Carrier worker to Trump: “You robbed me after I helped you win”

Carrier worker to Trump: “You robbed me after I helped you win”

This Carrier worker thought Trump would save her job. She was wrong.

Carrier Employees, Soon to Be Laid Off, Feel Betrayed by Donald Trump

Carrier plant Trump made campaign deal with lays off more workers

Blue Collar Betrayal: Carrier Workers Feel 'Forgotten' by Trump

Blue collar workers have been down this road before with Republicans. Trump and the GOP have pretty much the same message to these people. Quit whining and f.... off.

In fact, after the GOP destroyed the economy, the Republicans used these same people to force Obama to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. Remember?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Just when you think Republicans couldn't go any lower, they used disabled children whose benefits they let lapse, just so they could USE them as bargaining CHIPS. Remember that?


That's why it's hard to win against these people. They see the American people as pawns. They have no allegiance to the country. At least not to this country. I'm guessing they were raised by wolves. Nothing else makes sense.

Anyone know why Republicans see their base as nothing more than tools to stay in power? Why they are more than willing to squeeze out every drop they can from this country?

And why does disappointment have a limitless bottom for the GOP base? They even traded in their religion so it can't be that anymore.

The year porn stars, pedophilia, lying and adultery became synonymous with the Republican Party
Why would Trump ever care about what some dumb peasant has to say? That idiot will just vote for him again anyways, probably. Trump voters are morons.
Trump voters are morons.

So were HIllary voters.

We really screwed up in the primaries, didn't we?
HA! Yeah, some worse than others



Like Christie, Fiorina, Gilmore, Graham, Pataki, Carson, Jindahl, Trump, Clinton, Sanders, Lessig.
I sense you're trying to be subtly smart about something, but nobody understands your autistic comment. Would you like to try again?
Carrier worker to Trump: “You robbed me after I helped you win”

This Carrier worker thought Trump would save her job. She was wrong.

Carrier Employees, Soon to Be Laid Off, Feel Betrayed by Donald Trump

Carrier plant Trump made campaign deal with lays off more workers

Blue Collar Betrayal: Carrier Workers Feel 'Forgotten' by Trump

Blue collar workers have been down this road before with Republicans. Trump and the GOP have pretty much the same message to these people. Quit whining and f.... off.

In fact, after the GOP destroyed the economy, the Republicans used these same people to force Obama to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. Remember?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Just when you think Republicans couldn't go any lower, they used disabled children whose benefits they let lapse, just so they could USE them as bargaining CHIPS. Remember that?


That's why it's hard to win against these people. They see the American people as pawns. They have no allegiance to the country. At least not to this country. I'm guessing they were raised by wolves. Nothing else makes sense.

Anyone know why Republicans see their base as nothing more than tools to stay in power? Why they are more than willing to squeeze out every drop they can from this country?

And why does disappointment have a limitless bottom for the GOP base? They even traded in their religion so it can't be that anymore.

The year porn stars, pedophilia, lying and adultery became synonymous with the Republican Party
Why would Trump ever care about what some dumb peasant has to say? That idiot will just vote for him again anyways, probably. Trump voters are morons.
Trump voters are morons.

So were HIllary voters.

We really screwed up in the primaries, didn't we?
HA! Yeah, some worse than others



Like Christie, Fiorina, Gilmore, Graham, Pataki, Carson, Jindahl, Trump, Clinton, Sanders, Lessig.
I sense you're trying to be subtly smart about something, but nobody understands your autistic comment. Would you like to try again?
I sense you're trying to be subtly smart about something,
and I sense you're purposely trying to act stupid.

(and doing a great job at it)
President Trump sure as hell didn’t let anyone down in the U.S. Good paying jobs are abundant! So. Much. Winning.
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods announced in a blog post Monday that his company will invest $50 billion in the U.S. over the next five years.

Woods credited both recent regulatory reform and the corporate tax rate cut that President Donald Trump signed into law last month for the company’s expansion plans. The tax rate was cut from 35% to 21%.

