Clearly The Problem Is Democrat Leaders

Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
So the fact that a Republican doesn’t get the votes of African Americans is now fraud?

Cmon man. You’re trying to cover up crappy politics with baseless accusations.
Are you literally trying to say that there are districts with absolutely no non-minority people living in them? Seriously?
Not zero but very close to zero.

Sorry to burst your bubble but in America, segregation hasn’t really ended.
and yet only republicans can vote by many have done and gee you dont want the military voting...
No one objects to absentee ballots. Its the mass mailings to everyone who has ever been registered whether they are dead or alive that is the issue. Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
Why would they mail ballots to peole they don't know exist?
He who controls the voter roles controls that, and guess who fights tooth and nail against cleaning up those?
They can only send out the ballots to registered voters-duh...and those voters must request them.
Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
So the fact that a Republican doesn’t get the votes of African Americans is now fraud?

Cmon man. You’re trying to cover up crappy politics with baseless accusations.
Are you literally trying to say that there are districts with absolutely no non-minority people living in them? Seriously?
Not zero but very close to zero.

Sorry to burst your bubble but in America, segregation hasn’t really ended.
It is stretching credulity to imagine that you can literally get ALL 300,000 people in a district to vote the same way. In a population of that size, there will inevitably be contrarians who vote against the tide just because they want to.
why dont you stop being a troll for the gop ...justifying and rationalizing anything trump does
Yeah....Trump shouldn't be trying to keep the peace.
Trump isn’t trying to create peace. He’s trying to create compliance. you figure anything that happens other than compliance is good?
Sorry, but I'm not buying it...and neither are the voters.

What voters are siding with Trump? Apparently you've forgotten the 2018 Midterms. It was a rout. The worst defeat by a sitting President in the Midterms in history. And that was when the economy was going well.

You have nearly 110,000 Americans dead of covid19. Another 1.1 million people are still sick, and there were 20,000 new cases yesterday. Donald Trump has offered the American people no leadership and no plan to deal with this National Emergency.

The economy is cratered and more than 40 million Americans are out of work. Other than ordering the covid19 shut down to end and sending everyone back to work with no idea how to protect them, Donald Trump has offered the American people no leadership and no plan on how to safely re-open the economy.

Americans are protesting asking for an end to police brutality and the murder of innocent civilians, and Donald Trump's plan is to use the military to fire on peaceful protestors and restore order. All in violation of the Constitution of the United States.

I don't know of any real American who would vote for any of this.
Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
So the fact that a Republican doesn’t get the votes of African Americans is now fraud?

Cmon man. You’re trying to cover up crappy politics with baseless accusations.
Are you literally trying to say that there are districts with absolutely no non-minority people living in them? Seriously?
Not zero but very close to zero.

Sorry to burst your bubble but in America, segregation hasn’t really ended.
It is stretching credulity to imagine that you can literally get ALL 300,000 people in a district to vote the same way. In a population of that size, there will inevitably be contrarians who vote against the tide just because they want to.

In one of the most gerrymanders districts in the country, and one of the poorest, you're surprised that nobody voted Republican?
Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
So the fact that a Republican doesn’t get the votes of African Americans is now fraud?

Cmon man. You’re trying to cover up crappy politics with baseless accusations.
Are you literally trying to say that there are districts with absolutely no non-minority people living in them? Seriously?
Not zero but very close to zero.

Sorry to burst your bubble but in America, segregation hasn’t really ended.
It is stretching credulity to imagine that you can literally get ALL 300,000 people in a district to vote the same way. In a population of that size, there will inevitably be contrarians who vote against the tide just because they want to.
Show me where that happened.
What do we do? Their voters have been controlled by the education system in their community these people think Democrats are the answer they’re going to continue to vote for the failures!

This is the time conservatives need to get in these communities and speak! Wear a bullet proof vest lol

What do you expect Republicans to say to appeal to these voters? 3 of 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, putting millions out of work. 40 years of Republican economic policy have left working Americans sick, broke, and unemployed, while the wealthy have only gotten richer with each crash.

The Republican Party is the party of destruction and failure.

Yeah, we sure were "failing" under Trump prior to this pandemic weren't we? Republican policies favor those that work. Democrat policies favor those that don't work or have very little ambition(e.g lazy). The cream rises to the top under Republican presidents. The cream still rises to the top under Democrat presidents as well, though it is a much tougher road because they have to carry the lazy folks on their backs. If the Democrats had their way, nobody would rise to the top except politicians.

