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Trump was just covering his bases, since he knows where his bread is buttered.

If you'll excuse the mixed metaphor.
Wanna take a shot why your people won't answer what they think of the FACT that at least 10 different Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy?

Go ahead, explain it.

Now watch as the emperor of identity politics does the old leftwing double talk shuffle.
Sure, it's not politically expedient for them to address it.

Partisans are generally liars and hypocrites.

Anything else? Do you feel you deflected enough there?
No, but since you admit that, then you have then make the logical conclusion that they don't give one flying hell shit about the black people.

Or else...

They would be deeply offended by the FACT that at least 10 different Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy.

Which leads to the further conclusion that they only use the black people as a weapon along with every other minority, including the Native Americans. Including the Cherokee who were one of the tribes and the one that the lying skinny arm waving witch claims she was a member of cause of her high cheekbones.

Which then leads to the logical conclusion that the entire left are nothing but lying patronizing elite racists.

That is the conclusion Mac. It is logical. Time to giggle now and pretend you are not about identify politics.
I don't know what you think you're accomplishing.

I've said a few thousand times, including to YOU recently -- maybe your memory is bad -- that the Left has cynically and dishonestly weaponized PC and Identity Politics for political advantage, for generations now. It has caused profound damage.

I can't make that more clear. But you keep thinking that you're going to "get" me on something.

You're beating a dead horse here. You've been beating it for quite a while now. I'm beginning to feel sorry for the horse.
Today, on the TV show The View, Whoopi Goldberg, made what appeared to be a disparaging remark about the post Charlottesville riot remark of President Trump that "you also had people that were very fine people on both sides."

After the Charlottesville riot, April 12, 2017, President Trump made a comment.
from Real Clear Politics >>
Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

My own take on this whole thing was that the protestors, protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee (Confederate General), were conducting a legal protest march, with a permit. Along the way, they encountered a large group of counterprotestors, who were illegally sitting in the street, blocking traffic and the march too.

So now we look at the identities of both groups. Whether some or all of the protestors were actually neo-Nazis, or just agent provocateurs, it is known that some, if not most, of the protestors were not radicals of any sort, and were simply exercising their constitutional rights to protest the removal of the statue.

On the counterprotestor side, I would like to think that there may have been some good people too, who were not breaking any laws, or creating trouble, but I honestly don't know that.

So in retrospect, I would say I believe Trump may or my not have been right. To clearly establish his comment as correct, we would have to be able to confirm if any of the leftist counterprotestors were not blocking traffic, starting fights, or engaging in wrongdoing. At this time, I am unable to do that, so I would say that the accuracy of his comment I undeterminable.

See the facts about the Charlottesville riot. You decide what they mean. - Fabius Maximus website
I've seen this before, the scary side of people. The first MLK march in Denver was a near bloodbath. Skinheads also got a licence to march to the capitol at the same time (big mistake) . In the spirit of non violence and racial harmony, there was a near riot trying to kill the Whites... MLK would totally support that...
Trump was just covering his bases, since he knows where his bread is buttered.

If you'll excuse the mixed metaphor.
Wanna take a shot why your people won't answer what they think of the FACT that at least 10 different Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy?

Go ahead, explain it.

Now watch as the emperor of identity politics does the old leftwing double talk shuffle.
Sure, it's not politically expedient for them to address it.

Partisans are generally liars and hypocrites.

Anything else? Do you feel you deflected enough there?
No, but since you admit that, then you have then make the logical conclusion that they don't give one flying hell shit about the black people.

Or else...

They would be deeply offended by the FACT that at least 10 different Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy.

Which leads to the further conclusion that they only use the black people as a weapon along with every other minority, including the Native Americans. Including the Cherokee who were one of the tribes and the one that the lying skinny arm waving witch claims she was a member of cause of her high cheekbones.

Which then leads to the logical conclusion that the entire left are nothing but lying patronizing elite racists.

That is the conclusion Mac. It is logical. Time to giggle now and pretend you are not about identify politics.
I don't know what you think you're accomplishing.

I've said a few thousand times, including to YOU recently -- maybe your memory is bad -- that the Left has cynically and dishonestly weaponized PC and Identity Politics for political advantage, for generations now. It has caused profound damage.

I can't make that more clear. But you keep thinking that you're going to "get" me on something.

You're beating a dead horse here. You've been beating it for quite a while now. I'm beginning to feel sorry for the horse.

Says the emperor of Identity politics
From what I've heard, that was mostly local people upset that a statue in their park was being removed. So?
So, you hear only the BULLSHIT that you want to hear!
Goodwin, who is from Arkansas, Ramos, who is from Georgia, Davis, who is from Florida and Borden who is from Ohio were all found guilty of beating DeAndre Harris at the Nazi “Unite the Right” HATE rally.
You are hearing the bullshit from the media. The park statue was the theme of the protest march. You're just another dupe.

