering up... a 300 year-old avowed Socialist and an empty pant suit.
How do we get this forum to include a "Thumbs down" "disagree" and "idiot" button??
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?

We don't want moderates. We've had enough if the Boehner's and the Graham's.

BTW... better talk a look at what the DNC is offering up... a 300 year-old avowed Socialist and an empty pant suit.
How do we get this forum to include a "Thumbs down" "disagree" and "idiot" button??

Be careful what you wish for....
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?

We don't want moderates. We've had enough if the Boehner's and the Graham's.

BTW... better talk a look at what the DNC is offering up... a 300 year-old avowed Socialist and an empty pant suit.
Well Foghorn Leghorn the real estate huckster must be 296 years old by that reckoning then. Booger and Bubbles are younger but have very limited appeal outside their base. I do understand the frustration with the establishment politicians though. I feel the same way too.
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?

We don't want moderates. We've had enough if the Boehner's and the Graham's.

BTW... better talk a look at what the DNC is offering up... a 300 year-old avowed Socialist and an empty pant suit.
Well Foghorn Leghorn the real estate huckster must be 296 years old by that reckoning then. Booger and Bubbles are younger but have very limited appeal outside their base. I do understand the frustration with the establishment politicians though. I feel the same way too.

Hence Trump... of which I am no fan.
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?
Well, there's Kascich, but moderates don't play well to the base. So they're left with Booger and Foghorn Leghorn. Oh, and Bubbles.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?

The moderates are watching the party blow apart because that is all they can do at this point. Then they'll try to pick up SOME of the pieces and rebuild a moderate party that DOES acknowledge women, minorities, and gays are part of the society and that can actually compete in national elections, while the other splinter groups won't.
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?
Well, there's Kascich, but moderates don't play well to the base. So they're left with Booger and Foghorn Leghorn. Oh, and Bubbles.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
McCain wanted to start a war with Iran and his running mate was a dingbat. We were all tired of 7 years of war. Frankly, Bush screwed things up so badly that no republican was going to win. I thought Romney stood a good chance, but he just wasn't a very likeable candidate. Kasich is about the only sane person left running on the Republican side. I might even vote for him over Hillary were it to come to that.

Obama and Hillary are Centrist Democrats. Hillary is pretty much Bush lite. She voted for all his crap - the Iraq war, the patriot act, etc. Bernie is the only liberal running. Nobody is anywhere near being a communist. Seems like nobody on the right has any sense of nuance (or reality). Anybody to the left of where they stand is a "Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Commie-Pinko".
So the GOP is giving us a bully and a religious nut?

Where are the moderates?
Well, there's Kascich, but moderates don't play well to the base. So they're left with Booger and Foghorn Leghorn. Oh, and Bubbles.
Yeah, and see how those "moderates" won in the last two elections McCain, Romney? Obama is far from a moderate my dear. He, Hillary and Bernie are so far LEFT they are in commie/socialist/ territory. You people, (/lib/dems )wouldn't vote for Kasich anyway
McCain wanted to start a war with Iran and his running mate was a dingbat. We were all tired of 7 years of war. Frankly, Bush screwed things up so badly that no republican was going to win. I thought Romney stood a good chance, but he just wasn't a very likeable candidate. Kasich is about the only sane person left running on the Republican side. I might even vote for him over Hillary were it to come to that.

Obama and Hillary are Centrist Democrats. Hillary is pretty much Bush lite. She voted for all his crap - the Iraq war, the patriot act, etc. Bernie is the only liberal running. Nobody is anywhere near being a communist. Seems like nobody on the right has any sense of nuance (or reality). Anybody to the left of where they stand is a "Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Commie-Pinko".

I think the war would have been over by now, if it hadn't been for Obama screwing it up. And honestly, without Obama, I don't think Islamic State would have ever existed.

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