Catholicism is a very complicated religion

It is written:

And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. Revelation 13:6

Malachi Martin was a Vatican insider who knew what was going on.. In two 1992 radio programs, Martin revealed fascinating information about the power elite in the Roman Catholic Church who were obsessed with the idea of reforming the Catholic hierarchy of Europe and bringing in a world government. Martin also wrote about about worship of Lucifer inside the Roman Catholic Church. The coming NWO is another attempt by the Babylon Religion to build a "spiritual tower of babel"... if at first you don't succeed.......... The Roman Catholic Empire is behind the NWO - NOT THE JEWS.

this guy, seems to like Mary''

He spoke and wrote often about the Three Secrets of Fátima and was an ardent supporter of Fr. Nicholas Gruner: "Father Gruner is fulfilling a desperately needed function in the ongoing perception of Mary's role in the salvation of our imperilled world. Father Gruner is absolutely correct that the consecration of Russia as—Our Lady desired, has not been executed".[25]

Martin said concerning the three secrets of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven in Fátima in 1917, she mandated the Pope of 1960 to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

His book exposed Satanism in the Vatican - read Windswept House - it was written in novel form. Martin is another casualty of Roman Catholicism that died too soon. Very sad.

Malachi Martin was a Vatican insider who knew what was going on.. In two 1992 radio programs, Martin revealed fascinating information about the power elite in the Roman Catholic Church who were obsessed with the idea of reforming the Catholic hierarchy of Europe and bringing in a world government. Martin also wrote about about worship of Lucifer inside the Roman Catholic Church. The coming NWO is another attempt by the Babylon Religion to build a "spiritual tower of babel"... if at first you don't succeed.......... The Roman Catholic Empire is behind the NWO - NOT THE JEWS.

this guy, seems to like Mary''

He spoke and wrote often about the Three Secrets of Fátima and was an ardent supporter of Fr. Nicholas Gruner: "Father Gruner is fulfilling a desperately needed function in the ongoing perception of Mary's role in the salvation of our imperilled world. Father Gruner is absolutely correct that the consecration of Russia as—Our Lady desired, has not been executed".[25]

Martin said concerning the three secrets of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven in Fátima in 1917, she mandated the Pope of 1960 to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

Martin learned the truth right before he died ( or was murdered). He knew about the Vatican's plans for a one world order before he left.
... No it isn't. The teaching of transubstantiation is blasphemy. ...

Shocking. What to do now? Hmm ... If you don't like to believe this, then we could offer you an alternative: We could allow you to believe in the presence of Christ in our consecrated bread ... or to accept the consequences.

Your reply didn't post, Guno. Can you believe what this guy just said? We must believe in the presence of Christ in "THEIR" consecrated bread? Have you ever heard of such blasphemy in your entire life? Truly this guy takes the cake!
Catholicism is a very complicated religion says the OP. You can say that again! The devil is in the details!
I am an atheist, but I still got down on my knees and thanked god that he decided that Catholics didn't have to eat fish on Friday any more. Even in public school everybody was served those damned awful fish sticks every Friday for 12 years......
You people have a born again Christian (me) AND a Jewish man BOTH trying to tell you the truth and you still don't get it. How sad is that?
I am an atheist, but I still got down on my knees and thanked god that he decided that Catholics didn't have to eat fish on Friday any more. Even in public school everybody was served those damned awful fish sticks every Friday for 12 years......
The Vatican was heavily invested in the fishing industry. It was a scam to sell more fish. God never told them anything. He doesn't dwell in the midst of Satan's Roman church.

Today they have expanded into more lucrative business ventures like selling pornographic books.
But don't take MY word for it! Read it for yourselves!

Catholic Church wholly owns German pornographic publishing house
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There is no doubt you've been brainwashed by it - you need deliverance. Get out of there and turn to Christ for Salvation before you perish.

LOL... Calm down... Sheesh.

