Chicago shootings up nearly 200 percent in 2016

How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


This is the problem......from today...This is why we have so much gun murder in our criminal sub culture....this is the problem that needs to be fixed...look at this guy...and he was put back on the street after several felony convictions for guns.....

Delaware Prosecutes Just 29% of Gun Charges - The Truth About Guns

The following story was buried in the middle of’s post In Del., 71% of gun charges are dropped. While the article offers cases that seem to justify dropping weapons charges against criminals — in an attempt to increase the possibility of conviction and, thus, jail time — this anecdote puts things into their proper perspective . .


Then there is the case of Mateo Pinkston [above].

In late summer 2011, court documents say Pinkston walked up to a man, pointed a gun at him and took his cellphone.

Pinkston, who had already been convicted of two felonies and was a suspect in a still-unsolved homicide, was arrested by Wilmington police and charged with robbery and several gun counts.

But the Delaware Attorney General’s Office cut a deal with him in 2012, agreeing to drop three weapon charges that carried a maximum of 41 years in prison in exchange for Pinkston admitting to second-degree robbery and terroristic threatening, which carried a maximum of eight years in prison.
Soon after being released from his 12-month prison sentence, Pinkston, police said, shot and killed 25-year-old Arteise Brown in Wilmington last year.

Again, the article provides multiple examples of criminals who pleaded guilty to other charges in exchange for dropping weapon offenses, and drew lengthy sentences. Some of them make sense, some of them seem absurd on their face. But there’s a stat missing from this piece . . .

How may people convicted of violent crimes had gun-related charges dropped before they committed a serious crime? Men like Mateo Pinkston. I’m willing to bet it’s a high percentage. Besides, wouldn’t prosecuting gun offenses — no matter what the outcome — send a message to criminals not commit crimes with firearms? Just a thought . . .

What were the gun offenses that were dropped? Trumped up stop & frisk charges, or real gun crime?
How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


The unwillingness of prosecutors and judges to punish actual criminals caught with guns is at the state and the federal level...

Obama’s empty tough-talk: Gun prosecutions plummet on his watch

While President Obama decries gun violence and presses for more laws to restrict ownership, his Justice Department has prosecuted 25 percent fewer cases referred by the main law enforcement agency charged with reducing firearms violence across the country, a computer analysis of U.S. prosecution data shows.
Federal prosecutors brought a total of 5,082 gun violation cases in 2013 recommended by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, compared with 6,791 during the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2008, according to data obtained from the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys.
How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


You can't stop illegal gun trade. That's why it's called illegal.

All this push for background checks and no one has explained to me how the criminal that stole a gun from my locked car is going to have a check done on him.
guns stolen from individuals account for only 10% of guns used in crimes.... 90% of guns used in crimes are NOT stolen from us.

