Celebs and Plastic Surgery

Are you a male? If so, you must know that I'm correct. Men most certainly judge women based upon their appearances.
Well, there are a lot of homely looking married gals so someone likes them. But you shifted the goal posts, we were discussing professional worth. If you feel the need to attract as many males as you can knock yourself out but at least be honest about what you are doing and why.
Are you a male? If so, you must know that I'm correct. Men most certainly judge women based upon their appearances.
Well, there are a lot of homely looking married gals so someone likes them. But you shifted the goal posts, we were discussing professional worth. If you feel the need to attract as many males as you can knock yourself out but at least be honest about what you are doing and why.

What are you talking about? This thread is about plastic surgery and why women get plastic surgery. Of course we have to include the celebrities and their reasons for doing it, as well as other people.

I wish there was a way to keep idiots from responding to threads. An idiot eject button would be wonderful.
But with Tori Spelling, not even a paper bag over her head could fix that.
She's a two bagger. One for her head and one for yours in case hers falls off.[/QUOTE]

Everyone, here is exhibit A of what I was talking about earlier in the thread. I'll bet this guy is MUCH uglier than Ms. Spelling ever could be, botched surgery or not. Yet he feels perfectly fine judging her on her appearance. As if this dude on the interwebz thinks he is worthy of a "beautiful woman." :biggrin: To borrow a phrase from Bugs Bunny, What a maroon!
Everyone, here is exhibit A of what I was talking about earlier in the thread. I'll bet this guy is MUCH uglier than Ms. Spelling ever could be, botched surgery or not. Yet he feels perfectly fine judging her on her appearance. As if this dude on the interwebz thinks he is worthy of a "beautiful woman." :biggrin: To borrow a phrase from Bugs Bunny, What a maroon!
The dots are too far apart for you apparently. I judge who I would screw. I didn't judge her worth as a human being. Your problem is that YOU equate sexual desirability as your worth to the population and you blame it on men.
What are you talking about? This thread is about plastic surgery and why women get plastic surgery. Of course we have to include the celebrities and their reasons for doing it, as well as other people.

I wish there was a way to keep idiots from responding to threads. An idiot eject button would be wonderful.
Eject yourself then. Men get plastic surgery too. It really isn't complicated, don't blame me.
Everyone, here is exhibit A of what I was talking about earlier in the thread. I'll bet this guy is MUCH uglier than Ms. Spelling ever could be, botched surgery or not. Yet he feels perfectly fine judging her on her appearance. As if this dude on the interwebz thinks he is worthy of a "beautiful woman." :biggrin: To borrow a phrase from Bugs Bunny, What a maroon!
The dots are too far apart for you apparently. I judge who I would screw. I didn't judge her worth as a human being. Your problem is that YOU equate sexual desirability as your worth to the population and you blame it on men.

Go start your own thread about who you would screw. We don't want to know. This thread is about plastic surgery, so if you don't have anything to add to this conversation, then get lost.

I'm still quite sure that Tori Spelling is WAY out of your league too. :lol:
What are you talking about? This thread is about plastic surgery and why women get plastic surgery. Of course we have to include the celebrities and their reasons for doing it, as well as other people.

I wish there was a way to keep idiots from responding to threads. An idiot eject button would be wonderful.
Eject yourself then. Men get plastic surgery too. It really isn't complicated, don't blame me.

Most regular men are not going out getting plastic surgery. That is not the case with women where they are put under pressure by men (see your OWN comments above, you totally made MY point) to go under the knife.
MEN are not judged strictly on their appearances, as women are, that goes especially for women who are celebrities when really, unless you're playing the role of a beauty queen, it really shouldn't matter. I think I would enjoy seeing some regular looking people in the movies sometimes. I always enjoyed Clint Eastwood westerns, and the people in those movies were not "beautiful" people.

There are PLENTY of male actors who are not visually attractive. It only seems to matter for women.
Go start your own thread about who you would screw. We don't want to know. This thread is about plastic surgery, so if you don't have anything to add to this conversation, then get lost.

