Climate Change; Can we afford to - not - fix it?

First of all, we can't fix it, no matter how much money we spend, especially since it's a global problem and not a US problem.

Second, no, we can't afford to fix it.

Some facts even the strongest AGW religionists cannot refute:

1. Throughout history one form of energy has been set aside or greatly diminished when a better/more practical form of energy has been developed. With the exception of nuclear energy, this has been accomplished almost 100% through the private sector. There is no reason to think that fossil fuels won't one day be phased out in favor of something better/more practical and this again will best be done by the private sector.

2. Climate has always changed over time and will continue to do so without any influence or help from humankind whatsoever.

3. The period of time addressed by the OP is 43 years, way below the length of time necessary for paleontology to measure or evaluate for any reliable trend. However, in that 43 years:

4. The population of the Earth was roughly 4.4 billion people in 1980 and is 8+ billion people in 2023, almost double. And most of that growth has been in coastal areas or in areas subject to weather related disasters. You cannot double the population of a place without a bad weather event having far more devastating effect than it otherwise would have had. There have always been weather disasters. There are just many many more people now for them to effect.
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Some facts even the strongest AGW religionists cannot refute:
What a dumb post. You have no idea what climate change is really about….probably because your clan is populated by people who don’t even understand EVOLUTION.
That’s hilarious….the pandemic was spread MORE by our citizens returning infected from Europe and the Far East than immigrants at our border. Geesus, what stupidity. The immigrants at our border dId not come to Mexico from China…ha ha
I'm talking about the diseases we already got rid of years ago. Like measles or polio. You talking about covid? That was man made, climate had no part of it.
What a dumb post. You have no idea what climate change is really about….probably because your clan is populated by people who don’t even understand EVOLUTION.
So how do you refute my statements or do you think attacking/insulting me is intelligent debate?
So how do you refute my statements or do you think attacking/insulting me is intelligent debate?
Ha ha, if you were that bright you’d be citing one of hundreds of climate research facilities. You‘re a fraud.
I'm talking about the diseases we already got rid of years ago. Like measles or polio. You talking about covid? That was man made, climate had no part of it.
Nope, it’s about evolution and the rate of change in our climate faster than our species can adapt. All diseases are part of the conversation.
Do you believe in evolution ? Yes or no.

Climate Change; Can we afford to - not - fix it?​

First, there is no proof that human activity causes climate change, or if it does how much of an effect it is. My guess, probably some but nowhere near what the alarmists say. Second, there is no evidence that suggests any possible fix will be effective or efficient. I think we can't afford to throw trillions of dollars into projects and programs without evidence that they will fix the problem. We've tried that before with other issues and it never works out. Education? War on poverty or drugs? How much money did we waste and for how much return? And the democrats want to do it again, this time on a gargantuan scale?

You know what I think? This isn't about saving the planet, the planet will get along nicely thank you very much. Or is it about saving humanity? LOL, I think not; most of us are smart enough to head for higher ground and most of us are smart enough not to build expensive properties on the water's edge. What I think this about is scaring people into donating money to the democratic party and enriching democratic party donors with gov't loans and grants. We've seen this before, have we not? Solyndra, Evergreen to name a few. What we have here is the biggest scam in human history.

Climate Change; Can we afford to - not - fix it?​

First, there is no proof that human activity causes climate change, or if it does how much of an effect it is. My guess, probably some but nowhere near what the alarmists say. Second, there is no evidence that suggests any possible fix will be effective or efficient. I think we can't afford to throw trillions of dollars into projects and programs without evidence that they will fix the problem. We've tried that before with other issues and it never works out. Education? War on poverty or drugs? How much money did we waste and for how much return? And the democrats want to do it again, this time on a gargantuan scale?

You know what I think? This isn't about saving the planet, the planet will get along nicely thank you very much. Or is it about saving humanity? LOL, I think not; most of us are smart enough to head for higher ground and most of us are smart enough not to build expensive properties on the water's edge. What I think this about is scaring people into donating money to the democratic party and enriching democratic party donors with gov't loans and grants. We've seen this before, have we not? Solyndra, Evergreen to name a few. What we have here is the biggest scam in human history.
Sure, make it about the water level and not the diseases that higher water level bring along with the contamination of fresh water. The ignorance posted by you is stunning,
Fix it? If I were living on a farm here and had no TV, radio or internet to hear all of the leftwing tripe and angst about climate doom, I'd have absolutely no idea the climate was any different than it was 50 years ago!