frontline: hot guns: "How Criminals Get Guns" | PBS


by Dan Noyes, Center for Investigative Reporting
Ask a cop on the beat how criminals get guns and you're likely to hear this hard boiled response: "They steal them." But this street wisdom is wrong, according to one frustrated Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent who is tired of battling this popular misconception. An expert on crime gun patterns, ATF agent Jay Wachtel says that most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes," Wachtel said. Because when they want guns they want them immediately the wait is usually too long for a weapon to be stolen and find its way to a criminal.
In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales. A straw purchase occurs when someone who may not legally acquire a firearm, or who wants to do so anonymously, has a companion buy it on their behalf. According to a 1994 ATF study on "Sources of Crime Guns in Southern California," many straw purchases are conducted in an openly "suggestive" manner where two people walk into a gun store, one selects a firearm, and then the other uses identification for the purchase and pays for the gun. Or, several underage people walk into a store and an adult with them makes the purchases. Both of these are illegal activities.
The next biggest source of illegal gun transactions where criminals get guns are sales made by legally licensed but corrupt at-home and commercial gun dealers. Several recent reports back up Wachtel's own studies about this, and make the case that illegal activity by those licensed to sell guns, known as Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs), is a huge source of crime guns and greatly surpasses the sale of guns stolen from John Q. Citizen. Like bank robbers, who are interested in banks, gun traffickers are interested in FFLs because that's where the guns are. This is why FFLs are a large source of illegal guns for traffickers, who ultimately wind up selling the guns on the street.
According to a recent ATF report, there is a significant diversion to the illegal gun market from FFLs. The report states that "of the 120,370 crime guns that were traced to purchases from the FFLs then in business, 27.7 % of these firearms were seized by law enforcement in connection with a crime within two years of the original sale. This rapid `time to crime' of a gun purchased from an FFL is a strong indicator that the initial seller or purchaser may have been engaged in unlawful activity."
The report goes on to state that "over-the-counter purchases are not the only means by which guns reach the illegal market from FFLs" and reveals that 23,775 guns have been reported lost, missing or stolen from FFLs since September 13, 1994, when a new law took effect requiring dealers to report gun thefts within 48 hours. This makes the theft of 6,000 guns reported in the CIR/Frontline show "Hot Guns" only 25% of all cases reported to ATF in the past two and one-half years.
Another large source of guns used in crimes are unlicensed street dealers who either get their guns through illegal transactions with licensed dealers, straw purchases, or from gun thefts. These illegal dealers turn around and sell these illegally on the street. An additional way criminals gain access to guns is family and friends, either through sales, theft or as gifts.
While many guns are taken off the street when people are arrested and any firearms in their possession are confiscated, a new study shows how easily arrestees believe they could illegally acquire another firearm. Supported by the National Institute of Justice and based on interviews with those recently arrested, the study acknowledges gun theft is common, with 13 percent of all arrestees interviewed admitting that they had stolen a gun. However a key finding is that "the illegal market is the most likely source" for these people to obtain a gun. "In fact, more than half the arrestees say it is easy to obtain guns illegally," the report states. Responding to a question of how they obtained their most recent handgun, the arrestees answered as follows: 56% said they paid cash; 15% said it was a gift; 10% said they borrowed it; 8% said they traded for it; while 5% only said that they stole it.
ATF officials say that only about 8% of the nation's 124,000 retail gun dealers sell the majority of handguns that are used in crimes. They conclude that these licensed retailers are part of a block of rogue entrepreneurs tempted by the big profits of gun trafficking. Cracking down on these dealers continues to be a priority for the ATF. What's needed, according to Wachtel, is better monitoring of the activities of legally licensed gun dealers. This means examining FFL paperwork to see where their guns are coming from, and making sure that those guns are being sold legally. But he says, "Let's be honest. If someone wants a gun, it's obvious the person will not have difficulty buying a gun, either legally or through the extensive United States black market."
The 'study' you quoted from is22 years old. It has zero relation to what's happening today. The Mexican drug Cartels took over virtually 100% of the illegal gun trade starting a decade ago.
'Straw purchases, thefts now account for about 5% of the illegal guns on the street. There is NO SUCH THING as a 'gun show dealer' selling hundreds of legal guns at gun shows anymore.
100% of legal registered gun dealers will turn in any 'illegal' gun dealer in.
Legal gun dealers are like legal vintage car collectors. They all know each other across the country. Someone new shows up at a gunshow who nobody knows and puts a tableful of handguns on their table for sale EVERY other gun dealer is at that table LONG before the doors open. They'll know in a minute all about the new seller.
Any red flags go up and someone calls the authorities.

As far as I know, gun shows only allow licensed dealers to rent space.
How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


This is the problem......from today...This is why we have so much gun murder in our criminal sub culture....this is the problem that needs to be fixed...look at this guy...and he was put back on the street after several felony convictions for guns.....

Delaware Prosecutes Just 29% of Gun Charges - The Truth About Guns

The following story was buried in the middle of’s post In Del., 71% of gun charges are dropped. While the article offers cases that seem to justify dropping weapons charges against criminals — in an attempt to increase the possibility of conviction and, thus, jail time — this anecdote puts things into their proper perspective . .


Then there is the case of Mateo Pinkston [above].

In late summer 2011, court documents say Pinkston walked up to a man, pointed a gun at him and took his cellphone.

Pinkston, who had already been convicted of two felonies and was a suspect in a still-unsolved homicide, was arrested by Wilmington police and charged with robbery and several gun counts.

But the Delaware Attorney General’s Office cut a deal with him in 2012, agreeing to drop three weapon charges that carried a maximum of 41 years in prison in exchange for Pinkston admitting to second-degree robbery and terroristic threatening, which carried a maximum of eight years in prison.
Soon after being released from his 12-month prison sentence, Pinkston, police said, shot and killed 25-year-old Arteise Brown in Wilmington last year.

