Chelsea Clinton: Gun control opportunity on Supreme Court with Scalia gone

gun control is real funny eh Guano? You are such a loser/troll bringing this board down
Funny x 1
Stephanie are there a lot of shoot outs at your trailer park?
Very true....

Once the court goes liberal we will see:

Background checks and tighter handgun controls
End to the death penalty
Tighter environmental controls
More protections of worker rights

And the entire US becoming Detriot Michigan.
Detroit was a victim of the capitalists who used it up and abandoned it


How about the fascists/socialists who totally mismanaged the city's finances.

Fedgov is equally bankrupt, has been since 1935. The ONLY thing that is keeping fedgov afloat is the Federal Reserve Board and its ability to print paper money.

Can you quote the specific language to which you are referring?
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Already refuted, just a few posts before.

Your doublethink tendencies are getting a real workout today.
Chelsea is saying that, now that Antonin Scalia is dead, Democrats have a chance to legislate more restrictions on law-abiding people owning and carrying guns; with less chance that the Supreme Court will rule them unconstitutional.

It's the same attitude one hears from bank robbers when they learn that the bank guard is gone.

This has been tried literally hundreds of times. And there is no evidence that restricting law-abiding citizens has any effect on criminals assaulting, hurting, and murdering people with a gun.

The only effect seems to be the disarming of the law-abiding, particularly in the Democrats' "gun free" zones, thus making them easier targets for the criminals.
Courts swing both ways

Learn to live with it

The court can swing as far left as you want and the 2nd Amendment will still be untouchable. Learn to live with it.
Good on ya Chelsea. If Hillary makes it, here's hoping she appoints somebody with a modem of common sense.
omg, good on Chelsea. a grown women who doesn't even work, living off her hubby and mommy and daddy's monies going around preaching to others. how so not impressive:eusa_doh:
Chelsea is saying that, now that Antonin Scalia is dead, Democrats have a chance to legislate more restrictions on law-abiding people owning and carrying guns; with less chance that the Supreme Court will rule them unconstitutional.

It's the same attitude one hears from bank robbers when they learn that the bank guard is gone.

This has been tried literally hundreds of times. And there is no evidence that restricting law-abiding citizens has any effect on criminals assaulting, hurting, and murdering people with a gun.

The only effect seems to be the disarming of the law-abiding, particularly in the Democrats' "gun free" zones, thus making them easier targets for the criminals.
Courts swing both ways

Learn to live with it

The court can swing as far left as you want and the 2nd Amendment will still be untouchable. Learn to live with it.

What I fear is that if the Supreme Court has a majority of Libs on it they
can interpret the Second Amendment to mean we can not have guns.....
Chelsea is saying that, now that Antonin Scalia is dead, Democrats have a chance to legislate more restrictions on law-abiding people owning and carrying guns; with less chance that the Supreme Court will rule them unconstitutional.

It's the same attitude one hears from bank robbers when they learn that the bank guard is gone.

This has been tried literally hundreds of times. And there is no evidence that restricting law-abiding citizens has any effect on criminals assaulting, hurting, and murdering people with a gun.

The only effect seems to be the disarming of the law-abiding, particularly in the Democrats' "gun free" zones, thus making them easier targets for the criminals.
Courts swing both ways

Learn to live with it

The court can swing as far left as you want and the 2nd Amendment will still be untouchable. Learn to live with it.

What I fear is that if the Supreme Court has a majority of Libs on it they
can interpret the Second Amendment to mean we can not have guns.....

The Supreme Court doesn't have the power to interpret The Constitution.
Chelsea is saying that, now that Antonin Scalia is dead, Democrats have a chance to legislate more restrictions on law-abiding people owning and carrying guns; with less chance that the Supreme Court will rule them unconstitutional.

It's the same attitude one hears from bank robbers when they learn that the bank guard is gone.

This has been tried literally hundreds of times. And there is no evidence that restricting law-abiding citizens has any effect on criminals assaulting, hurting, and murdering people with a gun.

The only effect seems to be the disarming of the law-abiding, particularly in the Democrats' "gun free" zones, thus making them easier targets for the criminals.
Courts swing both ways

Learn to live with it

The court can swing as far left as you want and the 2nd Amendment will still be untouchable. Learn to live with it.

What I fear is that if the Supreme Court has a majority of Libs on it they
can interpret the Second Amendment to mean we can not have guns.....

The Supreme Court doesn't have the power to interpret The Constitution.

Someone should tell them….they’ve been doing it for 200+ years.
Normally one does not involve an official's family in political issues... unless the family member involves herself. As Chelsea is doing here.

Chelsea is saying that, now that Antonin Scalia is dead, Democrats have a chance to legislate more restrictions on law-abiding people owning and carrying guns; with less chance that the Supreme Court will rule them unconstitutional.

