Charlie Rangel says Food Stamps and Social Security is in the Bible

That would mean that every church, and everyone in its congregation who contributes to that church,

if it gives charity in the form of food to the poor, which of course would include many who aren't working,

those churches are acting contrary to the teachings of the Bible?

Why then do you give money to your church?

This is what happens when you don't teach people how to think.

He cited it as if it were a teaching from the Bible.

It is a teaching from the Bible:

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. (2 Thess 3:10)

We as a people should be ashamed of our ignorance of the scripture. People died bring the Bible to the people in English. And with all the blessings of modern technology and the ease of which it could be before us, we are more ignorant of it now than before it was translated into English.
Are there constitutional abortion rights in this country or not?

Does a constitutional right to something mean that the government should fund it with other people's money?

If that's so, I'd really like a new rifle. When is the government going to send me a check for one?

We fund religion with tax breaks not afforded to other organizatons.

You cant give tax breaks to organizations you have no authority to tax to begin with.
Are there constitutional abortion rights in this country or not?

Does a constitutional right to something mean that the government should fund it with other people's money?

If that's so, I'd really like a new rifle. When is the government going to send me a check for one?

We fund religion with tax breaks not afforded to other organizatons.

we fund non profit organizations with tax breaks. Religious organizations fall into that category.

What you said was pure spin to cloud the issue.

The resident Bible 'experts' around here like to say that the correct interpretation of that commandment is 'thou shall not murder.'

Since in most cases in the US, an abortion is not the crime of murder,

that commandment does not apply.

Why, because a judge said so? A baby is a gift from God and shouldn't be killed.

We are a nation of laws, not of gods.

so why should we even listen to rangel?
I was thinking that his doctors are falling down on their jobs. By allowing him to post like this they will never be able to convince a judge it is safe to let him out. Then again, they might not want to.

You folks are like clockwork.

Faced with a view you can neither dispute or choose to attack the poster.

Guess that's all you have when you have nothing.


Thus spoke Mr. Pot ^^^^

Well no.

I've basically stuck to a self imposed rule, not to personally insult anyone, first.

So far? So good.

Long ago, Israel tried to help the poor from sinning. When a person is hungry enough, that person will steal food to survive and in doing so, that person commits a sin. So, a law was passed which merchants had to have a special place, a basket or bowl set out with food in it. This was for the poor which they could take what they needed. It cut down on theft big time, almost completely removed theft from the market place.

Well, merchants started to see that their profits were starting to go down. What was happening is more and more people who had the means to pay for their own food were taking the food left for the poor. Those who had the means were stealing from the poor, just like today.

Amazing how history repeats itself.

people were the same 2000 years ago and will be the same 2000 years from now.
that is what the leftards are to ignorant too understand - there is nothing new under the sun - and their formula of collectivist utopia won't work :D
We are a nation of laws, not of gods.

I find it strange that you attack people that use God to support restricting abortion, but defend people that use Him to support big government. Are you a hypocrite? Shouldn't the speeration of church and state work even if you like the results, or do you actually support theocracy.

Are there constitutional abortion rights in this country or not?

no, they are not :D
Long ago, Israel tried to help the poor from sinning. When a person is hungry enough, that person will steal food to survive and in doing so, that person commits a sin. So, a law was passed which merchants had to have a special place, a basket or bowl set out with food in it. This was for the poor which they could take what they needed. It cut down on theft big time, almost completely removed theft from the market place.

Well, merchants started to see that their profits were starting to go down. What was happening is more and more people who had the means to pay for their own food were taking the food left for the poor. Those who had the means were stealing from the poor, just like today.

Amazing how history repeats itself.

people were the same 2000 years ago and will be the same 2000 years from now.
that is what the leftards are to ignorant too understand - there is nothing new under the sun - and their formula of collectivist utopia won't work :D

Its called evolution. Some people are too short sighted to understand that if you are aware of why you do things your mind is strong enough to overcome those tendencies, instincts, etc. As people become more enlightened to using their minds instead of letting fear rule them (we) will see a utopian society.
Long ago, Israel tried to help the poor from sinning. When a person is hungry enough, that person will steal food to survive and in doing so, that person commits a sin. So, a law was passed which merchants had to have a special place, a basket or bowl set out with food in it. This was for the poor which they could take what they needed. It cut down on theft big time, almost completely removed theft from the market place.

Well, merchants started to see that their profits were starting to go down. What was happening is more and more people who had the means to pay for their own food were taking the food left for the poor. Those who had the means were stealing from the poor, just like today.

Amazing how history repeats itself.

people were the same 2000 years ago and will be the same 2000 years from now.
that is what the leftards are to ignorant too understand - there is nothing new under the sun - and their formula of collectivist utopia won't work :D

Its called evolution. Some people are too short sighted to understand that if you are aware of why you do things your mind is strong enough to overcome those tendencies, instincts, etc. As people become more enlightened to using their minds instead of letting fear rule them (we) will see a utopian society.

no, it is not :D

it has nothing to do with evolution.

man didn't change even one iota from 2000 years ago and will NEVER change.
that's what you, leftards are unable to comprehend. Soviets even banned genetics exactly for the reason it made the idiotic notion of "making a new soviet human" unable to be achieved :lol:
We are a nation of laws, not of gods.

so why should we even listen to rangel?

Are we a theocracy?

Is there a law against abortion in the Bible that the United States is compelled to obey and enforce?

yes, there is - Thou shall not kill.

and if you want to murder - you can, but you will face consequences.

however, you, as a perfect leftard, will become a perfect theocrat if that will give you the ability to take other's people money.
what a surprise :lol:
No you can't. Irrefutable fact.

What economy has ever been totally destroyed because of food stamps and social security?


What are you talking about? This economy is a raging much so that food stamps stimulate it. Never mind that we're 16 trillion in the hole and upside down on our deficit, hey, we'll just pass another bill that will cost the taxpayers trillions on top of the debt.
people were the same 2000 years ago and will be the same 2000 years from now.
that is what the leftards are to ignorant too understand - there is nothing new under the sun - and their formula of collectivist utopia won't work :D

Its called evolution. Some people are too short sighted to understand that if you are aware of why you do things your mind is strong enough to overcome those tendencies, instincts, etc. As people become more enlightened to using their minds instead of letting fear rule them (we) will see a utopian society.

no, it is not :D

it has nothing to do with evolution.

man didn't change even one iota from 2000 years ago and will NEVER change.
that's what you, leftards are unable to comprehend. Soviets even banned genetics exactly for the reason it made the idiotic notion of "making a new soviet human" unable to be achieved :lol:

Totally wrong in your analysis. It is evolution. We have changed physically and mentally. People are taller and bigger than they were before so for the less cerebral of us there is a physical change you can see with your own eyes. Also mentally we have changed by slowing and losing some of our survival instincts that kept us alive. Again I stress not being short sighted. 2000 years is not even a blink of the eye in terms of time.
Let him post whatever he would like. Let's just not let him govern us.

People should be free to say even ridiculous things. That's why we have the First Amendment.

I was thinking that his doctors are falling down on their jobs. By allowing him to post like this they will never be able to convince a judge it is safe to let him out. Then again, they might not want to.

You folks are like clockwork.

Faced with a view you can neither dispute or choose to attack the poster.

Guess that's all you have when you have nothing.


I can destroy your view using grade school logic.

  • Food stamps are paid for with taxes.
  • Taxes are collected from the economy.
  • In order to run an economy on food stamps you would have to pay for them with food stamps.
  • Bit of circular logic that quickly runs out of food stamps.

Now I am free to point out how stupid you have to be to say that food stamps can run an economy.

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