Democratic politicians and the left-wing media have fooled an entire generation of people and continue to do so. These are people who believe the rioting and looting is justified for one cop killing. There were 10 unarmed black people killed by police in 2019. In 8 of those, the black person attacked the officer. In one, the officer was fired and convicted. The 1 remaining the officer, who was also black, said his gun accidentally went off during a struggle(why was there a struggle?). The Democrat lemmings don't realize this. They think black men people are being killed by officers on a near daily basis because this is the narrative CNN projects. It is a sad estimate to the general intelligence and gullibility of Democrats. They have not been taught to think for themselves. They have been spoon fed information since pre-school.
and yet only republicans can vote by many have done and gee you dont want the military voting...
No one objects to absentee ballots. Its the mass mailings to everyone who has ever been registered whether they are dead or alive that is the issue. Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.

"28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections

Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.

States and local authorities simply have no idea what happened to these ballots since they were mailed – and the figure of 28 million missing ballots is likely even higher because some areas in the country, notably Chicago, did not respond to the federal agency’s survey questions. This figure does not include ballots that were spoiled, undeliverable, or came back for any reason."
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections | RealClearPolitics
Obama summed up the left's only solution for the past 30 years last night. ' I'm calling for every mayor in every city to reevaluate their police department'.
Yes, the left has been reevaluating every police department for 30 years while refusing to speak honestly about the problems in the black community for fear of losing their vote.

"Barack Obama Tells Ferguson Extremists To ‘Stay The Course’

The White House is no friend to law enforcement.

Read the excerpt from the New York Times which was first posted by The Gateway Pundit:

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Protest leaders said wholesale change was ultimately what they were demanding, though not all agreed on what that meant. Some called for the removal of the Ferguson police chief or the entire department. Others said they want the police to wear cameras; civilian review boards for all police shootings; or a requirement that ethnic and racial makeup of police departments match the communities they serve.

“It must be changing how police and citizens relate to one another,” said Michael T. McPhearson, the co-chairman of the Don’t Shoot Coalition. “We’re calling for police accountability, police transparency, changing how the police do their work. If there’s an indictment or if there’s not an indictment, we still have that work to do.”

Al Sharpton, a White House advisor, was in Ferguson until the day of the election. He met with Barack Obama the day after the election and has returned to Ferguson to agitate. Whether the two meeting were connected is unknown but it’s suspect.

However, Al Sharpton appears to be receiving guidance from the president of the United States.

Barack Obama wants a national movement to bring in his vision of a new America, one that meets his requirements for social justice. He is guiding this. It’s not about Darren Wilson or Michael Brown, it’s about his movement to fundamentally change America."
Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
So the fact that a Republican doesn’t get the votes of African Americans is now fraud?

Cmon man. You’re trying to cover up crappy politics with baseless accusations.
Are you literally trying to say that there are districts with absolutely no non-minority people living in them? Seriously?
Not zero but very close to zero.

Sorry to burst your bubble but in America, segregation hasn’t really ended.
It is stretching credulity to imagine that you can literally get ALL 300,000 people in a district to vote the same way. In a population of that size, there will inevitably be contrarians who vote against the tide just because they want to.

In one of the most gerrymanders districts in the country, and one of the poorest, you're surprised that nobody voted Republican?
Of course I'm surprised. Why do you assume everyone in an area thinks the exact same way?
Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
So the fact that a Republican doesn’t get the votes of African Americans is now fraud?

Cmon man. You’re trying to cover up crappy politics with baseless accusations.
Are you literally trying to say that there are districts with absolutely no non-minority people living in them? Seriously?
Not zero but very close to zero.

Sorry to burst your bubble but in America, segregation hasn’t really ended.
It is stretching credulity to imagine that you can literally get ALL 300,000 people in a district to vote the same way. In a population of that size, there will inevitably be contrarians who vote against the tide just because they want to.
Show me where that happened.
Where what happened, that people voted against the tide just to be contrary?
What do we do? Their voters have been controlled by the education system in their community these people think Democrats are the answer they’re going to continue to vote for the failures!

This is the time conservatives need to get in these communities and speak! Wear a bullet proof vest lol

What do you expect Republicans to say to appeal to these voters? 3 of 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, putting millions out of work. 40 years of Republican economic policy have left working Americans sick, broke, and unemployed, while the wealthy have only gotten richer with each crash.

The Republican Party is the party of destruction and failure.
The economy of blacks in towns run by democrats is 200 years of economic success.. your republican crash comment is full of fallacies. You leave out democrats have been in charge of rat infested shot holes for 80 years

Let's just destroy that racist, right wing lie right now: City and municipal governance is not about "economic success". City and municipal government is about running city services - police, fire, garbage pickup, public transit, zoning, and keeping order. City governments don't set economic policy, they don't set employment policies or employment laws. City governments dont establish the penal code, health policy or education policy.

There are cities which are large enough that they can do meaningful social justice work, like New York City, and Los Angeles, but the hundreds of cities of which you speak are cities which have no meaninful numbers of white residents and which are run by blacks because the inner cities are populated by blacks.

