Catholicism is a very complicated religion

... Here is where bread, a metaphor for teaching from heaven, words from God, became flesh, a metaphor for the teaching of Jesus, teaching that he received from God like bread from heaven. ...

Your words sound flat in the eyes of Catholic. "The word of god became flesh" is not a metaphore. It's a reality. This word grew up with us. And he was the bread instead of the lamb. He was the lamb.

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... Here is where bread, a metaphor for teaching from heaven, words from God, became flesh, a metaphor for the teaching of Jesus, teaching that he received from God like bread from heaven. ...

Your words sound flat in the eyes of Catholic. "The word of god became flesh" is not a metaphore. It's a reality. This word grew up with us. And he was the bread instead of the lamb. He was the lamb.


I sure hope they don't start sacrificing lambs again, they have tried to on the temple mount.

... Here is where bread, a metaphor for teaching from heaven, words from God, became flesh, a metaphor for the teaching of Jesus, teaching that he received from God like bread from heaven. ...

Your words sound flat in the eyes of Catholic. "The word of god became flesh" is not a metaphore. It's a reality. This word grew up with us. And he was the bread instead of the lamb. He was the lamb.


I sure hope they don't start sacrificing lambs again, they have tried to on the temple mount.

You are an Antisemite. Antisemites murdered Jesus in millions of ways. So you forgot just simple a diabolic laughter in the end of your statement here.

No, by saying that Christ must be devoured by hearing tertullian is clearly saying that the body of Christ is eaten by the ear. If you think that he was being literal try putting the eucharist into your ear next time you are at mass. It will do you about as much good.

Tertullian is saying that we no not receive pieces of Christ's body--i.e. an ear, a nose, or a finger. We receive Christ in his entirety.

Note what Tertullian is saying in the very same document you have been quoting:

Then, having taken the bread and given it to His disciples, He made it His own body, by saying, This is my body, that is, the figure of my body. A figure, however, there could not have been, unless there were first a veritable body. An empty thing, or phantom, is incapable of a figure. If, however, (as Marcion might say,) He pretended the bread was His body, because He lacked the truth of bodily substance, it follows that He must have given bread for us.
Catholicism is a very complicated religion which is why the Church actually doesn't encourage laymen to try to teach it to non-Catholics. They are afraid we will get it wrong, and do more harm than good.

So the job of the Catholic layman is to spread the Good News by our example, by our deeds, and "they will know we are Christian by our love." Which is well and good, and I think for most Catholics, that is good advice.

But I am going to try to teach Catholicism anyway, because I think maybe I can handle the task. I have taken a course in canon law, I have perused the Catholic Bible and know it well, and I have read the Catholic Catechism, or can find what I need out of it.

So here's a beginning:

The center of the Catholic Church, the thing that is above all things, the reason the Catholic Church exists, is to celebrate the Mass.

And the center of the Mass is the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Delivery of the Sacrament of the Eucharist to the world's one billion Catholics is the most important thing the Catholic Church does in this world.

Does that seem strange to you?

Here is the source:

Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sacrament of the Eucharist

All cults are complicated. Meanwhile the Scriptures in the King James Bible tell us that the Gospel is so simple a small child could understand it. Thank you for pointing out the difference between the doctrine of demons and the Simplicity of the Gospel. It's a stark contrast.

Why do cults make their religions so complicated? To keep everyone confused and under the impression that only the "leaders" can interpret what God is saying. Oy vey. What kind of trouble do you think THOSE GUYS are in? Yikes.
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It is written: But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3
How sad is it that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached on this board for at least the past 4 years and there are still Catholic people who are ready to deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of their devotion to a dead cult religion? What possible excuse will ANY of you have when you face Jesus Christ and He says to you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you!!

Teaching people that salvation is through Mary and the Roman Catholic Church instead of through Jesus Christ alone. You people are in BIG TROUBLE!
I believe Jesus was saying become me, when he said to drink his blood and eat his flesh. He is the bread of life, like the mamma was in the OT. Sustain oneself on spiritual things before physical. Jesus spoke in parables and metaphors and allegories.

