Christians Aren't Required By Law Now To Go To Hell Forever In Arizona!


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Arizona Senate: Business owners can cite religion to refuse service to gays

PHOENIX — State senators voted Wednesday to let businesses refuse to serve gays based on owners' "sincerely held" religious beliefs...

..."This bill is not about discrimination," he said. "It's about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith."

A similar measure is awaiting a vote in the House, probably later today.

Arizona already has laws which protect individuals and businesses from any state action which substantially interferes with their right to exercise their religion. This bill extends that protection to cover what essentially are private transactions.

The push follows a decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court which said a gay couple could sue a photographer who refused on religious grounds to take pictures of their nuptials...

... "I understand that the freedom of religion can be inconvenient," he said. "But this is what our Constitution contemplates.''

Jude 1 in the Bible urges the faithful to "earnestly contend" to defend the faith for the "common salvation" and tells them that if they fail, they will be condemned to the pit of fire forever along with the homosexuals, like what happened in Sodom. There is a major, mortal sin associated with failing to fend off a homosexual culture from making inroads into a faithful culture of christians. They are condemned along with those they failed to fend off. That's some pretty tough language and high stakes for not taking the passage seriously...

..Christian's freedom to practice their religion is inseperable from the freedom to not be forced to disobey passages like Jude 1. The language in it is clear and unmistakeable in its severity of warning..

Unable to block the measure, Gallardo tried what he called a notice requirement for those businesses that want to assert their religious freedom to refuse to serve gays.

"If there is an organization or a business out there that wants to use the defense of religious freedom, I believe that consumers have a right to know," he said. Yarbrough, however, got the GOP majority to reject the amendment.

Gallardo said opposition to consumer notice is no surprise. Any firm which openly advertises such discrimination would be boycotted and go out of business, he said.

Yeah, not so sure about that last bit:

Arizona Senate: Business owners can cite religion to refuse service to gays

PHOENIX — State senators voted Wednesday to let businesses refuse to serve gays based on owners' "sincerely held" religious beliefs...

..."This bill is not about discrimination," he said. "It's about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith."

A similar measure is awaiting a vote in the House, probably later today.

Arizona already has laws which protect individuals and businesses from any state action which substantially interferes with their right to exercise their religion. This bill extends that protection to cover what essentially are private transactions.

The push follows a decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court which said a gay couple could sue a photographer who refused on religious grounds to take pictures of their nuptials...

... "I understand that the freedom of religion can be inconvenient," he said. "But this is what our Constitution contemplates.''

Jude 1 in the Bible urges the faithful to "earnestly contend" to defend the faith for the "common salvation" and tells them that if they fail, they will be condemned to the pit of fire forever along with the homosexuals, like what happened in Sodom. There is a major, mortal sin associated with failing to fend off a homosexual culture from making inroads into a faithful culture of christians. They are condemned along with those they failed to fend off. That's some pretty tough language and high stakes for not taking the passage seriously...

..Christian's freedom to practice their religion is inseperable from the freedom to not be forced to disobey passages like Jude 1. The language in it is clear and unmistakeable in its severity of warning..

Unable to block the measure, Gallardo tried what he called a notice requirement for those businesses that want to assert their religious freedom to refuse to serve gays.

"If there is an organization or a business out there that wants to use the defense of religious freedom, I believe that consumers have a right to know," he said. Yarbrough, however, got the GOP majority to reject the amendment.

Gallardo said opposition to consumer notice is no surprise. Any firm which openly advertises such discrimination would be boycotted and go out of business, he said.

Yeah, not so sure about that last bit:

Might be worth it to open a business there and refuse to serve fundamentalist christians, far right muslims and tea partiers due to my "newly found but deeply felt" religious beliefs. :D
Arizona Senate: Business owners can cite religion to refuse service to gays

PHOENIX — State senators voted Wednesday to let businesses refuse to serve gays based on owners' "sincerely held" religious beliefs...

..."This bill is not about discrimination," he said. "It's about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith."

A similar measure is awaiting a vote in the House, probably later today.

Arizona already has laws which protect individuals and businesses from any state action which substantially interferes with their right to exercise their religion. This bill extends that protection to cover what essentially are private transactions.

The push follows a decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court which said a gay couple could sue a photographer who refused on religious grounds to take pictures of their nuptials...

... "I understand that the freedom of religion can be inconvenient," he said. "But this is what our Constitution contemplates.''

