Children notice what adults miss

Because it tears your narrative into pieces. Palestinian children are tried in a military court system designed to convict at nearly 100%.

Israeli kids who throw stones are tried in a completely different court, even though they live only a few hundred meters away.

And how fairly do you think the sentencing goes?
Please, folks, I know this is a difficult issue to defend but:

Always check the TOPIC before replying. Make sure you are in the SAME COUNTRY and SAME DECADE as the OP topic.
New 3 Strikes Rule in the I/P Forum..

This is a real life David and Goliath story. I would be proud to call her my daughter. Her cousin just got shot in the face, she slapped a soldier from the Apartheid Demolition Forces and Israel has been calling to lock her up forever.

And they are going to have to.

Pallywood Production Studios, Inc., is getting quite desperate. So are you, Louie. The only story here is the exploitation of a child who has become a teenage delinquent.

Flail your Pom Poms.
Israel kills Palestinians by the thousands and then whines when one of their goontards gets slapped in the face.

Candy ass much?

When did this happen? I must have slept through it because it was done so quietly!
Indeed abi, she has been well trained from a young age to throw rocks and assault soldiers because the Palestinian propaganda machine find her youth and beauty fits very well into their continuing attempts to tell half the story while pulling on the worlds heart strings.
Israel goes to Nabi Saleh regularly, steals their land, steals their water, arrests and kills their people then whines when one of their goontards gets slapped in the face.
There have been Friday protests and rock throwing events in that town for years.

he prominence of the Tamimi children in these confrontations has inevitably raised questions – not least among pro-Israeli commentators – about how much they have been pushed by the family into the frontline of potentially dangerous encounters. And how much those encounters are designed to produce images such as those on Friday.

In truth it is almost impossible to tell, not least because of the long history of the politicisation, and involvement, of Palestinian children in demonstrations going back to the first intifada and before, many with their parents’ acquiescence.

Link: Nabi Saleh images illustrate changing asymmetry of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Please prove your statements.
As has the stealing and killing. The protests started when their water spring was stolen.

Israeli propaganda, your only source of information, will not tell you that.

How do you steal a spring?

Are you that big of a moron?
Oh look, precious little sweetheart calls for murdering people:

“I hope that everyone will take part in the demonstrations as this is the only means to achieve the result,” she said. “Our strength is in our stones, and I hope that the world will unite to liberate Palestine, because [Donald] Trump made his declaration and [the Americans] need to take responsibility for any response that comes from us,” Ahed added, apparently referring to the US president’s decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Whether it is stabbings or suicide bombings or throwing stones, everyone must do his part and we must unite in order for our message to be heard that we want to liberate Palestine,” she concluded.

Ahed Tamimi Message to the World
Oh look, precious little sweetheart calls for murdering people:

“I hope that everyone will take part in the demonstrations as this is the only means to achieve the result,” she said. “Our strength is in our stones, and I hope that the world will unite to liberate Palestine, because [Donald] Trump made his declaration and [the Americans] need to take responsibility for any response that comes from us,” Ahed added, apparently referring to the US president’s decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Whether it is stabbings or suicide bombings or throwing stones, everyone must do his part and we must unite in order for our message to be heard that we want to liberate Palestine,” she concluded.

Ahed Tamimi Message to the World

I wonder how long it will be until some dreaded accident befalls this "child".
She has white skin, almost blue eyes, and blond hair. Why are the white supremecist Israelis picking on her?
That beautiful little girl was locked up by the ADF (Apartheid Demolition Forces) a few days ago.

She will be in prison like so many other Palestinian children this Christmas.


Merry Christmas indeed, Israeli style.

Neither Palestinians nor Jews celebrate Christmas, dumb ass!
She has white skin, almost blue eyes, and blond hair. Why are the white supremecist Israelis picking on her?

I don't believe they are. As a naive child with caucasian features, she was an obvious choice for Arabs-Moslems to push in front of the Pallywood Studios propaganda machine. Abuse and exploitation of female children has a long history in Arab-Moslem cultural norms.
Indeed abi, she has been well trained from a young age to throw rocks and assault soldiers because the Palestinian propaganda machine find her youth and beauty fits very well into their continuing attempts to tell half the story while pulling on the worlds heart strings.
Israel goes to Nabi Saleh regularly, steals their land, steals their water, arrests and kills their people then whines when one of their goontards gets slapped in the face.
There have been Friday protests and rock throwing events in that town for years.

he prominence of the Tamimi children in these confrontations has inevitably raised questions – not least among pro-Israeli commentators – about how much they have been pushed by the family into the frontline of potentially dangerous encounters. And how much those encounters are designed to produce images such as those on Friday.