I doubt the RCC knew what to do with this saying, since most in those days took it literally, and so they decided to call it transubstantiation taken from Aristotle, which does not mean what they say. There is a bacterium that turns reddish when its moist, and so I do believe that some actually thought the hosts did bleed in early centuries.

Its really very special the way the Mass is, but even if one believes in transubstantiation or not (me), its receiving the spirit of Jesus, and its the main part of the RC Mass, of which we all participate. I can't imagine belonging to a church that hands out grape juice and crackers and lectures for an house. We go to Mass to worship , not get a sermon.
No it isn't. The teaching of transubstantiation is blasphemy. The RCC mass is almost identical to the Black Mass of Satanists. You've got top witches in this country who identify themselves publicly as "Catholics" on wikipedia. Look up Cindy Williams (from Laverne and Shirley). Classic example.


Note the Mobius (Interlinking circles) pin on her collar. That's a symbol of witchcraft, folks.
These people LOVE to hide in plain sight! Hollywood is FULL OF THEM.

Note the difference from the left eye to the right one. It's a telling sign of those in the occult.
She must still be at it. Someone ought to tell her that hell has no exits.
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Teaching people that salvation is through Mary and the Roman Catholic Church instead of through Jesus Christ alone. You people are in BIG TROUBLE!

Catholicism does not teach that salvation is through Mary and the Catholic Church. Salvation is a gift/plan of God. The Catholic Church conscientiously follows Apostolic teachings, which the Church passes on as a guaranteed way of salvation. The Church cannot guarantee any other way, but nor does it condemn any other way, noting that the Church entrusts separate ways to the mercy of our Lord. As Catholics, we are the Body of Christ. The Church cannot separate from Jesus. To follow one is to follow the other.

Do take note that one must follow the Church/Body of Christ, not individual Catholic sinners. It should also be noted that many non-Catholics think of salvation merely as a guaranteed heavenly afterlife. For Catholics salvation is a way of living here on earth that extends on into a heavenly afterlife. (God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.)
I believe Jesus was saying become me, when he said to drink his blood and eat his flesh. He is the bread of life, like the mamma was in the OT. Sustain oneself on spiritual things before physical. Jesus spoke in parables and metaphors and allegories.

I doubt the RCC knew what to do with this saying, since most in those days took it literally, and so they decided to call it transubstantiation taken from Aristotle, which does not mean what they say. There is a bacterium that turns reddish when its moist, and so I do believe that some actually thought the hosts did bleed in early centuries.

Its really very special the way the Mass is, but even if one believes in transubstantiation or not (me), its receiving the spirit of Jesus, and its the main part of the RC Mass, of which we all participate. I can't imagine belonging to a church that hands out grape juice and crackers and lectures for an house. We go to Mass to worship , not get a sermon.
No it isn't. The teaching of transubstantiation is blasphemy. The RCC mass is almost identical to the Black Mass of Satanists. You've got top witches in this country who identify themselves publicly as "Catholics" on wikipedia. Look up Cindy Williams (from Laverne and Shirley). Classic example.


Note the Mobius pin on her collar. That's a symbol of witchcraft, folks.
These people LOVE to hide in plain sight! Hollywood is FULL OF THEM.

No its not.
I believe Jesus was saying become me, when he said to drink his blood and eat his flesh. He is the bread of life, like the mamma was in the OT. Sustain oneself on spiritual things before physical. Jesus spoke in parables and metaphors and allegories.

I doubt the RCC knew what to do with this saying, since most in those days took it literally, and so they decided to call it transubstantiation taken from Aristotle, which does not mean what they say. There is a bacterium that turns reddish when its moist, and so I do believe that some actually thought the hosts did bleed in early centuries.

Its really very special the way the Mass is, but even if one believes in transubstantiation or not (me), its receiving the spirit of Jesus, and its the main part of the RC Mass, of which we all participate. I can't imagine belonging to a church that hands out grape juice and crackers and lectures for an house. We go to Mass to worship , not get a sermon.
No it isn't. The teaching of transubstantiation is blasphemy. The RCC mass is almost identical to the Black Mass of Satanists. You've got top witches in this country who identify themselves publicly as "Catholics" on wikipedia. Look up Cindy Williams (from Laverne and Shirley). Classic example.