Before he perishes? If scripture is true he died in the very day he first got down on his knees in deranged adoration before the image of a triune god that became a human being.

But then again, so did you.

According to scripture the promised consequence for worshiping anything other than God is death. Not at some future time or after you die a biological death, but in the very day that you do it.

The fact that neither of you can see anything wrong with such a vile and degrading practice under the condemnation of God is demonstrable evidence out of your own mouths that you have your reward already.

While I am thankful that you are not involved with the Roman Cult of Catholicism you are still way off - I worship Jesus Christ because He IS God. You deny Jesus Christ is Lord and God because you have not yet been saved. I'm praying for you and one day you will understand the Scriptures are true. Thanks for reading.
There is no doubt you've been brainwashed by it - you need deliverance. Get out of there and turn to Christ for Salvation before you perish.

LOL... Calm down... Sheesh.

Before he perishes? If scripture is true he died in the very day he first got down on his knees in deranged adoration before the image of a triune god that became a human being.

But then again, so did you.

According to scripture the promised consequence for worshiping anything other than God is death. Not at some future time or after you die a biological death, but in the very day that you do it.

The fact that neither of you can see anything wrong with such a vile and degrading practice under the condemnation of God is demonstrable evidence out of your own mouths that you have your reward already.

While I am thankful that you are not involved with the Roman Cult of Catholicism you are still way off - I worship Jesus Christ because He IS God. You deny Jesus Christ is Lord and God because you have not yet been saved. I'm praying for you and one day you will understand the Scriptures are true. Thanks for reading.

That's very sweet Jeremiah. But don't waste any of your precious time praying for me. I read what the law teaches, I see what happens to those who set aside the divine commands, and I believe. Pray for yourself..

One will be taken, the other will be left behind. I'm really OK with that.

I've already passed through to the other side; locked in and way out of range.
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You people have a born again Christian (me) AND a Jewish man BOTH trying to tell you the truth and you still don't get it. How sad is that?

You do realize that you worship the same God of Rome, give thanks to the RCC next time you pray.
I didn't hold out much hope for this thread.

I do note that Jeremiah has complained before about her threads being derailed and spammed by trolls, and now he/she is here doing the exact same thing, ruining somebody else's thread. Shame on you, Jeremiah.

Malachi Martin was a Vatican insider who knew what was going on.. In two 1992 radio programs, Martin revealed fascinating information about the power elite in the Roman Catholic Church who were obsessed with the idea of reforming the Catholic hierarchy of Europe and bringing in a world government. Martin also wrote about about worship of Lucifer inside the Roman Catholic Church. The coming NWO is another attempt by the Babylon Religion to build a "spiritual tower of babel"... if at first you don't succeed.......... The Roman Catholic Empire is behind the NWO - NOT THE JEWS.

this guy, seems to like Mary''

He spoke and wrote often about the Three Secrets of Fátima and was an ardent supporter of Fr. Nicholas Gruner: "Father Gruner is fulfilling a desperately needed function in the ongoing perception of Mary's role in the salvation of our imperilled world. Father Gruner is absolutely correct that the consecration of Russia as—Our Lady desired, has not been executed".[25]

Martin said concerning the three secrets of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven in Fátima in 1917, she mandated the Pope of 1960 to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

Martin learned the truth right before he died ( or was murdered). He knew about the Vatican's plans for a one world order before he left.

Murdered? The point is you worship a trinity, a triad God, so if the RCC is pagan, you are as well.
You people have a born again Christian (me) AND a Jewish man BOTH trying to tell you the truth and you still don't get it. How sad is that?

You do realize that you worship the same God of Rome, give thanks to the RCC next time you pray.
No, I do not worship the god of Catholicism. They are into Baal worship. I'm a Christian. I don't give thanks to the devil for anything. If you do, you're in trouble.
I didn't hold out much hope for this thread.

