Casey Anthony Supporters Send Her Cash, Gift Cards

I know it sounds bad, but..I wish she had no supporters and was living under a bridge. I think she killed her kid and if she didn't, she knows who did. Her actions after the child became missing was enough for me to realize what a loser she is.

You do realise that those pictures of her 'partying' after her daughter disappeared were actually taken from her Facebook page, and where of her 21st birthday party, don't you?
She was found not guilty and yet she's stuck with a million dollars in legal bills!!

Playboy will pay those for her if she does a spread.

She killed and lied about killing her kid. The jurors were morons.

There was no physical evidence linking her to the death of her daughter. You cannot convict someone when you just want to THINK she killed her kid.
I know it sounds bad, but..I wish she had no supporters and was living under a bridge. I think she killed her kid and if she didn't, she knows who did.
Amen to all of this! In my opinion, a parent who truly loved their baby and did not know who took their baby from them wouldn't be able to go forward in life as smoothly as this girl seems to have until the murderer was finally brought to justice.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, it is like the girl is glad that Kaylee is not on her plate anymore and that right there is what I think says every thing that we need to know.
I know it sounds bad, but..I wish she had no supporters and was living under a bridge. I think she killed her kid and if she didn't, she knows who did. Her actions after the child became missing was enough for me to realize what a loser she is.

You do realise that those pictures of her 'partying' after her daughter disappeared were actually taken from her Facebook page, and where of her 21st birthday party, don't you?

Don't know when or where the pics were taken and don't really care. She stalled the cops from finding Caylee..lied numerous times...wild goose chases...didn't even report her kid missing until a month later...etc etc etc.
I don't see my dog for half an hour??? I get frantic and hunt. What if she got out? What if she gets hit by a car? Is she stuck behind the shed or under a box? What if she is hurt? That "woman" did none of the above. She hindered...instead of helping. That, in itself, is guilty enough for me.
I have a feeling if Casey Anthony was butt ugly she wouldn't be getting nearly enough support, in this country we tend to value people by their physical appearance over anything else.
She was found not guilty and yet she's stuck with a million dollars in legal bills!!

Playboy will pay those for her if she does a spread.

She killed and lied about killing her kid. The jurors were morons.

There was no physical evidence linking her to the death of her daughter. You cannot convict someone when you just want to THINK she killed her kid.

"Caylee Marie Anthony (August 9, 2005 – 2008) was a two-year-old American girl who lived in Orlando, Florida with her mother, Casey Marie Anthony, and her maternal grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony. On July*15, 2008, she was reported missing to 9-1-1 by Cindy, who said she had not seen Caylee for 31 days and that Casey's car smelled like a dead body had been inside it. Cindy said Casey had given varied explanations as to Caylee's whereabouts before finally telling her that she had not seen Caylee for weeks.[1] Casey told detectives several falsehoods, including that the child had been kidnapped by a nanny on June*9, and that she had been trying to find her, too frightened to alert the authorities.[2] She was charged with first degree murder in October 2008 and pled not guilty."

Smells like a guilty verdict to me. The jurors over interpret their guidelines.
There was conflicting expert opinion regarding any evidence in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car.

What is not in dispute is that her father, George, drove and had 24/7 access to her car. George confessed to a woman he was having an affair with while Caylee was missing, that he was involved in the death and disappearance of Caylee. George had a violent temper. George lied multiple times to police and in trial testimony. George stole $30k from his wife and lied about it.

Psychiatrists testified to prosecutors that George likely abuse his daughter, Casey.

Umm, do you suppose that police could have arrested the wrong person?

Just saying, bullying and karma are a terrible thing. Bullies of an acquiited defendant need to think about their own karma.
What is not in dispute is that her father, George, drove and had 24/7 access to her car. George confessed to a woman he was having an affair with while Caylee was missing, that he was involved in the death and disappearance of Caylee. George had a violent temper. George lied multiple times to police and in trial testimony. George stole $30k from his wife and lied about it.
Just saying, bullying and karma are a terrible thing. Bullies of an acquiited defendant need to think about their own karma.
Hey that is pretty neat, you wag your finger at those who alluding to the guilt of Casey Anthony since she was acquitted, right after you allude to the guilt of her father who wasn't even charged in the crime. You meanie bully you.

How can you state as fact he had an affair and admitted it being involved in her disappearance when he disputed it? You are just taking the word of someone who had already profited by selling her story to a tabloid to spread rumors as fact. Hypocrite much?

Bullies accusing people of murder based on rumors should have their karma level checked.

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