Catholicism is a very complicated religion

... No it isn't. The teaching of transubstantiation is blasphemy. ...

Shocking. What to do now? Hmm ... If you don't like to believe this, then we could offer you an alternative: We could allow you to believe in the presence of Christ in our consecrated bread.... or to accept the consequences.

What to do now? RENOUNCE YOUR BABYLON CULT OF CATHOLICISM! This isn't rocket science! Why perish in a false church that is leading you to hell? GET OUT!

It seems to me you don't like to believe in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. ... Aha. ... Better to say: So what? Who cares? You are not a Catholic and if you don't become a Catholic then I'm not unhappy about. I was by the way very amused because you deleted what Rowan Atkinson said about the expression "hell" and to see you to continue afterwards with the sentence "Why perish in a false church that is leading you to hell?" (I deleted what you deleted = I reconstructed it)

But seriosly you seem to think if someone believes in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, then this one will go to hell, because he is naive like a baby ... ah sorry: evil like a babylonian. :lol:

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You are slipping Zaang, you forgot your Youtube spam.
Rowan Atkinson quote: "well you see, Jews were right all along"
The Catholic church is a haven for pedophiles, and for people who like to follow pedophiles.
I don't like catholic church but other catholics in Sweden and Europe and U.S.

Okey not all of them but maybe 33 or 50 % are okey for me. Well.
You people have a born again Christian (me) AND a Jewish man BOTH trying to tell you the truth and you still don't get it. How sad is that?

You do realize that you worship the same God of Rome, give thanks to the RCC next time you pray.
No, I do not worship the god of Catholicism. They are into Baal worship. I'm a Christian. I don't give thanks to the devil for anything. If you do, you're in trouble.

Where do you think Protestant came from, right from RC. Same God, same book (books). RC defined what a Christian is. If your believe in the Trinity , you are following basic RC theology.
You are slipping Zaang, you forgot your Youtube spam.
Rowan Atkinson quote: "well you see, Jews were right all along"

Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

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The Catholic church is a haven for pedophiles, and for people who like to follow pedophiles.

From my point of view you are a Nazi. All your ideas correlate with the stupidities of Nazis. So maybe you a the reason for the existance of satana and hell. Who knows?
Nazis are in Catholic religion also. And in east europeans. And off course in protestant's.
I am Swedish and Baptist Lutheran after my protestant dead in hospital. It were Christ how help with Catholic souls even it were dumb against me because I've voices trouble when I relax to music my voices blame me I am Nazi but I say never that to him and it's gang trouble two come close to me in job sociality but no fights so far. But they'll know if I am Nazi so they can hit me.

They say they're USA in war this gangsta rules gang of my town but USA do nothing against Sweden or Finland today situation. Only USA vs Nazi Germany they are but that does not interests me. I have fun with hard rock in home + little more music from youtube. It is easy to relax to musicians.

Somebody will not my protestant life so I get died closely and Catholic souls come to me. Even Christ now my will to live but not that person how will se me died ready in 17 year age but that was early died to early for like of me. This trouble I've with died and voices and gangs how really belief I am Nazi so they can hit me but I say I am no Nazi to my voices.

Over 2000 voices in my brain.

I will nothing trouble with gang.
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I am Swedish and Baptist


Lutheran after my protestant dead in hospital.

... if you are dead then you are a very lively dead.

It were Christ how help with Catholic souls even it were dumb against me because I've voices trouble when I relax to music my voices blame me I am Nazi but I say never that to him and it's gang trouble two come close to me in job sociality but no fights so far. But they'll know if I am Nazi so they can hit me.

Hm hm hm hm hm ... trust in Christ, don't trust in Nazis nor in ghosts. Christ is love.

They say they're USA in war this gangsta rules gang of my town but USA do nothing against Sweden or Finland today situation. Only USA vs Nazi Germany they are but that does not interests me.

Not everyone is interested in old history.

I have fun with hard rock in home + little more music from youtube. It is easy to relax to musicians.

Somebody will not my protestant life so I get died closely and Catholic souls come to me.

Say to them "vade retro" and they will go back. You can also say to them "go back" or "get outa here" in any other language. But sounds more theatralic to say "vade retro".

Even Christ now my will to live but not that person how will se me died ready in 17 year age but that was early died to early for like of me. This trouble I've with died and voices and gangs how really belief I am Nazi so they can hit me but I say I am no Nazi to my voices.

You are right. You are not a Nazi. You are a nice guy. They should speak with you with respect.

Over 2000 voices in my brain.

I will nothing trouble with gang.

I also hate trouble - but it's on the other side not bad not to be alone.

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