City of Anaheim forces private venue to cancel conservative rally

Anaheim's a shithole city anyways. Surely there are better venues for the event.
Could be. I hear that place that Rudy uses is available. Between a crematorium and a dildo shop is the perfect place for those batshit crazy idiots.
If that was true, the city wouldnt have made an official statement saying they banned them because of potential violence and the fact that they disagreed with their values. They hung themselves when they sent out that tweet.
And yet the venue made the decision. Of course you are free to continue spreading your conspiracy theory as much as you want, like always.
And yet the venue made the decision. Of course you are free to continue spreading your conspiracy theory as much as you want, like always.
Yes, they were illegally coerced by the city. A massive lawsuit will come from this.
"As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and it's values"
Mike Lyster
city spokesman

Well first of all, apparently they do not in fact respect "free speech".
Second, who gets to decide which speech meets our city's "values"?
Just answer the damned question, Communist!
Kiss my ass idiot. Go look up what communist means and then try again. Here's a hint. It doesn't apply to everything you don't like, like some preschooler saying you have cooties.
"As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and it's values"
Mike Lyster
city spokesman

Well first of all, apparently they do not in fact respect "free speech".
Second, who gets to decide which speech meets our city's "values"?
Well, since the elected leaders of a community were duely elected by the people to represent them..........
This is Orange County, the home of the John Birch Society. If Orange County turned blue, it will be because the Republican Party has moved so far right, that the people cannot accept the hate, racism and fear mongering of Trumpism.
the john birch society? lived there 50 years rye....they were kinda gone a long time ago....try Wisconsin thats were their HQ county is about 50/50 right now....
Are you saying the venue owners should be forced to participate in something they didn't believe in?

Exactly! It’s like forcing a baker to bake a cake for something he doesn’t believe In.
"As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and it's values"
Mike Lyster
city spokesman

Well first of all, apparently they do not in fact respect "free speech".
Second, who gets to decide which speech meets our city's "values"?
In other words "You can say anything you want unless we don't like it".

You hear that kind of sorry shit out of Libtards all the time.
You are confused.

They are leaving Commie Kalifornia for less taxation, fewer regulations, less oppression, safer areas, fewer Illegals, fewer queers and less Democrat destruction.

We see the same thing here in Florida with the people leaving the Democrat controlled Northeast to get away from the Democrat destruction and moving to a free state.
Nonsense. I've lived in California my entire nearly 70 years, and still do in retirement.

Many of my former colleagues and friends who have left the state, left primarily because of the cost of living, not because of political zealotry, perceived oppression, or irrational fear of so called "queers" or illegal immigrants.

And, since leaving, many of them wish that they had stayed.
Nonsense. I've lived in California my entire nearly 70 years, and still do in retirement.

Many of my former colleagues and friends who have left the state, left primarily because of the cost of living, not because of political zealotry, perceived oppression, or irrational fear of so called "queers" or illegal immigrants.

And, since leaving, many of them wish that they had stayed.
i will agree with you except for your last sentence....

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