Note the Mobius (Interlinking circles) pin on her collar. That's a symbol of witchcraft, folks.
These people LOVE to hide in plain sight! Hollywood is FULL OF THEM.

Hey Mary is symbolic of Mother earth, the spouse of the Holy Spirit , God himself. All religions had triads, or trinity, we have the Father , Son and Holy Spirit, (Wisdom). Jesus came thought Mary, and the way to Jesus is through Mary.

I'd say your in a lot of trouble.
How sad is it that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached on this board for at least the past 4 years and there are still Catholic people who are ready to deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of their devotion to a dead cult religion? What possible excuse will ANY of you have when you face Jesus Christ and He says to you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you!!

Teaching people that salvation is through Mary and the Roman Catholic Church instead of through Jesus Christ alone. You people are in BIG TROUBLE!

You do realize you believe in the RC trinity , do you not, The Father, son and HS. Where do you think you got that, from Prostestants, think again. Jesus is going to say to you, depart, you with so much disregard of my mother.
It is written: But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3

We will all pray for your soul, yes EVE was taken in, but not Mary , the Queen of Heaven.
Teaching people that salvation is through Mary and the Roman Catholic Church instead of through Jesus Christ alone. You people are in BIG TROUBLE!

Catholicism does not teach that salvation is through Mary and the Catholic Church. Salvation is a gift/plan of God. The Catholic Church conscientiously follows Apostolic teachings, which the Church passes on as a guaranteed way of salvation. The Church cannot guarantee any other way, but nor does it condemn any other way, noting that the Church entrusts separate ways to the mercy of our Lord. As Catholics, we are the Body of Christ. The Church cannot separate from Jesus. To follow one is to follow the other.

Do take note that one must follow the Church/Body of Christ, not individual Catholic sinners. It should also be noted that many non-Catholics think of salvation merely as a guaranteed heavenly afterlife. For Catholics salvation is a way of living here on earth that extends on into a heavenly afterlife. (God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.)

Sure it does. Are you calling your pope a liar now?
No, by saying that Christ must be devoured by hearing tertullian is clearly saying that the body of Christ is eaten by the ear. If you think that he was being literal try putting the eucharist into your ear next time you are at mass. It will do you about as much good.

Tertullian is saying that we no not receive pieces of Christ's body--i.e. an ear, a nose, or a finger. We receive Christ in his entirety.

Yes, and he said the means by which one receives that entirety, through the hearing which cannot receive anything of a material substance.

The only way possible for the body of Christ to be present in anyone is if the words that form the body of his teaching is in them. Remember? "The spirit alone gives life; the flesh is of no avail. The words that I have spoken to you are both spirit and life." John 6:63

Lets try another approach and say that you are right and Jesus claimed to be the invisible living God and meant for people to worship him in the form of a lifeless piece of bread made by human hands as if it could grant eternal life to those who literally ate it.. which coincidentally happens to reflect perfectly the contemporary existing Mithraic sacrament of partaking in the divine nature of Mithra under the appearance of bread and wine.

If that is true then the Jewish people have always been right to reject him out of hand as either completely insane or a false prophet.

It is not possible that the same living God who has no visible shape or material form and taught the Jewish people through the law and the prophets that there is no life in anything made by human hands would become a human being who taught people to believe and do the exact opposite of what he had already established as the truth for thousands of years.

If there is any truth to the claim that Jesus was the messiah, and that his flesh could give eternal life, it can only be found by searching for and finding a more rational way to interpret the nutty things he said.

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again." Matthew 13:44
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The Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, also Jews, heretics, and schismatics can ever be partakers of eternal life, but that they are to go into the eternal fire ‘which was prepared for the devil and his angels’ unless before death they are joined with Her…

No one, let his alms giving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Jesus Christ can be saved unless they abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”
Pope Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through The Roman Catholic Church

another liar busted..........
It is written: But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3

We will all pray for your soul, yes EVE was taken in, but not Mary , the Queen of Heaven.
News flash for you. You're not praying to God. You're praying to Baal.

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