Chelsea Clinton Calls Republicans Islamophobes, Homophobes, Racists

Chelsea Clinton Calls Republicans Islamophobes, Homophobes, Racists

The problem with Chelsea Clinton is that, just like her mother, SHE is a sexist gender supremacist who feels entitled to call herself superior to all men.

the problem with this statement is that every one of these Islamic immigrants has been raised and indoctrinated by their religion to be the ultimate haters of gay men and lesbian women who only want to come here to commit atrocities against american citizens and the democrats have taken millions from kings and princes in the middle east to sell all of us to islam, which also makes her a lying hypocrite and a religious bigot who show's clear favor to men who would torture every unbeliever on earth while she pretends where all discriminating against them for being aware of it.
You are going exclusively with the headline here?

Drudge has turned our domestic idiots to put this.......even bigger idiots....

Thats the point of the entire article and I have nothing else to comment on, hatemonger
The point of the article is to generate clicks, and to provide a platform for Scammers selling Apocalypse Kits....

You COULD go to Chelsea's actual words, but where is the Useful Idiotry in THAT, eh?

OH MY GOD! stop sidetracking away from my point!

the democrats ARE marketing Islam so they can bring in MILLIONS of Muslims! ITS A VERY WIDELY KNOWN FACT AND THAT'S MY ISSUE!

The reason it's an issue for me is not prejudice against islam, its the fact that I'M A VERY WIDELY KNOWN BISEXUAL ATHEIST WHO WILL BE TORTURED BY THESE PEOPLE IF THEY HAVE THE MEANS!
Chelsea Clinton Calls Republicans Islamophobes, Homophobes, Racists

The problem with Chelsea Clinton is that, just like her mother, SHE is a sexist gender supremacist who feels entitled to call herself superior to all men.

the problem with this statement is that every one of these Islamic immigrants has been raised and indoctrinated by their religion to be the ultimate haters of gay men and lesbian women who only want to come here to commit atrocities against american citizens and the democrats have taken millions from kings and princes in the middle east to sell all of us to islam, which also makes her a lying hypocrite and a religious bigot who show's clear favor to men who would torture every unbeliever on earth while she pretends where all discriminating against them for being aware of it.
You are going exclusively with the headline here?

Drudge has turned our domestic idiots to put this.......even bigger idiots....

Thats the point of the entire article and I have nothing else to comment on, hatemonger
The point of the article is to generate clicks, and to provide a platform for Scammers selling Apocalypse Kits....

You COULD go to Chelsea's actual words, but where is the Useful Idiotry in THAT, eh?
All the crazy left have to offer is childish name calling. The left love to alienate half of America then blame others for why they can't get elected.

Hard to find a transcript, but here is the closest I can find:

“I completely agree that we have to always start by listening and calling out and giving a platform, and encouraging, particularly, those who are and have been structurally disempowered and often forcibly silenced,” Chelsea Clinton told the panel.

Chelsea Clinton continued: “I think though that we also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion, Islamophobia is not an opinion, racism is not an opinion, homophobia is not an opinion, jingoism is not an opinion.”

“So I think that we, in our posture of listening, also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out,” Chelsea Clinton concluded.

What "childish name calling" are you referring to?
America just wants to be like Europe, the very place we ran from, its the reestablishment of the cast system liberals crave.
All the crazy left have to offer is childish name calling. The left love to alienate half of America then blame others for why they can't get elected.

How many Americans' votes did her mother get?

How about the other candidate?

Which number is larger?

That argument is the only reason California created those votes. So dipshits like you can falsely claim some small moral victory.

You're still a LOSER, Snowflake.

If California "created" them, then there should be little difficulty in busting that operation wide open....have you told Banjo Beauregard?
All the crazy left have to offer is childish name calling. The left love to alienate half of America then blame others for why they can't get elected.

Hard to find a transcript, but here is the closest I can find:

“I completely agree that we have to always start by listening and calling out and giving a platform, and encouraging, particularly, those who are and have been structurally disempowered and often forcibly silenced,” Chelsea Clinton told the panel.

Chelsea Clinton continued: “I think though that we also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion, Islamophobia is not an opinion, racism is not an opinion, homophobia is not an opinion, jingoism is not an opinion.”

“So I think that we, in our posture of listening, also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out,” Chelsea Clinton concluded.

What "childish name calling" are you referring to?

except that the practice of those are in fact, opinion.

again, disagree with obama, you're racist.
white and have dreads - mocking black people (regardless that white people had dreads first)
sing black singers karaoke? racist.

black person stealing white persons car cause they're white - not racist and payback.
black people cannot be racist - far too accepted.

when to invoke those words are in fact, opinion.
Chelsea, like her mother, has never really accomplished anything on her own. Until she does she's just another leftist mouthpiece
All the crazy left have to offer is childish name calling. The left love to alienate half of America then blame others for why they can't get elected.

