chain immigration -

I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia

The Wall will work. That's the problem as far as the libs are concerned.

It will stop most of the Illegal Encroachment on US territory, and prevent the migration of the new democrat party base.

If it was just a "waste of money" , the Democrat Party wouldn't be so furious about it. After all, they are traditionally in favor of government waste.
chain migration end it

end of story
Oh fuck that. If I get into the USA, are you saying you don't think I should eventually be able to get my family in? Oh you Republicans and your family values.

If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.
I am all for our government going by the letter of the law when it comes to immigration law.

I find it at beast repulsive when any POTUS would politicize the death of a citizen, like Trump did with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Besides being the 'wrong thing to do' it exposes our POTUS for what he truly is; a manipulative, callous azz.

That act alone, in and of itself demonstrates Trump's complete disrespect & contempt for the very office he alone holds.

The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia

Look bud...There’s nowhere to go with this with you if you’ve somehow convinced yourself that walls don’t work despite the trillions of linear feet of wall erected worldwide all for the same purpose and function....TO DETER CRIMINALS.
Imagine telling your son he needs a car to get him around faster and he tells you cars don’t get people around faster.
Why go any further...How do you reason with someone that twisted and unreasonable?

Meanwhile, in Mexico, Mexicans build fences around their homes to keep Mexicans from invading their homes. Fucking weird huh?
Since there was no conviction there was no crime.

If this is chain migration when are the parents bringing in their extended family?
The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia

The Wall will work. That's the problem as far as the libs are concerned.

It will stop most of the Illegal Encroachment on US territory, and prevent the migration of the new democrat party base.

If it was just a "waste of money" , the Democrat Party wouldn't be so furious about it. After all, they are traditionally in favor of government waste.
So that's your ulterior motive? You are worried Democrats will win elections if the wall isn't built? What an ass hat.
The President didn't politicize the murder of Ms Tibet's at all. In fact, he didn't even order the flag flown at half staff in her honor.

Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia

Look bud...There’s nowhere to go with this with you if you’ve somehow convinced yourself that walls don’t work despite the trillions of linear feet of wall erected worldwide all for the same purpose and function....TO DETER CRIMINALS.
Imagine telling your son he needs a car to get him around faster and he tells you cars don’t get people around faster.
Why go any further...How do you reason with someone that twisted and unreasonable?

Meanwhile, in Mexico, Mexicans build fences around their homes to keep Mexicans from invading their homes. Fucking weird huh?
How beautiful.

Patrol the border pussies. No wall needed. Waste of money. HUGE waste of money.

But, I'll tell you this. Every stupid idea Republicans come up with, eventually they get their way. I will not be surprised if one day this stupid wall goes up.

God Americans are dumb af
Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia

The Wall will work. That's the problem as far as the libs are concerned.

It will stop most of the Illegal Encroachment on US territory, and prevent the migration of the new democrat party base.

If it was just a "waste of money" , the Democrat Party wouldn't be so furious about it. After all, they are traditionally in favor of government waste.
So that's your ulterior motive? You are worried Democrats will win elections if the wall isn't built? What an ass hat.

You have it half ass backwards. I want to see a wall that will prevent MS13 and other fiends from crossing over. The fact that MS13 and their fellow illegals are Democrat Party supporters is secondary to me.
Trump used this unfortunate situation to demonstrate the need for tougher measures on illegal immigration, so now he's politicizing it. But when the Democrats come out in full force with their ideas of gun control after each and every mass shooting, that isn't politicizing anything.

Then they wonder why we call them hypocrites.

You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia

Look bud...There’s nowhere to go with this with you if you’ve somehow convinced yourself that walls don’t work despite the trillions of linear feet of wall erected worldwide all for the same purpose and function....TO DETER CRIMINALS.
Imagine telling your son he needs a car to get him around faster and he tells you cars don’t get people around faster.
Why go any further...How do you reason with someone that twisted and unreasonable?

Meanwhile, in Mexico, Mexicans build fences around their homes to keep Mexicans from invading their homes. Fucking weird huh?
How beautiful.

Patrol the border pussies. No wall needed. Waste of money. HUGE waste of money.

But, I'll tell you this. Every stupid idea Republicans come up with, eventually they get their way. I will not be surprised if one day this stupid wall goes up.

God Americans are dumb af

A wall is part of patrolling the border. Help to reduce the costs as it makes it more difficult for someone to sneak by the border guards.