I do note that Jeremiah has complained before about her threads being derailed and spammed by trolls, and now he/she is here doing the exact same thing, ruining somebody else's thread. Shame on you, Jeremiah.
It was off the rails before I ever wrote a single word.
I didn't hold out much hope for this thread.

I do note that Jeremiah has complained before about her threads being derailed and spammed by trolls, and now he/she is here doing the exact same thing, ruining somebody else's thread. Shame on you, Jeremiah.
It was off the rails before I ever wrote a single word.

Isn't your call, and you're the major spammer here, posting rubbish that you have no idea whether what you're posting is factual or not, mostly crank nonsense.
I didn't hold out much hope for this thread.

I do note that Jeremiah has complained before about her threads being derailed and spammed by trolls, and now he/she is here doing the exact same thing, ruining somebody else's thread. Shame on you, Jeremiah.
It was off the rails before I ever wrote a single word.

Isn't your call, and you're the major spammer here, posting rubbish that you have no idea whether what you're posting is factual or not, mostly crank nonsense.
Not so. I'm countering a false claim with truth. Be grateful. You're getting the "other side" of the story here. I was raised in a staunch Roman Catholic home - I know what I am talking about. You? Not so much.
Now now people stop bickering and focus on truth and knowledge, the topic is the complicated nature of Catholicsm, the mysterys are never secreted making it complicated to understand.
Which religion always talks about the Mysteries?

Which faith can't explain anything so they resort to calling it a mystery?

The title mystery comes from the cult mystery religions that were all compiled to create one world religious order.
As for "Mystery," that name marked on the woman's forehead is the perfect indication of the Vatican City. These Mysteries are at the very heart of Roman Catholic practice and teachings.

A dead giveaway is in the words "Mysterium fide" pronounced at the alleged transformation of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.

Every sacrament and ritual, from baptism to laying on of the hands, manifests the mysterious power which the deceived must faithfully believe the priests� exercise.

Perfect examples:
The fifteen mysteries of the rosary are divided into three orders:
the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, and the glorious mysteries.
Many of these Mysterys are that they are of fron the story of Bel. (resource predated Bel Tablets)*

The 5 Joyful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Annunciation

� The Mystery of the Visitation (luciferous light visitations to the apostles, Paul, Constantine)

� The Mystery of the Birth of the Lord (dEC25TH BEING bAAL'S bIRTHDAY, cave/barn story from Bel Tablet)

� The Mystery of the Presentation in the Temple (TAKEN FROM BEL'S STORY-PREDATED TABLETS)
� The Mystery of Finding Jesus in the Temple (taken from Bel Tablets)

The 5 Sorrowful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Agony in the Garden (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar (forbidden persian Pillars scripture warns of)

� The Mystery of the Crowning with Thorns (baal Tablet plagiarism exact storys)

� The Mystery of Jesus carrying his cross (mithraic image used by the Bascilica prexisted in Mithraic temples they reused)

� The Mystery of the Crucifixion (Yeshu son of Mary was hanged not crucified (read Acts) the cross=symbol of death which is what this topic is about)

The 5 Glorious Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Resurrection (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord (Bel story)

� The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit

� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

� The Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin
Is anything known or is everything a mystery to explain the fact they know nothing, these priests who claim to be the mediator between G0D and mankind?

One of the mystery religions that Rome Absorbed involved the Philistine idol of the fish-man god called Dagon, also referred to as the devil was Baal's father.
Baal's son was the Morning Star-Rev 22:16 Jesus is being claimed Baal's son that is the mystery.

*source for Bel Tablet:
Bel Myth Tablet by S.
Langdon, published in 1923.
Assyrian Babylonian Bel (Bel-Marduk or Marduk-Bel)
myth in which the god Bel is arrested, tried, judged,
scourged, executed, and resurrected and thus are
similar to the mythical elements of the last days of the
life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.
This is From a stone tablet discovered in Nineveh, Assyria, and
dated 700 B.C., now housed in The British Museum,
and referred to by British Museum officials as the Marduk's Ordeal tablet.

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