Hard to find a transcript, but here is the closest I can find:

“I completely agree that we have to always start by listening and calling out and giving a platform, and encouraging, particularly, those who are and have been structurally disempowered and often forcibly silenced,” Chelsea Clinton told the panel.

Chelsea Clinton continued: “I think though that we also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion, Islamophobia is not an opinion, racism is not an opinion, homophobia is not an opinion, jingoism is not an opinion.”

“So I think that we, in our posture of listening, also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out,” Chelsea Clinton concluded.

What "childish name calling" are you referring to?

except that the practice of those are in fact, opinion.

again, disagree with obama, you're racist.
white and have dreads - mocking black people (regardless that white people had dreads first)
sing black singers karaoke? racist.

black person stealing white persons car cause they're white - not racist and payback.
black people cannot be racist - far too accepted.

when to invoke those words are in fact, opinion.

When you label people with those words, it's an opinion. But sexism is an issue. So is racism is an issue. So is Islamophobia. So is homophobia. So is antisemitism.

The way you and others frame it makes any discussion of racism, etc etc "childish name calling" - so you black out the topics from discussion by labeling them "childish name calling" because SOME people use it in that way so lets pretend it doesn't exist?

Sexism: the insults aimed at Chelsea's looks. How often is a man subject to that?
All the crazy left have to offer is childish name calling. The left love to alienate half of America then blame others for why they can't get elected.

Hard to find a transcript, but here is the closest I can find:

“I completely agree that we have to always start by listening and calling out and giving a platform, and encouraging, particularly, those who are and have been structurally disempowered and often forcibly silenced,” Chelsea Clinton told the panel.

Chelsea Clinton continued: “I think though that we also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion, Islamophobia is not an opinion, racism is not an opinion, homophobia is not an opinion, jingoism is not an opinion.”

“So I think that we, in our posture of listening, also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out,” Chelsea Clinton concluded.

What "childish name calling" are you referring to?

except that the practice of those are in fact, opinion.

again, disagree with obama, you're racist.
white and have dreads - mocking black people (regardless that white people had dreads first)
sing black singers karaoke? racist.

black person stealing white persons car cause they're white - not racist and payback.
black people cannot be racist - far too accepted.

when to invoke those words are in fact, opinion.

When you label people with those words, it's an opinion. But sexism is an issue. So is racism is an issue. So is Islamophobia. So is homophobia. So is antisemitism.

The way you and others frame it makes any discussion of racism, etc etc "childish name calling" - so you black out the topics from discussion by labeling them "childish name calling" because SOME people use it in that way so lets pretend it doesn't exist?

Sexism: the insults aimed at Chelsea's looks. How often is a man subject to that?

You mean like the orange comments at Trump?

Can someone list Chelsea's qualifications to even have an opinion?

Some loon feels a doctorate degree qualifies her, I no more take her serious than I do a left loon on this "forum"

It means she has the smarts and discipline and work ethic to pursue and complete a higher degree.

It's as much of a qualification as being a businessman.
All the crazy left have to offer is childish name calling. The left love to alienate half of America then blame others for why they can't get elected.

Hard to find a transcript, but here is the closest I can find:

“I completely agree that we have to always start by listening and calling out and giving a platform, and encouraging, particularly, those who are and have been structurally disempowered and often forcibly silenced,” Chelsea Clinton told the panel.

Chelsea Clinton continued: “I think though that we also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion, Islamophobia is not an opinion, racism is not an opinion, homophobia is not an opinion, jingoism is not an opinion.”

“So I think that we, in our posture of listening, also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out,” Chelsea Clinton concluded.

What "childish name calling" are you referring to?

except that the practice of those are in fact, opinion.

again, disagree with obama, you're racist.
white and have dreads - mocking black people (regardless that white people had dreads first)
sing black singers karaoke? racist.

black person stealing white persons car cause they're white - not racist and payback.
black people cannot be racist - far too accepted.

when to invoke those words are in fact, opinion.

When you label people with those words, it's an opinion. But sexism is an issue. So is racism is an issue. So is Islamophobia. So is homophobia. So is antisemitism.

The way you and others frame it makes any discussion of racism, etc etc "childish name calling" - so you black out the topics from discussion by labeling them "childish name calling" because SOME people use it in that way so lets pretend it doesn't exist?

Sexism: the insults aimed at Chelsea's looks. How often is a man subject to that?

never said they were not issues. and i get dogged on for how i look all the time so no pity there, sorry.

are you going to deny that people use these to make others who don't agree with them fearful of aligning with the popular opinion of what these terms mean *today*? they use these words not to stop it from happening but for shutting up thought they don't like.


whatever - these words lose meaning the more they are overused. would you agree with that?

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