CF's Second Political Prediction

I was livid that we had 19 unused Level IV hospital beds in the USA while Obama and the CDC decided that it was really safe to let Ebola infected people roam around the country. See, it's called biocontainment, because the point to try to contain the pathogen and not let it find a new suitable host.

I realize it's not the real topic here, but the moonbat messiah should have shut down any travel to or from the region.

Instead we had terminal victims puking and shitting into our water supply. If that virus does make it into the water table, it will kill more people.

The bed wetting drones don't care how many people die though, because their moonbat messiah is infallible in their hollow minds.

The Democratic party has its fractures.....But the Monolith that was the GOP is long gone!!

Members calling leaders in Congress liars and the people rally around the assclown--A party that shutdown government with no true agenda--A party that actively seek to disenfranchise long standing members?

No, not the party that helped balanced the budget in the 90s and fought the evil empire in the 80's. That is not the same party!! Something horrible has happened to the GOP.

That is it!! I'm saying it! I'm saying it!!

Its BOOOOOSH fault!!

Awww yeah, that felt soooo good!!:rock:
i just cant wait to hear the rats explain the never ending chaos they all created in Europe during the DNC. or will they not mention it and brag about the 2 million jobs they all created in deep red states.

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