Charlie Rangel says Food Stamps and Social Security is in the Bible

No, actually churches will not turn the needy away, but most people with morals won't take advantage of their nieghbors. Liberals create dependency through lack of education and encourages life long dependency on welfare, all for a vote.

I remember reading some time ago that military families, because of the pay rates, were in some cases eligible for food stamps.

Do you label those families as immoral if they did in fact take advantage of that eligibility?

I don't find it imoral at all. What is wrong is when peopld become reliant on tbem cause they won't try to better themselves. Liberals encourage life long welfare dependancy. All for a vote.

Conservatives encourage taking the food stamps away from the working poor in order to lower the taxes on the well off. All for the votes.
Why, because a judge said so? A baby is a gift from God and shouldn't be killed.

If you want to govern your country according to a holy book, this is how you do it:

This is from the Iraqi Constitution:

Article 2: First: Islam is the official religion of the State and is a foundation source of legislation:

A. No law may be enacted that contradicts the established provisions of Islam

Kiling is acceptable? Wow.

If you are not opposed unequivocally to war, then yes it is.

The God of the Old Testament, in whose name that commandment was written, advocated the killing of tens of thousands, perhaps more, including women, children, infants,

in fact,

he commanded it.
I remember reading some time ago that military families, because of the pay rates, were in some cases eligible for food stamps.

Do you label those families as immoral if they did in fact take advantage of that eligibility?

I don't find it imoral at all. What is wrong is when peopld become reliant on tbem cause they won't try to better themselves. Liberals encourage life long welfare dependancy. All for a vote.

Conservatives encourage taking the food stamps away from the working poor in order to lower the taxes on the well off. All for the votes.

No, if the working poor can buy 20 oz sodas and candy bars instead of actually buying food to feed the family. Their really not that needy.
Anyone who gets their religious instruction from Charlie Tax Cheat Rangel deserves what nonsense they catch.

Liberalism is a disease. It doesn't have to be communicable.
Does the Bible also give the permission to Charlie Rangel to steal and lie as he did?

Forgiveness of sin is the cornerstone of Christianity.

Upon REpENTANCE of the sinner, which is not the case here.

Since when our atheistic rabidly anti-Christian leftards became so interested in the Bible and Church?
Is it a new manual from the master's? And suddenly the komsomol choir is all singing , albeit in a false tune, about the traditions of Christianity :D

Hypocrisy at it's best
It's like Obama's Rev. Wright saying that the Bible says that there are many paths to heaven.

It just aint there.

Revelation 21:21

And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

- King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition
funny how libs want separation of church and state until they feel they can use it to their advantage
Yeah he's right it does.

Its under "Those who do not work, should not eat."

That would mean that every church, and everyone in its congregation who contributes to that church,

if it gives charity in the form of food to the poor, which of course would include many who aren't working,

those churches are acting contrary to the teachings of the Bible?

Why then do you give money to your church?

This is what happens when you don't teach people how to think.
Atrocious indeed :eusa_whistle:

Sheep and goats

Matt 25:31 - 46

And that is what Rangel quoted, not what the OP suggested he said, although...are the GOP sheep or goats?

Rangel said that Jesus would turn people away from Heaven for not supporting Food Stamps. I could use the same lack of logic to argue that he would do it for supporting them. After all, he did say render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and Food Stamps do not have a picture of Jesus on them. His picture isn't on the money they use either.
The resident Bible 'experts' around here like to say that the correct interpretation of that commandment is 'thou shall not murder.'

Since in most cases in the US, an abortion is not the crime of murder,

that commandment does not apply.

Why, because a judge said so? A baby is a gift from God and shouldn't be killed.

We are a nation of laws, not of gods.

I find it strange that you attack people that use God to support restricting abortion, but defend people that use Him to support big government. Are you a hypocrite? Shouldn't the speeration of church and state work even if you like the results, or do you actually support theocracy.
Really? So which churches kick you out of their soup kitchen or food pantry if you've been there too many times?
No, actually churches will not turn the needy away, but most people with morals won't take advantage of their nieghbors. Liberals create dependency through lack of education and encourages life long dependency on welfare, all for a vote.

I remember reading some time ago that military families, because of the pay rates, were in some cases eligible for food stamps.

Do you label those families as immoral if they did in fact take advantage of that eligibility?

I read about progressives that were capable of defending a position using logic, reason, and actual facts. Do you think they are morally repugnant?
Heres a hint: No one cares what the bible says or there wouldn't be seafood markets with shellfish
Yeah he's right it does.

Its under "Those who do not work, should not eat."

That would mean that every church, and everyone in its congregation who contributes to that church,

if it gives charity in the form of food to the poor, which of course would include many who aren't working,

those churches are acting contrary to the teachings of the Bible?

Why then do you give money to your church?

This is what happens when you don't teach people how to think.

Unfortunately it's a common problem for man. I've been guilty of it several times myself.

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