In truth it is almost impossible to tell, not least because of the long history of the politicisation, and involvement, of Palestinian children in demonstrations going back to the first intifada and before, many with their parents’ acquiescence.

Link: Nabi Saleh images illustrate changing asymmetry of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Please prove your statements.
As has the stealing and killing. The protests started when their water spring was stolen.

Israeli propaganda, your only source of information, will not tell you that.

How do you steal a spring?

Are you that big of a moron?
It is easy. Israel surrounds the spring with its goontards who only allow illegal settlers get the water.

Another staged Pallywood Production Studios media event?

Interesting how these Pallywood actors always have video rolling when they look for a confrontation.
That beautiful little girl was locked up by the ADF (Apartheid Demolition Forces) a few days ago.

She will be in prison like so many other Palestinian children this Christmas.


Merry Christmas indeed, Israeli style.

Neither Palestinians nor Jews celebrate Christmas, dumb ass!

You see, probably unlike your ignorant self, I have been to Bethlehem during the Christmas holidays. The people celebrating Christmas are Christians dumb ass!

The Arabs and the Jews are simply making money off the tourists.
The Israeli army wants to punish Ahed Tamimi ‘so all should see and fear.’ Instead, Palestinian teenagers see the photos and think: I want to be like her

She’s 16, from a family of peasants in an isolated village. The foreign occupation outraged her, and she set out to fight it. Her actions excited her oppressed people, whose spirits rose from the depths of despair to renewed hope. She was captured by her occupiers, who imprisoned and prosecuted her.

You’re probably thinking I mean 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi, who slapped the face of an Israel Defense Forces officer. But actually, I’m referring to Joan of Arc, known as “the maid of Orléans.”

I chose a Jewish source on purpose: Joan of Arc in a West Bank village


"Family of peasants". Haha haha! Now you've just shown the whole board how much you twist the truth.

Peasants don't live in homes as nice as hers. Peasants do NOT carry around nice big smart phones in their pockets like she does.

You have become so full of shit of late.
"Family of peasants". Haha haha! Now you've just shown the whole board how much you twist the truth.

Peasants don't live in homes as nice as hers. Peasants do NOT carry around nice big smart phones in their pockets like she does.

You have become so full of shit of late.
This has nothing to do with your idea of a peasant and the article was from an Israeli Jewish source. Take it up with them.
Look little one, I've been a 'peasant' in my life, and in some ways still am.

I would love to have a house as nice as your hero's. It was not very long ago when I couldn't afford a smart phone, nor even my own cell phone at all.

So, please take up your bullshit lies with someone else who will buy them.
I would love to have a house as nice as your hero's. It was not very long ago when I couldn't afford a smart phone, nor even my own cell phone at all.
You are totally missing yje point.

You skipped over this:
The foreign occupation outraged her, and she set out to fight it. Her actions excited her oppressed people, whose spirits rose from the depths of despair to renewed hope. She was captured by her occupiers, who imprisoned and prosecuted her.

The last thing you want is that well spoken little girl becoming the face of the Palestinians fight for freedom. She is already a hero to so many others who were born into occupation, something none of us could understand.
I'm not missing a single thing. You posted that she is from a family of peasants and I pointed out your lie, albeit perhaps in my opinion, but based in reality from my own life's experiences.

Now all you've done is duck and dodge because it would expose how light as a feather your narrative is.
abi, still wondering if you have any comment on why the Israeli white supremecist racist regime would want to ever pick on this beautiful blond haired blue eyed white girl.
This is so good.

The British regime was stupid. All its underlings – governors, officers and judges – acted stupidly. Most of them were intelligent, educated, pleasant people. But they were doomed to act stupidly, because that’s what happens when you control another people. You have no choice.

Ahed Tamimi was apparently chosen by a higher power for the role she is fulfilling. She’s strawberry blond, like most of the girls in her village, blue-eyed and brave. Abusing her in jail will only enhance her ability to impress others her age who are living under occupation.

I’m sure that among both the civilians and officers managing the occupation of the Palestinian territories, there are a lot of intelligent people. But it can’t be helped. Occupation makes you stupid. In the end, this stupidity will bring us down.

read more: Joan of Arc in a West Bank village

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