Often, the city governments are at the mercy of state and national policies which are beyond their control. Detroit went bankrupt because the Big 3 Auto manufacturers left the city for Mexico and other cheaper jurisdictions. Businesses closed and the tax base dwindled. Corruption and other factors were involved, but the without a tax base, the city was doomed.

Even the laws the police are enforcing are state and federal laws. The schools are teaching a cirriculum established by the States, and the minimum wages and labour laws are set by others. Cities do have effective control over policing, but increasingly they are at the mercy of hostile police unions who view the citizens as the "enemy" and those who must be controlled.

Basically what happened is that white people deserted the cities and moved to the suburbs, taking the business tax base with them. What they left behind is legacy pensions to retired civic workers, and no way to pay for it. Cities cut budgets and services trying to do more with less. As is true of Republicans, they destroy something, abandon it, and then blame the Democrats who are left cleaning up their messes, for creating the problems in the first place.

This is why Republicans are such failures of governing. Like Trump, they make a big mess, hide in the basement from what they've done, and then blame the Democrats who have to clean up after them.
Democrats and their political beliefs are the problem.....not police brutality.

Republicans and their fascist beliefs are the problem. Police brutality does exist and the police officer went too far. Shapiro has no credibility as he has drunk the Kool-Aid.
Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
So the fact that a Republican doesn’t get the votes of African Americans is now fraud?

Cmon man. You’re trying to cover up crappy politics with baseless accusations.
Are you literally trying to say that there are districts with absolutely no non-minority people living in them? Seriously?

No, we're saying there are district in which everyone living there KNOWS that Republicans are lying pieces of shit who have no clue what they're doing. Not everyone is as stupid as you. Poor people know that Republicans are lying about them any why they're poor. Anyone with even half a brain knows that Republicans are fiscally disastrous.

You, apparently, don't have half a brain. The oligarchs voting Republican aren't doing it because of the wisdom of Republican policies. They want you to vote Republican because with every crash, they increase their stranglehold on the American economy, and the wealth of the nation.

What do we do? Their voters have been controlled by the education system in their community these people think Democrats are the answer they’re going to continue to vote for the failures!

This is the time conservatives need to get in these communities and speak! Wear a bullet proof vest lol
This is why they want mail in Democrats can decide the election rather than leaving it in the hands of the voters.

You are a lying little weasel. A huge majority of voters support it as well. You are afraid of too many people voting.
Democrats put in place no bail policies in their cities so that the looters don't even spend one night in jail.

They're intentionally helping to burn down our cities.
Anyone who is supporting this also supports the destruction.
And when you put these socialists in charge they won't be putting the lawless behind bars.....they will be putting you behind bars....for not wearing a mask...or attending church services....or shooting someone breaking into your home.

You have no problem with spreading coronavirus. Someone who is a Christian should have no issue with church services being done in different ways.
do you want me to list the ways gop have been hypocrites? obama wore a tan suit....disgrace...trump calls the white house a dump...trashes mccain for being captured...what became of the gop supporting the military...and what about obama golfing....and now trump is out there how much? you do know obama went to church.....didnt just stand in front of it.....few ebola deaths and the reaction.....obamas fault...107 k deaths kinda ignored now...who do these riot benefit? i know you cant think about it as you an only cover your ears and eyes and chanted dts....and you tell me to make sense lol the irony is deep
Trump talks like you. And your are the ones insulted. What you did to W. Bush, McCain and Romney was vicious and vile. Repub voters have issue with all of them today. Trump was elected because of you. and you are not changing. The United States is being blended into global government. if you believe that the six billion people that are not doing to good are going to be uplifted then you are the fool. It is us that are going to be downsized. And we have been for 40 years if you were paying attention.
and yet only republicans can vote by many have done and gee you dont want the military voting...
No one objects to absentee ballots. Its the mass mailings to everyone who has ever been registered whether they are dead or alive that is the issue. Its also the 300,000 to zero precincts that we object to.
Why would they mail ballots to peole they don't know exist?
He who controls the voter roles controls that, and guess who fights tooth and nail against cleaning up those?
They can only send out the ballots to registered voters-duh...and those voters must request them.
Okay, to expand on my point. As you say, they can only send out ballots to registered voters, and as I say, there are those who fight attempts to make sure the list of registered voters represents only actual living people eligible to vote in the district. Therefore, it inevitably follows that if the list contains multitudes of deceased, relocated, or ineligible voters, that someone could easily request ballots in their names. If we're going to open the floodgates to vote by mail (as opposed to absentee voting like we have now), we also need to strictly maintain the voter roles and keep them clear of all but eligible voters.
Clearly The Problem Is Democrat Leaders
Lmao! No.

The problem is the fact the country hasn't had an effective leader at the helm for three + year. This is what ineffectual dictatorship looks like.

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