That must explain why the racist righties called their event, "Unite the Right," and not, Save the Statues!"
Only a small group of righties called it that, you idiot, and naturally, the biased media jumped on it, for dupes like you.

Poor crazed, Gramps. That was the event.... Unite the Right









And note the list of scheduled speakers -- all unabashed racists

You deny reality because you fear it. What does your fear tell you?
Trump was just covering his bases, since he knows where his bread is buttered.

If you'll excuse the mixed metaphor.
Wanna take a shot why your people won't answer what they think of the FACT that at least 10 different Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy?

Go ahead, explain it.

Now watch as the emperor of identity politics does the old leftwing double talk shuffle.
Sure, it's not politically expedient for them to address it.

Partisans are generally liars and hypocrites.

Anything else? Do you feel you deflected enough there?
No, but since you admit that, then you have then make the logical conclusion that they don't give one flying hell shit about the black people.

Or else...

They would be deeply offended by the FACT that at least 10 different Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy.

Which leads to the further conclusion that they only use the black people as a weapon along with every other minority, including the Native Americans. Including the Cherokee who were one of the tribes and the one that the lying skinny arm waving witch claims she was a member of cause of her high cheekbones.

Which then leads to the logical conclusion that the entire left are nothing but lying patronizing elite racists.

That is the conclusion Mac. It is logical. Time to giggle now and pretend you are not about identify politics.
I don't know what you think you're accomplishing.

I've said a few thousand times, including to YOU recently -- maybe your memory is bad -- that the Left has cynically and dishonestly weaponized PC and Identity Politics for political advantage, for generations now. It has caused profound damage.

I can't make that more clear. But you keep thinking that you're going to "get" me on something.

You're beating a dead horse here. You've been beating it for quite a while now. I'm beginning to feel sorry for the horse.

Says the emperor of Identity politics
And this is why I've given trying to communicate with nutters.

You're not serious. You just post to whine and troll.
Think about it...

Nearly twenty 20 years ago our nation developed a foreign policy in Ukraine which specifically focused on weeding out corporate and/or political corruption, before we extend them any aid.

President Trump obeyed that foreign policy, and the deceitful Dems impeached him for it. All because, a Dem was the corrupt target in Ukraine.

If you are proud of that then shame on your voting rights in America, edthecynic !!

Then the Dems did the same thing for this Charlottesville rally....misconstrued Trump's true actions, like they misconstrued him in Ukraine. Yes, as Trump clearly denounced the neo-Nazi ---but you all stick to him saying there's fine people on both sides.

They didn't misconstrue anything. They deliberately chopped up his sentences and pulled out a few words, then plastered it in headlines all over the place and brought 4 analysts (NYTImes correspondent, Politico reporter, Entertainment Tonight analyst and some milquetoast RINO) to feign moral outrage and blabber on about it night after night in prime time.

It is an elaborate, 100 percent fake and disingenuous ploy to alter public opinion. Let's keep playing a video of Tiki-torch marches and "Jews will not replace us, etc" to add extra spice, and imply that Trump refers to THEM as "very fine people", even though he explicitly said he wasn't referring to them, THEY LEAVE THAT PART OUT ON PURPOSE and that's what sickens me so much about this entire story.

It is very skillfull propaganda. They fully know what they're doing, and its utterly cynical and disgusting. At best, they're doing this for ratings, because they know the rabid shallow leftist viewers who enjoy watching "anti-Trump porn" all day will lap it up. That's CNN for ya

It's not like they're innocently misinterpreting what he said!

How dare the media quote Impeached Trump?
Ha ha. In November, the American people will show what they think of the Democrats' failed impeachment fiasco.
Oh? There are about as many who wanted Impeached Trump thrown out of office as there were who thought he shouldn't have been.
Trump's job approval rating rises to 49 percent amid impeachment, highest since taking office, Gallup says
Woohoo... 49%

From what I've heard, that was mostly local people upset that a statue in their park was being removed. So?
So, you hear only the BULLSHIT that you want to hear!
Goodwin, who is from Arkansas, Ramos, who is from Georgia, Davis, who is from Florida and Borden who is from Ohio were all found guilty of beating DeAndre Harris at the Nazi “Unite the Right” HATE rally.
You are hearing the bullshit from the media. The park statue was the theme of the protest march. You're just another dupe.

That must explain why the racist righties called their event, "Unite the Right," and not, Save the Statues!"
Only a small group of righties called it that, you idiot, and naturally, the biased media jumped on it, for dupes like you.