In order to have strictly men to stand on the border, how many would you need? One ever 50 yards? That provides a pretty wide gap for illegals to sneak in between. But even just one every 50 yard, time 1200 miles, for 3 shifts a day, that's a lot of manpower and a lot more expensive than a wall.

Besides who wants to stand in uniform alone , being vigilant for an 8 hour shift.
a criminal record supposedly eliminates the possibility of citizenship for relatives of US Citizens - Trump preached about criminals with records, and how he wouldn't allow them citizenship ...

and then

Melania’s Dad, a New American Citizen With a Record in Yugoslavia’s Secret Police Files

I for one, would have never guessed blatant hypocrisy would have entered the picture - :rolleyes:

This gentleman could qualify for immigration for many grounds. He's a productive individual who isn't going to be on the government dole.

The only reason why he immigrated under the "chain" rules is because it was a lot easier as it required less hassle.
Really? How old is he? Is he younger or older than Trump? So basically he's going to not work a day in his life but suck off our Medicare/Medicaid?

And don't tell me he isn't because he's rich. John McCain was rich too but all these years collected 100% disability from the military.
100%?.....does that not mean the person cant work at all?...
Yup! But for some reason that sob got 100% disability even though he worked all those years in the Senate making over $100K and his wife is a millionaire. He still took the money. Fucker.

Boy will Republicans stab each other in the back or what? My Republican buddy sent out a mass text about how McCain caused 133 deaths on a ship when he was in the Navy. It turns out to be a lie but that's never stopped Republicans from spreading a story

The money was his...should he have donated it to Guadalupe, Gustavo and their litter of children?
how about turning it down because he was able to work making 150000 a year and he was already kinda wealthy....
You don't think 154 mass shootings in 2018 should be politicized?

I don't think one illegal killing one girl is justification for a wall but I see why Trump politicized it. He wants a wall, we want gun control.

Yeah, what a piece of shit your President is...he wants to keep filthy thirdworlders from fucking our nation all up and protect the Constitutional rights of Americans.
Think bud.
Does he or does he want to make a billion dollars building a wall that won't do shit?

Lets not forget what a piece of shit legislation the last Republican passed to get this done

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - Wikipedia

Look bud...There’s nowhere to go with this with you if you’ve somehow convinced yourself that walls don’t work despite the trillions of linear feet of wall erected worldwide all for the same purpose and function....TO DETER CRIMINALS.
Imagine telling your son he needs a car to get him around faster and he tells you cars don’t get people around faster.
Why go any further...How do you reason with someone that twisted and unreasonable?

Meanwhile, in Mexico, Mexicans build fences around their homes to keep Mexicans from invading their homes. Fucking weird huh?
How beautiful.

Patrol the border pussies. No wall needed. Waste of money. HUGE waste of money.

But, I'll tell you this. Every stupid idea Republicans come up with, eventually they get their way. I will not be surprised if one day this stupid wall goes up.

God Americans are dumb af

A wall is part of patrolling the border. Help to reduce the costs as it makes it more difficult for someone to sneak by the border guards.

In order to have strictly men to stand on the border, how many would you need? One ever 50 yards? That provides a pretty wide gap for illegals to sneak in between. But even just one every 50 yard, time 1200 miles, for 3 shifts a day, that's a lot of manpower and a lot more expensive than a wall.

Besides who wants to stand in uniform alone , being vigilant for an 8 hour shift.

You think you need one man for every 50 yards?

So tell me, what do you think the cartels are going to do to the parts of the wall that aren't being patrolled?

The 'US-Mexico border is literally riddled with tunnels'

The Border Wall Is Not Necessary, And Will Only Cause More Problems
chain migration end it

end of story
Oh fuck that. If I get into the USA, are you saying you don't think I should eventually be able to get my family in? Oh you Republicans and your family values.

If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.

anyone coming to the United states should not qualify government assistance for 10 years after arrival

if they can not demonstrate a method of self sufficiency they should be denied entry
chain migration end it

end of story
Oh fuck that. If I get into the USA, are you saying you don't think I should eventually be able to get my family in? Oh you Republicans and your family values.

If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.

anyone coming to the United states should not qualify government assistance for 10 years after arrival

if they can not demonstrate a method of self sufficiency they should be denied entry

Right now, in many states, we have Illegals going to state colleges and being granted the discounted "in state" rate, while US Citizens who just happen to live in a different state but are perfectly legal, have to pay full freight. Further, legal aliens on Student Visas have to pay full freight as well.