Again, the article provides multiple examples of criminals who pleaded guilty to other charges in exchange for dropping weapon offenses, and drew lengthy sentences. Some of them make sense, some of them seem absurd on their face. But there’s a stat missing from this piece . . .

How may people convicted of violent crimes had gun-related charges dropped before they committed a serious crime? Men like Mateo Pinkston. I’m willing to bet it’s a high percentage. Besides, wouldn’t prosecuting gun offenses — no matter what the outcome — send a message to criminals not commit crimes with firearms? Just a thought . . .

What were the gun offenses that were dropped? Trumped up stop & frisk charges, or real gun crime?

Really....? You are defending this criminal....and are why we have a gun murder problem in this country....

How about this trumped up.....

In late summer 2011, court documents say Pinkston walked up to a man, pointed a gun at him and took his cellphone.
How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


What do Chicago, L.A. and New York have in common...high rates of gun murder....and extremely low rates of gun crime prosecution......why is that?

Chicago, Los Angeles, New York Prosecuted Fewest Federal Gun Crimes

The districts that contain Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City ranked last in terms of federal gun law enforcement in 2012, according to a new report from Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, which tracks federal data.
Federal gun crimes include illegal possession of a firearm in a school zone, illegal sale of a firearm to a juvenile, felon, or drug addict, and illegal transport of a firearm across state lines. In Chicago, the majority of gun charges last year were for firearms violations.
The districts of Eastern New York, Central California, and Northern Illinois ranked 88th, 89th and 90th, respectively, out of 90 districts, in prosecutions of federal weapons crimes per capita last year, but it wasn't always this way. All three districts fell lower on the list than they had been in years past. In 2010, for example, Chicago was 78th in federal weapons prosecutions.
How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


And more from this piece...

If gun crime is so important to an anti gun activist like obama.....why are these prosecution rates going down.....?

The 2013 totals represent a 42 percent decline from the record number of 8,752 prosecutions of ATF cases brought by the Justice Department in 2004 under Mr. Bush, according to the data.
U.S. attorneys have been slowing gun prosecutions even further, with 2,598 brought in the first seven months of this fiscal year. The pace of activity puts the Justice Department on track to prosecute the fewest ATF cases since 2000, well before the drug gang wars in Mexico sharply increased violence on both sides of the border.

How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


You can't stop illegal gun trade. That's why it's called illegal.

All this push for background checks and no one has explained to me how the criminal that stole a gun from my locked car is going to have a check done on him.
guns stolen from individuals account for only 10% of guns used in crimes.... 90% of guns used in crimes are NOT stolen from us.

