Chicago Murders by Race

Funny. So much conversation about ME.

Let's ignore the FACT that 95% of the murders in that city are committed by ...

1. Blacks 75.3%
2. Hispanics 18.9%

Carry on . .

Making it about . ..

Or we could bitch and moan that over 80% of white homicides are committed by other white people...unlike you, we have lives to live.

Is there any city in America where white people are murdering each other comparable to blacks in Chicago?
The problem in Chicago is drugs. It is a drug cartel center of distribution. That is what most of the violence is about.
True, but so is Houston n the murder rate there is drastically lower.
I had a dream last night. In that dream, all the liberals and progressives were given the opportunity to convert and actually be for America and Americans, for the first time in their life. Many did convert and were better off. Those who refused to convert were allowed to board a mega transport ship that was constructed in orbit around the Earth. All of these folks were then allowed to leave the solar system to populate a recently discovered habitable planet orbiting a distant star. The pilot was the father of a woman murdered by repeat illegal alien offenders and piloted the ship into Jupiter's gravity well where it subsequently struck the planet at 0.1 C.

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I am a liberal.

I've noticed the right does not give a shit any more than the left.
Except the right actually does. They have tried to pass school vouchers but are blocked by the left every time. Those vouchers would break the cycle of poverty that those children are trapped in. The left is more interested in protecting it's union buddies & lining their pockets with union money than ever helping the youth stuck in those shitty cities.

No. The only thing the right uses Chicago for is to discuss the 2nd Amendment. There are plenty of charter schools in Chicago. Yes, the Democrats support that. As does Rahm.
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That guy is very good. He gets it.

The other night I am driving downtown on a main thoroughfare. I stop behind an old full size van stopped in lane. No flashers on and no one around. As I go around this vehicle, I look to my left to see a black man looking at me while standing in front of a bank ATM. The guy just parked his car on a major street to do his banking. WTF!

and what do you suggest we do about it? im still waiting to hear it from atleast one of you

Alter the sentencing and those released after arrest for gun charges and several other charges as well. Rethink bail for some of this shit. Secondly there are many juveniles that don't need a hug or a teddy bear. So, people need to get off this kick of poor baby.

Obama made this


Pretty obvious. Black are being slaughtered at an alarming rate and no one cares unless a white person pulls the trigger. Most of this if not all is black on black so it doesn't make the news and it's ignored. Time for a change in leadership. Trump is vowing to stop this insanity.

It makes the news quite a bit if you live up in that area; however, can you explain to me how a president is going to alter state law and sentencing?
The murder rates in places like Dallas and Houston are relatively lower because guns are also available to real citizens legally, and the churches still play a role in black neighborhoods here, even in the 'Hoods. This is declining, just not as fast as in shitholeYankeeland and pseudo-sophisticated holes full of dumbasses like California. It doesn't have squat to do with anything else, it's about culture and what your neighbors allow assholes to get away with, not courts.
Why is it racist to post a FACT?
I mean if your really stupid naive and gullible you could beleive its not racist, but it was. What I dont understand is why racist need racism to be explained to them like their a 4 year old?
Asians usually originated from Asia.


That means I'm racist.

And yer an idiot.

Let me walk you through it. The HIGH black on black murder rate. If you follow current topics, there is a movement called "black lives matter". And they are only concerned with a few unjustified and rare racist white cops, other than the reality of the overwhelming violence and self destructive nature of poor blacks in their communities. It's ironic, the concept of "blacks lives matter", after all. They are their own worst enemy.
Let me walk you through it. The HIGH black on black murder rate. If you follow current topics, there is a movement called "black lives matter". And they are only concerned with a few unjustified and rare racist white cops, other than the reality of the overwhelming violence and self destructive nature of poor blacks in their communities. It's ironic, the concept of "blacks lives matter", after all. They are their own worst enemy.

Let me walk you through it. The HIGH black on black murder rate. If you follow current topics, there is a movement called "black lives matter". And they are only concerned with a few unjustified and rare racist white cops, other than the reality of the overwhelming violence and self destructive nature of poor blacks in their communities. It's ironic, the concept of "blacks lives matter", after all. They are their own worst enemy.

I think you are the only one who is ignoring the overwhelming violence in black communities. Maybe part of the reason why, is because you see them as "black communities" only, as if they have their own separate government, rather than just seeing them as american cities, If white people were living in poverty at the same rate black people were, they would be marching in the streets and a lot more than just a couple of stores would be burned down
Let me walk you through it. The HIGH black on black murder rate. If you follow current topics, there is a movement called "black lives matter". And they are only concerned with a few unjustified and rare racist white cops, other than the reality of the overwhelming violence and self destructive nature of poor blacks in their communities. It's ironic, the concept of "blacks lives matter", after all. They are their own worst enemy.

Or you could have continued to read.

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