Pandering to illegals, and giving them special privileges is wrong
chain migration end it

end of story
Oh fuck that. If I get into the USA, are you saying you don't think I should eventually be able to get my family in? Oh you Republicans and your family values.

If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.

anyone coming to the United states should not qualify government assistance for 10 years after arrival

if they can not demonstrate a method of self sufficiency they should be denied entry

Right now, in many states, we have Illegals going to state colleges and being granted the discounted "in state" rate, while US Citizens who just happen to live in a different state but are perfectly legal, have to pay full freight. Further, legal aliens on Student Visas have to pay full freight as well.

Pandering to illegals, and giving them special privileges is wrong

yup, colleges are full of illegals who never even saw a high school in Mexico

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
chain migration end it

end of story
Oh fuck that. If I get into the USA, are you saying you don't think I should eventually be able to get my family in? Oh you Republicans and your family values.

If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.

anyone coming to the United states should not qualify government assistance for 10 years after arrival

if they can not demonstrate a method of self sufficiency they should be denied entry

Right now, in many states, we have Illegals going to state colleges and being granted the discounted "in state" rate, while US Citizens who just happen to live in a different state but are perfectly legal, have to pay full freight. Further, legal aliens on Student Visas have to pay full freight as well.

Pandering to illegals, and giving them special privileges is wrong

yes it has got to come to an end

it is worth pointing out that the left generally is willing to support illegals over honest American citizens

which should tell ya a lot about the socialist democrats
chain migration end it

end of story
Oh fuck that. If I get into the USA, are you saying you don't think I should eventually be able to get my family in? Oh you Republicans and your family values.

If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.

anyone coming to the United states should not qualify government assistance for 10 years after arrival

if they can not demonstrate a method of self sufficiency they should be denied entry

Right now, in many states, we have Illegals going to state colleges and being granted the discounted "in state" rate, while US Citizens who just happen to live in a different state but are perfectly legal, have to pay full freight. Further, legal aliens on Student Visas have to pay full freight as well.

Pandering to illegals, and giving them special privileges is wrong

yup, colleges are full of illegals who never even saw a high school in Mexico

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
nothing is so ignorant as a know it all leftard

College admission policies
Undocumented students may incorrectly assume that they cannot legally attend college in the United States. However, there is no federal or state law that prohibits the admission of undocumented immigrants to U.S. colleges, public or private. Federal or state laws do not require students to prove citizenship in order to enter U.S. institutions of higher education. Yet institutional policies on admitting undocumented students vary.

For example, many four-year state colleges in Virginia (following a 2003 recommendation by the state attorney general) require applicants to submit proof of citizenship or legal residency and refuse admission to students without documentation. This policy is not, however, a state law. In many other states, public institutions accept undocumented students but treat them as foreign students; they are therefore ineligible for state aid and the lower tuition charged to state residents.

Advising Undocumented Students
Oh fuck that. If I get into the USA, are you saying you don't think I should eventually be able to get my family in? Oh you Republicans and your family values.

If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.

anyone coming to the United states should not qualify government assistance for 10 years after arrival

if they can not demonstrate a method of self sufficiency they should be denied entry

Right now, in many states, we have Illegals going to state colleges and being granted the discounted "in state" rate, while US Citizens who just happen to live in a different state but are perfectly legal, have to pay full freight. Further, legal aliens on Student Visas have to pay full freight as well.

Pandering to illegals, and giving them special privileges is wrong

yup, colleges are full of illegals who never even saw a high school in Mexico

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

not without passing an entry exam - by your own standards they must show thy qualify to be here ...
If you want to support your family once they get here, that's one thing.

But you shouldn't be able to bring your family to America to let the Taxpayers support them.

anyone coming to the United states should not qualify government assistance for 10 years after arrival

if they can not demonstrate a method of self sufficiency they should be denied entry

Right now, in many states, we have Illegals going to state colleges and being granted the discounted "in state" rate, while US Citizens who just happen to live in a different state but are perfectly legal, have to pay full freight. Further, legal aliens on Student Visas have to pay full freight as well.

Pandering to illegals, and giving them special privileges is wrong

yup, colleges are full of illegals who never even saw a high school in Mexico

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

not without passing an entry exam - by your own standards they must show thy qualify to be here ...

stop it with your bs you have been had on two posts alone

the internet is full of ways for illegals to get paid tuition

all of it needs to stop

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