Christopher Columbus' So-Called American 'Discovery' Leaves Little To Celebrate

He’s credited with discovering America, which isn’t true. But what he did do was commit genocide against entire native populations. Here’s why we really shouldn’t be celebrating Christopher Columbus.

Nice display of presentism, Columbus's voyages took a lot of vision and courage not to mention the perseverance and diplomatic acumen to secure the financial backing of the Spanish Crown, 500 years ago crossing the Atlantic into the vast unknown was something akin to the Moon Landings only with less understanding of what the nature of the destination was and risking the finances of the Spanish Crown (who were like as not to execute him if he failed) while doing it took a great deal of guts and commitment.

What happened to the Native Americans was unfortunate, however it wasn't anything extraordinary with respect to the norm of conquest, domination and enslavement that had been going on since the dawn of civilization, to attempt to judge the actions of people from 500 years ago by today's standards of ethics and morality is ignorant and childish .

Does he deserve his own national holiday? probably not but all this caterwauling about "genocide" is moronic, Neither Columbus or his masters in Spain never had any intentions of genocide nor did they consciously pursue it.
Great post and I can't agree with you more.

It would appear there is an effort to denigrate the white man, by the left. They want to bring it all

Amazingly this effort dupes many.
or his masters in Spain never had any intentions of genocide nor did they consciously pursue it.

Haha, good joke.
Yeah Cortes, and Pizaro of Spain committed no atrocities in the New World

Who said that? I didn't even mention Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro and in neither of their cases did the Spanish Crown ever display any intentions toward the commission of genocide.

Apparently You, like the OP, are just eager to put your ignorance and childishness on display by devolving into presentism, of course you went so far as to one up the OP by simultaneously showing off your straw man building skills while doing it, so I suppose you deserve a rubber cookie or some such trinket for your extra efforts.
Columbus was a product of his time....he was no better and no worse than any other explorer in his treatment of native peoples

Natives were considered savages and deserved no treatment as humans
or his masters in Spain never had any intentions of genocide nor did they consciously pursue it.

Haha, good joke.
Yeah Cortes, and Pizaro of Spain committed no atrocities in the New World

Who said that? I didn't even mention Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro and in neither of their cases did the Spanish Crown ever display any intentions toward the commission of genocide.

Apparently You, like the OP, are just eager to put your ignorance and childishness on display by devolving into presentism, of course you went so far as to one up the OP by simultaneously showing off your straw man building skills while doing it, so I suppose you deserve a rubber cookie or some such trinket for your extra efforts.

These are not genocide?

Massacre in the Great Temple - Wikipedia

Battle of Cajamarca - Wikipedia

He’s credited with discovering America, which isn’t true. But what he did do was commit genocide against entire native populations. Here’s why we really shouldn’t be celebrating Christopher Columbus.

VIDEO: Christopher Columbus' So-Called American 'Discovery' Leaves Little To Celebrate

Native American Genocide

Another sad day for Native Americans.

really who did columbus kill off?
funny how you guys never mention the tribes got whitey to kill rival tribes, fuck we were the hired gun, not the ones who started it

He’s credited with discovering America, which isn’t true. But what he did do was commit genocide against entire native populations. Here’s why we really shouldn’t be celebrating Christopher Columbus.

VIDEO: Christopher Columbus' So-Called American 'Discovery' Leaves Little To Celebrate

Native American Genocide

Another sad day for Native Americans.

really who did columbus kill off?
funny how you guys never mention the tribes got whitey to kill rival tribes, fuck we were the hired gun, not the ones who started it

That's true.

Tlaxcala (Nahua state) - Wikipedia

During the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, Tlaxcala allied with the Spaniards against the Aztecs, supplying a large contingent for – and at times the majority of – the Spanish-led army that eventually destroyed the Aztec empire.
Columbus is the one who came up with the idea that if the natives did not bring in their required allotment of gold every week, he would have their hands chopped off. They did something very similar in Rwanda 500 years later.
or his masters in Spain never had any intentions of genocide nor did they consciously pursue it.

