Chicago Murders by Race

Race can't be an issue possibly? High murder rates in poor black communities, now, lets get real here. Let's not go THERE. The intrinsic violence and self destructive nature of poor black communities, let's pretend that isn't a factor.
Point? 75% of all murders in Chi town are African Americans. Where is the outrage? Why no FBI investigation? It's the bigger picture here. Why focus on a random few piddly police shootings? I will tell you why, Blacks and liberal whites are deluding themselves. They can't face the fact there is a epidemic of a hate and psychosis in poor black communities. And we won't fix poor black communities by passing the buck to such weak excuses as racism. That engine of blame doesn't work anymore. Um,plenty of other racial groups have gotten past and worked through and persevered. Blacks seem to cling to this victimhood thing. Why not...just endeavor to persevere, like the ol indian said?

You should have kept reading. Really.

You don't give a damn about Chicago. Nobody in Chicago calls it Chi-town.
Chi town has such a nice ring, never said I was from Chicago. So what? The high black on black deaths this summer don't speak well for Chi town. In fact, BING was pointing out the high murder rate in Chicago , you care to dispute THAT?

I have already dealt with it. You should have kept reading.
OK, fill me in here, what piece of the puzzle do YOU think I am missing? Come now, just say it. The high GUN DEATHS attributable to WHAT? I can confirm your opinion. Please, tell. me.

I've already responded to this.
Me too. So?
Race can't be an issue possibly? High murder rates in poor black communities, now, lets get real here. Let's not go THERE. The intrinsic violence and self destructive nature of poor black communities, let's pretend that isn't a factor.
Go back to europe
I disagree with you and and want tons of links and facts and...that's bullshit. I have lived with and around poor blacks, and have seen the intrinsic anti white and self destructive violence that goes along in poor black communities. It's too bad, they can't get past that. So when I hear POP POP POP of gunfire in the night, I think it's some kind of nice black initiation into the world of hurt their culture seems to downplay.
I disagree with you and and want tons of links and facts and...that's bullshit. I have lived with and around poor blacks, and have seen the intrinsic anti white and self destructive violence that goes along in poor black communities. It's too bad, they can't get past that. So When I hear POP POP POP of gunfire in the night, I don't think it's some kind of kind nice black initiation into the world of hurt their culture seems to downplay.
so go back to europe
You should have kept reading. Really.

You don't give a damn about Chicago. Nobody in Chicago calls it Chi-town.
Chi town has such a nice ring, never said I was from Chicago. So what? The high black on black deaths this summer don't speak well for Chi town. In fact, BING was pointing out the high murder rate in Chicago , you care to dispute THAT?

I have already dealt with it. You should have kept reading.
OK, fill me in here, what piece of the puzzle do YOU think I am missing? Come now, just say it. The high GUN DEATHS attributable to WHAT? I can confirm your opinion. Please, tell. me.

I've already responded to this.
Me too. So?

So, you have a comprehension problem with what I have already posted?
Chi town has such a nice ring, never said I was from Chicago. So what? The high black on black deaths this summer don't speak well for Chi town. In fact, BING was pointing out the high murder rate in Chicago , you care to dispute THAT?

I have already dealt with it. You should have kept reading.
OK, fill me in here, what piece of the puzzle do YOU think I am missing? Come now, just say it. The high GUN DEATHS attributable to WHAT? I can confirm your opinion. Please, tell. me.

I've already responded to this.
Me too. So?

So, you have a comprehension problem with what I have already posted?
Um are you so egotistical to think I saw one of them? jesus, At this point, I don't care what the hell you have to say, Jesus. Have a nice day already.
I have already dealt with it. You should have kept reading.
OK, fill me in here, what piece of the puzzle do YOU think I am missing? Come now, just say it. The high GUN DEATHS attributable to WHAT? I can confirm your opinion. Please, tell. me.

I've already responded to this.
Me too. So?

So, you have a comprehension problem with what I have already posted?
Um are you so egotistical to think I saw one of them? jesus, At this point, I don't care what the hell you have to say, Jesus. Have a nice day already.

OK, fill me in here, what piece of the puzzle do YOU think I am missing? Come now, just say it. The high GUN DEATHS attributable to WHAT? I can confirm your opinion. Please, tell. me.

I've already responded to this.
Me too. So?

So, you have a comprehension problem with what I have already posted?
Um are you so egotistical to think I saw one of them? jesus, At this point, I don't care what the hell you have to say, Jesus. Have a nice day already.

I love honesty.
Me too. So?

