Catholicism is a very complicated religion

Constantine, Origin Of Sun Worship, Trinity, Babylon & Sunday

Satan's church had its beginning at Babylon with the construction of the Tower of Babel on the plain of Shinar by the River Euphrates many generations after the deluge. At the time of the construction of Babylon at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-4), mankind had multiplied and spoken one language. Cush who was the son of Ham and grandson of Noah (Genesis 10:1, 6), helped to plan with his son Nimrod, a blueprint by which to rule the world of humanity through a wicked counterfeit religion. Nimrod was the originator of sun worship and founder of Babylon. A Bible translation called the Targum says, “Nimrod became a mighty man of sin, a murderer of innocent men, and a rebel before the Lord.

The beginning of Nimrod's evil plan had its origin at Babel which was later known as Babylon. This city of Babylon with a tower “whose top may reach unto heaven” was built by Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-10; 11:4).
They called the tower “Babel, the gate to heaven,” but God called it what it was which was, “Babel, confusion,” for there God confused the language of the people which forced them to scatter. This heaven defying group of people wanted one government to rule the world and one religion to sway the hearts of mankind. This was Satan's attempt to defy God and His authority and the ring leader of his scheme was Nimrod. But God came down and stopped this world wide rebellion at Babel, in defiance of His command for mankind to replenish the earth (Genesis 9:1) by confusing their language into many languages so they could not understand one another's speech. Mankind discontinued the building of Babel and were scattered to different parts of the world (Genesis 11:8-9).

Nimrod had a plan to weld together and strengthen this evil religious system and so he married his own mother who was Semiramis. She was the first deified queen of Babylon and Nimrod was the first deified king. Semiramis was as wicked as her son Nimrod, and as much sold out to Satan and devil worship as did he. Incest was used here as a basis to unite this newly false religious system. Nimrod and his mother/wife would be greatly used by Satan in the following centuries to send countless millions and even billions of souls to hell.

Satan's plan was to develop a counterfeit, opposition system of religion to attract worship away from the true God of Heaven. This false system had its sacrificial plan just as God had a plan of sacrifice. But Satan's pagan worship required the offering up of human beings, which was often the sons and daughters of the worshipers. A counterfeit holy day was instituted in honor of the sun god, (Sun-day) and this was designed by Satan to rob God of his peculiar authority as the Creator of the universe as designated by His Holy day the Sabbath.
This needs to be posted in every Roman Catholic Church Bulletin as a heads up for what they are actually doing! Semiramis IS the Queen of Heaven they worship and pray to!
... No it isn't. The teaching of transubstantiation is blasphemy. ...

Shocking. What to do now? Hmm ... If you don't like to believe this, then we could offer you an alternative: We could allow you to believe in the presence of Christ in our consecrated bread ... or to accept the consequences.

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The Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, also Jews, heretics, and schismatics can ever be partakers of eternal life, but that they are to go into the eternal fire ‘which was prepared for the devil and his angels’ unless before death they are joined with Her…

No one, let his alms giving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Jesus Christ can be saved unless they abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”
Pope Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through The Roman Catholic Church

Again: Read the Catholic Catechism. Christ is the head of the Catholic Church, and as such the Church/Body of Christ can point the way to salvation, which is through Christ. The Church cannot advocate any other way of salvation--it has no authority to do so. You will also note that anyone who does not follow this path is entrusted to the mercy and love of God.

This means, Jeremiah, you or anyone else can tell the world they know the way of salvation. Millions may come to believe you do. However, the Church cannot guarantee your way is the correct way. The Church, with Christ as its head, and in line with Apostolic teachings, knows the way of salvation and can guarantee that way of Christ which it teaches. It cannot guarantee your way, but it will entrust you to the love and mercy of Christ.

Think for a moment. Do you as a non-Catholic even care whether or not Catholics guarantee your methodology or not? Why do you need the Catholic Church to affirm your beliefs? Catholics certainly do not ask non-Catholics to affirm what they believe.
... No it isn't. The teaching of transubstantiation is blasphemy. ...

Shocking. What to do now? Hmm ... If you don't like to believe this, then we could offer you an alternative: We could allow you to believe in the presence of Christ in our consecrated bread.
What to do now? RENOUNCE YOUR BABYLON CULT OF CATHOLICISM! This isn't rocket science! Why perish in a false church that is leading you to hell? GET OUT!
The Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, also Jews, heretics, and schismatics can ever be partakers of eternal life, but that they are to go into the eternal fire ‘which was prepared for the devil and his angels’ unless before death they are joined with Her…

No one, let his alms giving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Jesus Christ can be saved unless they abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”
Pope Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through The Roman Catholic Church

Again: Read the Catholic Catechism. Christ is the head of the Catholic Church, and as such the Church/Body of Christ can point the way to salvation, which is through Christ. The Church cannot advocate any other way of salvation--it has no authority to do so. You will also note that anyone who does not follow this path is entrusted to the mercy and love of God.

