Charles Krauthammer has only weeks to live

That's the first I heard of it.
Quelle surprise. It wasn't the sort of thing bruited about in the echo chamber.
So why aren't you sharing it? Usually when someone says something over and over (shot credibility shot credibility) but after 5 or 6 times hasn't attached a specific means they're lying.

Opinion | A note to readers

I have been uncharacteristically silent these past ten months. I had thought that silence would soon be coming to an end, but I’m afraid I must tell you now that fate has decided on a different course for me.

In August of last year, I underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in my abdomen. That operation was thought to have been a success, but it caused a cascade of secondary complications — which I have been fighting in hospital ever since. It was a long and hard fight with many setbacks, but I was steadily, if slowly, overcoming each obstacle along the way and gradually making my way back to health.
Sad hell. That vile neocon jew deserves a slow painful death! GOOD RIDDANCE! Hopefully McCain follows him really soon.
That's really nice.

I would like to make a list of all of the liberals who I strongly hope meet the same fate:

  • Hillary Clinton
  • Barack Obama
  • Chuck Schumer
  • Joy Behar
  • Samantha Bee
  • Harry Reid
  • Susan Rice
  • James Comey
  • Robert Mueller
  • John McCain
  • The Philadelphia Eagles
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything

I wouldn't go for the chemo.not the way I want to go out.
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything
He said he's been in the hospital 10 months, so I'm guessing chemo has been part of it. They thought they got it--then it doubled back.
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything
I'm sure he had that during the first bout with cancer. He stated it's aggressive this time, why go through the nausea of chemo if it's too late?
Live the final weeks as comfortable as possible. Everyone has a warrior in them and he found his at a early age. He battled his health issues
this entire past year and nearly his entire life, now it's time to accept the inevitable.
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything
He said he's been in the hospital 10 months, so I'm guessing chemo has been part of it. They thought they got it--then it doubled back.

Yes could be. But usually they say so & I was surprised they didn't.
So why aren't you sharing it?
Do you not read the thread?
You still aren't referencing it.

So you're a liar.

I did find this though:

"On July 30 Krauthammer demanded a retraction and apology from the White House.[88] He initially received a private apology,[89] but, upon his request, the apology was made public in the White House Blog on July 31.[89] Krauthammer later said that he was "the only entity on earth, other than rogue states, that has received an apology from the White House."[90]"

We all know who has the credibility problem.
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything
I'm sure he had that during the first bout with cancer. He stated it's aggressive this time, why go through the nausea of chemo if it's too late?
Live the final weeks as comfortable as possible. Everyone has a warrior in them and he found his at a early age. He battled his health issues
this entire past year and nearly his entire life, now it's time to accept the inevitable.

At this point in time, yes...….no point in living with the effects of chemo if there isn't going to be any change. As I just told Old Lady, usually it would be reported if chemo had been involved the first time around, but nothing was said
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything

I wouldn't go for the chemo.not the way I want to go out.

It is rough and the effects of chemo can certainly be worse than the cancer itself.
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything

I wouldn't go for the chemo.not the way I want to go out.

It is rough and the effects of chemo can certainly be worse than the cancer itself.

That's what I heard..
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything

I wouldn't go for the chemo.not the way I want to go out.
That's easy to say when we're healthy, but, when push comes to shove and there is a possibility of living longer
the warrior will settle with the chemo. (I've seen it with a couple of my friend) But, there does come a time where the prognosis
doesn't warrant the drug and wisdom takes over in favor of death.
What no chemo? It does sound like a very aggressive form of cancer, but why not chemo along with the surgery when it was first discovered? As much as I dislike the medical profession & healthcare industry...….I do have to admit it has helped many. Including my husband that was told he only had 2 months to live...over 2 years ago. Dr's don't always know everything

I wouldn't go for the chemo.not the way I want to go out.
That's easy to say when we're healthy, but, when push comes to shove and there is a possibility of living longer
the warrior will settle with the chemo. (I've seen it with a couple of my friend) But, there does come a time where the prognosis
doesn't warrant the drug and wisdom takes over in favor of death.

You really don't know me then in my belief in God, I don't even take aspirin , the way I figure if my body can't heal naturally it's time for me to go.

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