Haha, good joke.
Yeah Cortes, and Pizaro of Spain committed no atrocities in the New World

Who said that? I didn't even mention Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro and in neither of their cases did the Spanish Crown ever display any intentions toward the commission of genocide.

Apparently You, like the OP, are just eager to put your ignorance and childishness on display by devolving into presentism, of course you went so far as to one up the OP by simultaneously showing off your straw man building skills while doing it, so I suppose you deserve a rubber cookie or some such trinket for your extra efforts.

These are not genocide?

Massacre in the Great Temple - Wikipedia

Battle of Cajamarca - Wikipedia

No they're not since neither represents a deliberate and systemic attempt to destroy a racial, ethnic, political or cultural group , you should probably understand the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it in a sentence.

As an aside, it would behoove you to work on finding yourself a better source than Wikipedia.
or his masters in Spain never had any intentions of genocide nor did they consciously pursue it.

Haha, good joke.
Yeah Cortes, and Pizaro of Spain committed no atrocities in the New World

Who said that? I didn't even mention Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro and in neither of their cases did the Spanish Crown ever display any intentions toward the commission of genocide.

Apparently You, like the OP, are just eager to put your ignorance and childishness on display by devolving into presentism, of course you went so far as to one up the OP by simultaneously showing off your straw man building skills while doing it, so I suppose you deserve a rubber cookie or some such trinket for your extra efforts.

These are not genocide?

Massacre in the Great Temple - Wikipedia

Battle of Cajamarca - Wikipedia

No they're not since neither represents a deliberate and systemic attempt to destroy a racial, ethnic, political or cultural group , you should probably understand the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it in a sentence.

As an aside, it would behoove you to work on finding yourself a better source than Wikipedia.

Lol, so Spain had no intention of wiping out Natives, but did just that none the less.

Wow, you're definitely not very bright.
Columbus represented 15 th century values in exploring a new world

In 500 years, people will look back at our values with disdain

Haha, good joke.
Yeah Cortes, and Pizaro of Spain committed no atrocities in the New World

Who said that? I didn't even mention Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro and in neither of their cases did the Spanish Crown ever display any intentions toward the commission of genocide.

Apparently You, like the OP, are just eager to put your ignorance and childishness on display by devolving into presentism, of course you went so far as to one up the OP by simultaneously showing off your straw man building skills while doing it, so I suppose you deserve a rubber cookie or some such trinket for your extra efforts.

These are not genocide?

Massacre in the Great Temple - Wikipedia

Battle of Cajamarca - Wikipedia

No they're not since neither represents a deliberate and systemic attempt to destroy a racial, ethnic, political or cultural group , you should probably understand the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it in a sentence.

As an aside, it would behoove you to work on finding yourself a better source than Wikipedia.

Lol, so Spain had no intention of wiping out Natives, but did just that none the less.
If you had picked up a credible history book or ever taken a history class you'd know the Spanish Crown made its intentions clear with respect to the native populations of the new world, subjugation, economic exploitation and conversion to Catholicism and that's a bit difficult to do if you deliberately and systematically turn them into corpses.

Wow, you're definitely not very bright.
ROFLMAO! At least I know the difference between genocide and conquest; perhaps you should be looking toward advancing your own erudition before you start bringing butter knives to gunfights.:cool:

"Here endth the lesson." -- Jim Malone, The Untouchables
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Haha, good joke.
Yeah Cortes, and Pizaro of Spain committed no atrocities in the New World

Who said that? I didn't even mention Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro and in neither of their cases did the Spanish Crown ever display any intentions toward the commission of genocide.

Apparently You, like the OP, are just eager to put your ignorance and childishness on display by devolving into presentism, of course you went so far as to one up the OP by simultaneously showing off your straw man building skills while doing it, so I suppose you deserve a rubber cookie or some such trinket for your extra efforts.