So, you have a comprehension problem with what I have already posted?
Um are you so egotistical to think I saw one of them? jesus, At this point, I don't care what the hell you have to say, Jesus. Have a nice day already.

I love honesty.

You love not reading.
You love not reading what I am posting. I don't like a self righteous assholes repeating themselves. I am going back and forth to other threads, your post(s) are not exactly in my headlights. Get over it. say what the hell you mean, repeat it. Jesus.
So, you have a comprehension problem with what I have already posted?
Um are you so egotistical to think I saw one of them? jesus, At this point, I don't care what the hell you have to say, Jesus. Have a nice day already.

I love honesty.

You love not reading.
You love not reading what I am posting. I don't like a self righteous assholes repeating themselves. I am going back and forth to other threads, your post(s) are not exactly in my headlights. Get over it. say what the hell you mean, repeat it. Jesus.

Fuck off?
Um are you so egotistical to think I saw one of them? jesus, At this point, I don't care what the hell you have to say, Jesus. Have a nice day already.

I love honesty.

You love not reading.
You love not reading what I am posting. I don't like a self righteous assholes repeating themselves. I am going back and forth to other threads, your post(s) are not exactly in my headlights. Get over it. say what the hell you mean, repeat it. Jesus.

Fuck off?
I love you both.
Um are you so egotistical to think I saw one of them? jesus, At this point, I don't care what the hell you have to say, Jesus. Have a nice day already.

I love honesty.

You love not reading.
You love not reading what I am posting. I don't like a self righteous assholes repeating themselves. I am going back and forth to other threads, your post(s) are not exactly in my headlights. Get over it. say what the hell you mean, repeat it. Jesus.

Fuck off?
Really? Ironic, you repeat over and over for me to read your last posts. So, When (and IF) am I suposed to respect you for that childish response? Um I just asked you to repeat and summarize your last post, not slay your first born on mount Ararat. Get a life, already.
You love not reading what I am posting. I don't like a self righteous assholes repeating themselves. I am going back and forth to other threads, your post(s) are not exactly in my headlights. Get over it. say what the hell you mean, repeat it. Jesus.

Fuck off?
Really? Ironic, you repeat over and over for me to read your last posts. So, When (and IF) am I suposed to respect you for that childish response? Um I just asked you to repeat and summarize your last post, not slay your first born on mount Ararat. Get a life, already.

I'm reading through threads......just like you. So, why should I stop and come back and summarize what I have written at least twice in the same thread for you?
What cultural changes are whites making???...after all they do have over an 80% homicide rate against one another.
Per raw numbers they commit more crime than any other demographic.
Not true in the case of murder blacks commit per capita AND raw number more murders. The same with most violent crimes since close to 50 percent is committed by blacks.
Actually you are wrong, save one or two categories whites commit more crime in every measured category.
Not true murder is 50 percent by blacks violent offenders are 30 to 50 percent depending on the specific type.

Don't waste your time with RetardMark. He's a product of inner city schools. He doesn't understand basic math.
I understand that white on white crime doesn't fit you agenda, it dosen't for most racist...
Most people are concerned when over 80% of homicides against white people are other white people...

What a simple minded is normal for criminals to prey on their own race....because that is who they are around...look at any society and it is always the members of one's own society that does most of the crime in that society.....what is peculiar, what is an aberration is the amount of black on white crime...that is what is really outrageous but you are tooooo stupid to understand dat.

Take a hike. aka get the hell out of are a waste of time.
Race can't be an issue possibly? High murder rates in poor black communities, now, lets get real here. Let's not go THERE. The intrinsic violence and self destructive nature of poor black communities, let's pretend that isn't a factor.

Right...they will not consider it a factor because it goes against the liberal agenda.....aka that blacks are the victims of much depends on that aka taxing the whites to make up for the blacks supposed victimhood aka "first make them feel guilty then make them pay."...jesse jackson
Point? 75% of all murders in Chi town are African Americans. Where is the outrage? Why no FBI investigation? It's the bigger picture here. Why focus on a random few piddly police shootings? I will tell you why, Blacks and liberal whites are deluding themselves. They can't face the fact there is a epidemic of a hate and psychosis in poor black communities. And we won't fix poor black communities by passing the buck to such weak excuses as racism. That engine of blame doesn't work anymore. Um,plenty of other racial groups have gotten past and worked through and persevered. Blacks seem to cling to this victimhood thing. Why not...just endeavor to persevere, like the ol indian said?

That 'victimhood thang' has paid off well for them and continues to pay off for them.....aka our social polices that are based on the precept of blacks being victims....we should not expect them to deviate from something that pays so well for them.

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