Poor crazed, Gramps. That was the event.... Unite the Right









And note the list of scheduled speakers -- all unabashed racists

You deny reality because you fear it. What does your fear tell you?
They all say YOU will not replace us. The statement is appropriate because the democrat goal is to replace Americans. Particularly white Americans. They have succeeded in many parts of the country. They call it demographic change. We know what it really is. It's population replacement.
It means america is still a racist pig of a society and you watch stupid shit on tv and get all tweaked up over it which is what tv in america is for..
I agree with the TV part of your mini rant but the pig portion of our society you mention is the lily white liberals standing on the shoulders of the minority community all claiming they want to be president so minorities never have to suffer through running the country again...a white liberal should never be allowed to represent the democratic party again.
Did President Trump condemn Nazis or not?
Not initially, no. But sure, after he was shamed into it.
Hold on? The OP stated in his initial speech he did condemn them. Is that incorrect? So the OP is lying?
If the OP claimed Impeached Trump specifically condemned nazis in his initial remarks, then yes, the OP lied. Thd word, "nazi," was not even uttered by Impeached Trump until after he was called out for his absurd initial comment.
So, you hear only the BULLSHIT that you want to hear!
Goodwin, who is from Arkansas, Ramos, who is from Georgia, Davis, who is from Florida and Borden who is from Ohio were all found guilty of beating DeAndre Harris at the Nazi “Unite the Right” HATE rally.
You are hearing the bullshit from the media. The park statue was the theme of the protest march. You're just another dupe.

That must explain why the racist righties called their event, "Unite the Right," and not, Save the Statues!"
Only a small group of righties called it that, you idiot, and naturally, the biased media jumped on it, for dupes like you.

Poor crazed, Gramps. That was the event.... Unite the Right









And note the list of scheduled speakers -- all unabashed racists

You deny reality because you fear it. What does your fear tell you?
They all say YOU will not replace us. The statement is appropriate because the democrat goal is to replace Americans. Particularly white Americans. They have succeeded in many parts of the country. They call it demographic change. We know what it really is. It's population replacement.
So? The event was still organized, sponsored, promoted and supported by various racist factions on th the right with the expressed intent of strengthening their racism in unity.

Folks showed up to protest a racist event and dumbfucking Impeached Trump tried to equate both sides. :cuckoo:
Did President Trump condemn Nazis or not?
Not initially, no. But sure, after he was shamed into it.
Can you post trumps full content? Maybe you are uneducated
PolitiFact - In Context: President Donald Trump’s statement on ‘many sides’ in Charlottesville, Va.
Can you post it here? Thank you.. this is a IQ test don’t fail

I gave you a link to it. If you're too stupid to navigate a link, that's your problem.
Did President Trump condemn Nazis or not?
Not initially, no. But sure, after he was shamed into it.
Can you post trumps full content? Maybe you are uneducated
PolitiFact - In Context: President Donald Trump’s statement on ‘many sides’ in Charlottesville, Va.
Can you post it here? Thank you.. this is a IQ test don’t fail

I gave you a link to it. If you're too stupid to navigate a link, that's your problem.
This is a iq test.. can you pass it?
It means america is still a racist pig of a society and you watch stupid shit on tv and get all tweaked up over it which is what tv in america is for..
I agree with the TV part of your mini rant but the pig portion of our society you mention is the lily white liberals standing on the shoulders of the minority community all claiming they want to be president so minorities never have to suffer through running the country again...a white liberal should never be allowed to represent the democratic party again.

Hopin' for a 49 state landslide that convinces them to right the ship....and become an American party again.
Not initially, no. But sure, after he was shamed into it.
Can you post trumps full content? Maybe you are uneducated
PolitiFact - In Context: President Donald Trump’s statement on ‘many sides’ in Charlottesville, Va.
Can you post it here? Thank you.. this is a IQ test don’t fail

I gave you a link to it. If you're too stupid to navigate a link, that's your problem.
This is a iq test.. can you pass it?

Uh, no, that's not an IQ test. Obviously, you've never actually seen an IQ test. :mm:
Can you post it here? Thank you.. this is a IQ test don’t fail

I gave you a link to it. If you're too stupid to navigate a link, that's your problem.
This is a iq test.. can you pass it?

Uh, no, that's not an IQ test. Obviously, you've never actually seen an IQ test. :mm:
See you failed lol no surprise hah
Did President Trump condemn Nazis or not?
Not initially, no. But sure, after he was shamed into it.
Hold on? The OP stated in his initial speech he did condemn them. Is that incorrect? So the OP is lying?
If the OP claimed Impeached Trump specifically condemned nazis in his initial remarks, then yes, the OP lied. Thd word, "nazi," was not even uttered by Impeached Trump until after he was called out for his absurd initial comment.

Trump was impeached before that speech? Link please.

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