China to be exempt from Bidens 15% world tax


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
;I wonder if it has dawned on *biden that all countries don't belong to the g7

This is how the alternate universe "news" operates: It begins with some facts, and then twists them into pretzels. Biden didn't exempt China, China is expected to apply for exemption, and it's gonna cause a shit storm:

But the rubes in the alternate universe just run with whatever they're told in their world. Arrogant ignorance. What a sad situation.
This is how the alternate universe "news" operates. Biden didn't exempt China, China is expected to apply for exemption, and it's gonna cause a shit storm:

But the rubes in the alternate universe just run with whatever they're told in their world. Arrogant ignorance. What a sad situation.

The concept of a 'World Tax' is a sad situation!
This is how the alternate universe "news" operates: It begins with some facts, and then twists them into pretzels. Biden didn't exempt China, China is expected to apply for exemption, and it's gonna cause a shit storm:

But the rubes in the alternate universe just run with whatever they're told in their world. Arrogant ignorance. What a sad situation.
And, you're okay with this "World Tax" bit of authoritarian horseshit?
This is how the alternate universe "news" operates: It begins with some facts, and then twists them into pretzels. Biden didn't exempt China, China is expected to apply for exemption, and it's gonna cause a shit storm:

But the rubes in the alternate universe just run with whatever they're told in their world. Arrogant ignorance. What a sad situation.
And, you're okay with this "World Tax" bit of authoritarian horseshit?
I doubt it, but I haven't seen the details.

Details are helpful for some of us.
The World Tax is bullshittery!!!
It very well could be. Many countries have higher, but like us have exemptions, tax credits, deductions, etc. I am pretty sure many corporations in many countries are just like here and end up with a 0 tax burden when all is said and done. I have no idea how it would actually work, in practice. The fact that Biden, Boris, and other G7 support it, really doesn't tell me much either. Some in western sections of China have a starting rate at 25%, Vietnam has 20%, making it sound like a tax cut there, also. The Chinese negotiating to avoid it in other parts China is not surprising. The whole thing could definitely be, as you said, Bullshittery.
Whose gonna enforce a World Tax?

Is the U.S. military going to be turned into common tax collector's? :auiqs.jpg:
The same group that collects the money for the UN? :laughing0301:

It's supposed to be a Central world tax revenue system until it's own.
Nations that value their soverignity want no part of it!
Guess what side of the equation Bi-Dung is on......
So... who is going collect this farcical "world tax," and to whom are the taxes going to be paid, and on what will the taxes be spent, and who will enforce payment, and the questions are endless.

This is going to be DOA.
This is how the alternate universe "news" operates: It begins with some facts, and then twists them into pretzels. Biden didn't exempt China, China is expected to apply for exemption, and it's gonna cause a shit storm:

But the rubes in the alternate universe just run with whatever they're told in their world. Arrogant ignorance. What a sad situation.
And, you're okay with this "World Tax" bit of authoritarian horseshit?
I doubt it, but I haven't seen the details.

Details are helpful for some of us.
Yes. They are.

But, as a matter of principle, you don't support the U.S. paying a 15% "world tax" to.....anyone, right?

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