Jude 1 in the Bible urges the faithful to "earnestly contend" to defend the faith for the "common salvation" and tells them that if they fail, they will be condemned to the pit of fire forever along with the homosexuals, like what happened in Sodom. There is a major, mortal sin associated with failing to fend off a homosexual culture from making inroads into a faithful culture of christians. They are condemned along with those they failed to fend off. That's some pretty tough language and high stakes for not taking the passage seriously...

..Christian's freedom to practice their religion is inseperable from the freedom to not be forced to disobey passages like Jude 1. The language in it is clear and unmistakeable in its severity of warning..

Unable to block the measure, Gallardo tried what he called a notice requirement for those businesses that want to assert their religious freedom to refuse to serve gays.

"If there is an organization or a business out there that wants to use the defense of religious freedom, I believe that consumers have a right to know," he said. Yarbrough, however, got the GOP majority to reject the amendment.

Gallardo said opposition to consumer notice is no surprise. Any firm which openly advertises such discrimination would be boycotted and go out of business, he said.

Yeah, not so sure about that last bit:

Might be worth it to open a business there and refuse to serve fundamentalist christians, far right muslims and tea partiers due to my "newly found but deeply felt" religious beliefs. :D

You should absolutely have that right. You should have the right to put a sign in the window saying "Gay only" if you wish and not cite any religious right to do so. However, no one is refusing to serve gays, merely refusing to be in servitude TO gays.
Arizona Senate: Business owners can cite religion to refuse service to gays

PHOENIX — State senators voted Wednesday to let businesses refuse to serve gays based on owners' "sincerely held" religious beliefs...

..."This bill is not about discrimination," he said. "It's about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith."

A similar measure is awaiting a vote in the House, probably later today.

Arizona already has laws which protect individuals and businesses from any state action which substantially interferes with their right to exercise their religion. This bill extends that protection to cover what essentially are private transactions.

The push follows a decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court which said a gay couple could sue a photographer who refused on religious grounds to take pictures of their nuptials...

... "I understand that the freedom of religion can be inconvenient," he said. "But this is what our Constitution contemplates.''

Jude 1 in the Bible urges the faithful to "earnestly contend" to defend the faith for the "common salvation" and tells them that if they fail, they will be condemned to the pit of fire forever along with the homosexuals, like what happened in Sodom. There is a major, mortal sin associated with failing to fend off a homosexual culture from making inroads into a faithful culture of christians. They are condemned along with those they failed to fend off. That's some pretty tough language and high stakes for not taking the passage seriously...

..Christian's freedom to practice their religion is inseperable from the freedom to not be forced to disobey passages like Jude 1. The language in it is clear and unmistakeable in its severity of warning..

Unable to block the measure, Gallardo tried what he called a notice requirement for those businesses that want to assert their religious freedom to refuse to serve gays.

"If there is an organization or a business out there that wants to use the defense of religious freedom, I believe that consumers have a right to know," he said. Yarbrough, however, got the GOP majority to reject the amendment.

Gallardo said opposition to consumer notice is no surprise. Any firm which openly advertises such discrimination would be boycotted and go out of business, he said.

Yeah, not so sure about that last bit:

Might be worth it to open a business there and refuse to serve fundamentalist christians, far right muslims and tea partiers due to my "newly found but deeply felt" religious beliefs. :D

Have at it
Might be worth it to open a business there and refuse to serve fundamentalist christians, far right muslims and tea partiers due to my "newly found but deeply felt" religious beliefs. :D

Please do that and make sure the sign saying you are doing so is very big and explicit. Make it so it can be seen so someone can see it before they park their car. Make sure you use that in your advertisement. You really would last a long time.
Arizona Senate: Business owners can cite religion to refuse service to gays

PHOENIX — State senators voted Wednesday to let businesses refuse to serve gays based on owners' "sincerely held" religious beliefs...

..."This bill is not about discrimination," he said. "It's about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith."

A similar measure is awaiting a vote in the House, probably later today.

Arizona already has laws which protect individuals and businesses from any state action which substantially interferes with their right to exercise their religion. This bill extends that protection to cover what essentially are private transactions.

The push follows a decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court which said a gay couple could sue a photographer who refused on religious grounds to take pictures of their nuptials...

... "I understand that the freedom of religion can be inconvenient," he said. "But this is what our Constitution contemplates.''