These are not genocide?

Massacre in the Great Temple - Wikipedia

Battle of Cajamarca - Wikipedia

No they're not since neither represents a deliberate and systemic attempt to destroy a racial, ethnic, political or cultural group , you should probably understand the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it in a sentence.

As an aside, it would behoove you to work on finding yourself a better source than Wikipedia.

Lol, so Spain had no intention of wiping out Natives, but did just that none the less.
If you had picked up a credible history book or ever taken a history class you'd know the Spanish Crown made its intentions clear with respect to the native populations of the new world, subjugation, economic exploitation and conversion to Catholicism and that's a bit difficult to do if you deliberately and systematically turn them into corpses.

Wow, you're definitely not very bright.
ROFLMAO! At least I know the difference between genocide and conquest; perhaps you should be looking toward advancing your own erudition before you start bringing butter knives to gunfights.:cool:

"Here endth the lesson." -- Jim Malone, The Untouchables

..and if you knew anything about history, you would know that the Spanish crown convicted Columbus for crimes, not only against colonists, but also against natives, including the enslavement of those who had converted to Christianity, which is why he was banned from returning to the colony he founded, and why he later died in disgrace.
Who said that? I didn't even mention Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro and in neither of their cases did the Spanish Crown ever display any intentions toward the commission of genocide.

Apparently You, like the OP, are just eager to put your ignorance and childishness on display by devolving into presentism, of course you went so far as to one up the OP by simultaneously showing off your straw man building skills while doing it, so I suppose you deserve a rubber cookie or some such trinket for your extra efforts.

These are not genocide?

Massacre in the Great Temple - Wikipedia

Battle of Cajamarca - Wikipedia

No they're not since neither represents a deliberate and systemic attempt to destroy a racial, ethnic, political or cultural group , you should probably understand the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it in a sentence.

As an aside, it would behoove you to work on finding yourself a better source than Wikipedia.

Lol, so Spain had no intention of wiping out Natives, but did just that none the less.
If you had picked up a credible history book or ever taken a history class you'd know the Spanish Crown made its intentions clear with respect to the native populations of the new world, subjugation, economic exploitation and conversion to Catholicism and that's a bit difficult to do if you deliberately and systematically turn them into corpses.

Wow, you're definitely not very bright.
ROFLMAO! At least I know the difference between genocide and conquest; perhaps you should be looking toward advancing your own erudition before you start bringing butter knives to gunfights.:cool:

"Here endth the lesson." -- Jim Malone, The Untouchables

..and if you knew anything about history, you would know that the Spanish crown convicted Columbus for crimes, not only against colonists, but also against natives, including the enslavement of those who had converted to Christianity, which is why he was banned from returning to the colony he founded, and why he later died in disgrace.

LOL and this helps the case for the Spanish Crown committing genocide how?


No they're not since neither represents a deliberate and systemic attempt to destroy a racial, ethnic, political or cultural group , you should probably understand the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it in a sentence.

As an aside, it would behoove you to work on finding yourself a better source than Wikipedia.

Lol, so Spain had no intention of wiping out Natives, but did just that none the less.
If you had picked up a credible history book or ever taken a history class you'd know the Spanish Crown made its intentions clear with respect to the native populations of the new world, subjugation, economic exploitation and conversion to Catholicism and that's a bit difficult to do if you deliberately and systematically turn them into corpses.

Wow, you're definitely not very bright.
ROFLMAO! At least I know the difference between genocide and conquest; perhaps you should be looking toward advancing your own erudition before you start bringing butter knives to gunfights.:cool:

"Here endth the lesson." -- Jim Malone, The Untouchables

..and if you knew anything about history, you would know that the Spanish crown convicted Columbus for crimes, not only against colonists, but also against natives, including the enslavement of those who had converted to Christianity, which is why he was banned from returning to the colony he founded, and why he later died in disgrace.