I'm still quite sure that Tori Spelling is WAY out of your league too. :lol:
Throwing a hissy fit and ordering people around doesn't make you look smarter. If you can't figure out the relevance of my comments have someone explain it to you or ignore the comments.
Most regular men are not going out getting plastic surgery. That is not the case with women where they are put under pressure by men (see your OWN comments above, you totally made MY point) to go under the knife.
Most regular women don't get plastic surgery either. There is no pressure unless you need to be sexually desirable to as many men as possible. That isn't men putting pressure on you. No one is forcing you to be a sex object but you.
MEN are not judged strictly on their appearances, as women are, that goes especially for women who are celebrities when really, unless you're playing the role of a beauty queen, it really shouldn't matter. I think I would enjoy seeing some regular looking people in the movies sometimes. I always enjoyed Clint Eastwood westerns, and the people in those movies were not "beautiful" people.

There are PLENTY of male actors who are not visually attractive. It only seems to matter for women.
Wrong. I provided an example, Meryl Streep, who wasn't made up well in the movie I mentioned and isn't known for hot looks but is a big name star. You have a victimhood mentality, blaming everything on men.
Go start your own thread about who you would screw. We don't want to know. This thread is about plastic surgery, so if you don't have anything to add to this conversation, then get lost.

I'm still quite sure that Tori Spelling is WAY out of your league too. :lol:
Throwing a hissy fit and ordering people around doesn't make you look smarter. If you can't figure out the relevance of my comments have someone explain it to you or ignore the comments.

You're comments are simply wrong. Men are not under the same pressure as women to look beautiful. Tori Spelling wouldn't give you the time of day.
MEN are not judged strictly on their appearances, as women are, that goes especially for women who are celebrities when really, unless you're playing the role of a beauty queen, it really shouldn't matter. I think I would enjoy seeing some regular looking people in the movies sometimes. I always enjoyed Clint Eastwood westerns, and the people in those movies were not "beautiful" people.

There are PLENTY of male actors who are not visually attractive. It only seems to matter for women.
Wrong. I provided an example, Meryl Streep, who wasn't made up well in the movie I mentioned and isn't known for hot looks but is a big name star. You have a victimhood mentality, blaming everything on men.

Whoopie! There's ONE. I'm not having a "victimhood" mentality. I'm saying how it is.
The FACT is that women are not going out getting breast implants for themselves. That goes for both, celebrities and regular women. And it certainly isn't other WOMEN who are demanding to see big giant basketball breasts. :lol: WE think that looks ridiculous!
MEN are not judged strictly on their appearances, as women are, that goes especially for women who are celebrities when really, unless you're playing the role of a beauty queen, it really shouldn't matter. I think I would enjoy seeing some regular looking people in the movies sometimes. I always enjoyed Clint Eastwood westerns, and the people in those movies were not "beautiful" people.

There are PLENTY of male actors who are not visually attractive. It only seems to matter for women.
Watch British TV and movies more. They typically have ordinary looking people, and actresses don't anywhere near as often do plastic surgery as American actresses do.
It may be a Hollyweird thing. I know a few augmented brests in person but no super strange super huge ones...save for this tranny but I do not know how to judge that. It seems as if internet xxx sites and Hollyweird have a higher percentage of inflated brests and a considerably higher percentwge of over inflated brests. Even in the bad strip clubs I have not seen the basketballs you see on tv. Maybe I just dont go on Friday freak night.
It may be a Hollyweird thing. I know a few augmented brests in person but no super strange super huge ones...save for this tranny but I do not know how to judge that. It seems as if internet xxx sites and Hollyweird have a higher percentage of inflated brests and a considerably higher percentwge of over inflated brests. Even in the bad strip clubs I have not seen the basketballs you see on tv. Maybe I just dont go on Friday freak night.

Right, the ones I posted on that woman were unusually large. :lol: But the celebrities get them, just not as large as those ones! Breast implants in teens are on the rise. It's the "in" thing with the rich girls on their 16th or 17th birthdays to get some kind of plastic surgery. I don't know what kind of parents would allow their underaged daughters to do this. But like you say, in Hollyweird it wouldn't be surprising if parents encouraged their teenage daughters to get breast implants. Kim Kardashian's mom thought it was great when Kim made a sex tape. Go figure. :rolleyes-41:

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