frontline: hot guns: "How Criminals Get Guns" | PBS


by Dan Noyes, Center for Investigative Reporting
Ask a cop on the beat how criminals get guns and you're likely to hear this hard boiled response: "They steal them." But this street wisdom is wrong, according to one frustrated Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent who is tired of battling this popular misconception. An expert on crime gun patterns, ATF agent Jay Wachtel says that most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes," Wachtel said. Because when they want guns they want them immediately the wait is usually too long for a weapon to be stolen and find its way to a criminal.
In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales. A straw purchase occurs when someone who may not legally acquire a firearm, or who wants to do so anonymously, has a companion buy it on their behalf. According to a 1994 ATF study on "Sources of Crime Guns in Southern California," many straw purchases are conducted in an openly "suggestive" manner where two people walk into a gun store, one selects a firearm, and then the other uses identification for the purchase and pays for the gun. Or, several underage people walk into a store and an adult with them makes the purchases. Both of these are illegal activities.
The next biggest source of illegal gun transactions where criminals get guns are sales made by legally licensed but corrupt at-home and commercial gun dealers. Several recent reports back up Wachtel's own studies about this, and make the case that illegal activity by those licensed to sell guns, known as Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs), is a huge source of crime guns and greatly surpasses the sale of guns stolen from John Q. Citizen. Like bank robbers, who are interested in banks, gun traffickers are interested in FFLs because that's where the guns are. This is why FFLs are a large source of illegal guns for traffickers, who ultimately wind up selling the guns on the street.
According to a recent ATF report, there is a significant diversion to the illegal gun market from FFLs. The report states that "of the 120,370 crime guns that were traced to purchases from the FFLs then in business, 27.7 % of these firearms were seized by law enforcement in connection with a crime within two years of the original sale. This rapid `time to crime' of a gun purchased from an FFL is a strong indicator that the initial seller or purchaser may have been engaged in unlawful activity."
The report goes on to state that "over-the-counter purchases are not the only means by which guns reach the illegal market from FFLs" and reveals that 23,775 guns have been reported lost, missing or stolen from FFLs since September 13, 1994, when a new law took effect requiring dealers to report gun thefts within 48 hours. This makes the theft of 6,000 guns reported in the CIR/Frontline show "Hot Guns" only 25% of all cases reported to ATF in the past two and one-half years.
Another large source of guns used in crimes are unlicensed street dealers who either get their guns through illegal transactions with licensed dealers, straw purchases, or from gun thefts. These illegal dealers turn around and sell these illegally on the street. An additional way criminals gain access to guns is family and friends, either through sales, theft or as gifts.
While many guns are taken off the street when people are arrested and any firearms in their possession are confiscated, a new study shows how easily arrestees believe they could illegally acquire another firearm. Supported by the National Institute of Justice and based on interviews with those recently arrested, the study acknowledges gun theft is common, with 13 percent of all arrestees interviewed admitting that they had stolen a gun. However a key finding is that "the illegal market is the most likely source" for these people to obtain a gun. "In fact, more than half the arrestees say it is easy to obtain guns illegally," the report states. Responding to a question of how they obtained their most recent handgun, the arrestees answered as follows: 56% said they paid cash; 15% said it was a gift; 10% said they borrowed it; 8% said they traded for it; while 5% only said that they stole it.
ATF officials say that only about 8% of the nation's 124,000 retail gun dealers sell the majority of handguns that are used in crimes. They conclude that these licensed retailers are part of a block of rogue entrepreneurs tempted by the big profits of gun trafficking. Cracking down on these dealers continues to be a priority for the ATF. What's needed, according to Wachtel, is better monitoring of the activities of legally licensed gun dealers. This means examining FFL paperwork to see where their guns are coming from, and making sure that those guns are being sold legally. But he says, "Let's be honest. If someone wants a gun, it's obvious the person will not have difficulty buying a gun, either legally or through the extensive United States black market."
The 'study' you quoted from is22 years old. It has zero relation to what's happening today. The Mexican drug Cartels took over virtually 100% of the illegal gun trade starting a decade ago.
'Straw purchases, thefts now account for about 5% of the illegal guns on the street. There is NO SUCH THING as a 'gun show dealer' selling hundreds of legal guns at gun shows anymore.
100% of legal registered gun dealers will turn in any 'illegal' gun dealer in.
Legal gun dealers are like legal vintage car collectors. They all know each other across the country. Someone new shows up at a gunshow who nobody knows and puts a tableful of handguns on their table for sale EVERY other gun dealer is at that table LONG before the doors open. They'll know in a minute all about the new seller.
Any red flags go up and someone calls the authorities.

As far as I know, gun shows only allow licensed dealers to rent space.
Of course! What does that have to do with anything?
Anyone with a clean record can get a license to deal/sell in guns.
Read my post again.
A new unfamiliar 'licensed' gun dealer shows up at a gun show and lays a bunch of hand guns out for sale.
I've personally seen this happen a few times. My friend is a well known gun dealer who sells at gun shows. I have been with him at the shows a number of times.
Everyone is setting up an hour before the doors open. Someone nobody knows shows up with some handguns and long guns. All the dealers MUST wear their ID with their dealers ID number. This new seller has an ID tag which shows he's not a licensed dealer rather someone who just wants to sell the families guns after grandpa died.
We all go over and check out the guns. In a minute we all know if the guy is legit or not. If he's got some authentic quality guns he's legit. If he's got a bunch of cheap knock offs someone calls the authorities.
Most of the time the guy selling the family guns, if they are quality guns is happy to sell off all the guns to the dealers and go home before the doors open to the public. The dealers tell him what the fair market price of each gun is. Dealer: This gun has a value of $500. I'll offer you $400 right now. I have to make a living".
All straight licensed guns dealers do a better job of self-regulating their businesses than any government can.
So basically now days you'd have to be a fool to try to sell illegal/crap knock-offs at any gunshow. Everyone knows you got them from someone connected to a Mexican drug cartel. In other words it doesn't happen. Another 'gun-grabber' bullshit myth exposed.
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How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


And here is another example of why we have gun crime at our levels in this country.......