This means, Jeremiah, you or anyone else can tell the world they know the way of salvation. Millions may come to believe you do. However, the Church cannot guarantee your way is the correct way. The Church, with Christ as its head, and in line with Apostolic teachings, knows the way of salvation and can guarantee that way of Christ which it teaches. It cannot guarantee your way, but it will entrust you to the love and mercy of Christ.

Think for a moment. Do you as a non-Catholic even care whether or not Catholics guarantee your methodology or not? Why do you need the Catholic Church to affirm your beliefs? Catholics certainly do not ask non-Catholics to affirm what they believe.
You are the one that needs to THINK! And not for a moment but for a long time. THINK LONG AND HARD! You're choosing the occult over salvation in Jesus Christ! You better wake up, Tootsie Bell!

Invoking Lucifer during their mass. It's the tradition of Catholicism. Wake up, people. There is no salvation in the occult! Get out of there and believe the Scriptures! Not some anti-Christ pope leading you to hell!
There is no doubt you've been brainwashed by it - you need deliverance. Get out of there and turn to Christ for Salvation before you perish.

LOL... Calm down... Sheesh.

Before he perishes? If scripture is true he died in the very day he first got down on his knees in deranged adoration before the image of a triune god that became a human being.

But then again, so did you.

According to scripture the promised consequence for worshiping anything other than God is death. Not at some future time or after you die a biological death, but in the very day that you do it.

The fact that neither of you can see anything wrong with such a vile and degrading practice under the condemnation of God is demonstrable evidence out of your own mouths that you have your reward already.
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Malachi Martin was a Vatican insider who new everything about everybody in the world. In two 1992 radio programs, Martin revealed fascinating information about the power elite in the Roman Catholic Church who were obsessed with the idea of reforming the Catholic hierarchy of Europe and bringing in a world government. Martin also wrote about about worship of Lucifer inside the Roman Catholic Church. The coming NWO is another attempt by the Babylon Religion to build a "spiritual tower of babel"... if at first you don't succeed.......... The Roman Catholic Empire is behind the NWO - NOT THE JEWS.
Teaching people that salvation is through Mary and the Roman Catholic Church instead of through Jesus Christ alone. You people are in BIG TROUBLE!

Catholicism does not teach that salvation is through Mary and the Catholic Church. Salvation is a gift/plan of God. The Catholic Church conscientiously follows Apostolic teachings, which the Church passes on as a guaranteed way of salvation. The Church cannot guarantee any other way, but nor does it condemn any other way, noting that the Church entrusts separate ways to the mercy of our Lord. As Catholics, we are the Body of Christ. The Church cannot separate from Jesus. To follow one is to follow the other.

Do take note that one must follow the Church/Body of Christ, not individual Catholic sinners. It should also be noted that many non-Catholics think of salvation merely as a guaranteed heavenly afterlife. For Catholics salvation is a way of living here on earth that extends on into a heavenly afterlife. (God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.)

Sure it does. Are you calling your pope a liar now?

Too funny.

Malachi Martin was a Vatican insider who knew what was going on.. In two 1992 radio programs, Martin revealed fascinating information about the power elite in the Roman Catholic Church who were obsessed with the idea of reforming the Catholic hierarchy of Europe and bringing in a world government. Martin also wrote about about worship of Lucifer inside the Roman Catholic Church. The coming NWO is another attempt by the Babylon Religion to build a "spiritual tower of babel"... if at first you don't succeed.......... The Roman Catholic Empire is behind the NWO - NOT THE JEWS.

Malachi Martin was a Vatican insider who knew what was going on.. In two 1992 radio programs, Martin revealed fascinating information about the power elite in the Roman Catholic Church who were obsessed with the idea of reforming the Catholic hierarchy of Europe and bringing in a world government. Martin also wrote about about worship of Lucifer inside the Roman Catholic Church. The coming NWO is another attempt by the Babylon Religion to build a "spiritual tower of babel"... if at first you don't succeed.......... The Roman Catholic Empire is behind the NWO - NOT THE JEWS.
Testimony of ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera after he left the Roman Catholic Cult and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He was murdered after 6 attempts by the Jesuits to take his life (in order to silence him).


Malachi Martin was a Vatican insider who knew what was going on.. In two 1992 radio programs, Martin revealed fascinating information about the power elite in the Roman Catholic Church who were obsessed with the idea of reforming the Catholic hierarchy of Europe and bringing in a world government. Martin also wrote about about worship of Lucifer inside the Roman Catholic Church. The coming NWO is another attempt by the Babylon Religion to build a "spiritual tower of babel"... if at first you don't succeed.......... The Roman Catholic Empire is behind the NWO - NOT THE JEWS.

this guy, seems to like Mary''

He spoke and wrote often about the Three Secrets of Fátima and was an ardent supporter of Fr. Nicholas Gruner: "Father Gruner is fulfilling a desperately needed function in the ongoing perception of Mary's role in the salvation of our imperilled world. Father Gruner is absolutely correct that the consecration of Russia as—Our Lady desired, has not been executed".[25]

Martin said concerning the three secrets of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven in Fátima in 1917, she mandated the Pope of 1960 to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

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