“These are all possible because of the resource base developed by our industry along with sound tax and regulatory policies that create a pro-growth business climate here in the U.S.,” Woods wrote.
It’s such a shame that so many had to suffer for so long under the failed policies of the left. None of this is rocket science. Whoever creates the best climate for businesses will get the jobs and tax revenues that come with it.

Exxon Mobil CEO announces $50 billion investment in US production and jobs, credits tax cuts
Why would Trump ever care about what some dumb peasant has to say? That idiot will just vote for him again anyways, probably. Trump voters are morons.
And this is why the American people reject the left and have given complete and total control across the country to the Republican Party.
EEEErrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Duuuuuhhhhhhh...I believe more Americans VOTED DEMOCRATE....Which leaves your inaccurate summation in the Shithouse of History...Dumb Asshole
Why would Trump ever care about what some dumb peasant has to say? That idiot will just vote for him again anyways, probably. Trump voters are morons.
And this is why the American people reject the left and have given complete and total control across the country to the Republican Party.
EEEErrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Duuuuuhhhhhhh...I believe more Americans VOTED DEMOCRATE....Which leaves your inaccurate summation in the Shithouse of History...Dumb Asshole can “believe” whatever your willful ignorance allows you to believe. I know for a fact that Republicans control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states, ignorant :asshole:.
Why would Trump ever care about what some dumb peasant has to say? That idiot will just vote for him again anyways, probably. Trump voters are morons.
And this is why the American people reject the left and have given complete and total control across the country to the Republican Party.
EEEErrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Duuuuuhhhhhhh...I believe more Americans VOTED DEMOCRATE....Which leaves your inaccurate summation in the Shithouse of History...Dumb Asshole can “believe” whatever your willful ignorance allows you to believe. I know for a fact that Republicans control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states, ignorant :asshole:.
WHY DO THE WORDS "DICK HEAD"immediately come to mind after reading your Chronic Ignorant Posts I wonder........theliquidater
WHY DO THE WORDS "DICK HEAD"immediately come to mind after reading your Chronic Ignorant Posts I wonder........theliquidater

A.) Like all ignorant progressives, the truth offends you

B.) Like most progressives, you’re a flaming queer who always has “dick head” on your limited queer mind

C.) All of the above
Should we feel sympathy for those Trump has screwed over who supported him?

Didn't they know what they were getting?
Should we feel sympathy for those Trump has screwed over who supported him? Didn't they know what they were getting?
Thankfully, President Trump hasn’t “screwed over” anyone. All he has done is create jobs and wealth for the American people, restore constitutional government, and secure our nation.

Why do Republicans think this is so funny? Are they laughing at people who were dumb enough to vote for Trump?
Carrier worker to Trump: “You robbed me after I helped you win”

This Carrier worker thought Trump would save her job. She was wrong.

Carrier Employees, Soon to Be Laid Off, Feel Betrayed by Donald Trump

Carrier plant Trump made campaign deal with lays off more workers

Blue Collar Betrayal: Carrier Workers Feel 'Forgotten' by Trump

Blue collar workers have been down this road before with Republicans. Trump and the GOP have pretty much the same message to these people. Quit whining and f.... off.

In fact, after the GOP destroyed the economy, the Republicans used these same people to force Obama to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. Remember?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Just when you think Republicans couldn't go any lower, they used disabled children whose benefits they let lapse, just so they could USE them as bargaining CHIPS. Remember that?


That's why it's hard to win against these people. They see the American people as pawns. They have no allegiance to the country. At least not to this country. I'm guessing they were raised by wolves. Nothing else makes sense.

Anyone know why Republicans see their base as nothing more than tools to stay in power? Why they are more than willing to squeeze out every drop they can from this country?

And why does disappointment have a limitless bottom for the GOP base? They even traded in their religion so it can't be that anymore.

The year porn stars, pedophilia, lying and adultery became synonymous with the Republican Party
Wow! Two workers.

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