Capitalism responds to the crisis

Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR
He is pointing out the fact that these "private drug companies" rely on government to do what they do......which is even more reason why they shouldn't be trying to gouge those same taxpayers
Gouging as defined by socialists who think drugs should be free

the public may pay more than you think is fair

but at least the drugs exist and are lives are being saved
There's not a damn thing wrong with being fair.
When we are talking about human lives at stake, everyone--even corporations--should have more respect for human life than to put their pricing out of the reach of many. People will spend all they have to not die. And businesses are getting rich off that fact. THAT is why health care costs have gone insane.
Maine's Secretary of State just prohibited anyone from charging more than 15% more for necessaries than pre-panic prices. I've heard of them trying that kind of shit with building supplies after a hurricane or tornado, too. Some people just suck.
Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

Humans are why theories are just that but how is this not an example of "supply and demand"?
It is a perfect example of supply and demand if it stays the $7.00 per for a .58 cent item that will drive the "greedy" capitalist market into producing masks as fast as they can until the market is saturated with masks and the price drops like a rock in water at which point you won't be able to give them away fast enough...where as under socialism I would have to pay for that .58 cent mask my entire life.
Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

According to the CNN interview it is a Mexican company, not a United States company.

Why doesn’t Mexico have laws against this price gouging?

Had the article been clear and the journalist been diligent, he would have included that in the article. Now, you look stupid.

It’s now a non-story thread. Now, go start a thread bitching about Mexico’s price gouging SOBs. Go ahead and get pissed at Mexico. :rolleyes:
Maine's Secretary of State just prohibited anyone from charging more than 15% more for necessaries than pre-panic prices. I've heard of them trying that kind of shit with building supplies after a hurricane or tornado, too. Some people just suck.

That law wouldn’t apply in this case, after further research the company is from Mexico and they can charge what they want. Blame the Mexican government for allowing their companies to overcharge.
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR
He is pointing out the fact that these "private drug companies" rely on government to do what they do......which is even more reason why they shouldn't be trying to gouge those same taxpayers
Gouging as defined by socialists who think drugs should be free

the public may pay more than you think is fair

but at least the drugs exist and are lives are being saved
There's not a damn thing wrong with being fair.
When we are talking about human lives at stake, everyone--even corporations--should have more respect for human life than to put their pricing out of the reach of many. People will spend all they have to not die. And businesses are getting rich off that fact. THAT is why health care costs have gone insane.
Government involvement through medicare, medicaid and mandates to hospital emergency rooms to treat patients for free is what has driven healthcare costs up

there are positive reasons also

such as our constantly expanding arsenal of new drugs, new machines and new techniques which all cost money

and the fact that people are living longer

Fake news is better than no news at all

Is it fake? Trump is on right now.....he says "Many, many economists say.............". Should the press conference not be shown until his claims are verified?
If the journalist assumes news is accurate without verifying it some or much of what they report could be fake

He didn't assume anything. He reported what he was told. You once again didn't answer my question though.
Thats an assumption till it is verified

which is basic journalism 101

It is, which is why I provided other verified examples of the same type of things.
There is no verified evidence that the .58/$7 mask story is true
If the purpose is to circumvent patent protections its just as wrong as price gouging medical supplies

It wasn't. You can order a patented item from Canada. Canada is simply selling it for less.
Yes it is circumventing patent laws ment to protect inventors

Patent laws do not set prices.

the owner of the patent does

And no patent laws are being broken by Canada.

You cant believe in the mythical free market if you disapprove of this type of behaviour.

And I suspect that you would be the first to condemn key workers for striking for more pay at this time.

I don’t believe a story based on no facts like the one you posted, how can a reputable journalist be so lazy? Reposting the story is irresponsible.
You are free to believe or disbelieve it as you wish. The journalist quoted a hospital spokesman who had concerns.Why would you not believe him ? Is this type of behaviour beyond belief ?

View attachment 313886
we will choose disbelieve till the report is confirmed
I’m not a lawyer

but the two brothers selling medical supplies online at greatly inflated were swiftly shut down

as are gas stations that charge too much after a hurricaine

I've seen a governor warn a business but I've never seen one shut down. Does that mean they never have been because of a law? No, but that is why I asked you to verify your claim. I do not believe there are any such laws.
Price Gouging Laws by State - FindLaw

Great, thank you. Now back to my follow up question. Do you support the government restricting prices in this manner or do you support free market capitalism?
I think when there is a local or national emergency price restraints are justified

For many not being able to afford health care is an emergency. I consider it (along with many others) consider it a national emergency. I think many more are going to believe the same now.
I dont think doctors are acting irresponsibly nor is the public being turned away

this epidemic is not a good a good argument for socialized medicine
Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

According to the CNN interview it is a Mexican company, not a United States company.

