Zone1 Christians Shouldn't Cuss!

Cussing show the lack of ability where you can converse without using profanity in a heated debate or argument.

I have many times failed at controlling my foul language and show my inability to converse properly…

What about when you hit your thumb with a hammer?
That's just what I was told and I know it's true, but why is this person acting like they're all sinless and perfect when the only sinless person who ever lived is Jesus Christ? And okay I haven't met this person personally, it was from a Bible thing I was listening to but still, until they're sinless they should stop judging my sins. I know I have a problem with cussing, but liberal idiots aren't making it any easier. (Hopefully that's clean enough because I didn't know what else to call them since that's what they are.)

In our Age of Bacchanalia there are much, much, much bigger fish to fry than those who swear their asses off. This is a key problem of modern Christianity: Christians get so hung up on the insignificant they fail to even see, let alone address, the absolutely critical.
Then, just stop there. No buts.

Again, I repeat, you've seen the liberals on this board right?

Christians arent supposed to take life either, yet in the military the first thing you are taught is how to take a life.

Actually murdering and killing are two entirely different things. The first example is without reason and the second one is.

well just so ya know and....and i'm guiltier than some.

Ephesians 5:4 ESV /​

Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

Matthew 5:22 ESV /​

But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.

Exodus 20:7 ESV /​

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

First of all I never take Jesus' name in vain and second of all just because we cuss doesn't mean we're going to Hell. These verses are talking about the unsaved.

Cussing is an individual choice or habit. If I am anything to go by, it is a decision made in youth or childhood.

If I had made the decision to cuss in my childhood then I would have made a decision not to be around to see my eighteenth birthday. XD
Again, I repeat, you've seen the liberals on this board right?
Their walk with God is their walk, or lack thereof, and has nothing to do with God and You.
Did Jesus cuss a lot? Are we not suppose to strive to be like Him? You will not go to hell for swearing. You may be ashamed of yourself where you are going though. Why not take the classy route since you have the choice?
No, cause I know we both do, but a little proof reading wouldn't have hurt:
"We conduct ourselves according to the word"... lol.
That's just what I was told and I know it's true, but why is this person acting like they're all sinless and perfect when the only sinless person who ever lived is Jesus Christ? And okay I haven't met this person personally, it was from a Bible thing I was listening to but still, until they're sinless they should stop judging my sins. I know I have a problem with cussing, but liberal idiots aren't making it any easier. (Hopefully that's clean enough because I didn't know what else to call them since that's what they are.)

I don't think the sort of profanity you're alluding to is addressed in Scripture anywhere. I'm aware of certain passages that are often used to prohibit it, and I just can not no matter how hard I try interpret them that way.

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