LOL and this helps the case for the Spanish Crown committing genocide how?


Actually, you are right. The Spanish did not wipe out the native populations completely. They joined with the natives, and created Latinos, which is a race that did not exist before. The British and the Americans, on the other hand, did not. They simply slaughtered the native Americans. AS a matter of fact, Hitler cited two precedents to his "Final Solution", by correctly saying that nobody even remembers the American genocide of the Indians, or the Armenian genocide of WW1.

David Patterson, One Of The Last Living Navajo Code Talkers From WWII, Has Died

“Our nation is forever indebted to these WWII heroes,” said Sen. John McCain.

One of the last living Navajo code talkers from World War II ― U.S. Marines who used the Navajo language to transmit secret tactical messages to outwit the Japanese ― has died.

David Patterson Sr. died on Sunday in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, at the age of 94 from pneumonia and complications from a fall. “He was brave until the very end, but was just not strong enough to overcome this battle,” his son Pat Patterson wrote.

Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye called Patterson a “national treasure.”

“Our nation is forever indebted to these WWII heroes,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) wrote in a tweet on Monday.

Patterson was among roughly 400 Navajo speakers who served as code talkers during the war. CIA story archives recount some initial skepticism of whether the code talkers would be useful to the Marines. But they soon proved their mettle.

From the archives:

A skeptical lieutenant decided to test their skills and the code before trusting them to deliver actual combat messages.

The Code Talkers successfully translated, transmitted and re-translated a test message in two and a half minutes. Without using the Navajo code, it could take hours for a soldier to complete the same task.

From then on, the Code Talkers were used in every major operation involving the Marines in the Pacific theater. Their primary job was to transmit tactical information over telephone and radio.

The code talkers’ contribution during the invasion of Iwo Jima in 1945 was invaluable. The code talkers sent more than 800 messages during the battle, according to the CIA. “All of the messages were transmitted without error.”

More: David Patterson, One Of The Last Living Navajo Code Talkers From WWII, Has Died

Bless you, Sir. Thank you for your honorable service to your country. May you rest in peace.
Columbus is the one who came up with the idea that if the natives did not bring in their required allotment of gold every week, he would have their hands chopped off. They did something very similar in Rwanda 500 years later.
No they're not since neither represents a deliberate and systemic attempt to destroy a racial, ethnic, political or cultural group , you should probably understand the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it in a sentence.

As an aside, it would behoove you to work on finding yourself a better source than Wikipedia.

Lol, so Spain had no intention of wiping out Natives, but did just that none the less.
If you had picked up a credible history book or ever taken a history class you'd know the Spanish Crown made its intentions clear with respect to the native populations of the new world, subjugation, economic exploitation and conversion to Catholicism and that's a bit difficult to do if you deliberately and systematically turn them into corpses.

Wow, you're definitely not very bright.
ROFLMAO! At least I know the difference between genocide and conquest; perhaps you should be looking toward advancing your own erudition before you start bringing butter knives to gunfights.:cool:

"Here endth the lesson." -- Jim Malone, The Untouchables

..and if you knew anything about history, you would know that the Spanish crown convicted Columbus for crimes, not only against colonists, but also against natives, including the enslavement of those who had converted to Christianity, which is why he was banned from returning to the colony he founded, and why he later died in disgrace.

LOL and this helps the case for the Spanish Crown committing genocide how?


Actually, you are right. The Spanish did not wipe out the native populations completely. They joined with the natives, and created Latinos, which is a race that did not exist before. The British and the Americans, on the other hand, did not. They simply slaughtered the native Americans. AS a matter of fact, Hitler cited two precedents to his "Final Solution", by correctly saying that nobody even remembers the American genocide of the Indians, or the Armenian genocide of WW1.

hate to break it to ya, indians in the us hired pilgrims ti kill rivals.....

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