It's the same attitude one hears from bank robbers when they learn that the bank guard is gone.

This has been tried literally hundreds of times. And there is no evidence that restricting law-abiding citizens has any effect on criminals assaulting, hurting, and murdering people with a gun.

The only effect seems to be the disarming of the law-abiding, particularly in the Democrats' "gun free" zones, thus making them easier targets for the criminals.

I feel sorry for Chelsea being brought up by leftist extremists. She's falling for the same tripe the rest of them do.


Chelsea Clinton: Gun Control Opportunity on Supreme Court With Scalia Gone

Chelsea Clinton: Gun Control Opportunity on Supreme Court With Scalia Gone

by Jack Heretik
April 21, 2016 5:21 pm

Chelsea Clinton said Thursday at an event in Maryland that there is now an opportunity for gun control legislation to pass the Supreme Court since Justice Antonin Scalia passed away.

“It matters to me that my mom also recognizes the role the Supreme Court has when it comes to gun control. With Justice Scalia on the bench, one of the few areas where the Court actually had an inconsistent record relates to gun control,” Clinton said. “Sometimes the Court upheld local and state gun control measures as being compliant with the Second Amendment and sometimes the Court struck them down.”

Clinton then touted her mother’s record on gun control issues and knowledge that the Supreme Court has an effect on whether many gun control laws stand.

“So if you listen to Moms Demand Action and the Brady Campaign and the major efforts pushing for smart, sensible and enforceable gun control across our country, disclosure, have endorsed my mom, they say they believe the next time the Court rules on gun control, it will make a definitive ruling,” Clinton said.

Scalia was in the way of many liberal plots. Still find it fishy that a doctor determined the cause of death without even seeing the guy. No autopsy. And the libs couldn't hide their joy.

Chicago is one of the worst cities for murders despite their strict gun laws. And the gun-free zone signs are seen as targets by lunatics. The left cares so little about schools that they haven't even focused on a plan to secure the schools. They are more interested in using shootings to further their agenda and the reason they don't do anything to make schools safer is because they are trying to convince people that more gun laws is the only solution. Decent kids are getting into trouble and every little thing is treated like crime. It does nothing to prevent the real danger, but pretend solutions is all the left will commit to. They want gun control and it has nothing to do with public safety. It has everything to do with tyranny.

If they believed their own bullshit, no Democrat would have so much security. They'd have signs in front of their homes instead.

If you want to hear for yourself how well Chicago, the ultra liberal city, is doing with all their strict laws, listen here to the police scanner:

Chicago Scanner

Odds of hearing reports of several murders or attempted murders a day are pretty high. The murder rate there now is at it's highest. Good job, libs.
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Magazine limits. Why?

BAckground checks....what do they do to stop criminals from getting guns? no one has ever explained how that works......

Banning certain which ones?

AR -15s? There are 3,750,000 AR-15s in private many are used each year in crime? 2?

As this line of questioning shows.....the gun control movement is not about reason...or intellectual is driven by people who just hate guns in the hands of people......most of the time they are fine owning guns is just that they don't want other people to have guns.

Every single aspect of the gun control movement is based on lies about guns...every single aspect.....yet they still push for each little piece of gun control they can get.

Gun suicide is down.....gun urder has gone down as more people buy, own and carry guns, magazine limits would not limit the damage of mass shooters, at all........background checks are not to stop criminals from getting guns....because criminals don't get background is about registering guns...for later banning and confiscation.......

The entire gun control movement is based on lies.....
Good on ya Chelsea. If Hillary makes it, here's hoping she appoints somebody with a modem of common sense.

Yeah...please explain this common sense...since not one of the gun control proposals stands up to common sense...
Trump should appear with Chris Stevens family.


I would encourage him to do that

Exploiting the dead from Benghazi did not help Romney

That's back when people believed all the lies about Benghazi.

Seven Congressional investigations have found no wrongdoing

Seven separate investigations? Link?

Clinton: 7 Benghazi probes so far

And the fact that she destroyed 30,000 emails hasn't hurt those investigations....right?
Chelsea Clinton said Thursday at an event in Maryland that there is now an opportunity for gun control legislation to pass the Supreme Court since Justice Antonin Scalia passed away.

Congress' legislative powers are enumerated in Art I, section 8. Nowhere in this list is any power to enact gun control legislation.

Chelsea Clinton doesn't know what she's talking about.
Or thousands of other legislations

Now you're catching on. Congress' legislative powers are quite limited. Thousands of federal laws have been enacted that are not in pursuance to the legitimate legislative powers of congress.

Congress has broad powers to provide for the General Welfare of We the People

Nope.....the general welfare is defined in the Constitution....since the left wing regressive a like yourself don't understand the Constitution it is no wonder you don't understand that.

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