WIBW reports the man who murdered Utah Police Officer Douglas Barney was a typical cop-killer, with an extensive criminal record that barred lawful gun possession or purchase.
Briefly quoting the WIBW report linked above:

Cory Henderson, 31, faced multiple state and federal charges going back more than 10 years, according CNN affiliate KUTV.
Henderson pleaded guilty to possessing an unregistered sawed-off rifle in 2005, and in 2010 pleaded guilty to felony possession of a firearm, KUTV reported. Both were federal charges.
Henderson also pleaded not guilty to federal drug and gun charges just last month, KUTV said.
Just another career criminal, on the streets because a lenient, and truly criminal, justice system let him run free. Cory Henderson was not some moke caught with a roach, he had a record dating back at least ten years, and probably twenty.
How did these non-responsible perps get their guns? legally? illegally? if illegally, how do we STOP the illegal trade in guns?


I don't like posting so many of these in a row...but I am trying to point out that we have a gun crime problem, not because of normal gun owners, but because our justice system keeps letting out violent criminals who use guns....and then they go on to murder people......that is the problem...not gun ownership.....

Suspected Danville Cop Killer Has Lengthy Criminal Record

Court records show the suspect the fatal shooting of an Ohio police officer has a lengthy criminal record and in one case tried to claim he was legally insane.

Knox County Sheriff David Shaffer said Herschel Ray Jones III is being held in connection with the slaying late Sunday of Danville Officer Thomas Cottrell. Cottrell's body was found behind the village's municipal building after a woman reported her ex-boyfriend had weapons and was looking to kill an officer.

Knox County court records show the 32-year-old Jones has multiple convictions for breaking and entering, burglary, receiving stolen property and carrying a concealed weapon dating back to 2001.

According to court records, Jones' rap sheet begins in 2002 when he pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property and using a firearm and was sentenced to 15 months prison.

In 2005, he pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property and breaking and entering. Jones was then sentenced to 17 months prison.

Later in 2008, was charged with possessing a concealed weapon as a felon. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 22 months prison.

Jones was out of prison before then because in 2009, he was sentenced to an additional 17 months prison for receiving stolen property and burglary.

In 2011, Jones is charged with receiving stolen property and possessing chemicals to manufacture drugs. He pleaded insanity at first, but switched to a guilty plea and was sentenced to 30 months prison.

According to local paper, Jones is charged October 2015 with illegally possessing a firearm, felony assault and attempted rape.

Ohio prison records show he served nearly four years for the 2011 convictions of burglary and receiving stolen property. He was released last April.

Care4All.....look at how many felony gun charges this guy had....he should have been in prison the rest of his life...but the prosecutors and judges let him out on felony weapon charges over and over again....

As our former police commissioner McCarthy said, felony possession of a weapon is a gateway crime to actual gun murder........
CBS ^ | Adriana Diaz
CHICAGO -- On average, one person has been shot every three hours in Chicago since January 1st. Just two hours into the New Year, 24-year-old Deandre Holiday was gunned down after a fight at a New Year's Eve party spilled into the street. He's Chicago's first homicide of what's so far been a bloody 2016. Since January 1st, 110 people have been shot -- compared to 37 during the same time last year. That's a nearly 200 percent increase.


They have concealed carry now, shouldn't crime be going down?

They don't have enough police, and the gangs control their aldermen....there is only so much concealed carry can do...and it was only passed 2 years takes about 5 years for the word to spread through the criminal underworld not to attack peolpe...since they can now shoot back...the 2 recent shootings of thugs by store clerks will go a long way to teaching that lesson....also, the Uber driver who stopped the mass shooting, and the other concealed carrier who stopped the shooting at the party.....those stories will help lower the crime rate.

But when democrats run a city...there is only so much armed citizens can do....

So crime isn't going down.
CBS ^ | Adriana Diaz
CHICAGO -- On average, one person has been shot every three hours in Chicago since January 1st. Just two hours into the New Year, 24-year-old Deandre Holiday was gunned down after a fight at a New Year's Eve party spilled into the street. He's Chicago's first homicide of what's so far been a bloody 2016. Since January 1st, 110 people have been shot -- compared to 37 during the same time last year. That's a nearly 200 percent increase.


