Caribbean Nations Are Demanding TRILLIONS in Slavery Reparations From European Countries – Could the US Be Next?

Bitch please. You have no choice but to tolerate the demographic take over of your own country. Stop pretending. 😄
At least you admit they played a significant role that resulted in slavea in America. Now maybe you’ll undstand why they should be paying
At least you admit they played a significant role that resulted in slavea in America. Now maybe you’ll undstand why they should be paying
I admitted no such thing but I understand why a impotent Simp like you would feel the need to pretend that I did. You can't even tell me who the "They" were who played a significant role that resulted in slaves in America. 😄
I admitted no such thing but I understand why an impotent Simp like you would feel the need to pretend that I did. You can't even tell me who the "They" were who played a significant role that resulted in slaves in America. 😄
I kind of figured in a thread about Caribbean nations the “they” would be easily identifiable, even to someone like you.
I kind of figured in a thread about Caribbean nations the “they” would be easily identifiable, even to someone like you.
I know who the "they" are. "They" are the colonial powers who used to exploit those nations before they were able to advocate for their independence. What I want to know is who you think the "they" are because watching you make a Bingo of yourself with these Bingo arguments, showing a Bingos understanding of history, is amusing to me. I guess that's where we are with today's racists. You'd rather look like a Bingo, trying to do a subtlety racist argument, than just be a loud and proud racist. We've already conquered you philosophically. These gimmicky arguments are proof of that. That's what makes conquering you demographically, politically and then economically even possible. You're too afraid to even fight for the victory you really want.
The black population is declining, bingo. My conservative latino friends are on the rise!
It's hasn't you moron. Learn to read a Census. 😄 The only demographic to lose more people than they birthed were white people. Black Americans are about the same share of the population as they were in the last decade as well. Also I'm not at all worried about an increase Latino demographic. That conservatism is stronger in the older generations than the younger ones and even so latinos still vote as a majority for Democrats. On top of that mixed race children are the fastest growing demographic America because minorities are mixing it up. My family which previously was predominantly Black and Asian now has quite a few mixed Hispanic children. My brother's married Cubans and Dominicans, my cousins married Columbians, Puerto Ricans, Panamanians, Peruvians.... and all of nations have faced their share of exploitation from European nations. I see Latin American as brothers, sisters and compatriots, not as opposition.
The mistake of allowing themselves to be exploited, we do not tolerate that in today’s world
Are you kidding? Their best day was being exploited. They call the gift of civilization being exploited. Take it all back. Give them the jungle and yellow fever.
Are you kidding? Their best day was being exploited. They call the gift of civilization being exploited. Take it all back. Give them the jungle and yellow fever.

Who are you kidding? You can't take shit back. You can't even stop minorities from taking your country. 😄
Who are you kidding? You can't take shit back. You can't even stop minorities from taking your country. 😄
Okay, let the Chinese put those little pickaninnies to work. They aren't white so it's okay that they make busy bee workers out of blacks and black children in particular.
Okay, let the Chinese put those little pickaninnies to work. They aren't white so it's okay that they make busy bee workers out of blacks and black children in particular.
I'm also Chinese. What a fail. Please tell me about my own people and my own family. Love this cosplay in search of confidence. 😄
Tell that to my Cuban and Dominican sisters in law. 😄
Your sisters in law are two making a living. Go to Compton, Inglewood, South Los Angeles and now parts of Chicago. You will find what was once black is no longer as blacks have been murdered out, driven out, and whatever little they had now picked over by Central American gangs.

Blacks have never been strong enough to take anything or hold on to anything.
Your sisters in law are two making a living. Go to Compton, Inglewood, South Los Angeles and now parts of Chicago. You will find what was once black is no longer as blacks have been murdered out, driven out, and whatever little they had now picked over by Central American gangs.

Blacks have never been strong enough to take anything or hold on to anything.

My Black family members are former CEOs, Dean's of University's, Surgeons and Doctors. I'm not impressed by the insecure musing of poor ignorant whites like yourself.
I'm also Chinese. What a fail. Please tell me about my own people and my own family. Love this cosplay in search of confidence. 😄
Chinese! Chinese byproduct you mean. If you think the Chinese are going to help mixed race people and black people in particular, you don't even know any Chinese.

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