CDC busted for MASSIVELY overstating Florida's Covid cases

It looks like Florida health officials called their bullshit and they were forced to recant.

He's a leftist and all things left desire are free-flowing and receive their approval, E.G....

Biden mishandles young girls he's just met.
Leftists: "It's because he's caring".

Leftists manipulated the courts to chase a story on Trump they fabricated.
Leftist:s "It's because they're caring".

Trump was impeached for doing much less than Biden did.
Leftists: "It's because Biden cares".

Leftists start more wars.
Leftists: "It's because they care".
It's deaths per 100,000 people, Happy! Don't be a moron!
You're schooling the equivalent of a diseased, dumb fucking animal.

I know, it's satisfying to confirm you're superior to these slack-jawed marxist fucktards in every way possible, but it IS a mismatch of biblical proportions.
Youre one retarded fucker. Nothing good is going to come from locking down the country and fucking up the economy. You actually think the Dems are trying to lose the election.
You're one retarded fucker....there isn't anything good about inflation....this economy hasn't been this shitty since barrag-o
You are a fucking idiot.
So the CDC makes a simple math error, catches it, corrects it, and you play conspiracy games?! Grow up. The numbers are bad with or without the mistake

“It appears the CDC divided by two instead of three,” said Jason Salemi, an epidemiologist at the University of South Florida, who runs one of the most comprehensive and closely watched COVID-19 trackers in the state.
the word wasn't -conspiracy--it was/is LIED....twisting to suit, suits you well
the word wasn't -conspiracy--it was/is LIED....twisting to suit, suits you well
For it to be a lie it would have to be intentional. Do you have any proof that it was intentional? Cause back here in reality they fixed the error when it was identified and it was explained by an math error.
At this point, since other "other team" consists entirely of liars, grifters, and bullshit artists, it's hard not to have a low opinion of any one trying to promote their "side" of things.

the scum demonRATS are grasping for power at any costs whatsoever. How many people have xiden, fake-i, and cuomo killed with their insane promotion of left wing lies and bullshit around the wearing of masks, given the current state of the scamdemic in AMERICA...... flip-flopping daily....

Their freedoms are being impugned for political reasons, by a corrupt scum demonRAT party, more interested in building political capital for 2024 than he is in protecting the lives of AMERICANS....keep those un-vaxxed illegals crossing AMERICAS borders, and bussing them to a town near you
For it to be a lie it would have to be intentional. Do you have any proof that it was intentional? Cause back here in reality they fixed the error when it was identified and it was explained by an math error.
do you have any it wasn't?
they got called out for LYING...therefore, they had no choice but to suck it up and tell the TRUTH
do you have any it wasn't?
I don't need any... You are the one calling them a liar. So where is your proof that they knowingly lied? I see that they made a mistake and posted the wrong numbers, and then corrected it and said it was a math error.
In a fast paced news cycle with even faster changing COVID numbers what is the purpose of one of the biggest hot spots to update only weekly?
Mind your ow business. All of these years and decades waiting for social justice rights and you are at the front of the choir all the time to rag on others. You think you would have learned with all the abuses you or others you know, took.
Lefty dupes bought it hook, line, and sinker (of course).

CDC admits it DID overcount Florida's COVID cases: Agency revises down state's weekend numbers from 28,000 to 19,000 but offers no explanation after falsely claiming 'record' infections​

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Just another government agency that has no credibility and should be ignored. They haven’t got one thing right since the beginning of this cluster fuck so why does anyone still take them seriously?
Someone needs to write a book about government hoaxes. It seems like it is one of the few things the government actually does. :dunno:

The Fauci Flu (covid, kung flu, etc., all the Medical Monopoly Agencies As If They Care About Health) Hoax
The Only Law Abiding American Citizens Vote Hoax
The Diversity is Our Strength Hoax
The Blacks Are In Prison More Than Whites Because of Biased Judges Hoax
The Trump Ukraine Hoax
The Trump Russia Hoax
The MSM as Providing Real News in General Hoax
The Obama Birth Cerrtificate Hoax
The Afghanistan War Hoax
The Iraq War Hoax
The 9/11 Hoax
The Y2K Hoax (remember that one, all electric products were not going to work when 2000 rolled around)
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Normal people are not surprised at all and expect it to be an underreported non-event. CDC and government “science” in general has been completely discredited. It’s much like science was in communist Russia.
Damn, the left sure do make a lot of "math mistakes"......... Education!!!!!!! :21:

Before you know it they'll be renaming this "Pandemic" like they did with Global Warming.
Mind your ow business. All of these years and decades waiting for social justice rights and you are at the front of the choir all the time to rag on others. You think you would have learned with all the abuses you or others you know, took.
You dont think Floridians should know the status of their own state during a pandemic? You dont think government should answer to its citizens?
CDC admits it DID overcount Florida's COVID cases: Agency revises down state's weekend numbers from 28,000 to 19,000 but offers no explanation after falsely claiming 'record' infections
The Daily Mail has been noted for its unreliability and widely criticised for its printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research,[17][18][19][20] and for instances of plagiarism and copyright infringement.[21][22][23][24] In February 2017, the Daily Mail became the first source to be deprecated as an "unreliable source" for use as a reference on the English Wikipedia.

This provocative piece of news appears on no other news source.

Republicans are lying again. It's what they do. This thread is proving it.
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Lefty dupes bought it hook, line, and sinker (of course).

CDC admits it DID overcount Florida's COVID cases: Agency revises down state's weekend numbers from 28,000 to 19,000 but offers no explanation after falsely claiming 'record' infections​

View attachment 524448 View attachment 524449

View attachment 524450
They didnt get busted. They corrected their own error. And dont worry, Florida will soon set its daily record. We know you are rooting for it.

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