Why doesn’t Mexico have laws against this price gouging?

Had the article been clear and the journalist been diligent, he would have included that in the article. Now, you look stupid.

It’s now a non-story thread. Now, go start a thread bitching about Mexico’s price gouging SOBs. Go ahead and get pissed at Mexico. :rolleyes:
The thread is about capitalism not the US specifically. The point still stands despite you not bothering to read the OP till now
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Is it fake? Trump is on right now.....he says "Many, many economists say.............". Should the press conference not be shown until his claims are verified?
If the journalist assumes news is accurate without verifying it some or much of what they report could be fake

He didn't assume anything. He reported what he was told. You once again didn't answer my question though.
Thats an assumption till it is verified

which is basic journalism 101

It is, which is why I provided other verified examples of the same type of things.
There is no verified evidence that the .58/$7 mask story is true

The company that is being accused is a Mexican company, not a US company. I researched the story. We still don’t have the name of the supplier in Mexico.

So, Scott Stein (that makes $1 million in compensation a year) the CEO of Pheobe Putney Health Care Systems is upset with a Mexican supplier for charging $7 for a .58 mask, while Pheobe Putney Health Care System is charging patients $25 for an aspirin that cost $.11, seems ironic.
Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

According to the CNN interview it is a Mexican company, not a United States company.

Why doesn’t Mexico have laws against this price gouging?

Had the article been clear and the journalist been diligent, he would have included that in the article. Now, you look stupid.

It’s now a non-story thread. Now, go start a thread bitching about Mexico’s price gouging SOBs. Go ahead and get pissed at Mexico. :rolleyes:
The head is about capitalism not the US specifically. The point still stands despite you not bothering to read the OP till now

I read the OP, the website would not let me watch the video, so unlike the lazy reporter I went looking for facts. So there are no laws in Mexico preventing this abuse, however the US has laws against it, but they don’t seem to apply for hospitals, go figure.

We also know your MO is to make the United States look bad.

Meanwhile, Britain had to make laws to cover this during your outbreak. Interesting, that only now your government cares about ripping the public off.
Humans are why theories are just that but how is this not an example of "supply and demand"?
It is a perfect example of supply and demand if it stays the $7.00 per for a .58 cent item that will drive the "greedy" capitalist market into producing masks as fast as they can until the market is saturated with masks and the price drops like a rock in water at which point you won't be able to give them away fast enough...where as under socialism I would have to pay for that .58 cent mask my entire life.

And until that happens people die. Capitalism.
Is it fake? Trump is on right now.....he says "Many, many economists say.............". Should the press conference not be shown until his claims are verified?
If the journalist assumes news is accurate without verifying it some or much of what they report could be fake

He didn't assume anything. He reported what he was told. You once again didn't answer my question though.
Thats an assumption till it is verified

which is basic journalism 101

It is, which is why I provided other verified examples of the same type of things.
There is no verified evidence that the .58/$7 mask story is true

There are verified examples of people not being able to afford the insulin they must have to survive.
I've seen a governor warn a business but I've never seen one shut down. Does that mean they never have been because of a law? No, but that is why I asked you to verify your claim. I do not believe there are any such laws.
Price Gouging Laws by State - FindLaw

Great, thank you. Now back to my follow up question. Do you support the government restricting prices in this manner or do you support free market capitalism?
I think when there is a local or national emergency price restraints are justified

For many not being able to afford health care is an emergency. I consider it (along with many others) consider it a national emergency. I think many more are going to believe the same now.
I dont think doctors are acting irresponsibly nor is the public being turned away

this epidemic is not a good a good argument for socialized medicine

I saw a report that says getting treated for this would run around $35,000. Right now people aren't being turned away. It's all being paid for with socialized means.

Insurance is a socialized system. Those who can't pay have taxpayers pay.
If the journalist assumes news is accurate without verifying it some or much of what they report could be fake

He didn't assume anything. He reported what he was told. You once again didn't answer my question though.
Thats an assumption till it is verified

which is basic journalism 101

It is, which is why I provided other verified examples of the same type of things.
There is no verified evidence that the .58/$7 mask story is true

The company that is being accused is a Mexican company, not a US company. I researched the story. We still don’t have the name of the supplier in Mexico.

So, Scott Stein (that makes $1 million in compensation a year) the CEO of Pheobe Putney Health Care Systems is upset with a Mexican supplier for charging $7 for a .58 mask, while Pheobe Putney Health Care System is charging patients $25 for an aspirin that cost $.11, seems ironic.

All things many of us want to address. But nice of you to note the greed of the CEO.

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