They have concealed carry now, shouldn't crime be going down?

They don't have enough police, and the gangs control their aldermen....there is only so much concealed carry can do...and it was only passed 2 years takes about 5 years for the word to spread through the criminal underworld not to attack peolpe...since they can now shoot back...the 2 recent shootings of thugs by store clerks will go a long way to teaching that lesson....also, the Uber driver who stopped the mass shooting, and the other concealed carrier who stopped the shooting at the party.....those stories will help lower the crime rate.

But when democrats run a city...there is only so much armed citizens can do....

So crime isn't going down.

Not in Chicago......they have followed the Ferguson, Baltimore model and are attacking their own police...which is making the police sit in their cars......we have an 80% decline in police encounters on the street according to the stats.....then you throw in the fact that we already have 2,000 fewer police than we need....due to not having 1000 and losing 1000 a day to sick leave and vacations....and then you throw in the fact that the gangs get aldermen elected to their wards to protect gang killers and interests....

There is only so much concealed carriers can do, considering there are no gun stores or ranges allowed in chicago.....

Democrat policies are hard to deal with....
Democratic stronghold West Palm Beach, is working its way to catching Chicago. In a 1-100 index on crime, 100 being safest, it has a 5. And I imagine it will be lower than that this year. I believe they have had a murder or 2 almost every day since the new year.
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"Chicago shootings up nearly 200 percent in 2016"

And of course many on the reprehensible right seek to exploit those deaths for some perceived partisan gain.

To point out that your partisan stance of more gun laws prevent shootings is a bunch of bullshit.

If you want to talk about exploitation, look at what you boy does when a shooting occurs. He takes every opportunity to cry about more gun control even when the shootings take place in locations with strict gun laws.
CBS ^ | Adriana Diaz
CHICAGO -- On average, one person has been shot every three hours in Chicago since January 1st. Just two hours into the New Year, 24-year-old Deandre Holiday was gunned down after a fight at a New Year's Eve party spilled into the street. He's Chicago's first homicide of what's so far been a bloody 2016. Since January 1st, 110 people have been shot -- compared to 37 during the same time last year. That's a nearly 200 percent increase.


They have concealed carry now, shouldn't crime be going down?

They don't have enough police, and the gangs control their aldermen....there is only so much concealed carry can do...and it was only passed 2 years takes about 5 years for the word to spread through the criminal underworld not to attack peolpe...since they can now shoot back...the 2 recent shootings of thugs by store clerks will go a long way to teaching that lesson....also, the Uber driver who stopped the mass shooting, and the other concealed carrier who stopped the shooting at the party.....those stories will help lower the crime rate.

But when democrats run a city...there is only so much armed citizens can do....

So crime isn't going down.

Not in Chicago......they have followed the Ferguson, Baltimore model and are attacking their own police...which is making the police sit in their cars......we have an 80% decline in police encounters on the street according to the stats.....then you throw in the fact that we already have 2,000 fewer police than we need....due to not having 1000 and losing 1000 a day to sick leave and vacations....and then you throw in the fact that the gangs get aldermen elected to their wards to protect gang killers and interests....

There is only so much concealed carriers can do, considering there are no gun stores or ranges allowed in chicago.....

Democrat policies are hard to deal with....

So it is really all about policing.
CBS ^ | Adriana Diaz
CHICAGO -- On average, one person has been shot every three hours in Chicago since January 1st. Just two hours into the New Year, 24-year-old Deandre Holiday was gunned down after a fight at a New Year's Eve party spilled into the street. He's Chicago's first homicide of what's so far been a bloody 2016. Since January 1st, 110 people have been shot -- compared to 37 during the same time last year. That's a nearly 200 percent increase.


They have concealed carry now, shouldn't crime be going down?

They don't have enough police, and the gangs control their aldermen....there is only so much concealed carry can do...and it was only passed 2 years takes about 5 years for the word to spread through the criminal underworld not to attack peolpe...since they can now shoot back...the 2 recent shootings of thugs by store clerks will go a long way to teaching that lesson....also, the Uber driver who stopped the mass shooting, and the other concealed carrier who stopped the shooting at the party.....those stories will help lower the crime rate.