Jude 1 in the Bible urges the faithful to "earnestly contend" to defend the faith for the "common salvation" and tells them that if they fail, they will be condemned to the pit of fire forever along with the homosexuals, like what happened in Sodom. There is a major, mortal sin associated with failing to fend off a homosexual culture from making inroads into a faithful culture of christians. They are condemned along with those they failed to fend off. That's some pretty tough language and high stakes for not taking the passage seriously...

..Christian's freedom to practice their religion is inseperable from the freedom to not be forced to disobey passages like Jude 1. The language in it is clear and unmistakeable in its severity of warning..

Unable to block the measure, Gallardo tried what he called a notice requirement for those businesses that want to assert their religious freedom to refuse to serve gays.

"If there is an organization or a business out there that wants to use the defense of religious freedom, I believe that consumers have a right to know," he said. Yarbrough, however, got the GOP majority to reject the amendment.

Gallardo said opposition to consumer notice is no surprise. Any firm which openly advertises such discrimination would be boycotted and go out of business, he said.

Yeah, not so sure about that last bit:


You will accept sodomy as a right, and like it. BOHICA
Might be worth it to open a business there and refuse to serve fundamentalist christians, far right muslims and tea partiers due to my "newly found but deeply felt" religious beliefs. :D

Two things in reply to that:

1. Keywords "federally recognized religion" and "newly found" vs ancient faiths...

2. Note the picture in the OP. Free market suggests that your business may go under as a result.

I think though that trying your experiment might work just fine in the free market. Let's say there are two supermarkets a block away from each other. One refuses to serve gays. The other refuses to serve christians. I think I know which one I would shop at from just a pure health standpoint if nothing else. Keep plenty of purell on hand at the one refusing to serve christians.
Might be worth it to open a business there and refuse to serve fundamentalist christians, far right muslims and tea partiers due to my "newly found but deeply felt" religious beliefs. :D

Two things in reply to that:

1. Keywords "federally recognized religion" and "newly found" vs ancient faiths...

2. Note the picture in the OP. Free market suggests that your business may go under as a result.

I think though that trying your experiment might work just fine in the free market. Let's say there are two supermarkets a block away from each other. One refuses to serve gays. The other refuses to serve christians. I think I know which one I would shop at from just a pure health standpoint if nothing else. Keep plenty of purell on hand at the one refusing to serve christians.

See that is just the stereotype they are trying to stop. As if sodomizing someone is unhealthy. :eusa_whistle:
One, Sil is not a Christian expert on the Bible.

Two, if she were, the 14th Amendment still trumps her morality.
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Love this law. Guess it means I could refuse service for my own sincerely held beliefs about idolatry and Sabbath breakers refusing service to Christians huh? :)
Aww. Had the signs ready to post too.

"No crucifixes or other idolatry"

"If you believe Jesus is L-rd, reread the 1st Commandment while GTFO of my place"

"Sabbath breakers will be stoned on sight. Survivors will be stoned again." :)
Governor Bonefinger has not signed this into law and has given every indication she will veto it.

A good chunk of Arizona's economy relies on tourism. There will be a big boycott of Arizona if something like this is passed. I could see the NFL taking the Super Bowl away from them which would be a huge hit to their economy. It happened in the 90's over MLK Day.
To everyone on the right celebrating this law

Do you support a business refusing to serve the military because their religion opposes war?
This is obviously a desperate fall-back position for conservatives hostile to civil rights for gay Americans; and a concession by conservatives that the acknowledgment of the equal protection rights of same sex couples is inevitable.

Such laws are predicated on ignorance and hate, as to have a gay American as a customer is in no way an ‘endorsement’ of ‘being gay,’ nor does it compromise the practice of any faith.

In addition to being in violation of our most fundamental tenets as a Nation, this measure would also prove bad for business:

The Greater Phoenix Economic Council, in a letter to Brewer on Friday, urged the governor to veto Senate Bill 1062, saying the "legislation will likely have profound, negative effects on our business community for years to come."

"The legislation places businesses currently in Arizona, as well as those looking to locate here, in potentially damaging risk of litigation, and costly, needless legal disputes," council President Barry Broome wrote, adding that four unidentified companies have vowed to locate elsewhere if the legislation is signed.

He added, "With major events approaching in the coming year, including Super Bowl XLIX, Arizona will be the center of the world's stage. This legislation has the potential of subjecting the Super Bowl, and major events surrounding it, to the threats of boycotts."

Arizona lawmakers pass controversial anti-gay bill -

And the governor has an opportunity and obligation to reject the ignorance and hate manifested by Arizona lawmakers.

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