chain immigration -

a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

Trump is a criminal & Trump supports the criminal element. No surprise here.

Goldilocks must be trying to make up with Malania for dancing with porn stars ...


yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

Trump is a criminal & Trump supports the criminal element. No surprise here.

Goldilocks must be trying to make up with Malania for dancing with porn stars ...


yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

The Slovenes are a great people. One of my aunts is a Slovene gal, who married my mum's brother and it worked out fine despite the fact it was a mixed marriage. But libs are only interested in those who will be a burden to the country.
Yes more immigrants from Slovenia please
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

Trump is a criminal & Trump supports the criminal element. No surprise here.

Goldilocks must be trying to make up with Malania for dancing with porn stars ...


yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

Trump is a criminal & Trump supports the criminal element. No surprise here.

Goldilocks must be trying to make up with Malania for dancing with porn stars ...


yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

An Australian immigrant was killed here in the Twin Cities just over one year ago by a (former) Minneapolis police officer.

The murder victim's family recently filed a $50 million law suit against the City of Minneapolis & the MPD.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

Trump is a criminal & Trump supports the criminal element. No surprise here.

Goldilocks must be trying to make up with Malania for dancing with porn stars ...


yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again

Nah, we wouldn’t want that. This nation would be terrible if all were good, decent, moral, law abiding, like minded, productive, prideful, patriotic and spoke the same language.
We have to have our “Brownies” to keep us on our toes and watching our backs...right?
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

This gentleman could qualify for immigration for many grounds. He's a productive individual who isn't going to be on the government dole.

The only reason why he immigrated under the "chain" rules is because it was a lot easier as it required less hassle.
Really? How old is he? Is he younger or older than Trump? So basically he's going to not work a day in his life but suck off our Medicare/Medicaid?

And don't tell me he isn't because he's rich. John McCain was rich too but all these years collected 100% disability from the military.

Trump is one of the wealthiest men in America, and by law, his daughter is wealthy. So no, don't look for her parents to be on any social program.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

Goldilocks must be trying to make up with Malania for dancing with porn stars ...


yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:
Being on the wrong side of the communist secret police is not necessarily a black mark in my book. I would need a lot more information before I would score this as a "gotcha".

It sounds like the guy was a smuggler during the communist regime. If that's the case, what was he smuggling? Toilet paper? Guns? American blue jeans? Elvis records? Dissident materials? Marlboros?

Need more information.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

This gentleman could qualify for immigration for many grounds. He's a productive individual who isn't going to be on the government dole.

The only reason why he immigrated under the "chain" rules is because it was a lot easier as it required less hassle.
Really? How old is he? Is he younger or older than Trump? So basically he's going to not work a day in his life but suck off our Medicare/Medicaid?

And don't tell me he isn't because he's rich. John McCain was rich too but all these years collected 100% disability from the military.
100%?.....does that not mean the person cant work at all?...
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

This gentleman could qualify for immigration for many grounds. He's a productive individual who isn't going to be on the government dole.

The only reason why he immigrated under the "chain" rules is because it was a lot easier as it required less hassle.
Really? How old is he? Is he younger or older than Trump? So basically he's going to not work a day in his life but suck off our Medicare/Medicaid?

And don't tell me he isn't because he's rich. John McCain was rich too but all these years collected 100% disability from the military.
100%?.....does that not mean the person cant work at all?...
Yup! But for some reason that sob got 100% disability even though he worked all those years in the Senate making over $100K and his wife is a millionaire. He still took the money. Fucker.

Boy will Republicans stab each other in the back or what? My Republican buddy sent out a mass text about how McCain caused 133 deaths on a ship when he was in the Navy. It turns out to be a lie but that's never stopped Republicans from spreading a story
Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

Goldilocks must be trying to make up with Malania for dancing with porn stars ...


yep; Melania black mailed POTUS to get mama & papa into the US for some chain migration action.

Nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from Slovenia or the like. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Slovenian flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Slovenians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.

Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

You whine about an individual, that has been vetted and allowed in, while supporting 11 to 14 million non vetted individuals that came in illegally? How's that work?
Last edited:
Yes; I do understand the concept for immigration that many (yourself included) in America have for the nation.
It's called 'white is right.'
Yes; I understand.
MAWA - Make America WHITE Again
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

This gentleman could qualify for immigration for many grounds. He's a productive individual who isn't going to be on the government dole.

The only reason why he immigrated under the "chain" rules is because it was a lot easier as it required less hassle.
Really? How old is he? Is he younger or older than Trump? So basically he's going to not work a day in his life but suck off our Medicare/Medicaid?

And don't tell me he isn't because he's rich. John McCain was rich too but all these years collected 100% disability from the military.
100%?.....does that not mean the person cant work at all?...
Yup! But for some reason that sob got 100% disability even though he worked all those years in the Senate making over $100K and his wife is a millionaire. He still took the money. Fucker.

Boy will Republicans stab each other in the back or what? My Republican buddy sent out a mass text about how McCain caused 133 deaths on a ship when he was in the Navy. It turns out to be a lie but that's never stopped Republicans from spreading a story

The money was his...should he have donated it to Guadalupe, Gustavo and their litter of children?
Unfortunately whites from other white countries don't want to come here.

Stop crying about us not letting a lot of immigrants in. We are way too overpopulated and us not letting a lot of immigrants is a good thing. Don't listen to the corporations who say in order for us to grow we need either more immigrants or for us to have more babies. Then have more babies. That'll take 20 years before those kids will be looking for jobs. The corporations want to keep flooding the market with workers because we are near zero unemployment which means in order for them to attract good workers they have to give raises. They don't want to do that so they hope the government will start letting more immigrants in.

And as I said in the beginning, it won't be Australian immigrants. THey don't want to come here.

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

This gentleman could qualify for immigration for many grounds. He's a productive individual who isn't going to be on the government dole.

The only reason why he immigrated under the "chain" rules is because it was a lot easier as it required less hassle.
Really? How old is he? Is he younger or older than Trump? So basically he's going to not work a day in his life but suck off our Medicare/Medicaid?

And don't tell me he isn't because he's rich. John McCain was rich too but all these years collected 100% disability from the military.
100%?.....does that not mean the person cant work at all?...
Yup! But for some reason that sob got 100% disability even though he worked all those years in the Senate making over $100K and his wife is a millionaire. He still took the money. Fucker.

Boy will Republicans stab each other in the back or what? My Republican buddy sent out a mass text about how McCain caused 133 deaths on a ship when he was in the Navy. It turns out to be a lie but that's never stopped Republicans from spreading a story

The money was his...should he have donated it to Guadalupe, Gustavo and their litter of children?
Being a son of a powerful man. Being a rich guy. Being a white man, John McCain got special treatment his entire life. Like Don and Eric Trump.

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