But when democrats run a city...there is only so much armed citizens can do....

So crime isn't going down.

Not in Chicago......they have followed the Ferguson, Baltimore model and are attacking their own police...which is making the police sit in their cars......we have an 80% decline in police encounters on the street according to the stats.....then you throw in the fact that we already have 2,000 fewer police than we need....due to not having 1000 and losing 1000 a day to sick leave and vacations....and then you throw in the fact that the gangs get aldermen elected to their wards to protect gang killers and interests....

There is only so much concealed carriers can do, considering there are no gun stores or ranges allowed in chicago.....

Democrat policies are hard to deal with....

So it is really all about policing.

Concealed carry can lower the crime rate about 5% and 100% for those who are carrying a gun when they are attacked by a criminal…that means police have to make up about 95% of crime stopping…..when democrats weaken that…then those who carry guns have to stop criminal attack more often…...
"Chicago shootings up nearly 200 percent in 2016"

And of course many on the reprehensible right seek to exploit those deaths for some perceived partisan gain.

You mean those on the right want to end the stupid democrat policies that are causing all of those deaths…as opposed to continuing the deadly policies of the democrats… that what you meant….?
They have concealed carry now, shouldn't crime be going down?

They don't have enough police, and the gangs control their aldermen....there is only so much concealed carry can do...and it was only passed 2 years takes about 5 years for the word to spread through the criminal underworld not to attack peolpe...since they can now shoot back...the 2 recent shootings of thugs by store clerks will go a long way to teaching that lesson....also, the Uber driver who stopped the mass shooting, and the other concealed carrier who stopped the shooting at the party.....those stories will help lower the crime rate.

But when democrats run a city...there is only so much armed citizens can do....

So crime isn't going down.

Not in Chicago......they have followed the Ferguson, Baltimore model and are attacking their own police...which is making the police sit in their cars......we have an 80% decline in police encounters on the street according to the stats.....then you throw in the fact that we already have 2,000 fewer police than we need....due to not having 1000 and losing 1000 a day to sick leave and vacations....and then you throw in the fact that the gangs get aldermen elected to their wards to protect gang killers and interests....

There is only so much concealed carriers can do, considering there are no gun stores or ranges allowed in chicago.....

Democrat policies are hard to deal with....

So it is really all about policing.

Concealed carry can lower the crime rate about 5% and 100% for those who are carrying a gun when they are attacked by a criminal…that means police have to make up about 95% of crime stopping…..when democrats weaken that…then those who carry guns have to stop criminal attack more often…...

Please back that up with a link. What about the people shot and killed trying to defend themselves. Why does violent crime keep going up since getting cocealed carry in WI?
They don't have enough police, and the gangs control their aldermen....there is only so much concealed carry can do...and it was only passed 2 years takes about 5 years for the word to spread through the criminal underworld not to attack peolpe...since they can now shoot back...the 2 recent shootings of thugs by store clerks will go a long way to teaching that lesson....also, the Uber driver who stopped the mass shooting, and the other concealed carrier who stopped the shooting at the party.....those stories will help lower the crime rate.

But when democrats run a city...there is only so much armed citizens can do....

So crime isn't going down.

Not in Chicago......they have followed the Ferguson, Baltimore model and are attacking their own police...which is making the police sit in their cars......we have an 80% decline in police encounters on the street according to the stats.....then you throw in the fact that we already have 2,000 fewer police than we need....due to not having 1000 and losing 1000 a day to sick leave and vacations....and then you throw in the fact that the gangs get aldermen elected to their wards to protect gang killers and interests....

There is only so much concealed carriers can do, considering there are no gun stores or ranges allowed in chicago.....

Democrat policies are hard to deal with....

So it is really all about policing.

Concealed carry can lower the crime rate about 5% and 100% for those who are carrying a gun when they are attacked by a criminal…that means police have to make up about 95% of crime stopping…..when democrats weaken that…then those who carry guns have to stop criminal attack more often…...

Please back that up with a link. What about the people shot and killed trying to defend themselves. Why does violent crime keep going up since getting cocealed carry in WI?

Because a democrat is in Charge of Milwaukee….where the actual crime rate is going up…as in Chicago….democrat police policies….and Wisconsin just got concealed carry as did Chicago…..

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