Except maybe the past couple of years our winters have been a bit lighter than usual in snowfall.

Thank you!
If they actually believed in science, they would come up with a number of questions.
America had massive snow falls this past winter. And it is apparent this winter will be just as bad. And thankfully it has caused most of our reservoirs to be replenished. This is an upside they do not mention. And the idea that man made or lightening made fires in the forest are a climate event is crazy talk. Thankfully my 85 years on this planet give me the bigger picture. We have fewer fires now than in earlier years. We are not suffering the great dust bowl. Temperatures at our hottest place on the planet are moderate and not record hot as it was in 1913.
Finally, Democrats have this nutty idea Man is in charge of global climate. Supposedly man can regulate climate. This really is a myth.
The atmospheres of the planets in our solar system have been changing along with earth over the last 20 years. It has nothing to do with our influence on the earth. The sun is going through some radical changes. To think we could affect an entire planets atmosphere and weather through our activities is beyond absurd.
That is correct. 4% if the planet is populated and industrialized. The vast majority is miles deep oceans and ice, mile high mountains, plains, prairies , forests snd deserts. Mankind is puny
It’s another liberal punitive feelings based act
If they actually believed in science, they would come up with a number of questions.
America had massive snow falls this past winter. And it is apparent this winter will be just as bad. And thankfully it has caused most of our reservoirs to be replenished. This is an upside they do not mention. And the idea that man made or lightening made fires in the forest are a climate event is crazy talk. Thankfully my 85 years on this planet give me the bigger picture. We have fewer fires now than in earlier years. We are not suffering the great dust bowl. Temperatures at our hottest place on the planet are moderate and not record hot as it was in 1913.
Finally, Democrats have this nutty idea Man is in charge of global climate. Supposedly man can regulate climate. This really is a myth.

Glowarm is the lefts religion. They bow down to the creation.
Some facts even the strongest AGW religionists cannot refute:

1. Throughout history one form of energy has been set aside or greatly diminished when a better/more practical form of energy has been developed. With the exception of nuclear energy, this has been accomplished almost 100% through the private sector. There is no reason to think that fossil fuels will one day be phased out in favor of something better/more practical and this again will best be done by the private sector.

2. Climate has always changed over time and will continue to do so without any influence or help from humankind whatsoever.

3. The period of time addressed by the OP is 43 years, way below the length of time necessary for paleontology to measure or evaluate for any reliable trend. However, in that 43 years:

4. The population of the Earth was roughly 4.4 billion people in 1980 and is 8+ billion people in 2023, almost double. And most of that growth has been in coastal areas or in areas subject to weather related disasters. You cannot double the population of a place without a bad weather event having far more devastating effect than it otherwise would have had. There have always been weather disasters. There are just many many more people now for them to effect.
in regards to #4:

If Climate change is due to man then there is no way to stop it unless you stop man. As you pointed out, the world's population has doubled in the quoted time frame. People need things to survive including agriculture, heat, AC, and numerous other things, most all of which contribute to so called "man made" Climate Change. So, let's say for the sake of argument, we spent 50 trillion dollars to fight global warming. If the population continues to increase exponentially, those 50 trillion dollars spent won't do one damn thing to stop Climate Change as long as the population continues to grow. So, the only reasonable and effective way to stop man made Climate Change is to cull billions and billions of people because it only makes sense that if it is "man" made Climate change the only real solution is to have less people.
in regards to #4:

If Climate change is due to man then there is no way to stop it unless you stop man. As you pointed out, the world's population has doubled in the quoted time frame. People need things to survive including agriculture, heat, AC, and numerous other things, most all of which contribute to so called "man made" Climate Change. So, let's say for the sake of argument, we spent 50 trillion dollars to fight global warming. If the population continues to increase exponentially, those 50 trillion dollars spent won't do one damn thing to stop Climate Change as long as the population continues to grow. So, the only reasonable and effective way to stop man made Climate Change is to cull billions and billions of people because it only makes sense that if it is "man" made Climate change the only real solution is to have less people.
Agreed. A huge increase in the population of any species can have effect on the environment for sure. But climate change? I don't think so. If it has any effect it would be so small it would be difficult to measure.

The world governments would do far better to be researching and finding ways for people to thrive in spite of inevitable climate change.

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